13 research outputs found

    Hubungan Parenting Stress, Pengasuhan dan Penyesuaian dalam Keluarga terhadap Perilaku Kekerasan Anak dalam Rumah Tangga

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    Kasus kekerasan anak di Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Salah satu faktor mendasar yang dianggap sebagai penyebab utama adalah kesiapan orang tua dalam mengasuh, mendidik, dan membesarkan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi parenting stress, pengasuhan dan penyesuaian dalam keluarga terhadap perilaku kekerasan anak dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian ini berupa observasional dengan pendekatan survey. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 18 orang yang terdiri dari 6 orang sampel positif kasus,berasal dari nara pidana Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas I Surabaya dengan riwayat kasus kekerasan anak dalam rumah tangga. Sedangkan 12 orang merupakan sampel negatif kasus yang diteliti berdasarkan kelurahan tempat tinggal responden kasus. Variabel independen penelitian adalah parenting stress dan pengasuhan dan penyesuaian dalam keluarga. Hasil pengujian chi-square dengan tabel 2x3 menunjukkan bahwa variabel parenting stress (p = 0,001), pengasuhan dan penyesuaian dalam keluarga (p = 0,001) memiliki hubungan terhadap perilaku kekerasan anak dalam rumah tangga (p < 0,05). Analisis tersebut membuktikan bahwa parenting stress dan pengasuhan dan penyesuaian dalam keluarga memiliki hubungan perilaku kekerasan anak dalam rumah tangga sehingga perlu adanya pendidikan sebelum menikah mengenai kesehatan reproduksi untuk orang tua terutama pada ibu dan anak, serta pendidikan tentang kewajiban orang tua dalam mendidik, merawat, dan membesarkan anak agar calon orang tua lebih siap untuk menghadapi berbagai persoalan dalam rumah tangga

    An evaluation of phototherapy device performance in a tertiary health facility

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    Introduction: A range of phototherapy devices are commercially available. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2004) recommends routine intensity measurement of phototherapy devices to ensure that babies affected by hyperbilirubinemia receive effective phototherapy. Objective: The aims of this study were to calculate the irradiance decay velocity of phototherapy devices used in a tertiary care hospital to evaluate whether current maintenance procedures for phototherapy devices are effective, and to contribute to the improvement of a standardized maintenance procedure in daily practice, thus helping to ensure that all babies affected by hyperbilirubinemia receive prompt treatment. Methods: This research represents a prospective observational study conducted at Dr. Soetomo Academic Teaching Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia from February 2019–July 2019. The intensities of 11 phototherapy devices were measured at specific times using a Bili Blanket Meter II. We calculated the Δ irradiance differences in μW/cm2/nm and calculated them as velocity μW/cm2/nm/hour of use. Results: Among the 11 phototherapy devices included in this study, nine were fluorescent and two were light-emitting diode (LED) machines. The mean (standard deviation) irradiance decay velocity of the fluorescent lamps was 0.02 (±0.03) μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, while that of the LED lamps was 0.015 (±0.007) μW/cm2/nm/hour of use. The fastest irradiance decay velocity was 0.08 μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, while the slowest irradiance decay velocity was <0.01 μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, both of which were from fluorescent-based devices. There was one fluorescent-based device that provided an intensity lower than the therapeutic level. Conclusion: Irradiance decay occurred in all phototherapy device lamps. It is important to perform routinely intensity measurements, regardless of manufacturer recommendations, to avoid ineffective phototherapy resulting from intensities lower than the required therapeutic levels

    Evaluation of a mobile application tool (BiliNorm) to improve care for newborns with hyperbilirubinemia in Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Severe hyperbilirubinemia is more frequent in low- and middle-income countries such as Indonesia than in high-income countries. One of the contributing factors might be the lack of adherence to existing guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia. We developed a new national guideline for hyperbilirubinemia management in Indonesia. To help healthcare workers use this guideline, a web-based decision support tool application may improve both the adherence to the guideline and the care for infants with hyperbilirubinemia. METHODS: We developed a web-based application (BiliNorm) to be used on a smartphone that displays the bilirubin level of the patient on the nomogram and advises about the treatment that should be started. Healthcare workers of two teaching hospitals in East Java, Indonesia, were trained on the use of BiliNorm. At 6 months after the introduction, a questionnaire was sent to those who worked with the application enquiring about their experiences. An observational study was conducted in two time epochs. A chart review of infants with hyperbilirubinemia in the two hospitals was sent. The appropriateness of hyperbilirubinemia management during a 6-month period before BiliNorm introduction was compared to that during a 7-month period after its introduction. RESULTS: A total of 43 participants filled in the questionnaire, the majority (72%) of them indicated that BiliNorm was well received and easy to use. Moreover, 84% indicated that BiliNorm was helpful for the decision to start phototherapy. Chart review of 255 infants before BiliNorm introduction and that of 181 infants after its introduction indicated that significantly more infants had received treatment according to the guideline (38% vs 51%, p = 0.006). Few infants received phototherapy, but bilirubin level was not measured (14% vs 7%, p = 0.024). There was no difference in the proportion of infants who were over- and under-treated (34% vs 32% and 14% vs 10%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The web-based decision tool BiliNorm appears to be a valuable application. It is easy to use for healthcare workers and helps them adhere to the guideline. It improves the care for infants with hyperbilirubinemia and may help reduce the incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia in Indonesia

    Current phototherapy practice on Java, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: In Indonesia, the burden of severe hyperbilirubinemia is higher compared to other countries. Whether this is related to ineffective phototherapy (PT) is unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of phototherapy devices in hospitals on Java, Indonesia. METHODS: In 17 hospitals we measured 77 combinations of 20 different phototherapy devices, with and without curtains drawn around the incubator/crib. With a model to mimic the silhouette of an infant, we measured the irradiance levels with an Ohmeda BiliBlanket Meter II, recorded the distance between device and model, and compared these to manufacturers' specifications. RESULTS: In nine hospitals the irradiance levels were less than required for standard PT:  50 μW/cm2/nm. Half of the distances between device and model were greater than recommended. Distance was inversely correlated with irradiance levels (R2 = 0.1838; P < 0.05). The effect of curtains on irradiance levels was highly variable, ranging from - 6.15 to + 15.4 μW/cm2/nm, with a mean difference (SD) of 1.82 (3.81) μW/cm2/nm (P = 0.486). CONCLUSIONS: In half of the hospitals that we studied on Java the levels of irradiance are too low and, in some cases, too high. Given the risks of insufficient phototherapy or adverse effects, we recommend that manufacturers provide radiometers so hospitals can optimize the performance of their phototherapy devices

    Marriage as a Sacrament

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    Všechny úvahy o svátosti manželství by měly začínat zohledněním výroků Písma. Co lze v Bibli o manželství nalézt je nastíněno v první kapitole této práce. Protože se celou prací prolíná pojem svátost, je jí věnována kapitula druhá, ve které jde primárně o vystižení pozice, ze které je pro tuto práci nahlíženo na pojem svátost. Jako kterýkoliv další fenomén má i svátost manželství svůj vývoj. Jak se pohled na svátostný charakter manželství rozvíjel v historii, je popisováno v kapitole třetí, ačkoliv tento souhrn není vyčerpávající, což se vzhledem k povaze této práce nejeví jako primární cíl. Ve čtvrté kapitole jsou stručně popsány některé směry současného pojetí manželství jako svátosti. Tyto čtyři kapitoly tvoří základ pro poslední, pátou kapitolu. Tato kapitola se snaží postihnout nejzákladnějších ideje, které provázely vývoj svátosti manželství. Cílem je přitom formulace významných prvků společné spirituality manželů v kontextu těchto myšlenek. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The marriage encounters the deep crisis nowadays due to many opinions. This work discusses the possible influence of the Church on the situation. The stress on the sacramental nature of the marriage and the endorsement of the significant elements of the marital spirituality is held as a suitable way. The essence of the sacrament of marriage is clarified by the study of the biblical background and of the historical viewpoint. Contemporary theologians have introduced their teaching about the sacrament of marriage as well. They have been developing particularly the results of the last council. Four principles are found the core ones. Being together in Christ strengthens the unity of spouses. The marriage can hardly be indissoluble without the ability of forgiveness. The strong relationship between husbands and the Church is needed to form a healthy community. The source of strength to meet all the requirements is hidden in the common prayer of both partners. The duty of the Church is to help people to recognize the sacramental nature of the marriage and its spirituality. Realizing all this might be the best way of resurgence of matrimony. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)JabokJabokEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult

    An evaluation of phototherapy device performance in a tertiary health facility

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    Introduction: A range of phototherapy devices are commercially available. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2004) recommends routine intensity measurement of phototherapy devices to ensure that babies affected by hyperbilirubinemia receive effective phototherapy. Objective: The aims of this study were to calculate the irradiance decay velocity of phototherapy devices used in a tertiary care hospital to evaluate whether current maintenance procedures for phototherapy devices are effective, and to contribute to the improvement of a standardized maintenance procedure in daily practice, thus helping to ensure that all babies affected by hyperbilirubinemia receive prompt treatment. Methods: This research represents a prospective observational study conducted at Dr. Soetomo Academic Teaching Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia from February 2019–July 2019. The intensities of 11 phototherapy devices were measured at specific times using a Bili Blanket Meter II. We calculated the Δ irradiance differences in μW/cm2/nm and calculated them as velocity μW/cm2/nm/hour of use. Results: Among the 11 phototherapy devices included in this study, nine were fluorescent and two were light-emitting diode (LED) machines. The mean (standard deviation) irradiance decay velocity of the fluorescent lamps was 0.02 (±0.03) μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, while that of the LED lamps was 0.015 (±0.007) μW/cm2/nm/hour of use. The fastest irradiance decay velocity was 0.08 μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, while the slowest irradiance decay velocity was <0.01 μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, both of which were from fluorescent-based devices. There was one fluorescent-based device that provided an intensity lower than the therapeutic level. Conclusion: Irradiance decay occurred in all phototherapy device lamps. It is important to perform routinely intensity measurements, regardless of manufacturer recommendations, to avoid ineffective phototherapy resulting from intensities lower than the required therapeutic levels

    An evaluation of phototherapy device performance in a tertiary health facility.

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    Abstract Introduction: A range of phototherapy devices are commercially available. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2004) recommends routine intensity measurement of phototherapy devices to ensure that babies affected by hyperbilirubinemia receive effective phototherapy. Objective: The aims of this study were to calculate the irradiance decay velocity of phototherapy devices used in a tertiary care hospital to evaluate whether current maintenance procedures for phototherapy devices are effective, and to contribute to the improvement of a standardized maintenance procedure in daily practice, thus helping to ensure that all babies affected by hyperbilirubinemia receive prompt treatment. Methods: This research represents a prospective observational study conducted at Dr. Soetomo Academic Teaching Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia from February 2019-July 2019. The intensities of 11 phototherapy devices were measured at specific times using a Bili Blanket Meter II. We calculated the Δ irradiance differences in μW/cm2/nm and calculated them as velocity μW/cm2/nm/hour of use. Results: Among the 11 phototherapy devices included in this study, nine were fluorescent and two were light-emitting diode (LED) machines. The mean (standard deviation) irradiance decay velocity of the fluorescent lamps was 0.02 (±0.03) μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, while that of the LED lamps was 0.015 (±0.007) μW/cm2/nm/hour of use. The fastest irradiance decay velocity was 0.08 μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, while the slowest irradiance decay velocity was <0.01 μW/cm2/nm/hour of use, both of which were from fluorescent-based devices. There was one fluorescent-based device that provided an intensity lower than the therapeutic level. Conclusion: Irradiance decay occurred in all phototherapy device lamps. It is important to perform routinely intensity measurements, regardless of manufacturer recommendations, to avoid ineffective phototherapy resulting from intensities lower than the required therapeutic levels

    Evaluation of a mobile application tool (BiliNorm) to improve care for newborns with hyperbilirubinemia in Indonesia

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    Background Severe hyperbilirubinemia is more frequent in low- and middle-income countries such as Indonesia than in high-income countries. One of the contributing factors might be the lack of adherence to existing guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia. We developed a new national guideline for hyperbilirubinemia management in Indonesia. To help healthcare workers use this guideline, a web-based decision support tool application may improve both the adherence to the guideline and the care for infants with hyperbilirubinemia. Methods We developed a web-based application (BiliNorm) to be used on a smartphone that displays the bilirubin level of the patient on the nomogram and advises about the treatment that should be started. Healthcare workers of two teaching hospitals in East Java, Indonesia, were trained on the use of BiliNorm. At 6 months after the introduction, a questionnaire was sent to those who worked with the application enquiring about their experiences. An observational study was conducted in two time epochs. A chart review of infants with hyperbilirubinemia in the two hospitals was sent. The appropriateness of hyperbilirubinemia management during a 6-month period before BiliNorm introduction was compared to that during a 7-month period after its introduction. Results A total of 43 participants filled in the questionnaire, the majority (72%) of them indicated that BiliNorm was well received and easy to use. Moreover, 84% indicated that BiliNorm was helpful for the decision to start phototherapy. Chart review of 255 infants before BiliNorm introduction and that of 181 infants after its introduction indicated that significantly more infants had received treatment according to the guideline (38% vs 51%, p = 0.006). Few infants received phototherapy, but bilirubin level was not measured (14% vs 7%, p = 0.024). There was no difference in the proportion of infants who were over- and under-treated (34% vs 32% and 14% vs 10%, respectively). Conclusions The web-based decision tool BiliNorm appears to be a valuable application. It is easy to use for healthcare workers and helps them adhere to the guideline. It improves the care for infants with hyperbilirubinemia and may help reduce the incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia in Indonesia