1,456 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Pragmatik Mahasiswa Tingkat II Jurusan Bahasa Prancis, Fbs-unj

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    The objective of this study is to find out the information about pragmatics competence of second year student in the French Department, State University of Jakarta (UNJ) Jakarta. The writers believed that it is important to conduct this study, because pragmatics competence actually is not taught explicitly in the French Department. Meanwhile, pragmatics competence plays an important role both in oral and written communication. It is hope that this study can give the contribution to the French Department especially to French curriculum department. This study was conducted on July in 2007 in the French Department, UNJ Jakarta. It was conducted through descriptive analytical interpretative by analysing the result of students' pragmatics competence test. The population of this study is 35 French students of UNJ Jakarta who have completely taken all language skills subject. The instrument of this study is the test of pragmatics competence, which consists of 40 questions in form of multiple choices. The process of pragmatics test designing was based on the themes that have been learnt during learning process. In the French Department, pragmatics is not taught explicitly but it is integrated in the language skills subject such as writing, reading, speaking and listening. The data showed that there are 10 questions which cannot be answered correctly by the students. It is because the number of errors done by the students ranges from 18 to 30. In contrast, there are 20 questions which can be answered correctly by the students. It is because the number of errors done by the students ranges from 1 to 8. The result of this study showed that the students already have a good understanding of pragmatics which is practically integrated in the language skills subject. In addition, student's pragmatics competence relates thoroughly to his/her creativity. To summarize, if the student is creative, he/she will then be able to use the language relevant to the context occurred, or in other words, he/she understands well the pragmatics. It is therefore important for the teachers to develop students' pragmatics competence by exposing them to practicing the language in various setting

    Walking for Leisure: The Translocal Lives of First-Generation Gujarati-Indian Men and Women

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    Walking as a leisure pastime is particularly popular amongst first generation members of the South Asian community. In this paper, walking is used as a vehicle to explore the connections that these Gujarati Indian men and women have to the spaces/ places of their local communities and ā€˜homeā€™. Whilst the lives of younger generations of South Asian men and women have tended to be at the forefront of academic debates, this has had the unfortunate effect of reducing the subjectivities of older groups to more narrow and fixed ideas about South Asian traditions and cultures. Thus limiting an understanding of their identities as also being hybrid, multiple and in-process. Additionally, much of the research about the leisure lives of migrant groups has been based upon research about the subjectivities and belonging of men, the histories of women have been relatively ignored. In order to address these absences, this research utilised participatory methods to explore first generation Gujarati Indian men and womenā€™s experiences of walking. The research findings revealed that the spaces/places that they walked through and across as part of their daily routines whilst relatively ordinary, were deeply meaningful, they enabled the participants to forward the translocal character of their identities over time and across space

    Systematic Review of the Literature on Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in Sport and Physical Recreation

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    The Carnegie Research Institute was commissioned by Sporting Equals and the Sports Councils to conduct an independent systematic review of the literature on participation in sport and recreation by Black and minority ethnic (BME) communities. The brief was to focus on UK material from the past ten years, to compile an electronic, bibliographic database and use that evidence to assess the policy significance of existing knowledge in the drive to widen and increase participation. Although the field might still be considered under-researched over 300 items were identified. Judgements were made on the quality of the research on the basis of the methodological and theoretical soundness and the credibility of the link between the conclusions and the data. The various items were collated in an electronic, bibliographic database and coded as: substantive research of good quality; related public statistics and policy documents; and other related materials of interest. The research, policy and practice contained in this body of work is set within an expanding national and international framework of policy and legislation concerned with human rights and principles of equality. The Sports Councils and Sporting Equals have played a significant part in this through initiatives like the Equality Standard. They have not been acting in isolation, but have received support from other sports bodies with initiatives both to challenge discrimination and inequality and to promote participation and inclusion. Nonetheless, there still seems to be a measure of disconnection between research, sports policies and equality policies. Indeed, sports policies are sometimes based on limited representations of racism and so are inhibited in the way they address racial equality

    Space for inclusion? The Construction of Sport and Leisure Spaces as Places for Migrant Communities

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    The research on which this paper is based started from the proposition that sport and leisure spaces can support processes of social inclusion (Amara et al., 2005), yet may also serve to exclude certain groups. As such, these spaces may be seen as contested and racialised places that shape behaviour. We shall use this paper not just to explore how those spaces are perceived by new migrants, but how those interpretations may vary with time and processes of social change. That involves examining how sport and leisure spaces are encoded in different ways, thereby affecting peopleā€™s experience, while at the same time recognising that their sport and leisure practices shape those social constructions. We argue that such an understanding is necessary to inform policies and practices that could promote the development of mutual and shared spaces rather than disconnected multiple occupations of spaces. Our goal is not only to contribute to the development of theory, but also to the debate that has counterposed multiculturalism and integrationism. Our recent systematic review, conducted for Sporting Equals and the sports councils (Long et al., 2009), synthesised literature on participation in sport and physical recreation by people from Black and Minority Ethnic Communities (BME) in the UK. That review identified a growing body of research, but one focussing primarily on the experiences of Black and Asian groupings. That has led us to turn to a consideration of new migrant communities. In this paper we shall be reporting on empirical research conducted with ā€˜new migrantsā€™ now living in Leeds


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    America is known as the country of immigrant because most of the American people are immigrants. They came from many different countries with many different cultures too. Sometimes, the different culture between their own culture and American culture makes them face some conflicts. The person who often faces those conflicts is the second immigrant or the children of the first immigrant who was born in America. That issue is the reasons why the writer makes this thesis. This thesis is aimed to analyze the conflicts which are faced by Gogol, one of the characters in the movie entitled ā€œThe Namesakeā€. The method of research in writing this thesis is library research. The methods of approaches that the writer uses are structural approach, sociology of literature and psychological theory. The structural approach is used to analyze intrinsic aspects such as character, setting and conflict. Besides that, the writer also uses cinematography theory since this thesis uses movie as the object. The sociology of literature is used only in observation of Indian culture and American culture in ā€œThe Namesakeā€ movie. Meanwhile, in the psychological theory, the writer uses psychoanalytical theory of Sigmund Freud which consists of id, ego, and superego. Through the analysis, the writer finds that Gogol faces a lot of conflicts, both internal and external. The conflicts appear because three structures in psychoanalytical theory (id, ego and superego) are not integrated well and do not work in harmony. Besides that, the writer also finds that there is culture clash between Indian culture and American culture which gives certain effects in Gogolā€™s life


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    Based on the results of the need analysis, the position of song’s media in SMAN 2 Sidoarjo was very needed in listening Germany learning for students in tenth grade. This purpose of this research is to describe the development process of song’s media and its quality. Used of theory 4D Thiagarajan et al., this is showed that the score that was reached from the validation of questionnare from the media expert were 100%, and score of 94,4% that gotten from the validation of questionnare of the material expert, with the positive responses from the students, 80,37%.   Key words: Development, Song’s Media, Listenin

    Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Pelajaran IPS Melalui Metode Tanya Jawab Di Kelas IV SDN Batangono Kecamatan Buko Kabupaten Bangkep

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya minat dan hasil belajar siswa, yang dibuktikan dengan hasil tes pra tindakan yaitu persentase ketuntasan klasikal adalah 60% atau 8 siswa yang tidak tuntas dari 20 siswa, dan daya serap klasikal 63,5% serta hasil rata-rata hanya mencapai 6,4. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah apakah minat belajar siswa kelas IV SDN Batangono Kecamatan Buko Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan dapat meningkat dengan menggunakan metode tanya jawab pada pelajaran IPS?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan minat belajar siswa kelas IV SDN Batangono Kecamatan Buko Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan dengan menggunakan metode tanya jawab pada pelajaran IPS. Jumlah siswa sebanyak 20 orang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri atas dua siklus. Rancangan penelitian mengikuti tahap penelitian yang mengacu pada modifikasi diagram Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart, yaitu 1) Perencanaan tindakan, 2) Pelaksanaan tindakan, 3) Observasi, dan 4) Refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi guru dan penilaian minat belajar siswa, serta tes hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar, dari siklus I ke siklus II. Peningkatan tersebut dibuktikan dengan hasil penilaian minat belajar siswa pada siklus I rata-rata hasil penilaian adalah 65,4% dalam kriteria aktif dan meningkat pada siklus II yaitu diiperoleh minat belajar rata-rata dalam kriteria sangat aktif atau persentase mencapai 79,2%. Analisis tes hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh pada siklus I, yakni siswa yang tuntas 15 dari 20 siswa atau persentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75% dan daya serap klasikal 73,5%. Pada siklus II siswa yang tuntas 19 dari 20 siswa atau ketuntasan klasikal 91% dan dan daya serap klasikal sebesar 80,5%. Dengan demikian, berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode tanya jawab pada pelajaran IPS dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa kelas IV SDN Batangono Kecamatan Buko Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan. Minat belajar yang telah dicapai oleh siswa kelas IVSDN Batangono dalam pelajaran IPS dipertahankan bahkan ditingkatkan lag

    Pendugaan Umur Simpan Jagung Manis Berdasarkan Kandungan Total Padatan Terlarut Dengan Model Arrhenius

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    Sweet corn has short shelf life at room temperature storage in the tropical countries (28-33Ā°C). The quality deterioration of sweet corn can be determined by the decrease of its sugar content. The study aimed to estimate the shelf life of sweet corn based on the reduction of its total soluble solid (TSS) by using Arrhenius model. The samples were prepared from fresh harvested corn stored for 10 days at 3 different temperatures of 5, 15 and 28 Ā°C. Total soluble solid (TSS) were analyzed every day by using abbe refractrometer. Organoleptic analysis was used by using hedonic scales from 1 to 7. The analysis was conducted until respondents had graded the samples at score 5 (dislike slightly), 6 (dislike) and approaches can be used to calculate the shelf life of sweet corn. The acceleration factor for the TSS degradation at null approach, it was estimated that if the sweet corn were stored at temperature of 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5Ā°C, the shelf temperatures, the shelf life of sweet corn would be 3.7, 4.5, 5.6, 6.8, 8.4, and 10.3 days. In conclusion, the shelf life predictions of sweet corn were valid well with the experimental results

    Perbedaan Pengaruh Premedikasi Berbagai Dosis Klonidin Terhadap Respon Kardiovaskuler Pada Laringoskopi Dan Intubasi Endotrakhea

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    Background: Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation are mostly done in general anesthesia. Both of these often lead to sympathetic reflex and excessive simpatoadrenal the hemodynamic and cardiovascular response, including the increase in heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, oxigen demand on the heart muscle, the amount of catecholamines in the circulation blood vessel, tachycardia, and dysrhythmias. Clonidine is known as an antihypertensive drug that was used in reducing cardiovascular responses due to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.Aim: Proved the existence of differences in the influence of various doses of clonidine premedication on cardiovascular responses to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.Method: A retrospective observational study with cross sectional design. Data derived from secondary data with a sample of 72 patients. Patients who had inclusion and exclusion criteria were randomized in to 3 groups. Group I was given Clonidine 1Ī¼g/kg, Group II was given Clonidine 2Ī¼g/kg, and Group III was given Clonidine 3Ī¼g/k intravenously. Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure and heart rate were recorded in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th minutes after intubation. Data analysis using statistic analysis program for computer.Result: There were significant differences (p<0,05) in reducing systolic blood pressure, and arteri mean pressure between 3 groups that were given clonidine 1Ī¼g/kg, 2Ī¼g/kg, 3Ī¼g/kg in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th minutes after intubation. The significant differences (p<0,05) on diastolic blood pressure was found only in the 3rd and 5th minute. Whereas, in the heart rate showed the significant differences only in the 1st, and 3rd minute.Conclusion: There are differences in response of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, arteri mean pressure, and the similarities in heart rate between 1Ī¼g/kg, 2Ī¼g/kg, 3Ī¼g/kg clonidine administration at laryngoscopy and endotraheal intubation.Key Words Clonidine, laryngoscopy, intubation endotrakhea, cardiovascular responses

    Keberpihakan Regulasi Pertanahan terhadap Hak Masyarakat Adat (Studi Kasus Sengketa Tanah Adat di Desa Kubutambahan, Kecamatan Kubutambahan, Kabupaten Buleleng)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya sengketa tanah adat di Desa Kubutambahan dan bentuk keberpihakan regulasi pertanahan terhadap hak masyarakat adat; serta peran desa pakraman dalam mengatasi sengketa tanah adat. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Faktor penyebab terjadinya sengketa tanah yaitu: Adanya kesimpangsiuran silsilah keluarga; Proses administrasi pertanahan yang kurang jelas; Kurangnya pemahaman akan sistem pewarisan adat; dan Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang regulasi pertanahan nasional, (2) Bentuk keberpihakan regulasi nasional yaitu: Adanya perlindungan hukum dan hak asasi manusia terhadap Identitas budaya masyarakat hukum adat, termasuk hak atas tanah ulayat; Adanya pengakuan wewenang desa dalam mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan asal usul dan adat istiadat setempat; Hukum adat dijadikan dasar berlakunya hukum agraria, dan adanya perlindungan serta pengakuan terhadap hak milik atas tanah Desa Adat. (3) Bentuk peran Desa Pakraman dalam mengatasi konflik pertanahan yakni melakukan koordinasi dengan krama desa melalui paruman; mengumpulkan berbagai bukti terkait asal-usul tanah yang disengketakan; melakukan kewajiban terhadap pemilik tanah sengketa yang dinyatakan ceput atau tidak memiliki keturunan; melakukan koordinasi dengan Majelis Madya Kabupaten Buleleng, pengemong pura desa setempat; dan melakukan pendaftaran hak milik kepada kantor BPN setempat
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