7 research outputs found

    5G-SMART D1.5 Evaluation of radio network deployment options

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    This deliverable results from the work on the radio network performance analysis of the identified use cases and deployment options. Covered topics include latency reduction and mobility features of the 5G NR itself, as well as detailed analysis of the radio network KPIs, such as latency, reliability, throughput, spectral efficiency and capacity. Corresponding trade-offs for the identified deployment options and industrial use cases are quantified with an extensive set of technical results. Also, this deliverable is looking into co-channel coexistence performance analyzed through a real-life measurement campaign and considers performance optimization in presence of a special micro-exclusion zone within a factory.Comment: Deliverable D1.5 of the project 5G For Smart Manufacturing (5G-SMART

    Value of Safety (VALOSA) : Final report

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    Many companies describe safety as their top priority, but does that mean that safety is a value for them? Values are more stable and can be expected to have a more sustainable impact on safety than safety as “just a priority”. Particularly in an era of deregulation, globalization, economic downturn and the ‘changing world of work’, values and culture are more stable than mana- gement systems or priorities. There is often an imbalance between safety values and business values, leading to dilemmas and unsafe situations. By exploring safety values and dilemmas, this report provides insights into more successful mechanisms that have the potential to strengthen and promote safety values

    Omaisen kokemukset syöpäpotilaan kotisaattohoidossa : katsaus kirjallisuuteen

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena on kuvata omaisten kokemuksia syöpäpotilaan kotisaattohoidosta. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä kokemuksia omaisilla on, sekä tuoda tietoa hoitohenkilökunnalle kotisaattohoidossa olevan syöpäpotilaan omaisen kohtaamiseen ja tukemiseen. Tavoitteena on myös lisätä tietoisuutta ja ymmärrystä siitä, mitä omaiselta vaaditaan kotisaattohoidossa. Toteutimme työn kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin Cinahl –tietokannasta. Aineistona on seitsemän englanninkielistä artikkelia, jotka analysoimme induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimukset osoittivat, että läheisen hoitaminen kotisaattohoidossa aiheutti omaisille fyysisiä oireita sekä psyykkisiä tuntemuksia. Tuntemukset olivat enimmäkseen negatiivisia, kuten esimerkiksi masennusta ja ahdistusta. Omaishoitajuus herätti myös positiivisia tuntemuksia, kuten tyytyväisyyttä siihen, että sai hoitaa läheistään hänen omassa kodissaan ja hänen haluamallaan tavalla. Myös haasteet arjen hallinnassa nousivat esille ja erityisesti taloudelliset ongelmat aiheuttivat omaisille stressiä. Tätä työtä tehdessämme havaitsimme myös epäkohtia saattohoidon organisoinnissa. Tutkimuksista selvisi, että yhteistyö terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten ja kotisaattohoitoon osallistuvien omaisten välillä oli puutteellista. Kuitenkin ammattilaisten apu ja tuki ovat ensiarvoisen tärkeitä, jottei omaisen taakka kasva ylitsepääsemättömäksi. Omaisten tarpeiden kokonaisvaltainen huomiointi voi vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti ja positiivisella tavalla heidän kokemaansa ahdistukseen ja hoidon tuomaan taakkaan, sekä mahdollistaa omaishoitajille merkityksellisten ja positiivisten puolten löytämisen läheisensä kotisaattohoidossa. Opinnäytetyömme tuloksia vodaan hyödyntää syöpää sairastavan potilaan kotisaattohoidossa, palliatiivisissa- ja saattohoitoyksiköissä, sekä sairaanhoitajien koulutuksessa.The purpose of this thesis is to describe the palliative care from the next of kin caregivers' point of view. Our aim is to clarify what kind of experiences the caregivers have from the palliative care and to point out information for the professional care givers in addition to confronting the next of kin caregivers of the terminally ill patient in home hospice care. Our other aim is to point out what it means and demands to be the next of kin caregiver in the palliative care. We implemented this thesis as a literature review. The research material was collected from the Cinahl -database and it contains seven articles, which we analyzed by adapting the inductive content analysis. According to the researches the home hospice care caused both physical and mental symptoms to the next of kin caregivers. The mental symptoms were mainly negative, such as depression and anxiety. On the other hand the caregivers felt also content for their opportunity to take care of their relative in their own home and in the way they themselves wanted. Also the problems of the everyday living rose and especially the economical problems caused stress for the caregivers. While making this thesis we observed faults on organizing the home hospice care. According to the researches the cooperation between the professionals and the next of kin caregivers was lacking. However the help and the support from the professionals are primary for not overburdening the next of kin caregivers. Recognition of the needs of the next of kin caregivers might have the crucial and positive impact on the anxiety they are feeling and the burden that the next of kin caregivers have to carry and it might help them to find the significant and positive aspects of the home hospice care. The results of this thesis can be utilized in the home hospice care of the cancer patients and in the palliative and hospice care units as well as in the nursing schools

    Impact of CoAP and MQTT on NB-IoT System Performance

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    The IoT protocols used for data transfer in the application layer, namely the Constraint Application Protocol (CoAP) and Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) have dependencies to the transport layer. The choice of transport, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), on the other hand, has an impact on the Internet of Things (IoT) application level performance, especially over a wireless medium. Furthermore, we touch upon the impact of different security solutions. The motivation of this work is to look at the impact of the protocol stack on performance over a narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) link. The use case studied is infrequent small reports sent from the sensor device to a central cloud storage over a last mile radio access link. We find that while CoAP/UDP based transport performs consistently better both in terms of latency, coverage, and system capacity, MQTT/TCP also works when the system is less loaded

    Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Overview

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    Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 8376Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) are wireless technologies withcharacteristics such as large coverage areas, low bandwidth, possiblyvery small packet and application-layer data sizes, and long batterylife operation. This memo is an informational overview of the set ofLPWAN technologies being considered in the IETF and of the gaps thatexist between the needs of those technologies and the goal of runningIP in LPWANs