14 research outputs found

    Analisis Perubahan Kondisi Ekonomi UMKM di Desa Way Huwi Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Sebelum dan Saat Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus UMKM di Sekitar ITERA Desa Way Hui Kecamatan Jati Agung)

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    This research aims to determine the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on turnover, profits and capital of MSMEs in Way Huwi Village before and during the pandemic. The population studied included 266 food businesses in the village. The purposive sampling method was used with 71 food traders as samples. Data was collected through interviews, documentation, financial reports and literature studies. Analysis was carried out using IBM SPSS 28 for Windows. The test results show that turnover, profits and capital of MSMEs show significant differences before and during the pandemic. This is shown through the Wilcoxon rank test because the data is not normally distributed

    Hukum OKUN: Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Tingkat Pengangguran di Indonesia

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    This study examined the validity of Okun's Law on the Indonesian economy by using the difference version of Okun's Law to obtain the Okun coefficient. This study uses the analysis of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL). The estimation results concluded that Okun's Law proved to have a negative and significant effect on the Indonesian economy because the variable economic growth was shown to influence the unemployment variable statistically

    Specialization and Competitive Advantages of Leading Processing Industry in South Sumatra

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    The contribution of the manufacturing sector to the GRDP of South Sumatra Province is 19.72 percent in 2020. A large percentage of GRDP does not necessarily indicate the potential of the processing industry to become a leading sector, so it is necessary to identify the leading processing industry sector. So that this study aims to identify the competitiveness of the leading processing industry sub-sector. The method used are Static Location Quetionts (SLQ), Dynamic Location Quetionts (DLQ), Dispersion Power Index (IDP), Sensitivity Index (IDK) which uses an overlay method to identify sub-sectors of the processing industry. Meanwhile, to determine the competitiveness of the leading processing industry sub-sector is using Shift-Share Dynamic analysis. Using the secondary data sourced from the Indonesia Statistics, the input-output table in 2016 and previous study from 2016-2020. The findings show that from the 16 sub-sectors of the processing industry, there are 3 sub-sectors which include the leading processing industry, namely the food and beverage industry; paper and paper goods industry, printing, and reproduction of recording media; and the chemical, pharmaceutical and traditional medicine industries. Food and beverage industry sub-sector; and the paper industry, and paper goods, printing and reproduction of recording media have competitiveness and specialization. Meanwhile, the chemical, pharmaceutical and traditional medicine industries have no specialization but are competitive

    The Effect of Remittance, Consumption, and FDI on Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries

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    One of the main indicators seen in reviewing the relationship between international workers and economic growth is remittances. Remittances obtained from workers abroad are one of the major sources of finance for developing countries. Remittances are also a source of finance in increasing migrant household incomes which encourage improved consumption which will affect economic growth. This study was conducted to explore the impact of migrant remittances, consumption and FDI on economic growth in 10 ASEAN countries using annual panel data from 2015-2019. This study uses panel data regression analysis with the Random Effect Model (REM) approach. The results showed that remittances, consumption and FDI positively and significantly contributed to economic growth in 10 ASEAN countries. Significant contribution of migrant remittances in economic growth if their use is directed to more productive sectors such as use in the investment sector can help the economies of ASEAN countries to maintain and increase economic growth. The government needs to improve the quality of migrant workers through education because a high level of education will affect the level of wages received by migrants and will have an impact on increasing remittances. The limitation in this study is the use of limited data, for 2020 it is not included in the data set used in the analysis. For this reason, further research should use 2020 data because in 2020 there be a new phenomenon, namely COVID-19 which can be traced to the impact of this phenomenon on remittances. Keywords: Remittances, Migrant, Economic Growth, Panel Dat

    Determinants of Demand for Sharia Housing in Palembang Case Study: Ahad Mandiri Property

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    This study analyze the factors that influence consumer decisions in choosing Housing Loans in palembang City through Developer Property Shariah (DPS). This study uses primary data with closed questionnaire and likert scale measurement. The were gethered using interview method, involving 50 repondents. The analytical technique used multiple linier regression, F test, and T test using SPP 18 program. The results showed that simultaneously variables of religiosity, economics, service and administrative process, education, marketing, financing scheme, location and facility influence the decision of purchasing housing loans with a significance level of .022. partial test shows the result that variable of religiosity, economics, education, financing scheme, location and facility have a significant positive effect to consumer purchase decision variable. While marketing, service and administration variable have negative and insignificant influence on purchasing decision

    Analisis Indikator Ekonomi Makro Di Negara-Negara ASEAN Terhadap Perangkap Negara Berpendapatan Menengah

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    This study observes how the opportunities of middle-income countries located in ASEAN avoid the Middle Income Trap. Human Development Index, Foreign Direct Investments, Goods and Services Exports, and the Government Effectiveness Index are regressed to GNI per capita with panel analysis. Secondary data are used and was published officially by the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 5 ASEAN Regional Countries, namely Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam in the period 2004-2017.  Also, this study discusses the contribution of the Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) coefficient to Gross Domestic Product.  The results of the study state that there are significant and positive effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Expected that, it's essential to give priority to macroeconomics as a result of this research.  For Advanced Research, you can use bonus demographic and investment variables to provide forecasting to avoid the Middle Income Trap

    Pengaruh Konsumsi, Utang Negara, Dan Total Penerimaan Zakat Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia

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    This study aims to find out how 1) household consumption, 2) state debt, 3) and zakat receipts influence Indonesia's gross domestic product. The data in this study is secondary data obtained from the official website of the Ministry of Finance, the National Amil Zakat Agency and the Indonesian Statistics Center with a total of 96 observations starting from January 2014 to December 2021. The analytical method used in this study isOrdinary Least Square (OLS) using statistical analysis tools 17. The results showed that simultaneously and partially the value of household consumption, state debt and zakat receipts had a positive and significant effect on Indonesia's gross domestic product for the 2014-2021 period with a significance of 0.000. The R-Squared coefficient of determination is 0.9792 or 97.92%


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    Keberadaan BUMDes berfungsi sebagai motor penggerak perekonomian desa dan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Dengan kehadiran BUMDes diharapkan desa menjadi lebih mandiri dan mensejahterakan masyarakat. BUMDes Tridaya Berdikari adalah BUMDes yang dimiliki oleh Desa Bogorejo Kabupaten Pesawaran yang sedang mencoba untuk mengembangkan usaha taman wisata yang di bernama Taman Wisata Tanjung Mas.  BUMDes yang merupakan salah satu harapan Desa Bogorejo untuk selalu Produktif dalam rangka peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Desa terus melalukan berbagai upaya pengembangan usaha. Dari analisis situasi dan survey awal ke Desa Bogorejo khususnya BUMDes Tridaya Berdikari diperoleh identifikasi permasalahan yaitu BUMDes membutuhkan pembinaan dalam meningkatkan manajemen operasional peengelola , pembuatan perencanaan usaha, dan produk pendukung  dalam menjalankan usaha Taman Wisata Tanjung Mas. Sehingga solusi yang ditawarkan dalam pelaksaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah , pertama memberikan edukasi dan  peningkatan kapasitas manajemen operasional Pengurus , kedua memberikan  edukasi untuk membuat  perencanaan Stratejik dalam Pengembangan Taman  Tanjung Mas yang  terukur  dan ketiga adalah melakukan pelatihan/ praktik pembuatan batik ecoprint sebagai produk ramah lingkungan dan mudah untuk di aplikasikan  yang dapat dijadikan oleh- oleh maupun daya Tarik wisatawan di Taman Wisata Tanjung Mas

    Analisis Pengaruh Sektor Pertaian Terhadap PDRB Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia Tahun 2015-2021

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    The agricultural sector in Indonesia is an important sector in the national economy, but its role in the formation of GRDP in most regions is starting to decline. This was followed by a decrease in the area of ​​harvested land. The purpose of this study is to see the agricultural sector which acts as the basis sector in each province in Indonesia, and to determine the effect of domestic investment in the agricultural sector, the area of ​​paddy fields, and the agricultural sector's workforce on the GRDP of the agricultural sector. The data in this study were obtained from BPS and the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). This study uses panel data analysis with the selected model Fixed Effect Models (FEM) with the Eviews 10 application. This study also uses the Location Quotient (LQ) method to see the role of the base sector. The results of this study indicate that the agricultural sector is the basis sector in the provinces of Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Lampung, Kep. Bangka Belitung, Central Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, West Sulawesi, Maluku and North Maluku. This study also found that the variable PMDN in the agricultural sector had a significant positive effect, the variable paddy field area had a significant negative effect and the agricultural sector labor variable had no significant effect on the GRDP of the agricultural sector in Indonesia

    Analisis Pengaruh Sektor Pertanian terhadap PDRB Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia Tahun 2015-2021

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    The agricultural sector in Indonesia is an important sector in the national economy, but its role in the formation of GRDP in most regions is starting to decline. This was followed by a decrease in the area of ​​harvested land. The purpose of this study is to see the agricultural sector which acts as the basis sector in each province in Indonesia, and to determine the effect of domestic investment in the agricultural sector, the area of ​​paddy fields, and the agricultural sector's workforce on the GRDP of the agricultural sector. The data in this study were obtained from BPS and the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). This study uses panel data analysis with the selected model Fixed Effect Models (FEM) with the Eviews 10 application. This study also uses the Location Quotient (LQ) method to see the role of the base sector. The results of this study indicate that the agricultural sector is the basis sector in the provinces of Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Lampung, Kep. Bangka Belitung, Central Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, West Sulawesi, Maluku and North Maluku. This study also found that the variable PMDN in the agricultural sector had a significant positive effect, the variable paddy field area had a significant negative effect and the agricultural sector labor variable had no significant effect on the GRDP of the agricultural sector in Indonesia