1,152 research outputs found

    Lipid peroxide, glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzyme (GST) in mixed zooplankton from the North- West Coast of India: Implication for the use of environmental monitoring

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    This work deals with an experiment on mixed zooplanktonic organisms collected from the shore water of Diu coast. The study analyzed and measured lipid peroxidation (LPX), as a marker of oxidative stress and glutathione-s-transferase (GST) activity, as a marker of organic pollution. Both LPX and GST activities were highest at the stations close to the shore and marginally decreased along with transect. The reduced glutathione (GSH) levels were highly variable. The results were discussed in relation to the biomarker application of mixed zooplankton, lipid peroxidation (LPX), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and reduced glutathione (GSH). The results indicated that, the three potential markers (LPX, GST and GSH), could be used as a measure for bio-monitoring the costal ecosystem using mixed zooplankton as suitable organisms.Key words: Zooplankton, lipid peroxidation, glutathione-S-transferase, reduced glutathione

    Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters for heterogeneous esterification of butyric acid with methanol under microwave irradiation

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    Synthesis of methyl butyrate was investigated in a microwave irradiated batch reactor in presence of acid ion-exchange resin catalyst, amberlyst-15. Methyl ester was heterogeneously produced by the reaction between butyric acid and methanol. Effect of reaction parameters of temperature (323-343 K), catalyst loading (0-10.5% w/w), alcohol to acid ratio, M (1-5), and amount of molecular sieves added (0-13.5% w/w) on conversion were studied. Equilibrium conversion of 92.6% was achieved in 60 minutes under microwave irradiation. Equilibrium constants at varied temperatures and dependency of equilibrium constant on temperature were studied. Equilibrium constant and equilibrium conversion showed increase with the increase in temperature as expected as per le-Chatelier principle. Van't Hoff plot for esterification of butyric acid was linear with negative slope indicating that reaction was endothermic. Comparative study showed that microwave irradiated method for methyl butyrate synthesis to be very efficient and fast compared with conventional and ultrasound assisted routes under optimized reaction conditions

    Role of Neural Network in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for Mobility Prediction

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    The MANETs differ from traditional networks in a lot of aspects, such as high channel error rates, unusual channel features, frequent link breaks, and intense link layer contentions. These characteristics significantly reduce network connectivity, which affects overall network latency, network overhead, network throughput (i.e. the amount of data successfully transferred via a MANETs in a predetermined amount of time), and packet delivery ratio (PDR). For effective network resources preparation and organization in MANETs, the mobility forecast of MN and units is essential. This effectiveness would allow for better planning and higher overall quality - of - service, including reliable facility availability and efficient management of energy. In this research, we suggest to use ELMs, which are renowned for their ability to approximate anything, to model and forecast the mobility of each node in a MANET. Mobility-aware topology control methods and location-assisted routing both leverage mobility prediction in MANETs. It is assumed that each MN taking part in these protocols is aware of its current mobility data, including location, velocity, and movements direction angle. This approach predicts both the locations of future nodes and the distances between subsequent nodes. The interaction or relationship between the Cartesian longitude and latitude of the erratic nodes is better captured by ELMs than by multilayer perceptron’s, resulting in mobility prediction that is based on several conventional mobility models that is more precise and realistic

    Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plant to control seed borne pathogen of soybean

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    Several species of fungi belonging to 12 genera viz. Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Mucor mucedo, Penicillium chrysogenum, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizopus stolonifer, Cephalosporium acromonium, Rhizopus leguminicola, Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum dematium, Macrophomina phaseolina, Phoma sp., Sclerotium rolfsii and Curvularia lunata were isolated from seeds of soybean cultivars. Among these fungi Aspergillus flavus,  Fusarium oxysporum, and  Alternaria alternata were found to  dominant. Seed borne fungi of soybean can be controlled by using leaf extract of medicinal plant and biocontrol agent. The seeds were treated with leaf extracts of plants like, Azadirachta indica A.Juss., Acacia nilotica (L.) Del., Datura stramonium L., Polyalthia longifolia (Sooner.)Thw., Allium sativum L. and Annona squamosa. An attempt has made to know the efficacy of leaf extract by food poisoning technique. Among these plants Polyalthia longifolia Thw., Allium sativum L. and Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Were more effective than other plants. All these plant extracts showed inhibitory effect on linear growth of dominant fungi

    Selective isolation and antimicrobial activity of rare actinomycetes from mangrove sediment of Karwar

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    The mangrove ecosystem is a largely unexplored source for actinomycetes. Various pretreatment procedures and selective media were applied to assess the optimal conditions for the isolation of rare actinomycetes from Mangrove sediment. Pretreatment of wet-heating for 15 min at 70oC and phenol treatment of soil suspension were the most effective methods for the isolation of those microorganisms. Hair hydrolysate vitamin agar (HHVA) was the most suitable medium for the recovery of rare actinomycetes. Fifty-three rare actinomycete strains were chosen using selective isolation approaches, then morphological and chemical properties of the isolates were determined. The isolates belonged to one of the following genus, Micromonospora, Microbispora, Actinoplanes, and Actinomadura. Later Micromonospora and Actinomadura were selected for antimicrobial activity. Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of ethyl acetate extract against Staphylococcus aureus were 1.20 mg/ml for Micromonospora species and 5mg/ml for Actinomadura species. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of the ethyl acetate extracts were carried out in duplicate using Chloroform: methanol (4:1) as solvent system and Tetracycline as reference antibiotic. Under UV light they gave greenish yellow spots with Rf value 0.85 for the antimicrobial from Actinomadura species and 0.88 for that from Micromonospora species. In bioautography (using Staphylococcus auras as test organism) inhibition zones were obtained and they were associated with the yellowish green spots of the chromatogram as detected under UV light. This may indicate the same compounds were responsible for the antibacterial activity of those actinomycetes isolates. ÂÂ

    Role of Deep Learning in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

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    The portable capability of MANETs has specially delighted in an unexpected expansion. A massive need for dynamic ad-hoc basis networking continues to be created by advancements in hardware design, high-speed growth in the wireless network communications infrastructure, and increased user requirements for node mobility and regional delivery processes. There are several challenging issues in mobile ad-hoc networks, such as machine learning method cannot analyze features like node mobility, channel variation, channel interference because of the absence of deep neural layers. Due to decentralized nature of mobile ad hoc networks, its necessitate to concentrate over some extremely serious issues like stability, scalability, routing based problems such as network congestion, optimal path selection, etc. and security

    Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts of Acanthus ilicifolius Extracted from the Mangroves of Karwar Coast Karnataka

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    AbstractThe antimicrobial activity of n-hexane, chloroform and methanol extracts of leaves and roots of the plant Acanthus ilicifolius were studied. Ampicillin and clotrimazole were used as standard antibacterial and antifungal agents respectively. The result of the study revealed that the n-hexane extract and chloroform extract of leaves exhibited strong inhibitory action against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger and moderate inhibitory action against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus vulgaris. The rest of the extracts showed good inhibitory activity.Keywords: Acanthus ilicifolius, Agar disc diffusion method, Mangrove forest antimicrobial activity

    Biomedical Waste Management – A Review

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    Bio-medical waste is generated mainly by health care establishments. The management of Bio-medical waste is still infant all across the world. It consists of Bio-medical waste as well as chemical waste with a portion of solid waste. This is a review paper which is prepared from the surveys of various research papers on improper biomedical waste. This research article is to survey the practice of biomedical waste such as collection, storage, transportation and disposal along with the amount of generated biomedical waste in various hospitals. Biomedical waste management is one of the biggest challenges of the present day times. It has a direct impact on the health of the citizen of that city. It is hazardous in nature. It’s safe and proper disposal is extremely important. As in many developing countries the generation of biomedical waste has increased significantly over the last few decades, management of this kind of waste continues to be a major challenge. Biomedical waste is generated in hospitals, research institutions, health care teaching institutes, clinics, laboratories, blood banks, animal houses and veterinary institutes. For proper management of bio-medical waste the Ministry of Environment and Forests has promulgated the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998. Purpose of study was to highlight certain aspects of hospital waste management status. This paper will sensitize the reader about the impacts of improper waste management. Proper handling, treatment and disposal of the biomedical waste material are most important issue for the health of the human beings. The inadequate knowledge about the proper handling of biomedical waste can be dangerous to the health of common man as well as of health care personnel. This review discusses about various types of waste, its hazards and management

    A critical review on Chardighna Eladi Churna

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    Eladi Churna is a poly herbal formulation which has wide variety of applications. Most of the pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing with respect to Varnya aspect, while the Chardighna Eladi Churna is sparely available in the market. In the rise of gastro-intestinal issues in the society, a potent formulation like Eladi Churna is expected by the common people to ward off their GIT ailments. There are total 11 Eladi Churna mentioned in Bharatha Bhaishajya Ratnakara. Different Granthas have varied ingredients in this formulation, and their therapeutic efficacies also differ depending upon condition of the patient and disease. Some Yogas even have mineral composition. Chardi is a Vata Pradhana Tridosha Vyadhi in which there will be an act of expulsion of gastric contents through the oral cavity. So, the drugs having properties of Pritvi and Ap Mahabhoota and Karmas like Stambhana, Ama Pachana, Deepana are needed to pacify the Chardi. An attempt is made here to give new insights on the synergic action of phytochemicals in Eladi Churna to revalidate the clinical evidences in the aspect of Chardi

    Smart Approach for Public Transport

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    This paper is to provide public a Smart Assistance in Public Transport System. The paper is to be implemented for public bus (for PMTs in Pune). It has the entire smart assistance system required for public security and safety. The smart system includes safety form rash driving as well. It has accident detection and monitoring facility. It also has user friendly application for user to track bus on smart their phones. The smart system designed has both online (GPS) and offline (GSM) for user friendly service. It allows user to save its time by acknowledging no. of persons present in the bus as well as no. of seats available in the bus along with the current and next stop acknowledgment with its arrival timings. It also has ramp facility for handicap people. The system also many additions feature to make public transport system an intelligent and easy to use system so that public can take smart advantage of it. The system is specially designed for Smart Cities as it\u27s the recent development plan