A critical review on Chardighna Eladi Churna


Eladi Churna is a poly herbal formulation which has wide variety of applications. Most of the pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing with respect to Varnya aspect, while the Chardighna Eladi Churna is sparely available in the market. In the rise of gastro-intestinal issues in the society, a potent formulation like Eladi Churna is expected by the common people to ward off their GIT ailments. There are total 11 Eladi Churna mentioned in Bharatha Bhaishajya Ratnakara. Different Granthas have varied ingredients in this formulation, and their therapeutic efficacies also differ depending upon condition of the patient and disease. Some Yogas even have mineral composition. Chardi is a Vata Pradhana Tridosha Vyadhi in which there will be an act of expulsion of gastric contents through the oral cavity. So, the drugs having properties of Pritvi and Ap Mahabhoota and Karmas like Stambhana, Ama Pachana, Deepana are needed to pacify the Chardi. An attempt is made here to give new insights on the synergic action of phytochemicals in Eladi Churna to revalidate the clinical evidences in the aspect of Chardi

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