20 research outputs found

    Targeting TOPK sensitises tumour cells to radiation-induced damage by enhancing replication stress

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    T-LAK-originated protein kinase (TOPK) overexpression is a feature of multiple cancers, yet is absent from most phenotypically normal tissues. As such, TOPK expression profiling and the development of TOPK-targeting pharmaceutical agents have raised hopes for its future potential in the development of targeted therapeutics. Results presented in this paper confirm the value of TOPK as a potential target for the treatment of solid tumours, and demonstrate the efficacy of a TOPK inhibitor (OTS964) when used in combination with radiation treatment. Using H460 and Calu-6 lung cancer xenograft models, we show that pharmaceutical inhibition of TOPK potentiates the efficacy of fractionated irradiation. Furthermore, we provide in vitro evidence that TOPK plays a hitherto unknown role during S phase, showing that TOPK depletion increases fork stalling and collapse under conditions of replication stress and exogenous DNA damage. Transient knockdown of TOPK was shown to impair recovery from fork stalling and to increase the formation of replication-associated single-stranded DNA foci in H460 lung cancer cells. We also show that TOPK interacts directly with CHK1 and Cdc25c, two key players in the checkpoint signalling pathway activated after replication fork collapse. This study thus provides novel insights into the mechanism by which TOPK activity supports the survival of cancer cells, facilitating checkpoint signalling in response to replication stress and DNA damage

    External beam radiation therapy and enadenotucirev: inhibition of the DDR and mechanisms of radiation-mediated virus increase

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    Ionising radiation causes cell death through the induction of DNA damage, particularly double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks. Evidence suggests that adenoviruses inhibit proteins involved in the DNA damage response (DDR) to prevent recognition of double-stranded viral DNA genomes as cellular dsDNA breaks. We hypothesise that combining adenovirus treatment with radiotherapy has the potential for enhancing tumour-specific cytotoxicity through inhibition of the DDR and augmentation of virus production. We show that EnAd, an Ad3/Ad11p chimeric oncolytic adenovirus currently being trialled in colorectal and other cancers, targets the DDR pathway at a number of junctures. Infection is associated with a decrease in irradiation-induced 53BP1 and Rad51 foci formation, and in total DNA ligase IV levels. We also demonstrate a radiation-associated increase in EnAd production in vitro and in a pilot in vivo experiment. Given the current limitations of in vitro techniques in assessing for synergy between these treatments, we adapted the plaque assay to allow monitoring of viral plaque size and growth and utilised the xCELLigence cell adhesion assay to measure cytotoxicity. Our study provides further evidence on the interaction between adenovirus and radiation in vitro and in vivo and suggests these have at least an additive, and possibly a synergistic, impact on cytotoxicity

    Small-molecule Polθ inhibitors provide safe and effective tumor radiosensitization in preclinical models

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    Purpose: DNA polymerase theta (Polθ, encoded by the POLQ gene) is a DNA repair enzyme critical for microhomology mediated end joining (MMEJ). Polθ has limited expression in normal tissues but is frequently overexpressed in cancer cells and, therefore, represents an ideal target for tumor-specific radiosensitization. In this study we evaluate whether targeting Polθ with novel small-molecule inhibitors is a feasible strategy to improve the efficacy of radiotherapy. Experimental Design: We characterized the response to Polθ inhibition in combination with ionizing radiation in different cancer cell models in vitro and in vivo. Results: Here, we show that ART558 and ART899, two novel and specific allosteric inhibitors of the Polθ DNA polymerase domain, potently radiosensitize tumor cells, particularly when combined with fractionated radiation. Importantly, noncancerous cells were not radiosensitized by Polθ inhibition. Mechanistically, we show that the radiosensitization caused by Polθ inhibition is most effective in replicating cells and is due to impaired DNA damage repair. We also show that radiosensitization is still effective under hypoxia, suggesting that these inhibitors may help overcome hypoxia-induced radioresistance. In addition, we describe for the first time ART899 and characterize it as a potent and specific Polθ inhibitor with improved metabolic stability. In vivo, the combination of Polθ inhibition using ART899 with fractionated radiation is well tolerated and results in a significant reduction in tumor growth compared with radiation alone. Conclusions: These results pave the way for future clinical trials of Polθ inhibitors in combination with radiotherapy

    Foxp2 Regulates Gene Networks Implicated in Neurite Outgrowth in the Developing Brain

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    Forkhead-box protein P2 is a transcription factor that has been associated with intriguing aspects of cognitive function in humans, non-human mammals, and song-learning birds. Heterozygous mutations of the human FOXP2 gene cause a monogenic speech and language disorder. Reduced functional dosage of the mouse version (Foxp2) causes deficient cortico-striatal synaptic plasticity and impairs motor-skill learning. Moreover, the songbird orthologue appears critically important for vocal learning. Across diverse vertebrate species, this well-conserved transcription factor is highly expressed in the developing and adult central nervous system. Very little is known about the mechanisms regulated by Foxp2 during brain development. We used an integrated functional genomics strategy to robustly define Foxp2-dependent pathways, both direct and indirect targets, in the embryonic brain. Specifically, we performed genome-wide in vivo ChIP–chip screens for Foxp2-binding and thereby identified a set of 264 high-confidence neural targets under strict, empirically derived significance thresholds. The findings, coupled to expression profiling and in situ hybridization of brain tissue from wild-type and mutant mouse embryos, strongly highlighted gene networks linked to neurite development. We followed up our genomics data with functional experiments, showing that Foxp2 impacts on neurite outgrowth in primary neurons and in neuronal cell models. Our data indicate that Foxp2 modulates neuronal network formation, by directly and indirectly regulating mRNAs involved in the development and plasticity of neuronal connections

    The anti-malarial drug atovaquone potentiates platinum-mediated cancer cell death by increasing oxidative stress

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    Platinum chemotherapies are highly effective cytotoxic agents but often induce resistance when used as monotherapies. Combinatorial strategies limit this risk and provide effective treatment options for many cancers. Here, we repurpose atovaquone (ATQ), a well-tolerated & FDA-approved anti-malarial agent by demonstrating that it potentiates cancer cell death of a subset of platinums. We show that ATQ in combination with carboplatin or cisplatin induces striking and repeatable concentration- and time-dependent cell death sensitization in vitro across a variety of cancer cell lines. ATQ induces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS), depleting intracellular glutathione (GSH) pools in a concentration-dependent manner. The superoxide dismutase mimetic MnTBAP rescues ATQ-induced mROS production and pre-loading cells with the GSH prodrug N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) abrogates the sensitization. Together, these findings implicate ATQ-induced oxidative stress as key mediator of the sensitizing effect. At physiologically achievable concentrations, ATQ and carboplatin furthermore synergistically delay the growth of three-dimensional avascular spheroids. Clinically, ATQ is a safe and specific inhibitor of the electron transport chain (ETC) and is concurrently being repurposed as a candidate tumor hypoxia modifier. Together, these findings suggest that ATQ is deserving of further study as a candidate platinum sensitizing agent

    <i>Zic2</i> genomic structure and TALEN binding sites.

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    <p>A) Genomic structure of the murine <i>Zic2</i> (upper panel) with an enlargement of exon 2 (lower panel), showing the binding sites of the two monomers for TALEN-A and TALEN-B together with the binding sites of the PCR primers, Zic2-F and Zic2-R used to genotype the mutant alleles. B) Example of the Cel1 endonuclease assay showing cleavage of the PCR amplicon from example heterozygous mutant CD1 embryos, injected with TALEN-A mRNAs, TALEN-B mRNAs and control eGFP mRNA. The fragments obtained correspond to the predicted cleavage of the 346 bp amplicon within the spacer region of the TALEN-A and TALEN-B recognition sites as expected.</p