1,265 research outputs found

    An Ayurvedic management of Chronic Tonsilitis - A Case Report

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    Introduction: Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils associated with sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, fever etc. There are about 7,455,494 cases of tonsillitis in India per year. Tonsillitis can be compared with Tundikeri in Ayurveda. Aim: To evaluate the effect of Pratisarana of Apamarga Kshara and Triphala Kashaya Kavala in the management of Tundikeri. Materials and Methods: The subject approached Shalakya Tantra OPD of Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, with symptoms of sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, headache since 5 years was systemically reviewed and Pratisarana and Kavala line of treatment is adopted. Results: The subject showed marked improvement as depicted in the photographs taken at different levels of treatment. Discussion: The manifestation of symptoms and its severity depends on its extent of involvement of Dosha-Dushya Sammurcchana. Though the disease is Kapha and Rakta predominant, there is involvement of Vata and Pitta Dosha in the Samprapti of Tundikeri. By adopting the holistic approach with external treatment modality an attempt is made to bring about satisfactory results

    Ayurvedic management of Indraluptha - A Case Study

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    Indraluptha is one among Shirokapalagatha Roga mentioned by Acharya Vagbhata. It is correlated to Alopacia Areata. Indraluptha is characterized by localized non-scarring hair loss. Vagbhata has explained the cause for Indraluptha is Vata and Pitta which causes hair to fall off while Kapha along with Rakta obstructing the hair follicles. In contemporary science treatments are limited. Ayurveda has great potential to treat Indraluptha. Here a case of Indraluptha successfully treated with Ayurvedic management is recorded

    Ayurvedic management of Stress Induced Migraine - A Single Case Report

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    In general medical practice, migraine can be considered as the most common and misinterpreted disease. It was observed that, around 40% of individuals worldwide are currently suffering from migraine headache which results in disturbance in daily routine of individuals. The life style of the people of modern era has changed due to rapid urbanization. Due to changed work expectations for better life style, stress is causing increased incidence of acute and chronic disorders. Migraine is an episodic headache disorder peculiarized by pain involving either half of the head associated with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell. Symptoms of Migraine are having resemblance with Ardhavabhedaka, which is mentioned under Shiroroga. All the three Doshas are engaged in the pathogenesis with the predominance of Vata or Vatakapha.  Routinely the management of migraine is aimed at stopping the symptoms and preventing the future attacks. Use of modern medicines can result in gastric irritation and drug dependency which can trigger the attacks again. In Ayurveda, we have a wide array of natural remedies which can be used in Ardhavabhedaka. In present case study the patient of Ardhavabhedaka was treated with Nasya Karma and Shaman Chikitsa. Nasya Karma (Errhine Therapy) is considered as the best therapeutic intervention in Shiro Roga by Acharya Charaka. This patient has been treated with Lodhra Ghrita Nasya, Drakshadi Kashaya, Avipathi Churna, Kamaduga Rasa and Manasamitra Vataka assessment was done. Follow up was done after 3 months and the relief was considerable

    Role of Jaloukavacharana in the management of Cicatricle Alopecia – A Case Report

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    Introduction: Cicatricial alopecia is a disease of scalp in which the major clinical feature is patchy loss of hair accompanied with scarring. Cicatricial alopecia is caused by diverse group of hair disorders in which healthy tissue is replaced by scar tissue and causes permanent hair loss. It affects both men and women, most commonly adults. It can be correlated to Indralupta a type of Kapalagta Roga by Vagbhata. The basic pathophysiology of Indralupta is the vitiated Tridosha and Rakta affecting the scalp. The pathology also reveals the blockage of hair follicles with aggravated Rakta and Kapha which further prevents regrowth of hairs. This is the case report of 22 year old male who complained of patchy loss of hair at the left parital region of scalp, associated with pus discharge and swelling since 4 years. Materials and Methods: The subject who approached Shalakya Tantra OPD of Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru with symptoms of patchy hair loss at left parietal region since 4 years was systemically reviewed and Rakthamokshana, Lepa and Rasayana line of treatment is adopted. Results: The subject showed marked improvement as depicted in the photographs taken at different levels of treatment. Discussion: Idralupta is a Kshudraroga affecting scalp and involving Pitta, Vata Dusti, later Kapha and Rakta blocking the Romakupa. By adopting the holistic approach with both internal and external treatment modalities an attempt is made to bring about satisfactory results


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    Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) is the most serious pest of many cultivated and non-cultivated crops and it developed resistance against many synthetic pesticides. The impact of a Compositae annual weed, Synedrella nodifl ora Gaertn. solvent extracts on the fourth instar larvae of S. litura has been evaluated by leaf dip method. The LD50 results revealed that methanol extract is the most toxic to the pest followed by benzene and chloroform, petroleum ether (400 – 600 C) and water. Qualitative phytochemical analysis has also been performed


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    Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) is the most serious pest of many cultivated and non-cultivated crops and it developed resistance against many synthetic pesticides. The impact of a Compositae annual weed, Synedrella nodifl ora Gaertn. solvent extracts on the fourth instar larvae of S. litura has been evaluated by leaf dip method. The LD50 results revealed that methanol extract is the most toxic to the pest followed by benzene and chloroform, petroleum ether (400 – 600 C) and water. Qualitative phytochemical analysis has also been performed

    Ayurvedic management of Vataja Shira Shoola (tension headache) - A Case Study

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    Shiras is considered as Uttamanga according to Ayurveda. It’s included in one among three Marmas and also Dasha Pranayatana. Diseases related to head has explained in Ayurvedic classics. Vataja Shirashoola is one among the Shiro Rogas explained by Charaka, Sushrutha and Vagbhata. Acharya Charaka had explained Nidana of Vataj Shirashoola such as Upavasa, Shoka, Bhaya, Trasa etc.Vataja Shirashoola is corelated to Tension Head ache which accounts for nearly 90% of all headaches. Tension headache is related to stress, depression and anxiety. Here a case of Vataja Shirashoola successfully treated with Ayurvedic Management is recorded

    Formulation and evaluation of antimicrobial gel of cow urine distillate

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    In India, medicines based on herbal origin have been the basis of treatment and cure for various diseases. The Indian Cow, Bos indicus, is a most veneered and valuable animal in religious scriptures. Cow urine has found therapeutic applications since days of yore. Cow urine based preparations have powerful antimicrobial, antiviral, anti allergic, and antioxidant activity. So the current research is mainly centered on the exploration of the antimicrobial powers of cow urine and incorporation of cow urine into gel formulation. The gels were prepared by using carbopol 940, propylene glycol, glycerin, triethanolamine, distilled water along with cow urine distillate and Azadirachta indica extract. The prepared gels were evaluated for physical appearance, spreadability, pH, Homogeneity and viscosity. The present study analyzes the antibacterial and antifungal activity of Cow Urine Distillate against the clinical pathogenic microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis and Staphalococcus aureus. Maximum antibacterial activity was observed in Bacillus subtilis than Staphalococcus aureus. Antifungal activity of cow urine distillate was analysed against Aspergillus niger. The result revealed optimum characteristics features of gel formulation and confirm antimicrobial potential of prepared gel