An Ayurvedic management of Chronic Tonsilitis - A Case Report


Introduction: Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils associated with sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, fever etc. There are about 7,455,494 cases of tonsillitis in India per year. Tonsillitis can be compared with Tundikeri in Ayurveda. Aim: To evaluate the effect of Pratisarana of Apamarga Kshara and Triphala Kashaya Kavala in the management of Tundikeri. Materials and Methods: The subject approached Shalakya Tantra OPD of Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, with symptoms of sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, headache since 5 years was systemically reviewed and Pratisarana and Kavala line of treatment is adopted. Results: The subject showed marked improvement as depicted in the photographs taken at different levels of treatment. Discussion: The manifestation of symptoms and its severity depends on its extent of involvement of Dosha-Dushya Sammurcchana. Though the disease is Kapha and Rakta predominant, there is involvement of Vata and Pitta Dosha in the Samprapti of Tundikeri. By adopting the holistic approach with external treatment modality an attempt is made to bring about satisfactory results

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