318 research outputs found

    Perspectives and future vision for augmenting seafood export from India

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    India is bestowed with a long coastline of 8129 km, 0.5 million sq.km of continental shelf, 2.02 million sq.km of EEZ, and a catchable annual marine fishery potential of 4.41 million tons. India is the second largest fish-producing country in the world accounting for 7.56 percent of global production and 4th largest fish exporter. In 2021-22, India's total marine fish production stood at 3,05 million tons

    Mode of Ayurvedic intervention in Diabetic Retinopathy (Sannipathika Kacha) associated with Chronic Renal Failure - A Case Study

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    Diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy are microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus affecting eye and kidney respectively. The patient has reported gradual loss of vision (counting finger at a distance of 70cm) in both eyes for one month associated with history of Chronic Renal Failure. In Ayurvedic classics defective urination and diminution of vision are mentioned in the context of Prameha (Diabetes mellitus). Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed haemorrhages and fluid collection at the level of retina especially at macula due to microvascular damage. The derangement of Pittadosha (humor)by improper dietary habits and irregular lifestyle result in the vitiation of Raktha, which is more evident in eyes. The condition showing clinical similarity with Sannipathika Kacha, a disease affecting Dhrishtipatala of the eye. The logical interpretation on the basis of both subjective and objective clinical findings concluded the diagnosis as Pittadhika Sannipathika Kacha. The treatment principle adopted was Rakthasthambhana, Pittakaphasophahara, Abhisyandhahara and Srothovisodhana with good metabolic control. The treatment was planned without giving any internal herbal medicines except medicated porridge. After treatment his vision has improved as 6/24 (Rt. Eye) and 6/12 (Lt. eye). The study discusses about the Ayurvedic management of diabetic retinopathy associated with chronic renal failure

    Quality of life of alcohol dependent patients attending a deaddiction centre in Kannur district

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    Background: Quality of life (QOL) is individuals' perceptions of their position in life. QOL of alcohol dependent patients is an area that has received relatively less attention compared to other alcohol related problems.Methods: A deaddiction centre based cross sectional study was done on 370 individuals using a predesigned questionnaire during the period of 2012-2013. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 17. Spearman’s rank correlation test was used to find association between the study variables.Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 38.08±8.46 years. The mean duration of drinking was 12.62±7.47 years. The overall score of the QOL and the perceived health in alcohol dependent patients was 3.19±0.89 and 3.01±0.98 respectively. The mean of the transformed scores of physical, psychological, social and environmental domains are 69.12±12.82, 57.84±12.81, 58.52±17.05, 68.62±10.23 respectively. Statistical analysis of age with physical, environmental and social domains showed a significant negative correlation; literacy status with QOL, perceived health, physical, psychological, social and environmental domains showed a significant positive correlation; socio economic status with QOL and psychological domain showed a significant positive correlation; duration of drinking with QOL, perceived health, physical and psychological domain showed a significant negative correlation.Conclusions: Harm from alcohol use is a major public health problem. Reducing the level of social and health harms from alcohol requires preparation and planning

    Plastic menace faced by fishers of Satpati, Maharashtra

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    Small conical stationary bag nets (Bokshi) are operated by artisanal fishers mostly in creeks, with strong tidal currents in certain regions of Maharashtra. The net is set using wooden pole (Khunt) driven at creek bottom against the flood or ebb tide. At Satpati, Bokshi nets are operated in the near shore creek for about 16 days in a month at a rate of 2 hauls per day. Here, fishermen are concerned about the increasing quantity of plastic debris entering their nets during fishing operations adversely affecting their livelihood

    Minimum Legal Size (MLS) for marine capture fisheries management in Maharashtra

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    The marine capture fisheries sector of Maharashtra has undergone tremendous change in terms of fishing patterns, fishing methods, spatial expansion of fishing grounds, multiday fishing and innovations in crafts and gears, among others. With the increasing demand for marine fish for consumption and other non-food utilization of fishes, exploitation of juvenile fishes is becoming more common. Exploitation of juveniles which causes ‘growth overfishing’ is a major concern as it affects the health of fish stocks and the ecosystem which impacts livelihood of fishers and causes much economic loss to all stakeholders

    Personality disorder among youth with first episode psychotic mania: An important target for specific treatment?

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    Personality disorder is a common co-occurrence ('comorbidity') among patients with bipolar disorder and appears to affect outcome negatively. However, there is little knowledge about the impact of this comorbidity in the early phases of bipolar disorder. We examined the prevalence and effect of personality disorder co-occurrence on outcome in a cohort of youth with first episode mania with psychotic features. Seventy-one first episode mania patients, aged 15-29, were assessed at baseline, 6, 12, and 18 months as part of a randomized controlled trial of olanzapine and chlorpromazine as add-on to lithium in first episode mania with psychotic features. The current study involved secondary analysis of trial data. A co-occurring clinical personality disorder diagnosis was present in 16.9% of patients. Antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders were the most common diagnoses. Patients with co-occurring personality disorder had higher rates of readmission to hospital, lower rates of symptomatic recovery and poorer functional levels at 6 months, but these differences disappeared after 12 and 18 months. In the early phase of bipolar disorder, patients with personality disorder comorbidity display delayed symptomatic and functional recovery and increased likelihood to need hospital readmissions. These observations suggest that routine assessment for personality disorder and specific interventions are important in order to improve short-term treatment efficacy in this subgroup

    Hatching of Olive ridley turtle twin hatchlings

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    A clutch of 126 olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) turtle eggs was laid at Palapetty Beach, Thrissur District, Kerala on 15th January 2016 and relocated by members of the Kanyakumari Turtle NEWS Club to the hatchery at Palapetty. On 02nd March 2016, after 46 days of incubation, 58 hatchlings emerged from the nest unaided in the early morning. The nest was excavated three hours after emergence of the first hatchling, at which time 14 more hatchlings emerged from the exposed eggs including two pairs of twins (Table 1; for example see Figure 1) which emerged from the eggshells on their own. The hatchlings were transported to a holding tank 15min post-hatching. The twin hatchlings were unable to remain afloat and their movement on land was also impaired as they remained connected by the respective yolk sacs. The first pair of twin hatchlings died half an hour after hatching, while the second pair of twins survived for six hours. Four other hatchlings which emerged from the exposed eggs died before being introduced to the holding tank. The surviving hatchlings were released to sea approximately nine to thirteen hours after hatching