443 research outputs found

    Resume of the theory of naval and aerial propulsive propellers and of airplanes in the rectilinear flight

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    Though dissimilar, these two subjects have been united because they have some points in common. The computation of the movement of an airplane can only be correctly established if we are in a position to know exactly the thrust and resisting torque of the propeller for the various values of slip, which may vary greatly according to circumstance. The first part of the work concerns propellers and introduces as a fundamental variable, the true slip (delta) with respect to the effective pitch, which is the advance per revolution of the propeller corresponding to no thrust. The second part deals with characteristic curves of an airplane

    The lived experience: Stories from those who have encountered catastrophic loss from flood

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    Natural disasters including flood affect thousands of people all over the world each year. As a direct result, millions of dollars in widespread damage occur in the regions directly impacted by such disasters. Analyzing stories from those who have suffered catastrophic loss from flood may offer a means to better understand what is important to the survivor from their perspective and may assist in the recovery process. The purpose of this research was to examine the lived experience of those who have experienced catastrophic loss from flood. The importance of this research and its impact on nursing knowledge development, research, and practice are discussed. A review of the literature, substantiation of the theoretical underpinnings for this study, and data collection and analyses are explained. Fourteen themes were identified that represent the structure of meaning of the lived experience of a flood event where catastrophic loss had occurred

    Les signes d’appartenance religieuse : le cas des kurusu (‘croix chrĂ©tiennes’)-mon en hĂ©raldique japonaise 1549-1639

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    Cette Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšle un double point de vue : d’abord, celui du crĂ©ateur-porteur du kurusu-mon (« blason Ă  croix chrĂ©tienne »), puis, celui de « l’autre », le non-chrĂ©tien, lequel accepte ou rejette et interdit cet acte prosĂ©lyte. En hĂ©raldique japonaise, kurusu reprĂ©sente l’espagnol et / ou le portugais « cruz » et nomme le signe d’appartenance Ă  la foi chrĂ©tienne. Il sera ainsi montrĂ© comment et jusqu’à quel point les nouveaux convertis bravĂšrent l’interdit au Japon et durant cette pĂ©riode de l’histoire de ce pays

    Exploratory Research on Management Consulting Needs and Adaptations in Very Small Companies.

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    This exploratory research is aimed at identifying the specific needs of very small companies (VSCs) on Management Consulting (MC) and sketching MC services and processes adapted to VSCs. By using SEAM action-research, we have analyzed a sample of 4 management consulting projects conducted in VSCs located in France and in Spain. This paper contributes to enriching the very scarce literature on MC in VSCs. Drawing on these 4 case-based exploratory analysis, the proposed conceptual framework in this study offers a basis for future studies to extend the analysis to broader recognition of the distinctive characteristics, more countries, more MC methods, and to compare VSC with other larger enterprises. The implications for practitioners are important; by exploring the adaptation of consultation methods, we offer some insights into the roles, skills and strategies available to the consultant in order to be successful in VSCs.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    En quel sens y a-t-il un parallélisme chez Leibniz?

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    L’objet de cet article est de montrer que par « parallĂ©lisme », Leibniz entend autre chose que ce que l’on a coutume d’appeler, depuis Fechner, le « parallĂ©lisme psychophysique ». Outre que les occurrences du terme « parallĂ©lisme » sont peu nombreuses dans le corpus leibnizien, son usage ne rĂ©fĂšre explicitement Ă  l’harmonie prĂ©Ă©tablie de l’ñme et du corps que dans la controverse avec Stahl. PlutĂŽt qu’un parallĂ©lisme « mĂ©taphysique » opposant l’ñme et le corps comme deux entitĂ©s hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, Leibniz envisage une relation symbolique entre les deux et dĂ©fend un parallĂ©lisme « mĂ©thodologique », qui commande, dans l’explication d’un phĂ©nomĂšne, de ne pas confondre causes efficientes et causes finales ni les rĂšgnes de la Nature et de la GrĂące, tout en posant leur exacte concordance et convergence

    A tese leibniziana do melhor dos mundos possĂ­veis

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo Ă© explicar o sentido da tese do melhor dos mundos possĂ­veis. Para Leibniz, o melhor deve ser compreendido no sentido do mĂ©todo de Formis optimis, isto Ă©, como o que reenvia, em um gĂȘnero dado, Ă  forma a mais determinada. Essa Ășltima Ă© a um sĂł tempo Ășnica e a mais racional. Assim, a perfeição do mundo nĂŁo resulta do fato de que ele concentraria a maior quantidade de essĂȘncia ou de bem (perfeição quantitativa), mas do fato de que ele constitui a ordem a mais inteligĂ­vel, na qual cada coisa, sem ser necessariamente a mais perfeita em si mesma, contribui, no entanto, com a harmonia universal, ou seja, a unidade de uma multiplicidade que preenche da melhor maneira possĂ­vel os fins divinos (perfeição qualitativa).Abstract:The aim of this paper is to explain the significance of Leibniz's thesis of the best possible world. For Leibniz, the best is to be understood in the sense of the method de Formis optimis, as what refers, for a given sort of things, to the most determined form, which is both unique and the most rational one. Thus, the perfection of the world does not result from its containing the largest quantity of essence and of good (quantitative perfection), but from its forming the most intelligible order, in which every single thing, without being necessarily the best in itself, nevertheless contributes to the universal harmony, that is to the unity of a manifold fulfilling the divine ends in the best possible way (qualitative perfection)

    Cooling Tests of the NectarCAM camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The NectarCAM is a camera proposed for the medium-sized telescopes in the framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), the next-generation observatory for very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. The cameras are designed to operate in an open environment and their mechanics must provide protection for all their components under the conditions defined for the CTA observatory. In order to operate in a stable environment and ensure the best physics performance, each NectarCAM will be enclosed in a slightly overpressurized, nearly air-tight, camera body, to prevent dust and water from entering. The total power dissipation will be ~7.7 kW for a 1855-pixel camera. The largest fraction is dissipated by the readout electronics in the modules. We present the design and implementation of the cooling system together with the test bench results obtained on the NectarCAM thermal demonstrator.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Extension de l’emploi de quelques lexĂšmes français Ă  l’étranger : le cas des crĂ©ations onomastiques commerciales porteuses de prestige linguistique et culturel

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    L’objet de cette prĂ©sentation est de dĂ©montrer combien il existe une sorte de « langage international », incluant l’ébauche d’un « lexique commercial conventionnel mais qui est ni Ă©crit ni officiel », ici, d’origine française et / ou francophone, et reflet d’un certain prestige international, dans lequel toute crĂ©atrice ou tout crĂ©ateur de sociĂ©tĂ© commerciale puise trĂšs librement, afin de nommer son magasin, sa boutique, son salon, son cafĂ© / cafe, son restaurant, son hĂŽtel / hotel
 Ces lexĂšmes / unitĂ©s lexicales / morphĂšmes lexicaux participent alors Ă  la formation de noms propres (d’oĂč leur appartenance au domaine de l’onomastique) tels que les noms de lieux commerciaux qui peuvent Ă©galement connaĂźtre la fonction de repĂšres toponymiques urbains ou ruraux. Dans le cadre de cette Ă©tude, nous puiserons nos exemples dans les annuaires tĂ©lĂ©phoniques de plusieurs pays ainsi que dans nos relevĂ©s personnels et nous verrons alors que, au grĂ© des langues pratiquĂ©es et / ou des cultures existantes, chacun de ces « mots empruntĂ©s / rĂ©interprĂ©tĂ©s ou traduits » peut vĂ©hiculer une valeur commerciale et / ou culturelle universelle, mĂȘme si, dans chaque pays, dans les usages nationaux, rĂ©gionaux ou locaux, ils n’en reprĂ©sentent pas moins d’indiscutables variantes

    Formalization of wastepickers in Bogota and Lima: Recognize, regulate, and then integrate?

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    Waste management models in Colombia and Peru are at a turning point in favor of the integration of informal waste pickers. The Capital District of Bogota and Lima's fifty municipalities are putting in place formalization processes that are more than just a formality. It involves recognizing, regulating and integrating wastepickers. The study of the processes at work in these two cities reveals distinct models of formalization with contrasting impacts on the informality and the marginality of a practice and the population dedicated to it.Les modĂšles de gestion des dĂ©chets en Colombie et au PĂ©rou connaissent un tournant en faveur de l’intĂ©gration des rĂ©cupĂ©rateurs informels des dĂ©chets. Le District Capital de Bogota et les cinquante municipalitĂ©s de Lima mettent en place des processus de formalisation qui sont bien plus qu’une simple formalitĂ©. Il s’agit de reconnaitre, de rĂ©guler et d’intĂ©grer les rĂ©cupĂ©rateurs de dĂ©chets. L’étude des processus Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans ces deux villes rĂ©vĂšle des modĂšles de formalisation distincts aux impacts contrastĂ©s sur l’informalitĂ© et la marginalitĂ© d’une pratique et de la population qui s’y dĂ©die

    Détection de la manualité via les capteurs d'orientation du smartphone lors de la prise en main

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    National audiencePeople often switch hands while holding their phones, based on task and context. Ideally, we would be able to detect which hand they are using to hold the device, and use this information to optimize the interaction. We introduce a method to use built-in orientation sensors to detect which hand is holding a smartphone prior to first interaction. Based on logs of people picking up and unlocking a smartphone in a controlled study, we show that a dynamic-time warping approach trained with user-specific examples achieves 83.6% accuracy for determining which hand is holding the phone, prior to touching the screen.En fonction de la tùche et du contexte, les utilisateurs de smartphone ont pour habitude de changer de main pour tenir leur appareil. Idéalement, nous souhaiterions connaßtre la main utilisée afin d'optimiser l'interaction. A cet effet, nous introduisons une méthode utilisant les capteurs d'orientation intégrés afin de déterminer la main tenant le smartphone avant toute interaction. Nous montrons, par l'analyse des données de participants prenant et déverrouillant leurs smartphones durant une expérience contrÎlée, qu'une approche utilisant l'algorithme Dynamic-Time Warping permet d'obtenir une précision de 83.6% afin de détecter la main utilisée
