865 research outputs found

    DOE and AID stand-alone photovoltaic activities

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    The NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) is managing stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system activities sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID). The DOE project includes village PV power demonstration projects in Gabon (four sites) and the Marshall Islands, PV-powered medical refrigerators in six countries, PV system microprocessor control development activities and PV-hybrid system assessments. The AID project includes a large village system in Tunisia, a water pumping/grain grinding project in Upper Volta, five medical clinics in four countries, PV-powered remote earth station application. These PV activities and summarizes significant findings to data are reviewed

    Description of photovoltaic village power systems in the United States and Africa

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    Photovoltaic power systems in remote villages in the United States and Africa are described. These projects were undertaken to demonstrate that existing photovoltaic system technology is capable of providing electrical power for basic domestic services for the millions of small, remote communities in both developed and developing countries. One system is located in the Papago Indian Village of Schuchuli in southwest Arizona (U. S.) and became operational 16 December 1978. The other system is located in Tangaye, a rural village in Upper Volta, Africa. It became operational 1 March 1979. The Schuchuli system has a 3.5 kW (peak) solar array which provides electric power for village water pumping, a refrigerator for each family, lights in the village buildings, and a community washing machine and sewing machine. The 1.8 kW (peak) Tangaye system provides power for community water pumping, flour milling and lights in the milling building. These are both stand-alone systems (i.e., no back-up power source) which are being operated and maintained by local personnel. Both systems are instrumented. Systems operations are being monitored by NASA to measure design adequacy and to refine designs for future systems

    Design and fabrication of a photovoltaic power system for the Papago Indian village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona

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    A stand alone photovoltaic power system for installation in the Papago Indian village of Schuchuli is being designed and fabricated to provide electricity for village water pumping and basic domestic needs. The system will consist of a 3.5 kW (peak) photovoltaic array; controls, instrumentations, and storage batteries located in an electrical equipment building and a 120 volt dc village distribution network. The system will power a 2 HP dc electric motor

    Design description of the Schuchuli Village photovoltaic power system

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    A stand alone photovoltaic (PV) power system for the village of Schuchuli (Gunsight), Arizona, on the Papago Indian Reservation is a limited energy, all 120 V (d.c.) system to which loads cannot be arbitrarily added and consists of a 3.5 kW (peak) PV array, 2380 ampere-hours of battery storage, an electrical equipment building, a 120 V (d.c.) electrical distribution network, and equipment and automatic controls to provide control power for pumping water into an existing water system; operating 15 refrigerators, a clothes washing machine, a sewing machine, and lights for each of the homes and communal buildings. A solar hot water heater supplies hot water for the washing machine and communal laundry. Automatic control systems provide voltage control by limiting the number of PV strings supplying power during system operation and battery charging, and load management for operating high priority at the expense of low priority loads as the main battery becomes depleted

    Сучасний користувач і бібліотекар: на шляху до взаєморозуміння - на прикладі бібліотеки технічного університету М. Лодзь

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    Referat omawia interakcje zachodzące pomiędzy współczesnym użytkownikiem a bibliotekarzem w czasach szybkiego rozwoju technologicznego, mającego istotny wpływ na zachowania i sposób komunikowania się ludzi. Dynamicznie zmieniające się potrzeby użytkowników sprawiają, że bibliotekarze muszą przedefiniować swoje role. Z biernych dostawców informacji stają się edukatorami w dziedzinie informacji, często zaangażowanymi w działalność naukową i edukacyjną macierzystej instytucji. Mają świadomość, że nawiązanie silnej i długotrwałej relacji z klientem ma ogromne znaczenie w procesie poznawania i realizacji jego potrzeb. Jaki jest współczesny użytkownik biblioteki akademickiej? Autorzy spróbują odpowiedzieć na postawione pytanie opierając się na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Łódzkiej, która żywo reagując na dynamiczne zmiany dokonujące się w jej najbliższym otoczeniu, czyli na uczelni oraz w środowisku akademickim, stara się ukierunkować swoje działania przede wszystkim na czytelnika. Próbuje nie tylko sprostać jego potrzebom i oczekiwaniom, ale nawet je prognozować i uprzedzać.The interaction between modern user and the librarian at the time of rapid technological development influences the behavior and the way people communicate with each other. The dynamically changing users’ needs make librarian redefine their roles. From passive information providers they become educators in the field of information. They are often deeply engaged in the scientific and educational activities of the home university having the awareness that establishing a strong and long-lasting relation with a client has an enormous impact in the process of getting to know and realization of their needs. What constitutes user of the academic library? The answer will be based on the example of the Library of the Lodz University of Technology, which take active actions in response to the dynamic changes taking place at the university and among academia. All library actions are focus on readers. The TUL Library’s aim is to fulfill clients’ needs and expectations and to able to predict them.У статті представлено взаємовідносини між сучасним користувачем і бібліотекарем у період стрімкого розвитку технологій, які впливають на поведінку і спосіб комунікацій між людьми. Динаміка змін у потребах користувачів змушує бібліотекарів переглянути свою роль, зміст роботи і завдання, які вони виконують. З пасивних постачальників інформації вони стають консультантами у галузі інформації, часто заангажованими у наукову і навчальну діяльність вищого навчального закладу, усвідомлюючи, що налагодження довготривалих і якісних взаємовідносин з клієнтом має велике значення в процесі пізнання і реалізації його потреб. Яким бачимо сучасного користувача бібліотеки ВНЗ? Автори спробують відповісти на поставлене запитання, спираючись на приклад Бібліотеки Технічного університету м. Лодзь, яка реагуючи на динамічні зміни в найближчому оточенні, тобто у стінах навчального закладу і наукових колах, намагається спрямувати свою діяльність на користь читача. Старається не тільки задовольнити потреби користувача, але їх прогнозувати і передбачати

    Photovoltaic power systems for rural areas of developing countries

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    Systems technology, reliability, and present and projected costs of photovoltaic systems are discussed using data derived from NASA, Lewis Research Center experience with photovoltaic systems deployed with a variety of users. Operating systems in two villages, one in Upper Volta and the other in southwestern Arizona are described. Energy cost comparisons are presented for photovoltaic systems versus alternative energy sources. Based on present system technology, reliability, and costs, photovoltaics provides a realistic energy option for developing nations

    Social and Economic Impact of Solar Electricity at Schuchuli Village

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    Schuchuli, a small remote village on the Papago Indian Reservation in southwest Arizona, is 27 kilometers (17 miles) from the nearest available utility power. Its lack of conventional power is due to the prohibitive cost of supplying a small electrical load with a long-distance distribution line. Furthermore, alternate energy sources are expensive and place a burden on the resources of the villagers. On December 16, 1978, as part of a federally funded project, a solar cell power system was put into operation at Schuchuli. The system powers the village water pump, lighting for homes and other village buildings, family refrigerators and a communal washing machine and sewing machine

    Potential Effects of Industrial Air Pollution and Wood-Product Supply and Demand, and Structure of the Wood-Products Industry, in Poland

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    This study aimed to determine potential changes in the production structure of the wood-processing industry up to 2020, resulting from unfavorable impact of industrial pollutants upon forests in Poland. The paper consists of four chapters. In the first section, forecasts of consumer demand for forest products, based on patterns of actual demand, are presented. The structure of industrial demand for wood assortments, and the degree to which it is met, are the topics of the second chapter. In the third chapter, we present forecasts of the possibilities of wood-raw-material consumption by industry with regard to the unfavorable impact of industrial pollution. The last chapter contains forecasts of production regarding foreseen changes in the structure of the wood-processing industry, taking into account qualitative changes in wood raw-material and expected changes in techniques and technology. Our results show that, up to 2020, negative effects of industrial pollutants on forests will have a significant influence on the degree of meeting consumer demands for wood products

    Absolute properties of the main-sequence eclipsing binary FM Leo

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    First spectroscopic and new photometric observations of the eclipsing binary FM Leo are presented. The main aims were to determine orbital and stellar parameters of two components and their evolutionary stage. First spectroscopic observations of the system were obtained with DDO and PST spectrographs. The results of the orbital solution from radial velocity curves are combined with those derived from the light-curve analysis (ASAS-3 photometry and supplementary observations of eclipses with 1 m and 0.35 m telescopes) to derive orbital and stellar parameters. JKTEBOP, Wilson-Devinney binary modelling codes and a two-dimensional cross-correlation (TODCOR) method were applied for the analysis. We find the masses to be M_1 = 1.318 ±\pm 0.007 and M_2 = 1.287 ±\pm 0.007 M_sun, the radii to be R_1 = 1.648 ±\pm 0.043 and R_2 = 1.511 ±\pm 0.049 R_sun for primary and secondary stars, respectively. The evolutionary stage of the system is briefly discussed by comparing physical parameters with current stellar evolution models. We find the components are located at the main sequence, with an age of about 3 Gyr.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in MNRA