122 research outputs found

    Brexit i jego skutki dla Niemiec z perspektywy ekonomicznej i społecznej

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    At the end of March 2017, the British government initiated the legal procedure of withdrawal from the EU, beginning the two-year countdown towards Brexit. However, as of August 2019, the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations is still pending. The Brexit uncertainty over the years has had an impact on the UK economy negatively affecting, e.g., its growth. This paper addresses the impact of Brexit, however from the viewpoint of Germany, focusing on the economic and social perspective. For our analyses, we differentiate between the announcement of Brexit and the possible final outcomes of Brexit. From an economic perspective, our analyses focus on the four freedoms of the European Single Market. From a social perspective, our analyses focus on mobility, studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and consumer rights. Using descriptive statistics primarily based on data from Destatis and Eurostat, we expect the following implications. From an economic perspective, we expect negative implications like worsening trade relationship between the UK and Germany affecting jobs, especially in the automotive sector. From a social perspective, we also expect negative implications like increasing travel costs to the UK, increasing mobile phone roaming charges, additional healthcare insurance. Further areas impacted by Brexit may be studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and customers rights.Pod koniec marca 2017 r., rząd brytyjski zainicjował procedurę prawną dotyczącą wystąpienia z Unii Europejskiej, rozpoczynając tym samym dwuletnie odliczanie do Brexitu. Jednakże, biorąc pod uwagę stan na sierpień 2019 r., ostateczny wynik negocjacji, jest nadal w toku. Niepewność wywołana przez Brexit w ciągu ostatnich lat wpływała negatywnie na gospodarkę Wielkiej Brytanii, np. wzrost gospodarczy. Niniejsza praca ukazuje wpływ Brexitu na Niemcy z uwzględnieniem perspektywy ekonomicznej i społecznej. W naszych analizach rozróżniamy między efektami po ogłoszeniu Brexitu, a jego możliwymi skutkami. Uwzględniając perspektywę ekonomiczną, nasze analizy koncentrują się na czterech swobodach rynku wewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej. W perspektywie społecznej, nasze analizy skupiają się na mobilności, studiach i praktykach w Wielkiej Brytanii, transakcjach finansowych oraz prawach konsumentów. Za pomocą statystyk opisowych, bazując głównie na danych z Destatis i Eurostatu, przewidujemy następujące konsekwencje. Biorąc pod uwagę perspektywę ekonomiczną, spodziewamy się negatywnych następstw, takich jak pogorszenie relacji handlowych między Wielką Brytanią a Niemcami, wpływających na zatrudnienie, w szczególności w sektorze motoryzacyjnym. Uwzględniając perspektywę społeczną, spodziewamy się także negatywnych konsekwencji, np. wynikających z podróżowania do Wielkiej Brytanii: rosnących kosztów podróży, opłat roamingowych, dodatkowego ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego. Wśród pozostałych obszarów, na które może wpływać Brexit wskazać należy studia i praktyki w Wielkiej Brytanii, transakcje finansowe oraz prawa konsumentów

    Heterogeneous populations of bone marrow stem cells--are we spotting on the same cells from the different angles?

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    Accumulated evidence suggests that in addition to hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), bone marrow (BM) also harbors endothelial stem cells (ESC), mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), multipotential adult progenitor cells (MAPC), pluripotent stem cells (PCS) as well as tissue committed stem cells (TCSC) recently identified by us. In this review we discuss the similarities and differences between these cell populations. Furthermore, we will present the hypothesis that all of these versatile BM derived stem cells are in fact different subpopulations of TCSC. These cells accumulate in bone marrow during ontogenesis and being a mobile population of cells are released from BM into peripheral blood after tissue injury to regenerate damaged organs. Furthermore, since BM is a "hideout" for TCSC, their presence in preparations of bone marrow derived mononuclear cells should be considered before experimental evidence is interpreted simply as trans-differentiation or plasticity of HSC. Finally, our observation that the number of TCSC accumulate in the bone marrow of young animals and their numbers decrease during senescence provides a new insight into aging and may explain why the regeneration processes becomes less effective in older individuals

    Heterogeneous populations of bone marrow stem cells : are we spotting on the same cells from the different angles?

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    Accumulated evidence suggests that in addition to hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), bone marrow (BM) also harbors endothelial stem cells (ESC), mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), multipotential adult progenitor cells (MAPC), pluripotent stem cells (PCS) as well as tissue committed stem cells (TCSC) recently identified by us. In this review we discuss the similarities and differences between these cell populations. Furthermore, we will present the hypothesis that all of these versatile BM derived stem cells are in fact different subpopulations of TCSC. These cells accumulate in bone marrow during ontogenesis and being a mobile population of cells are released from BM into peripheral blood after tissue injury to regenerate damaged organs. Furthermore, since BM is a "hideout" for TCSC, their presence in preparations of bone marrow derived mononuclear cells should be considered before experimental evidence is interpreted simply as trans-differentiation or plasticity of HSC. Finally, our observation that the number of TCSC accumulate in the bone marrow of young animals and their numbers decrease during senescence provides a new insight into aging and may explain why the regeneration processes becomes less effective in older individuals

    Stem cell biology : a never ending quest for understanding

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    Stem cells (SC) research is an important part of biotechnology that could lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies. A lot of effort has been put to understand biology of the stem cells and to find genes and subsequently proteins that are responsible for their proliferation, self-renewal and differentiation. Different cytokines and growth factors has been used to expand stem cells, but no combination of these factors was identified that could effectively expand the most primitive stem cells. Recently, however, genes and receptors responsible for SC proliferation and differentiation have been described. Ligands for these receptors or these genes themselves are being already used for ex vivo expansion of stem cells and the first data are very promising. New markers, such as CXCR4 and CD133, have been discovered and shown to be present on surface of hematopoietic stem cells. The same markers were recently also found to be expressed on neuronal-, hepatic- or skeletal muscle-stem cells. By employing these markers several laboratories are trying to isolate stem cells for potential clinical use. New characteristics of stem cells such as transdifferentiation and cell fusion have been described. Our team has identified a population of tissue committed stem cells (TCSC). These cells are present in a bone marrow and in other tissues and they can differentiate into several cell types including cardiac, neural and liver cells

    Niemcy 30 lat po zjednoczeniu – aspekt społeczno-demograficzny i gospodarczy

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    In line with the 30th anniversary of the German reunification this article reviews the social as well as economic effect of Germany’s reunification on Germany distinguishing between East Germany and West Germany to present times. Looking at the social effect we can see a decrease in the number of population for East Germany and an increase in the number of population for West Germany over time. In addition, the average age of the population in federal states in East Germany has increased above average of Germany’s population compared to the federal states in West Germany. Looking at the economic effect focusing on gross domestic product per capita, gross fixed capital formation, unemployment reate and gross wages and salaries we can see that East Germany has decreased its gap to West Germany over time, however, its economic convergence to West Germany remains an ongoing process.Autorzy w artykule omawiają społeczno-demograficzne i gospodarcze implikacje zjednoczenia Niemiec dla wschodniej i zachodniej części kraju, w 30. rocznicę zakończenia okresu dwupaństwowości. Analizując społeczno-demograficzne implikacje, autorzy wskazują na spadek liczby ludności w Niemczech wschodnich i jednoczesny wzrost liczby ludności w Niemczech zachodnich w badanym okresie. Autorzy zwracają również uwagę na postępujący proces starzenia się społeczeństwa, widoczny zwłaszcza w landach wschodnich, gdzie średni wiek ludności wynosi powyżej średniej wieku ludności w Niemczech. Poddając analizie wybrane wskaźniki makroekonomiczne dla określenia implikacji gospodarczych, tj. PKB na mieszkańca, nakłady brutto na środki trwałe, stopę bezrobocia i wynagrodzenie brutto, autorzy wskazują, iż Niemcy wschodnie zmniejszyły dystans w stosunku do Niemiec zachodnich, jednakże konwergencja poziomów rozwoju gospodarczego obu części Niemiec to nadal niedokończony proces

    The role of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1, Receptor Activator for Nuclear Factor κB ligand — Osteoprotegerin system, Interleukin 6 and 1β in post-transplantation bone metabolic disease in childhood

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    Wstęp: Znanych jest kilka czynników mogących mieć wpływ na zaburzenia kostne obserwowane często po przeszczepieniu komórekkrwiotwórczych (PKK). Ich dokładna etiopatogeneza pozostaje jednak wciąż nie znana, szczególnie u pacjentów po PKK przebytym wdzieciństwie. Celem pracy była ocena surowiczych stężeń: IGF-1, RANKL, OPG, IL-6 i IL1β oraz ich korelacji z gęstością mineralną kości(BMD) u dzieci i młodzieży po PKK.Materiał i metody: Do badań włączono 35 pacjentów w średnim wieku 8,48 ± 5,18 lat po allogenicznych (N = 21) i autologicznych (N = 14)PKK. Próbki krwi pobierano przed PKK, w dniu transplantacji, 3 i 6 miesięcy po PKK, a następnie co rok przez 2–8 lat. Stężenia IGF-1,RANKL, OPG, IL-1β, IL-6 oznaczane były metodami immunochemicznymi. BMD całego ciała oceniane było metodą DEXA (dual-energyX-ray absorptiometry) 6 miesięcy po PKK, a następnie co rocznie.Wyniki: Stwierdzono ujemne wartości Z-core dla BMD u wszystkich pacjentów. Były one znacząco wyższe u pacjentów po autologicznychniż po allogenicznych PKK. Surowicze stężenia IGF-1 i IL-6 znamiennie zmieniały się w czasie po PKK. Stężenia IGF-1 wzrastały od 2.roku po PKK, zaś IL-6 narastały do 12. miesiąca po PKK. Obserwowano również dynamiczne, chociaż nieznamienne zmiany stężeń OPG iRANKL po PKK. Wykazano korelacje RANKL i IGF-1 z BMD. IL-6 korelowała pozytywnie z IL-1β, obie interleukiny nie korelowały z BMD.Wnioski: Stwierdzono istotne i dynamiczne zmiany czynników mogących mieć wpływ na metabolizm kostny po transplantacji.Sugeruje się, że surowicze stężenia RANKL i IGF-1 mogą być markerami metabolizmu kostnego po PKK u dzieci i młodzieży.Introduction: Bone disorders observed commonly after haematopoietic stem cells transplantation (HSCT) can be caused by several factors,but their detailed pathomechanism is still not well known, especially in childhood.The aim of this study was to evaluate: IGF-I, RANKL-OPG system, IL-6, and IL1β levels and their association with bone mineral density(BMD) in children and adolescents after HSCT.Material and methods: Thirty five patients after allogeneic (N = 21) and autologous (N = 14) HSCT, mean age 8.48 ± 5.18 years, wereincluded in the study. Blood samples were taken before HSCT, on the transplantation day, three and six months after HSCT, then eachyear after HSCT for 2–8 years. RANKL, OPG, and IL-1β, IGF-1, and IL-6 were measured by immunochemistry. Total BMD was evaluatedsix months after HSCT using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, then annually.Results: All Z-core values for BMD were negative in all patients. It was significantly higher in patients after auto HSCT than after allo HSCT.Serum levels of IGF-1 and IL-6 significantly changed after HSCT. IGF-I levels started to increase in the second year after transplantation.IL-6 increased up to 12 months after transplantation. Dynamic although not significant changes of OPG and RANKL levels were observedafter HSCT. RANKL and IGF-1 values correlated with BMD. IL-6 correlated positively with IL-1β but both did not correlate with BMD.Conclusions: Our data indicates that factors influencing bone remodelling change dynamically in the post-transplantation period.It suggests that serum RANKL and IGF-1 levels could be markers of bone metabolism after HSCT in paediatric patients

    SDF-1 alone and in co-operation with HGF regulates biology of human cervical carcinoma cells

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    Stromal Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1)-CXCR4 axis plays a pivotal role in biology and metastasis of several tumors. The aim of this study was to see if SDF-1 alone or in combination with Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) affects biology of human cervical carcinoma (HCC) cells. We found that HCC cell lines investigated in our study highly express CXCR4 on their surface. CXCR4 was also expressed on tumor cells in tissue sections derived from cervical cancer patients. At the same time normal cervical epithelium was negative for CXCR4 expression what suggests a strong correlation between CXCR4 and malignant cell phenotype. Subsequently, we studied a potential role of the SDF-1-CXCR4 axis in HCC and noticed that SDF-1 (i) chemoattracted HCC cells, (ii) enhanced their scattering, (iii) stimulated nuclear localization of beta-catenins and upregulated their target gene cyclin D1 and (iv) at the molecular level induced calcium flux and activated RAS-MAPK, PI3-AKT and JAK-STAT pathways. SDF-1-mediated functions were additionally enhanced in the presence of HGF. Thus, our data show that the SDF-1-CXCR4 axis affects biology of HCC cells. Furthermore, we postulate that this axis might become a potential target to prevent progression of cervical cancer

    SDF-1 alone and in co-operation with HGF regulates biology of human cervical carcinoma cells.

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    Stromal Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1)-CXCR4 axis plays a pivotal role in biology and metastasis of several tumors. The aim of this study was to see if SDF-1 alone or in combination with Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) affects biology of human cervical carcinoma (HCC) cells. We found that HCC cell lines investigated in our study highly express CXCR4 on their surface. CXCR4 was also expressed on tumor cells in tissue sections derived from cervical cancer patients. At the same time normal cervical epithelium was negative for CXCR4 expression what suggests a strong correlation between CXCR4 and malignant cell phenotype. Subsequently, we studied a potential role of the SDF-1-CXCR4 axis in HCC and noticed that SDF-1 (i) chemoattracted HCC cells, (ii) enhanced their scattering, (iii) stimulated nuclear localization of beta-catenins and upregulated their target gene cyclin D1 and (iv) at the molecular level induced calcium flux and activated RAS-MAPK, PI3-AKT and JAK-STAT pathways. SDF-1-mediated functions were additionally enhanced in the presence of HGF. Thus, our data show that the SDF-1-CXCR4 axis affects biology of HCC cells. Furthermore, we postulate that this axis might become a potential target to prevent progression of cervical cancer