74 research outputs found
Spatial Analysis and The Determinants of Mosquito Vector of Filariasis in The Endemic Areas of West Sumatera
BACKGROUND: Filariasis is an infectious disease caused by filarial worm (Wuchereriabancrofti, Brugiamalayi and Brugiatimori). It is trans-mitted by mosquito vector. Agam and West Pasaman are hyperendemic areas of filariasis in West Sumatra, with prevalence of 11.27 cases per 100,000 population, and 12.40 cases per 100,000 population, respectively. The environmental condition consists of mountain, plain, river, lake, plan-tation, and rice field. This study aimed to determine the risk factors asso-ciated with the incidence of filariasis and to implement the use of geogra-phic information system for mapping the vulnerability of area in West Sumatra.
SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was case control study, conducted in Agam and West Pasaman districts, West Sumatera. A sample of 74 cases and 74 controls was selected for this study. Both study groups were matched by age and sex. Spatial and multivariate analyses were employed for data analysis.
RESULTS: In Agam district, the type of vector was Culex (67.26%), Aedes (18.06%), Armigeres (14.19%), and Anopheles (0.48%). In West Pasaman district, the type of vector was Culex (70.25%), Aedes (20.25%), Armigeres (08.19%) and Anopheles (1.31%). In Agam and West Pasaman districts, the risk factors of filariasis included lack of knowledge (the strongest risk factor in Agam), absence of wire net, hanging out in the evening, use of mosquito bed net, absence of chemical insecticide, open clothes, presence of animal reservoir, living near plantation, paddy, river, marsh, shrub, and use of house ceiling (the strongest in West Pasaman). In Agam clustering of filariasis was found Subang, Muaro Putuih, Sungai Aur, Nagari Air Haji, Binjai, and the Crossing Valley.
CONCLUSION: The strongest risk factor of filariasis in Agam is the lack of knowledge. The strongest risk factor of filariasis in West Pasaman is the use house ceiling. The most common type of filarial vector in Agam and West Pasaman is Culex.
Keywords: Geographic Informatio
Spatial Analysis of Determinants of Filariasis-Endemic Areas in West Sumatra
West Pasaman District and Agam District are filariasis-endemic areas in West Sumatra with prevalence of 12.40 per 100,000 cases and 11.27 per 100,000 cases respectively. This study aimed to determine risk factors associated with the prevalence of filariasis and mapping the vulnerability of the area in West Sumatra. A case control study design was conducted in the West Pasaman District and Agam District. The study used a sample of 74 cases and 74 controls taken by simple random sampling for the case and purposive random sampling for control. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate, multivariate and spatial. The results in Agam District showed that variables associated relation with filariasis (p value < 0.05) were the level of knowledge, plantations, the paddy, the ceiling of the house. The most dominant risk factor was knowledge. Type of vector that was found was Culex. While in West Pasaman District, the variable associated with filariasis (p value < 0.05) was the use of mosquito nets, the habit of dressing, marshes, and ceiling. The most dominant risk factor was the ceiling of the house
Restorative Justice Hakim Terhadap Anak Yang Berkonflik Dengan Hukum Di Pengadilan Negeri Lhokseumawe
Children are part of the younger generation as one of the human resources as potential successors inthe future. Violation of law that occurs in the community not only done by adults but also by children,the implementation of the sentence would have been very different from adults. In children should morebe rehabilitation rather than punitive. The results showed that judge who examine and rule on cases ofchildren in conflict with the law in District Court Lhokseumawe still think positivistic/legalistic wheredecisions are decided by the judges commonly used approach based on the criminal justice system
Performance analysis of the Malaysian elite youth squash players
This study analysed the frequencies and court locations of squash strokes performed by elite Malaysian youth players before and during a national tournament. One hundred and seventy nine matches participated by six players (three men and three women) were analysed. Data collected via video recordings and coded post match using Studiocode® analysis software. The straight and cross court drives were the most frequent strokes used by both genders, with more on the backhand side. The drop shot and straight drives contributed to most winners for the men and women respectively. Most winners were produced by the players when they occupied the middle areas of the court. The areas that resulted most errors were the four corners of the court for the men whilst the women was on their backhand side areas. Objective feedback on the performance prior to a major competition provided some positive results.Keywords: performance analysis, squash, youth
Penelitian Dosen Dan Mahasiswa Tentang Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Implementasi Kode Etik Dosen Dalam Pengajaran Dan Kode Etik Dosen Terhadap Mahasiswa Di Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
This research was motivated by the question of the extent to which implementation of the Code of Conduct in Environmental State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. As for the new study focused on the implementation of the Code Lecturer in the Field of Teaching and Implementation of the Code Lecturer Against Students in all majors at the Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. Respondents in the study drawn as many as 369 samples from the 4823 student population and sampling using nonprobability Sampling method with purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the overall implementation of the Code of Ethics Lecturer In teaching reached 77.348 or better value, while the implementation of the Code of Conduct Against Lecturer of students reaching 77.656 or better value
Factors Affecting Adoption of Biogas Technology in Dairy Cattle Breeders in Pinang Village, Cendana Sub District, Enrekang District
So far, many public complaints regarding the negative impact of livestock activities were due to negligence of most livestock farmers in waste management of their business, even in many situation, some of them dispose the waste into the river, causing environmental pollution. Livestock waste such as feces, urine, orts, water from cleaning the cattle, and the pens produce not just bad smell but also cause an itching when they are taking a bath in the contaminated rivers. These have triggered criticisms from the community. Treating or processing the waste, not only will reduce the impact on the environment, but also will provide benefits because it can be used to produce fuel. One of the available processing technology is biogas technology. Biogas can be used as economical fuel and also can be used to reduce environmental pollution in rural areas. Biogas technology in Desa Pinang District of Cendana Enrekang initially as an effort to use cow feces as alternative energy and reduce environmental pollution. In connection with that, some issues was emerging in relation to the adoption of biogas among the dairy farmers. The purpose of this study was to determine whether extension, experience, education, and motivation may influence the adoption of biogas technology in Pinang Village, Cendana Sub District, Enrekang District. The research was carried from January to February 2016 in Pinang Village, Cendana Sub District, Enrekang District. The type of research was quantitative explanatory. The analytical tool used was multiple regression analysis.The results of study showed that the factors influencing the adoption of biogas technology were extension and motivation, while education and experience had no effects on
Segregasi, Kekerasan dan Kebijakan Rekonstruksi Pasca Konflik di Ambon
Di tengah kekhawatiran bahwa Indonesia akan terpecah belah karena konflik kekerasan di beberapa provinsi pasca-runtuhnya rezim Orde Baru, beberapa perjanjian damai berhasil dicapai dan menghentikan kekerasan yang telah menelan ribuan korban jiwa dan harta benda. Salah satu perjanjian tersebut adalah Perjanjian Damai Malino II, yang dipandang sebagai tonggak berakhirnya konflik berkepanjangan di Provinsi Maluku.
Namun demikian, kekerasan-kekerasan dalam skala yang lebih kecil dan bersifat sporadis masih terus terjadi di Maluku, khususnya di Kota Ambon. Peneliti dan penggiat perdamaian telah mengidentifikasi bahwa salah satu persoalan yang dihadapi Kota Ambon adalah segregasi pasca-konflik. Akan tetapi, belum ada studi yang berfokus pada hubungan antara segregasi pasca-konflik, munculnya kekerasan, dan kebijakan pembangunan pasca-konflik. Oleh karena itu, studi ini dirancang untuk mengisi kekosongan informasi tersebut.
Studi ini dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dari program Sistem Nasional Pemantauan Kekerasan (SNPK), kerja sama antara The Habibie Center dengan Kediputian I Bidang Koordinasi Lingkungan Hidup dan Kerawanan Sosial Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat, dan didukung oleh The World Bank. Program ini didanai oleh hibah dari The Korea Economic Transitions and Peace Building Trust Fund
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