1,162 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match Terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Matematika pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Yapis Timika

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    The problem in learning mathematics at SMP Yapis Timika is that students' motivation and mathematics learning outcomes are low. Furthermore, the teacher never uses the cooperative learning model to make students less enthusiastic in learning. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the effect of the make a match cooperative learning model on the motivation and learning outcomes of mathematics in class VIIA students of SMP Yapis Timika in academic year 2019/2020. This type of research is experimental research. The experimental design used was a quasi-experimental design with a posttest-only control design. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling where in class VII A was obtained (21 students) as the experimental class and VII B  (20- students) as the control class. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the average value of students' motivation to learn mathematics in the experimental class with a score of 61.03 in the good category, while the control class got an average score of 57.07 which was categorized quite good. And the experimental class student results data obtained an average score of 81.71 with a success rate of 80.64%. While the control class got an average score of 73.56 with a success rate of 53.33%. And the t test on student learning outcomes obtained tcount> ttable or 3.08> 2.01. The results of this study can be concluded, there is an effect of the make a match cooperative learning model on the motivation and learning outcomes of grade VII students of SMP Yapis Timika in academic year 2019/2020 AbstrakPermasalahan dalam pembelajaran matematika di SMP Yapis Timika bahwa motivasi siswa dan hasil belajar matematika siswa rendah. Lebih lanjut, guru tidak pernah menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif membuat siswa kurang antusias dalam belajar. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe make a Match terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar matematika pada siswa kelas VII SMP Yapis Timika tahun akademik 2019/2020. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain kontrol posttest-only. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dimana kelas VII A (21 siswa) sebagai kelas eksperimen dan VIIB (20- siswa) sebagai kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data didapatkan nilai rata-rata motivasi belajar matematika siswa kelas eksperimen dengan nilai 61,03 dengan kategori baik, sedangkan kelas kontrol mendapat nilai rata-rata 57,07 dengan kategori cukup baik. Kelas eksperimen didapatkan skor rata-rata 81,71 dengan angka keberhasilan 80,64%. Sedangkan mendapat skor rata-rata 73,56 dengan angka keberhasilan 53,33%. Dan uji t tentang hasil belajar siswa didapat thitung> ttabel atau 3,08> 2,01. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe make a Match terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII SMP Yapis Timika tahun akademik 2019/2020

    On the Lp norm for some approximation operators

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    Approximation for The Expectation of A Function of The Sample Mean

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    Let X¯ n be the mean of a random sample of size n from a distribution with mean μ and variance σ2. Under some conditions it is shown that Ef(X¯ n ) = f(μ) + (σ2/2n) f″(μ) + O(n −2), and var(f(X¯ n )) = (σ2/n) (f′(μ))2 + O(n −2), where f is a continuous function with a suitable growth condition. This complements a result of Lehmann [(1991). Theory of Point Estimation. Wadsworth, California] and Cramér [(1946). Mathematical Methods of Statistics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.] for wider application. An illustrative example is given to show an application where the usual approximations do not apply

    A Remark on Estimating The Mean of A Normal Distribution with Known Coefficient of Variation

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    Let X1, X2, …, Xn be iid N(μ, aμ2) (a\u3e0) random variables with an unknown mean μ\u3e0 and known coefficient of variation (CV) √a. The estimation of μ is revisited and it is shown that a modified version of an unbiased estimator of μ [cf. Khan RA. A note on estimating the mean of a normal distribution with known CV. J Am Stat Assoc. 1968;63:1039–1041] is more efficient. A certain linear minimum mean square estimator of Gleser and Healy [Estimating the mean of a normal distribution with known CV. J Am Stat Assoc. 1976;71:977–981] is also modified and improved. These improved estimators are being compared with the maximum likelihood estimator under squared-error loss function. Based on asymptotic consideration, a large sample confidence interval is also mentioned

    Approximation for The Expectation of A Function of The Sample Mean

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    Let X¯ n be the mean of a random sample of size n from a distribution with mean μ and variance σ2. Under some conditions it is shown that Ef(X¯ n ) = f(μ) + (σ2/2n) f″(μ) + O(n −2), and var(f(X¯ n )) = (σ2/n) (f′(μ))2 + O(n −2), where f is a continuous function with a suitable growth condition. This complements a result of Lehmann [(1991). Theory of Point Estimation. Wadsworth, California] and Cramér [(1946). Mathematical Methods of Statistics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.] for wider application. An illustrative example is given to show an application where the usual approximations do not apply


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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) jenis kesalahan terjadi pada subjek berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah yaitu tidak menyebutkan atau menuliskan syarat untuk menyelesaikan soal. Jenis kesalahan yang lain juga yang terjadi pada subjek berkemampuan rendah yaitu kurang tepat dalam mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur dalam aljabar dan kurang tepat dalam memaparkan langkah-langkah penyelesaian secara sistematis. Sedangakan letak kesalahan terjadi pada subjek berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah, yaitu kurang tepat dalam memanipulasi bentuk aljabar dan kurang tepat dalam perhitungan soal penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, pembagia pada subjek berkemampuan sedang dan rendah. Letak kesalahan yang lain juga terjadi pada subjek berkemampuan rendah yaitu ketidakteraturan langkah-langkah dan tidak menuliskan variabel dalam menyelesaikan soal;(2) penyebab kesalahan terjadi pada subjek berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah, tidak mengerti dengan syarat-syarat untuk menyelesaikan soal, sulit memahami konsep variabel, koefisien, dan konstanta, siswa lebih cenderung mengingat daripada memahami, kurang memahami operasi perkalian antara dua bentuk aljabar, dan sering melupakan materi pelajaran yang sudah lewat. Penyebab kesalahanyang lain juga terjadi pada subjek berkemampuan sedang dan rendahantara lain tidak mengerti operasi pembagian dalam aljabar terutama pembagian yang mempunyai tanda kurung, bingung dengan bentuk soal, menggunakan operasi perkalian antara dua bentuk aljabar pada soal yang berbeda, kesalahan terhadap simbol-simbol dalam aljabar, siswa merasa bingung dalam memecahkan soal bentuk aljabar yang terkadang memiliki penyelesaian yang panjang dan ‘terbalik-balik’, dan siswa masih merasa bingung jika menemui perhitungan yang melibatkan tanda positif (+) dan negatif (-). Kata Kunci:Letak kesalahan. Jenis kesalahan, Penyebab kesalahan

    Extended Family Networks in Rural Mexico: A Descriptive Analysis

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    We provide descriptive evidence on the characteristics of a household’s extended family network using data from the Progresa social assistance program in rural Mexico. We exploit information on the paternal and maternal surnames of household heads and their spouses and the patronymic naming convention to identify the inter and intra generational family links of each household to others in the village. This provides an almost complete mapping of extended family networks structures across 506 Mexican villages, covering 22,000 households and over 130,000 individuals. We then provide evidence on – (i) whether husbands and wives differ in the extent to which members of their extended family are located in geographic proximity; (ii) the characteristics that predict the existence of extended family links; (iii) the similarity of households within the same family network in terms of their poverty, and how this differs within and between generations of the extended family.extended family network, Progresa

    Family Networks and School Enrolment: Evidence from a Randomized Social Experiment

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    We present evidence on whether and how a household's behavior is influenced by the presence and characteristics of its extended family. Using data from the PROGRESA program in Mexico, we exploit information on the paternal and maternal surnames of heads and spouses in conjunction with the Spanish naming convention to identify the inter and intra generational family links of each household to others in the same village. We then exploit the randomized research design of the PROGRESA evaluation data to identify whether the treatment effects of PROGRESA transfers on secondary school enrolment vary according to the characteristics of extended family. We find PROGRESA only raises secondary enrolment among households that are embedded in a family network. Eligible but isolated households do not respond. The mechanism through which the extended family influences household schooling choices is the redistribution of resources within the family network from eligibles that receive de facto unconditional cash transfers from PROGRESA, towards eligibles on the margin of enrolling children into secondary school.extended family network, PROGRESA, resource sharing, schooling

    Village Economies and the Structure of Extended Family Networks

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    This paper documents how the structure of extended family networks in rural Mexico relates to the poverty and inequality of the village of residence. Using the Hispanic naming convention, we construct within-village extended family networks in 504 poor rural villages. Family networks are larger (both in the number of members and as a share of the village population) and out-migration is lower the poorer and the less unequal the village of residence. Our results are consistent with the extended family being a source of informal insurance to its members.extended family network, migration, village inequality, village marginality