77 research outputs found

    General social and personal-microenvironmental determinants of crimes committed by minors in Russian modern society

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    © Serials Publications.The article discusses the causes and conditions of juvenile crime in Russia on the basis of analysis of scientific and creative approaches to highlight social and personal microcredit determinants. In the process of writing were used research methods: analysis, synthesis, statistics, comparison and others. The author notes a direct relationship between the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes minors and insufficient efficiency of measures aimed at neutralization and subsequent elimination. Attention is drawn that the problem of the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of juvenile crime in Russia involves a comprehensive and systematic scientific approach in their research, which indicates that they are not only criminological and criminal law, and more socio-economic and cultural-educational aspects. Therefore, in order to prevent juvenile crime the necessary socio-economic and cultural-educational factors on the neutralization and elimination of causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes of minors, consistent and efficient operation of all government and law enforcement agencies to prevent, identify and prosecute perpetrators, as well as the constructive activities of the state bodies, public organizations and other institutions of civil society in shaping the law-abiding younger generation of Russian citizens


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    Biological collections play a huge role in studying biological diversity as systematic storages of biological materials in all combinations and forms. Collection materials have generally been formed over hundreds of years and may describe a vast number of samples counted by billions. Great efforts are made to preserve these materials, as well as to obtain more and more samples. The Russian Federation occupies a huge land area, has a long coastline and huge natural resources, a variety of natural and ecological zones. In this regard, its territory is unique from the viewpoint of biodiversity and development of biological collections. Currently, a large number of collections are being developed in Russia, but there are a number of problems associated, first of all, with the lack of an integrated information resource on bioresource collections (BRC). In order to support the development of scientific infrastructure, the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO of Russia) has been working on the development of unified approaches to the use of existing bioresource collections and the establishment of the integrated information system. The paper presents an information portal designed to provide uniform methods of work for all BRC organizations of the FASO of Russia: input, storage, updating and differentiated access to specific information about storage units and their characteristics. The information system “Bioresource Collections of Scientific Organizations” (IS BRC) has been developed as a Web­portal (www.biores.cytogen.ru) integrating databases on bioresource collections of the FASO of Russia and graphical user interface. Access control to the databases integrated into the IS BRC is performed through authorized program access for viewing records, their creation and editing on the basis of REST technology. The graphical user interface (GUI) provides the following features in accordance with the access rights: authorized access to the BRC database; viewing BRC database records; editing BRC database records; creating and deleting BRC database records; statistical data analysis in the BRC database; generation of summary reports on the BRC database; export of records content in PDF/RTF/JSON format. The graphical user interface was implemented using the DRUPAL 7.0 toolkit. Architecturally, the portal is concerned as a central node with a series of modules communicating through the unified interfaces. In this way, we solve the problem of connecting new data sources (collection databases) implemented in different DBMS. Given the fact that currently many organizations support access to the catalogues of their collections independently, the portal also provides external links to these Web resources. At the same time, some information on collections is stored within the BRC databases of the FASO of Russia’s portal in unified formats. The portal contains the following functional sections: the home page containing general information on bioresource collections, the catalog of collections, individual pages for each particular collection with a short description (information about curators, statistical information about the number of storage units in the collection and the number of publications, as well as a link to the catalog of storage units of this BRC). Currently the portal contains more than 13 thousand entities of 65 bioresource collections organizations of the FASO of Russia. It is still being extended

    Large-scale mass wasting in the western Indian Ocean constrains onset of East African rifting

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    Faulting and earthquakes occur extensively along the flanks of the East African Rift System, including an offshore branch in the western Indian Ocean, resulting in remobilization of sediment in the form of landslides. To date, constraints on the occurrence of submarine landslides at margin scale are lacking, leaving unanswered a link between rifting and slope instability. Here, we show the first overview of landslide deposits in the post-Eocene stratigraphy of the Tanzania margin and we present the discovery of one of the biggest landslides on Earth: the Mafia mega-slide. The emplacement of multiple landslides, including the Mafia mega-slide, during the early-mid Miocene is coeval with cratonic rifting in Tanzania, indicating that plateau uplift and rifting in East Africa triggered large and potentially tsunamigenic landslides likely through earthquake activity and enhanced sediment supply. This study is a first step to evaluate the risk associated with submarine landslides in the region

    The NANOGrav 11 Year Data Set: Pulsar-timing Constraints on the Stochastic Gravitational-wave Background

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    We search for an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background (GWB) in the newly released 11 year data set from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav). While we find no evidence for a GWB, we place constraints on a population of inspiraling supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries, a network of decaying cosmic strings, and a primordial GWB. For the first time, we find that the GWB constraints are sensitive to the solar system ephemeris (SSE) model used and that SSE errors can mimic a GWB signal. We developed an approach that bridges systematic SSE differences, producing the first pulsar-timing array (PTA) constraints that are robust against SSE errors. We thus place a 95% upper limit on the GW-strain amplitude of A GWB < 1.45 × 10−15 at a frequency of f = 1 yr−1 for a fiducial f −2/3 power-law spectrum and with interpulsar correlations modeled. This is a factor of ~2 improvement over the NANOGrav nine-year limit calculated using the same procedure. Previous PTA upper limits on the GWB (as well as their astrophysical and cosmological interpretations) will need revision in light of SSE systematic errors. We use our constraints to characterize the combined influence on the GWB of the stellar mass density in galactic cores, the eccentricity of SMBH binaries, and SMBH–galactic-bulge scaling relationships. We constrain the cosmic-string tension using recent simulations, yielding an SSE-marginalized 95% upper limit of Gμ < 5.3 × 10−11—a factor of ~2 better than the published NANOGrav nine-year constraints. Our SSE-marginalized 95% upper limit on the energy density of a primordial GWB (for a radiation-dominated post-inflation universe) is ΩGWB(f) h 2 < 3.4 × 10−10


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    The study is focused on a section of sediments exposed on the right bank of Mishikha River, Russia. These sediments have a wide range of ages, from the Eocene to the Lower Pliocene. The stratigraphic subdivision of the section is based on the lithogeochemical data and X-ray phase analysis of the mineral compositions. The particle-size analysis shows the alluvial origin of the deposits. Their ages are constrained by spore-pollen spectra in three palynozones: I – Eocene – Oligocene, II – Early – Middle Miocene (subzone a – Tsuga, Picea in the lower part, and Quercus, Taxodiaceae, Momipites, Carya in the upper part; subzone b – Fagus, Quercus, Tsuga), and III – the Late Miocene – beginning of the Pliocene (subzone ν – Ulmus, Juglans, Carya; subzone g – Carya, Alnus). The section shows a combination of normal and overturned sedimentary layers. The tectonic displacement of the block with its flip was accompanied by the entry into contact of the unlithified Pliocene sediments with a rigid bed and the development of a landslide. The lower age limit of deformations is constrained from the youngest (beginning of the Pliocene) spore and pollen spectrum extracted from deformed layers. It is suggested that the overturned layers result from strike-slip deformations of the sediments at the beginning of the late orogenic stage of the Baikal rift development. The regional correlations of the sedimentary strata give grounds to conclude that the Mishikha section is characteristic of alluvial sedimentation that dominated at the eastern end of the Tankhoi tectonic step (Mishikha-Klyuevka paleovalley), in contrast to the Tankhoi block in the central part of the step, wherein a thick Lower Miocene stratum of swampy-oxbow sediments accumulated. The stratons of the Mishikha section correlate with sedimentary units detected by drilling in the Selenga delta at the central part of the South Baikal basin.Разрез осадочных отложений широкого (эоцен-нижнеплиоценового) возрастного диапазона вскрыт и изучен на правобережье р. Мишиха. Стратиграфическое расчленение разреза основано на данных литогеохимии и рентгенофазового анализа минерального состава отложений. По результатам гранулометрического анализа сделан вывод об аллювиальном происхождении отложений. Их возраст определен по спорово-пыльцевым спектрам, которые отнесены к трем палинозонам: I – эоцена – олигоцена, II – раннего и среднего миоцена (подзона a – в нижней части Tsuga, Picea, в верхней части Quercus, Taxodiaceae, Momipites, Carya; подзона b – Fagus, Quercus, Tsuga) и III – позднего миоцена – начала плиоцена (подзона ν – Ulmus, Juglans, Carya; подзона g – Carya, Alnus). В разрезе установлено сочетание нормального и опрокинутого залегания осадочных слоев. Тектоническое смещение блока с его переворотом сопровождалось вхождением в контакт нелитифицированных плиоценовых осадков с жесткой подложкой и развитием оползня. Нижний предельный возраст деформаций определен по наиболее молодому (начало плиоцена) спорово-пыльцевому спектру, полученному в деформированных слоях. Предполагается, что в опрокинутом залегании реализованы присдвиговые деформации отложений в начале позднеорогенного этапа развития Байкальского рифта. Из региональных корреляций толщ сделан вывод о том, что Мишихинский разрез характеризует аллювиальное осадконакопление, которое доминировало на восточном окончании Танхойской тектонической ступени, в Мишихинско-Клюевской палеодолине, в отличие от Танхойского блока центральной части ступени, в котором обнажена мощная нижнемиоценовая толща болотно-старичной фации. Стратоны Мишихинского разреза коррелируются со стратонами, вскрытыми скважинами в дельте р. Селенги в центральной части Южно-Байкальской впадины

    A MODEST review

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    We present an account of the state of the art in the fields explored by the research community invested in 'Modeling and Observing DEnse STellar systems'. For this purpose, we take as a basis the activities of the MODEST-17 conference, which was held at Charles University, Prague, in September 2017. Reviewed topics include recent advances in fundamental stellar dynamics, numerical methods for the solution of the gravitational N-body problem, formation and evolution of young and old star clusters and galactic nuclei, their elusive stellar populations, planetary systems, and exotic compact objects, with timely attention to black holes of different classes of mass and their role as sources of gravitational waves. Such a breadth of topics reflects the growing role played by collisional stellar dynamics in numerous areas of modern astrophysics. Indeed, in the next decade, many revolutionary instruments will enable the derivation of positions and velocities of individual stars in the Milky Way and its satellites and will detect signals from a range of astrophysical sources in different portions of the electromagnetic and gravitational spectrum, with an unprecedented sensitivity. On the one hand, this wealth of data will allow us to address a number of long-standing open questions in star cluster studies; on the other hand, many unexpected properties of these systems will come to light, stimulating further progress of our understanding of their formation and evolution.Comment: 42 pages; accepted for publication in 'Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology'. We are much grateful to the organisers of the MODEST-17 conference (Charles University, Prague, September 2017). We acknowledge the input provided by all MODEST-17 participants, and, more generally, by the members of the MODEST communit

    General social and personal-microenvironmental determinants of crimes committed by minors in Russian modern society

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    © Serials Publications.The article discusses the causes and conditions of juvenile crime in Russia on the basis of analysis of scientific and creative approaches to highlight social and personal microcredit determinants. In the process of writing were used research methods: analysis, synthesis, statistics, comparison and others. The author notes a direct relationship between the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes minors and insufficient efficiency of measures aimed at neutralization and subsequent elimination. Attention is drawn that the problem of the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of juvenile crime in Russia involves a comprehensive and systematic scientific approach in their research, which indicates that they are not only criminological and criminal law, and more socio-economic and cultural-educational aspects. Therefore, in order to prevent juvenile crime the necessary socio-economic and cultural-educational factors on the neutralization and elimination of causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes of minors, consistent and efficient operation of all government and law enforcement agencies to prevent, identify and prosecute perpetrators, as well as the constructive activities of the state bodies, public organizations and other institutions of civil society in shaping the law-abiding younger generation of Russian citizens

    General social and personal-microenvironmental determinants of crimes committed by minors in Russian modern society

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    © Serials Publications.The article discusses the causes and conditions of juvenile crime in Russia on the basis of analysis of scientific and creative approaches to highlight social and personal microcredit determinants. In the process of writing were used research methods: analysis, synthesis, statistics, comparison and others. The author notes a direct relationship between the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes minors and insufficient efficiency of measures aimed at neutralization and subsequent elimination. Attention is drawn that the problem of the causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of juvenile crime in Russia involves a comprehensive and systematic scientific approach in their research, which indicates that they are not only criminological and criminal law, and more socio-economic and cultural-educational aspects. Therefore, in order to prevent juvenile crime the necessary socio-economic and cultural-educational factors on the neutralization and elimination of causes and conditions conducive to the Commission of crimes of minors, consistent and efficient operation of all government and law enforcement agencies to prevent, identify and prosecute perpetrators, as well as the constructive activities of the state bodies, public organizations and other institutions of civil society in shaping the law-abiding younger generation of Russian citizens