448 research outputs found

    Environmental Impacts on Fecal Indicator Bacteria in 5 National Park Recreational Water Areas

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    The National Park Service oversees 397 park units throughout the 50 states and US territories. Due to the high visitation, protecting the health of visitors is a top priority. Fecal contamination in recreational water can occur as a result of land use practices and weather related factors. The aim of this study is to investigate weather related factors and land use factors that contribute to fecal contamination in five National Park units. Overall, rainfall proved to be highly predictive of subsequent elevations in fecal bacteria. Specifically, same day rainfall and day prior to the sampling day rainfall showed the strongest association with elevated fecal bacteria levels. Seasonal variation of fecal bacteria was generally higher in the summer months. The land use variables were not highly predictive of fecal bacteria levels. The results of this study can be used by park managers to better predict variations in fecal contamination

    Between the territory and the legacies: The politicization of active labour market policy in southern Europe

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    The literature concerning active labour market policy (ALMP) in advanced economies during the post-Fordist Age is very informative. Nevertheless, surprisingly, we know little about ALMP politicization. By focusing on two archetypes of the Mediterranean countries, Italy and Spain, this study argues that the geographical distribution of social stratification affects ALMP politicization at the national level. Analysing the party manifestos of the main nationwide parties in the most recent electoral turnouts (2013–2019), this article shows that while the issue is highly politicized in Spain, it is almost completely neglected in Italy. We demonstrate that when outsiderness is concentrated in a delimited geographical area, as in Italy, it hinders ALMP politicization on a national level, since it becomes a regional issue. On the contrary, when it is spread across the whole national territory, as in Spain, ALMP politicization is more likely, since the issue is nationally relevant. However, the concentration of outsiders is not sufficient to trigger a change in the electoral competition dynamic and the intervening effect of policy legacy may enhance or constrain ALMP politicization

    The collagenic structure of human digital skin seen by scanning electron microscopy after Ohtani maceration technique.

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    We performed a morphological scanning electron microscope (SEM) study to describe the fine structure and disposition of collagenous tissue in the human toe. After therapeutic amputation of a human right Leg, we applied the Othani maceration technique to the skin of three toes surgically explanted from the foot. We distinguished eight cutaneous regions and focused on some specialized collagenous structures differing in the thickness of the skin. The eight areas investigated were: the dorsal skin, the eponychium, the perionychium, the hyponychium, the region under the visible nail, the nail root, the plantar skin and finally the toe tip. Each of these areas is characterized by a distinctive collagenous surface disposition, with some peculiar features mostly related to dermal. papillae. At high magnification, we observed the spatial arrangement of the cottagen fibers constituting the top of the dermal, papillae that represents the attachment site of the proliferative basal layer of the epidermis. We also noted an impressive density of collagen fibers throughout the thickness of the dermal layer, organized in specialized structures and constituting the skeleton of dermal, thermoreceptorial corpuscles or sweat glands. A combination of SEM and Ohtani technique disclosed the three-dimensional architecture of the collagenous matrix of tarsal skin under physiologic conditions, giving a detailed description of the most reactive tissue during pathologic processes


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    Plexiform vascular structures in the human digital dermal layer: a SEM-corrosion casting morphological study

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    This study aimed to describe the impressive diversity of vascular plexiform structures of the hypodermal layer of human skin. We chose the human body site with the highest concentration of dermal corpuscles, the human digit, and processed it with the corrosion casting technique and scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM). This approach proved to be the best tool to study these microvascular architectures, free from any interference by surrounding tissues. We took high-definition pictures of the vascular network of sweat glands, thermoreceptorial and tactile corpuscles, the vessels constituting the glomic bodies and those feeding the hair follicles. We observed that the three-dimensional disposition of these vessels strictly depends on the shape of the corpuscles supplied. We could see the tubular vascularization of the excretory duct of sweat glands and the ovoid one feeding their bodies, sometimes made up of two lobes. In some cases, knowledge of these morphological data regarding the normal disposition in space and intrinsic vascularization structure of the dermal corpuscles can help to explain many of the physiopathological changes occurring during chronic microangiopathic diseases

    The influence of innovation and education policy on inclusive growth

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    This chapter deals with the main trends of change in innovation and education policies followed by the four models of growth and inequality from the 1980s onwards. Due to international competitive pressures and new technology development, innovation becomes crucial in determining the competitiveness of national economies, while education policy is fundamental in improving workforce skills. The chapter focuses on the role of national governments in sustaining innovation through various policy instruments. The chapter reveals that the countries under study followed quite similar policy developments. Two reasons explain this result. First, advanced economies faced the same exogenous pressures that lead to profound changes in their systems of innovation and educational policies. In particular, European countries dealt with the constitution of the European Union and the subsequent relocation of political sovereignty in the field of industrial policy. Second, we found a straightforward process of mimetic isomorphism where successful intervention by pioneering countries becomes standard response for latecomers. As a result, countries show similar patterns and timing in policy implementation. However, convergent trends are moderated by countries’ specificities that mediate the effects of policy change on national systems of innovation

    Microvascularization of the human digit as studied by corrosion casting

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    The aim of this study was to describe microcirculation in the human digit, focusing on the vascular patterns of its cutaneous and subcutaneous areas. We injected a functional supranumerary human thumb (Wassel type IV) with a low-viscosity acrylic resin through its digital artery. The tissues around the vessels were then digested in hot alkali and the resulting casts treated for scanning electron microscopy. We concentrated on six different areas: the palmar and dorsal side of the skin, the eponychium, the perionychium, the nail bed and the nail root. On the palmar side, many vascular villi were evident: these capillaries followed the arrangement of the fingerprint lines, whereas on the dorsal side they were scattered irregularly inside the dermal papillae. In the hypodermal layer of the palmar area, vascular supports of sweat glands and many arteriovenous anastomoses were visible, along with glomerular-shaped vessels involved in thermic regulation and tactile function. In the eponychium and perionychium, the vascular villi followed the direction of nail growth. In the face of the eponychium in contact with the nail, a wide-mesh net of capillaries was evident. In the nail bed, the vessels were arranged in many longitudinal trabeculae parallel to the major axis of the digit. In the root of the nail, we found many columnar vessels characterized by multiple angiogenic buttons on their surface

    The combined cartilage growth – calcification patterns in the wing-fins of Rajidae (Chondrichthyes): A divergent model from endochondral ossification of tetrapods

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    The relationship between cartilage growth – mineralization patterns were studied in adult Rajidae with X-ray morphology/morphometry, undecalcified resin-embedded, heat-deproteinated histology and scanning electron microscopy. Morphometry of the wing-fins, nine central rays of the youngest and oldest specimens documented a significant decrement of radials mean length between inner, middle and outer zones, but without a regular progression along the ray. This suggests that single radial length growth is regulated in such a way to align inter-radial joints parallel to the wing metapterygia curvature. Trans-illumination and heat-deproteination techniques showed polygonal and cylindrical morphotypes of tesserae, whose aligned pattern ranged from mono-columnar, bi-columnar, and multi-columnar up to the crustal-like layout. Histology of tessellated cartilage allowed to identify of zones of the incoming mineral deposition characterized by enhanced duplication rate of chondrocytes with the formation of isogenic groups, whose morphology and topography suggested a relationship with the impending formation of the radials calcified column. The morphotype and layout of radial tesserae were related to mechanical demands (stiffening) and the size/mass of the radial cartilage body. The cartilage calcification pattern of the batoids model shares several morphological features with tetrapods' endochondral ossification, that is, (chondrocytes' high duplication rate, alignment in rows, increased volume of chondrocyte lacunae), but without the typical geometry of the metaphyseal growth plates

    Correlative Microscopy Of Bone In Implant Osteointegration Studies.

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    Routine morphological analyses usually include investigations by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Each of these techniques provides specific information on tissue morphology and all the obtained results are then combined to give an in-depth morphological overview of the examined sample. The limitations of this traditional comparative microscopy lie in the fact that each technique requires a different experimental sample, so that many specimens are necessary and the combined results come from different samples. The present study describes a technical procedure of correlative microscopy, which allows us to examine the same bone section first by LM and then, after appropriate processing, by SEM or TEM. Thanks to the possibility of analyzing the same undecalcified bone sections both by LM and SEM, the approach described in the present study allows us to make very accurate evaluations of old/new bone morphology at the bone-implant interface
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