193 research outputs found

    Efficient Reordered Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel Solvers With Higher Order For Black-Oil Models

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    The fully implicit method is the most commonly used approach to solve black-oil problems in reservoir simulation. The method requires repeated linearization of large nonlinear systems and produces ill-condi\-tioned linear systems. We present a strategy to reduce computational time that relies on two key ideas: (\textit{i}) a sequential formulation that decouples flow and transport into separate subproblems, and (\textit{ii}) a highly efficient Gauss--Seidel solver for the transport problems. This solver uses intercell fluxes to reorder the grid cells according to their upstream neighbors, and groups cells that are mutually dependent because of counter-current flow into local clusters. The cells and local clusters can then be solved in sequence, starting from the inflow and moving gradually downstream, since each new cell or local cluster will only depend on upstream neighbors that have already been computed. Altogether, this gives optimal localization and control of the nonlinear solution process. This method has been successfully applied to real-field problems using the standard first-order finite volume discretization. Here, we extend the idea to first-order dG methods on fully unstructured grids. We also demonstrate proof of concept for the reordering idea by applying it to the full simulation model of the Norne oil field, using a prototype variant of the open-source OPM Flow simulator.Comment: Comput Geosci (2019

    Determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among children and adolescents: a review of the literature. Part II: qualitative studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Large proportions of children do not fulfil the World Health Organization recommendation of eating at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables (FV) per day. To promote an increased FV intake among children it is important to identify factors which influence their consumption. Both qualitative and quantitative studies are needed. Earlier reviews have analysed evidence from quantitative studies. The aim of this paper is to present a systematic review of qualitative studies of determinants of children's FV intake.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Relevant studies were identified by searching Anthropology Plus, Cinahl, CSA illumine, Embase, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Medline, PsycINFO, and Web of Science using combinations of synonyms for FV intake, children/adolescents and qualitative methods as search terms. The literature search was completed by December 1st 2010. Papers were included if they applied qualitative methods to investigate 6-18-year-olds' perceptions of factors influencing their FV consumption. Quantitative studies, review studies, studies reported in other languages than English, and non-peer reviewed or unpublished manuscripts were excluded. The papers were reviewed systematically using standardised templates for summary of papers, quality assessment, and synthesis of findings across papers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The review included 31 studies, mostly based on US populations and focus group discussions. The synthesis identified the following potential determinants for FV intake which supplement the quantitative knowledge base: Time costs; lack of taste guarantee; satiety value; appropriate time/occasions/settings for eating FV; sensory and physical aspects; variety, visibility, methods of preparation; access to unhealthy food; the symbolic value of food for image, gender identity and social interaction with peers; short term outcome expectancies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The review highlights numerous potential determinants which have not been investigated thoroughly in quantitative studies. Future large scale quantitative studies should attempt to quantify the importance of these factors. Further, mechanisms behind gender, age and socioeconomic differences in FV consumption are proposed which should be tested quantitatively in order to better tailor interventions to vulnerable groups. Finally, the review provides input to the conceptualisation and measurements of concepts (i.e. peer influence, availability in schools) which may refine survey instruments and theoretical frameworks concerning eating behaviours.</p

    Determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among children and adolescents: a review of the literature. Part I: quantitative studies

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    BACKGROUND: In order to more effectively promote fruit and vegetable intake among children and adolescents, insight into determinants of intake is necessary. We conducted a review of the literature for potential determinants of fruit and vegetable intake in children and adolescents. METHODS: Papers were identified from Medline and PsycINFO by using all combinations of the search terms: "fruit(s) or vegetable(s)" and "children or adolescents". Quantitative research examining determinants of fruit and/or vegetable intake among children and adolescents aged 6–18 years were included. The selection and review process was conducted according to a four-step protocol resulting in information on country, population, design, methodology, theoretical basis, instrument used for measuring intake, statistical analysis, included independent variables, and effect sizes. RESULTS: Ninety-eight papers were included. A large number of potential determinants have been studied among children and adolescents. However, for many presumed determinants convincing evidence is lacking, mostly because of paucity of studies. The determinants best supported by evidence are: age, gender, socio-economic position, preferences, parental intake, and home availability/accessibility. Girls and younger children tend to have a higher or more frequent intake than boys and older children. Socio-economic position, preferences, parental intake, and home availability/accessibility are all consistently positively associated with intake. CONCLUSION: The determinants most consistently supported by evidence are gender, age, socio-economic position, preferences, parental intake and home availability/accessibility. There is a need for internationally comparative, longitudinal, theory-based and multi-level studies taking both personal and environmental factors into account. This paper is published as part of the special Pro Children series in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Please see [] for the relevant editorial

    Personal, social and environmental correlates of vegetable intake in normal weight and overweight 9 to 13-year old boys

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    BACKGROUND: The first aim of the present study was to investigate differences in correlates of vegetable intake between the normal weight and the overweight boys in the Pro Children Cross Sectional Study. The second aim was to explore whether the association between vegetable intake and potential correlates is different in overweight boys compared with normal weight boys. METHODS: Random samples of mainly 11-year old children were recruited in 9 European countries. The total sample size consisted of 3960 boys (16.5% overweight). A validated self-report questionnaire was used to measure vegetable intake, and personal, social and environmental factors related to vegetable intake in the classroom. Weight and height were reported by the parents of the children in parents' questionnaires. RESULTS: Regression analyses explained 23% to 28% of the variance in vegetable intake by potential correlates. Liking, self-efficacy and bringing vegetables to school were related to intake in both normal weight and overweight boys (β's>0.10). Active parental encouragement and availability at home was only related to intake in overweight boys (β's>0.10), whereas knowledge about recommendations was only related to vegetable consumption in normal weight boys (β>0.10) CONCLUSION: Intervention strategies to increase vegetable intake should focus on increase in liking and preferences, increase in self-efficacy, and increase in bringing vegetables to school in both normal weight and overweight boys. Further research should investigate whether advising parents of overweight boys to encourage their child to eat vegetables every day, to insist as far as possible that their child eats vegetables regularly and to make vegetables easily available at home is effective in changing vegetable intake

    EPJ-Obervatoriet:statusrapport 2002

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    Effect of Intensive Multifactorial Treatment Compared With Routine Care on Aortic Stiffness and Central Blood Pressure Among Individuals With Screen-Detected Type 2 Diabetes:The ADDITION-Denmark study

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    OBJECTIVE: Diabetes is associated with increased brachial and central blood pressure and aortic stiffness. We examined the effect of intensive multifactorial treatment in general practice on indices of peripheral and central hemodynamics among patients with screen-detected diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: As part of a population-based screening and intervention study in general practice, 1,533 Danes aged 40–69 years were clinically diagnosed with screen-detected diabetes. General practitioners were randomized to provide intensive multifactorial treatment or routine care. After a mean follow-up of 6.2 years, an unselected subsample of 456 patients underwent central hemodynamic assessments by applanation tonometry. Central pressure was derived from the radial pulse wave. Aortic stiffness was assessed as carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (aPWV). The intervention effect on each index of central hemodynamics was analyzed by mixed-effects models adjusted for heart rate, cluster randomization, age, and sex. RESULTS: At screening, median age was 59.2 years (interquartile range 55.2–64.6); 289 patients (63%) were in the intensive treatment group, and 278 patients (61%) were men. Patients in the intensive treatment group had a 0.51 m/s (95% CI −0.96 to −0.05, P = 0.03) lower aPWV compared with routine care. Respective differences for central augmentation index (−0.84% [−2.54 to 0.86]), pulse pressure (0.28 mmHg [−1.75 to 2.32]), and systolic (−1.42 mmHg [−4.47 to 1.64]) and diastolic (−1.79 mmHg [−3.72 to 0.14]) blood pressure were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Intensive multifactorial treatment of screen-detected diabetes during 6 years in general practice has a significant impact on aortic stiffness, whereas the effects on other hemodynamic measures are smaller and not statistically significant

    The application of a social cognition model in explaining fruit intake in Austrian, Norwegian and Spanish schoolchildren using structural equation modelling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this paper was to test the goodness of fit of the Attitude – Social influence – self-Efficacy (ASE) model in explaining schoolchildren's intentions to eat fruit and their actual fruit intake in Austria, Norway and Spain; to assess how well the model could explain the observed variance in intention to eat fruit and in reported fruit intake and to investigate whether the same model would fit data from all three countries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Samples consisted of schoolchildren from three of the countries participating in the cross-sectional part of the Pro Children project. Sample size varied from 991 in Austria to 1297 in Spain. Mean age ranged from 11.3 to 11.4 years. The initial model was designed using items and constructs from the Pro Children study. Factor analysis was conducted to test the structure of the measures in the model. The Norwegian sample was used to test the latent variable structure, to make a preliminary assessment of model fit, and to modify the model to increase goodness of fit with the data. The original and modified models were then applied to the Austrian and Spanish samples. All model analyses were carried out using structural equation modelling techniques.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The ASE-model fitted the Norwegian and Spanish data well. For Austria, a slightly more complex model was needed. For this reason multi-sample analysis to test equality in factor structure and loadings across countries could not be used. The models explained between 51% and 69% of the variance in intention to eat fruit, and 27% to 38% of the variance in reported fruit intake.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Structural equation modelling showed that a rather parsimonious model was useful in explaining the variation in fruit intake of 11-year-old schoolchildren in Norway and Spain. For Austria, more modifications were needed to fit the data.</p

    The Open Porous Media Flow Reservoir Simulator

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    The Open Porous Media (OPM) initiative is a community effort that encourages open innovation and reproducible research for simulation of porous media processes. OPM coordinates collaborative software development, maintains and distributes open-source software and open data sets, and seeks to ensure that these are available under a free license in a long-term perspective. In this paper, we present OPM Flow, which is a reservoir simulator developed for industrial use, as well as some of the individual components used to make OPM Flow. The descriptions apply to the 2019.10 release of OPM.Comment: 43 pages, 22 figure