313 research outputs found

    Determinants of environmental degradation: reflections on the impact of identified economic variables on the environment

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    Purpose. The main objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of environmental degradation within the broader framework of the environmental Kuznets Curve analysis. To better understand the economic impact on the environment, the study focuses on the relationship between carbon emission and the variables income per capita, trade openness, foreign direct investment, energy use and urbanization. Methods. In the context of the dynamic carbon emission model a Generalized-Method-of-Moments (GMM) technique was used to analyse World Bank of 125 countries for the period 2000 to 2014. This era was chosen as the most appropriate given the completeness of the dataset. Findings. The findings indicate that economic growth and energy use are significant variables in explaining environmental degradation, supporting previous research in to the particularly negative impact of energy use on the environment. The research however, found that urbanisation had only marginal significance in explaining the impact on the environment. Originality. The findings contribute to existing research in the area of environmental degradation, providing insight into the debate surrounding urbanisation and CO2 emission which had previously received mixed results. The findings take research forward through the examination of explanatory variables and their respective impact on CO2 emission in countries which have observed an increase in the number of urban dwellers. Practical implications. Given the debate in academic and practitioner literature around climate change, pollution and a general concern over a lack of collective action to address environmental concerns, the findings have practical implications for government institutions and businesses to better understand the economic impact on the environment.Мета. Визначення факторів, які викликають екологічну деградацію довкілля в широкому контексті екологічної кривої Кузнеця, на основі вивчення взаємозв’язку між вуглецевими викидами і такими змінними як дохід на душу населення, відкритість торгівлі, прямі іноземні інвестиції, використання енергії та урбанізація. Методика. Для побудови динамічної моделі вуглецевої емісії були використані дані Всесвітнього банку по 125 країнам у період з 2000 по 2014 роки, проаналізовані за допомогою узагальненого методу моментів. Даний проміжок часу був обраний як той, що найбільш повно представляє базу даних. Результати. Встановлено, що економічне зростання і використання енергії є найсуттєвішими факторами, які визначають екологічну деградацію, що підтверджується більш ранніми дослідженнями негативного впливу використання енергії на навколишнє середовище. Виявлено, що урбанізація впливає на стан навколишнього середовища тільки побічно. Рекомендовано в наступних дослідженнях розглянути інші заходи для уявлення урбанізації, а саме можливість вивчення даних по великих містах, а не по країнам. Такий підхід може дати додаткове уявлення про вплив урбанізації та можливих відмінностей між містами і регіонами. Наукова новизна. Отримано нові знання щодо оцінки впливу урбанізації та вуглецевих викидів на навколишнє природне середовище, які раніше мали неоднозначні результати. Прогрес у вивченні даних проблем було досягнуто за рахунок аналізу ключових змінних і їх впливу на емісію CO2 в країнах, де спостерігається зростання міського населення. Практична значимість. Результати дослідження мають істотне практичне значення для державних установ та бізнесових структур, оскільки допомагають краще зрозуміти сутність економічного впливу на навколишнє середовище і вносять вклад у вирішення проблеми екологічної деградації.Цель. Определение факторов, вызывающих экологическую деградацию окружающей среды в широком контексте экологической кривой Кузнеца, на основе изучения взаимосвязи между углеродными выбросами и такими переменными как доход на душу населения, открытость торговли, прямые иностранные инвестиции, использование энергии и урбанизация. Методика. Для построения динамической модели углеродной эмиссии были использованы данные Всемирного банка по 125 странам в период с 2000 по 2014 годы, проанализированные при помощи обобщенного метода моментов. Данный промежуток времени был выбран как наиболее полно представляющий базу данных. Результаты. Установлено, что экономический рост и использование энергии являются самыми существенными факторами, определяющими экологическую деградацию, что подтверждается более ранними исследованиями негативного влияния использования энергии на окружающую среду. Выявлено, что урбанизация воздействует на состояние окружающей среды только косвенно. Рекомендовано в следующих исследованиях рассмотреть другие меры для представления урбанизации, а именно возможность изучения данных по крупным городам, а не по странам. Такой подход может дать дополнительное представление о влиянии урбанизации и возможных различий между городами и регионами. Научная новизна. Получены новые знания касательно оценки влияния урбанизации и углеродных выбросов на окружающую природную среду, которые ранее имели неоднозначные результаты. Прогресс в изучении данных проблем был достигнут за счет анализа ключевых переменных и их влияния на эмиссию CO2 в странах, где наблюдается рост городского населения. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования имеют существенное практическое значение для государственных учреждений и бизнес структур, поскольку помогают лучше понять сущность экономического воздействия на окружающую среду и вносят вклад в решение проблемы экологической деградации.The authors would like to thank Taylor’s University for funding this research project (Source of funding: TRGS (Taylor’s Research Grant Scheme); Grant Project Code: TRGS/ERFS/1/2018/TBS/009)

    Non-Delayed Heat Application Effects on The Strength of Concrete For Railway Sleepers

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    Precast concrete sleepers production requires the application of low-pressure steam curing to accelerate the early age strength development. In this curing process, heat is gradually applied to the sleepers after 2 hours from casting. A typical production specification for concrete sleepers limits the rate of temperature rise to 24oC per hour and the maximum temperature to 70oC. However, it is not usual to consider heat application immediately after casting to achieve improved productivity to meet the supply demand. This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation into the effect of non-delayed heat application on the early age and later age compressive strength for the typical concrete mixes used for the production of concrete sleepers in Australia. The mixes had either ordinary Portland cement or high early-age strength Portland cement with the low calcium fly ash as binder materials. The results showed that the compressive strength after 8 hours and 28 days were significantly reduced when non-delayed heat application was carried out. Delayed ettringite formation (DEF) could be one of the reasons for the strength reductions and a delayed period up to 4 hours is beneficial in controlling the strength loss

    The economic antecedents of human well being: a pooled mean group estimation of dynamic heterogeneous panel

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    This study seeks to investigate the economic antecedents of happiness by employing the Mean Group (MG), Pooled Mean Group (PMG) and the Dynamic Fixed Effects (DFE) estimators to analyse a set of macro panel data on selected OECD countries for 40 years from 1973 to 2012. The results show evidence that income and unemployment have a favourable impact on happiness, while happiness is hindered by inflation and income inequality. Surprisingly, the study revealed that institutional quality is not a significant antecedent of happiness. It is worth noting the importance of the reference group theory or relative theory of happiness and the set-point theory of happiness in explaining the role played by income, unemployment, inflation, income inequality and institutional quality in explaining human well-being

    Firm size, technological capability, exports and economic performance: the case of electronics industry in Malaysia

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    This paper examines the joint effects of technology and exports on the economic performances of electronics firms in Malaysia. The empirical results based on the Partial Least Square (PLS) estimate procedure show that technological capability plays a multiple role in that it influences both the exports and performance of a firm simultaneously. More importantly, we find evidence that exports act as a mediating variable between technological capability and firm performance. Size is found to influence all three: product capabilities, exports and firm performance but not process capabilities. This paper concludes that researchers, in future studies, need to examine the dynamism between size, technology, exports and performance

    Malaysian Manufacturing Systems of Innovation and Internationalization of R&D

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    The study of innovation and technological upgrading experienced a significant interest in the academic literature, especially within the developing countries (Lall, 1998, 2001; Kim and Nelson, 2000; Ariffin and Figueiredo, 2004). The lack of involvement by developing countries in radical innovative capabilities (Rasiah, 1994; Hobday, 2005) and the interest of scholars in learning technological capability building and technological catch up processes has directed researchers to analyze various mechanisms or drivers that contribute to technological upgrading, especially in developing countries, more so in the manufacturing sector. This study aims to investigate the R&D activities and the internationalization of these activities undertaken by foreign firms within the Malaysian manufacturing sector. The study aims to provide answers to the following questions: 1. What is the status of the systems of innovation within the Malaysian manufacturing sector? 2. What is the role played by the agents of innovation, in particular TNCs or MNCs, in relation to R&D activities and its internationalization? and, 3. How is the Malaysian manufacturing (local and foreign) technological and R&D progress to date? This study confirms that the Malaysian manufacturing systems of innovation is weakly positioned but shows limited evidence of process innovation and not product innovation. However, evidence of innovation differs among states and sectors owing to differences in the systems of innovation. Although, Malaysia has not been chosen as a site for offshoring or outsorcing of R&D activities to a significant degree, it is found that one very important driver of innovation is the central role that multinational enterprises play in the Malaysian manufacturing systems of innovation. Process innovation is conducted by foreign subsidiaries and is on the rise in key the electronics industry. It is also found that technological learning by local firms is mainly through linkages, sub-contracting and technological transfer

    Surface modification of bamboo fibers using chitosan and functionalization with AuNPs

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    In this work, a new surface modification of the bamboo substrate with chitosan was studied, followed by subsequent treatment with gold nanoparticles (AuNP) by the exhaustion method, aiming at obtaining a technical textile with ultraviolet (UV) protection. The treatment with chitosan in the bamboo substrate induced an increase in the AuNP adsorption due to the electrostatic interactions between the chitosan amino groups and the citrate ion that surrounds the AuNP. The nanoparticles were obtained by the chemical reduction method, with some adaptations, using sodium citrate as a reducing agent/stabilizer and chlorouronic acid as precursor. The AuNP were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and reflection, showing an average size of 35 nm. The presence of AuNP on the fiber surface was confirmed by SEM and XRD, with crystallographic peaks characteristic of gold. The UV protection factor was tested on the material, demonstrating excellent results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does economic development and democracy translate to happiness? a global perspective

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    This paper explores the relatively intriguing area of research on the “economics of happiness”. The present study was designed to determine the effects of economic development and democratic freedom on happiness. A cross-sectional econometric analysis is employed to examine the impact of the economic variables of income and democracy on happiness across thirty eight countries in 2011. Democracy and economic development were found to contribute positively to happiness. The findings also indicate a bi-directional relationship between happiness and its dual determinants of income and democratic freedom. It was found that countries reporting higher levels of well-being tend to enjoy higher incomes and seem to choose democracy over other political overtures. Institutions of democracy were found to enhance economic development and this relationship is bi-directional. The study concludes with an examination of policy implications of the findings

    Multifunctional chitosan/gold nanoparticles coatings for biomedical textiles

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), chemically synthesized by citrate reduction, were for the first time immobilized onto chitosan‐treated soybean knitted fabric via exhaustion method. AuNPs were successfully produced in the form of highly spherical, moderated polydisperse, stable structures. Their average size was estimated at ≈35 nm. Successful immobilization of chitosan and AuNPs were confirmed by alterations in the fabric’s spectrophotometric reflectance spectrum and by detection of nitrogen and gold, non‐conjugated C=O stretching vibrations of carbonyl functional groups and residual N‐acetyl groups characteristic bands by X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier‐Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. XPS analysis confirms the strong binding of AuNPs on the chitosan matrix. The fabrics’ thermal stability increased with the introduction of both chitosan and AuNPs. Coated fabrics revealed an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of +50, which established their effectiveness in ultraviolet (UV) radiation shielding. They were also found to resist up to 5 washing cycles with low loss of immobilized AuNPs. Compared with AuNPs or chitosan alone, the combined functionalized coating on soy fabrics demonstrated an improved antimicrobial effect by reducing Staphylococcus aureus adhesion (99.94%) and Escherichia coli (96.26%). Overall, the engineered fabrics were confirmed as multifunctional, displaying attractive optical properties, UV‐light protection and important antimicrobial features, that increase their interest for potential biomedical applications.: This research was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Program – COMPETE and by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) under the project POCI‐ 01‐0145‐FEDER‐007136 and UID/CTM/00264/2019. A. Zille also acknowledges financial support of the FCT through an Investigator FCT Research contract (IF/00071/2015) and the project PTDC/CTM‐TEX/28295/2017 financed by FCT, FEDER and POCI. This work was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Program – COMPETE and by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)—under the project POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007136 and UID/CTM/00264/2019. A. Zille also acknowledges financial support of the FCT through an Investigator FCT Research contract (IF/00071/2015) and the project PTDC/CTM‐ TEX/28295/2017 financed by FCT, FEDER and POCI

    The Impact of Reading Habits and Their Antecedents on The Subjective WellBeing of Malaysian Youths

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    Purpose The well-being of youths is a crucial concern, and the pandemic has further expatiated their well-being There is a need to foster positive well-being among youths experiencing a rapid developmental change in their lives and choosing their environments which can be accomplished through reading. The goal of this study was to determine the perceived influence of reading attitude, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norm on adolescents' reading habits and the relationship between reading habits and subjective well-being among youths aged 15 to 24 in East and West Malaysia. Methodology The current study used a survey questionnaire gathered from 813 responders from East and West Malaysia and the analysis utilized AMOS-Structural Equation Modeling. Findings The data reveal that reading attitude and subjective norms positively and significantly influence reading habits, although perceived behavioural control has a detrimental effect. In addition, the findings support the mediation of reading habits in the relationship between reading attitude and subjective well-being and between perceived behavioural control and subjective well-being. Implications to Research and Practice This study would provide educators and policymakers with insight into the most effective strategies for instilling good reading habits in youths by transforming the curriculum and what happens inside the classroom to provide much-needed valuable classroom time to engage youth in readin