656 research outputs found

    Diet-dependent immunohistochemical evaluation of connexin 43 in the sheep rumen

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    The objective of this study was to characterize the immunohistochemical localization of plasma membrane connexin 43 in the rumen of sheep after changing the diet from hay (ad libitum) to a mixed hay/concentrate diet. A total of 24 sheep were fed mixed hay/concentrate for different periods ranging from 0 weeks (control; hay ad libitum) to 12 weeks (1-1.5 kg hay plus 780 g concentrate per day in two equal portions). Using immunohistochemical technique the present study confirmed the existence of plasma membrane connexin 43 in the sheep rumen epithelium. Plasma membrane connexin 43 immunostaining was most intense at the stratum basale and stratum spinosum (suprabasal layer) and decreased iron intensity through stratum spinosum (superficial layers) to stratum granulosum. Meanwhile, stratum corneum was negative. The reaction around the cells gave a syncitial appearance with more apical-immunostaining concentration. Moreover, the present study confirmed a significant effect of concentrate diet on the immunoreactivity of plasma membrane connexin 43 in the rumen of sheep. A very strong degree of antibody reaction was seen in 4 to 12 weeks concentrate-fed groups

    Law, State Power, and Taxation in Islamic History

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    This paper studies the unique nature, institutional roots, and economic consequences of the ruler’s political power in Islamic History. An influential interest group in Islamic societies has been the legal community, whose power could range from being able to regulate the rulers to being entirely under their control. The struggle was over the provision of legal goods and services, the legal community gradually gaining control of the law in history and the rulers seeking to appropriate political power by controlling the legal community. The economic consequence of power was the ability to dictate the choice of tax bases and rates.state power, taxation, political economy, Islamic Law, legal community

    The Value of Customer Relationship Management in the Service Industry in Egypt

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    Researchers have demonstrated that customer centricity strategies, including customer relationship management (CRM), contribute to 33% of the formula for organizational success. Relationship management theory was used to frame this single case study focused on the factors contributing to successful CRM strategies used by business leaders in a multinational organization in the service industry in Egypt. This company was chosen for its successful implementation of CRM strategies, as shown by online reviews, the company website, and market reputation on its effective campaing results. The population consisted of managers working in the marketing department for more than 5 years. Data collection included semistructured interviews, review of company documents, and onsite observation. Transcribed interviews, company documents, and observational notes were coded for emergent themes. Member checking was used to increase the credibility of the findings. Findings suggested 7 themes that contributed to effective the CRM strategies of this single operation: improving the customer experience, customer segmentation and targeting, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, organization, market differentiation, sophisticated technical capability, and increasing revenue and profitability. The results from this study may influence social change by helping to create a positive work culture for the employees in this company. Research has shown that customer empowering behaviours positively affect employee creativity, satisfaction, and trust, creating a positive work environment. In addition, these positive changes to the work enviornment may in turn strengthen this organization\u27s sustainability and ability to engage directly in community outreach


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    ABSTRACT: The study was conducted from November 2021 to May 2022 at the three study sites within the Baghdad governorate. The study aims to identify the impact of human activities on the Tigris River, so an area free of human activities was chosen and represented the first site. A total of 48 types were diagnosed, 6204 ind/m3 spread over three sites. The following environmental indicators were evaluated: Constancy Index (S), Relative abundance index (Ra), Richness Index (between 17.995 and 23.251), Shannon Weiner Index (0.48-1.25 bit/ind.), Uniformity Index (0.124 -0.323). The study showed that the highest percentage recorded was for the phylum Annileda 34%; and the stability index shows that taxes (Stylaria sp., Aoelosoma sp., Branchinra sowerby, Chrironomidae sp.) found by 100%, the relative abundance index show that Taxes (Seinura sp. 46% in site 2)(Other nematodes - 43% in site 3; and42% in site 1),(Physa sp. 41% in site 1). The physical and chemical factors were measured BOD between (4.4- 1 mg L-1), DO (10.3-8.3 mg L-1), E.C (893-532 ‰), NO3 (3.12-1 mg L-1), O.M (4.76-1 %), pH (6.8-7.5), PO4 (0.39-0.1 mg L-1), S (0.340-0.571 %), T.H. (321-489 mg L-1), TDS (450-276 mg L-1), Turb (6.3-3.4 mg L-1), C.W. (0.97-0.51 m sec-1), W.T. (13-7 D°). Keywords: environmental monitoring; water quality; aquatic macroinvertebrates.   Invertebrados bentônicos em três locais do Rio Tigres, Bagdá, Iraque   RESUMO: O estudo foi realizado de novembro de 2021 a maio de 2022, em três locais na província de Bagdá, objetivando identificar o impacto das atividades humanas no Rio Tigre; nesse caso, foi escolhida uma área livre de atividades humanas – representando o ponto de coleta 1. Foram diagnosticados 48 tipos, 6.204 ind/m3 distribuídos em três locais. Foram avaliados os seguintes indicadores ambientais: índice de constância (S), Índice de Abundância Relativa (Ra), Índice de Riqueza entre (17.995-23.251), Shannon Weiner Índice (0,48-1,25 bit/ind.), índice de uniformidade (0,124 -0,323) e índice de estabilidade. O estudo mostrou que o maior percentual registrado foi para o filo Annileda 34%; e o índice de estabilidade mostra que os macroinvertebrados  (Stylaria sp., Aoelosoma sp., Branchinra sowerby, Chrironomidae sp.) encontrados em 100%, o índice de abundância relativa mostra que os impostos (Seinura sp. 46%, no local 2) (Outros nematóides - 43 % no local 3; e 42% no local 1),(Physa sp. 41% no local 1). Os fatores físicos e químicos medidos apresentaram os seguintes resultados: BOD entre (4.4- 1 mg L-1), DO (10.3-8.3 mg L-1), E.C (893-532 ‰), NO3 (3.12-1 mg L-1), O.M (4.76-1 %), pH (6.8-7.5), PO4 (0.39-0.1 mg L-1), S (0.340-0.571 %), T.H. (321-489 mg L-1), TDS (450-276 mg L-1), Turb (6.3-3.4 mg L-1), C.W. (0.97-0.51 m sec-1), W.T. (13-7 D°). Palavras-chave:  monitoramento ambiental; qualidade da água; macroinvertebraABSTRACT: The study was conducted from November 2021 to May 2022 at the three study sites within the Baghdad governorate. The study aims to identify the impact of human activities on the Tigris River, so an area free of human activities was chosen and represented the first site. A total of 48 types were diagnosed, 6204 ind/m3 spread over three sites. The following environmental indicators were evaluated: Constancy Index (S), Relative abundance index (Ra), Richness Index (between 17.995 and 23.251), Shannon Weiner Index (0.48-1.25 bit/ind.), Uniformity Index (0.124 -0.323). The study showed that the highest percentage recorded was for the phylum Annileda 34%; and the stability index shows that taxes (Stylaria sp., Aoelosoma sp., Branchinra sowerby, Chrironomidae sp.) found by 100%, the relative abundance index show that Taxes (Seinura sp. 46% in site 2)(Other nematodes - 43% in site 3; and42% in site 1),(Physa sp. 41% in site 1). The physical and chemical factors were measured BOD between (4.4- 1 mg L-1), DO (10.3-8.3 mg L-1), E.C (893-532 ‰), NO3 (3.12-1 mg L-1), O.M (4.76-1 %), pH (6.8-7.5), PO4 (0.39-0.1 mg L-1), S (0.340-0.571 %), T.H. (321-489 mg L-1), TDS (450-276 mg L-1), Turb (6.3-3.4 mg L-1), C.W. (0.97-0.51 m sec-1), W.T. (13-7 D°). Keywords: environmental monitoring; water quality; aquatic macroinvertebrates.   Invertebrados bentônicos em três locais do Rio Tigres, Bagdá, Iraque   RESUMO: O estudo foi realizado de novembro de 2021 a maio de 2022, em três locais na província de Bagdá, objetivando identificar o impacto das atividades humanas no Rio Tigre; nesse caso, foi escolhida uma área livre de atividades humanas – representando o ponto de coleta 1. Foram diagnosticados 48 tipos, 6.204 ind/m3 distribuídos em três locais. Foram avaliados os seguintes indicadores ambientais: índice de constância (S), Índice de Abundância Relativa (Ra), Índice de Riqueza entre (17.995-23.251), Shannon Weiner Índice (0,48-1,25 bit/ind.), índice de uniformidade (0,124 -0,323) e índice de estabilidade. O estudo mostrou que o maior percentual registrado foi para o filo Annileda 34%; e o índice de estabilidade mostra que os macroinvertebrados  (Stylaria sp., Aoelosoma sp., Branchinra sowerby, Chrironomidae sp.) encontrados em 100%, o índice de abundância relativa mostra que os impostos (Seinura sp. 46%, no local 2) (Outros nematóides - 43 % no local 3; e 42% no local 1),(Physa sp. 41% no local 1). Os fatores físicos e químicos medidos apresentaram os seguintes resultados: BOD entre (4.4- 1 mg L-1), DO (10.3-8.3 mg L-1), E.C (893-532 ‰), NO3 (3.12-1 mg L-1), O.M (4.76-1 %), pH (6.8-7.5), PO4 (0.39-0.1 mg L-1), S (0.340-0.571 %), T.H. (321-489 mg L-1), TDS (450-276 mg L-1), Turb (6.3-3.4 mg L-1), C.W. (0.97-0.51 m sec-1), W.T. (13-7 D°). Palavras-chave:  monitoramento ambiental; qualidade da água; macroinvertebrados aquáticos

    Murder Frontiers and Guilty Identities: “Moors” and “Blacks” in the Spanish Literature of the New Millennium

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    La heterogeneidad y el hibridismo que caracterizan a la sociedad española actual, frente al etnocentrismo de antaño, dejan sus claras huellas en la producción narrativa de los dos últimos lustros. Intentaremos en este trabajo estudiar el impacto que este nuevo fenómeno social y político deja en la novela española actual, a la luz de lo que, tanto la herencia árabe, musulmana y africana, como el orientalismo, dejan en el imaginario español.The heterogeneity and the hybridism that characterize the present Spanish society, as opposed to the ethnocentrism of long ago, leaves their clear marks in the narrative production of the two last lustrums. In this work we will try to study the impact of the new social and political phenomenon on the present Spanish novel guided by what Arabic, Muslim and African heritage and the orientalism leave in the Spanish imaginary

    Evaluation of Electronic Management in Administrative Units at the International University of Africa

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    This was study aimed at evaluating and activating the role of electronic management in the International University of Africa and knowing the fields in which electronic management was applied, and to reveal the difficulties that hindered the application of the electronic management system. A sample of the administrative staff and the statistical packages program (SPSS) were used to analyze the results, and the researcher followed the scientific management theory that aimed to reach an optimal work performance. Considering the results, the study showed that the role of electronic management in the university needed to be activated more because of the shortcomings in its activation in the management of personnel affairs, the university administration and student affairs in varying proportions that did  not achieve the required level represented in the absence of coordination between its units and the lack of knowledge of workers in this technology and it was applied in all areas of the university, and the existence of difficulties impeding the mechanism of its application. The expectations of this study lie in that it will practically contribute to the development of administrative units in Sudanese universities.
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