157 research outputs found
Observations and re-description of Zonosaurus boettgeri Steindachner 1891 and description of a second new species of long-tailed Zonosaurus from western Madagascar
Variation Longitudinale de LongĂ©vitĂ© de Furcifer Labordi et Analyse de Facteurs Ă lâOrigine de sa Longue DurĂ©e de vie dans la RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena-Morondava, Madagascar
LâespĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©on Furcifer labordi, bien connue pour son cycle biologique le plus court parmi les vertĂ©brĂ©s est distribuĂ©e dans la forĂȘt sĂšche du Sud-ouest de Madagascar entre les deux fleuves, Tsiribihina et Fiherenana. Toutefois, sa longĂ©vitĂ© varie selon lâaxe latitudinal. La population du nord, Ă Kirindy est capable de vivre plus longtemps que celle de la partie sud, Ă Ranobe. Les facteurs extrinsĂšques Ă lâorigine de cette variation ne sont pas encore dĂ©terminĂ©s. Nous avons menĂ© des Ă©tudes dans la RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena afin dâexplorer les paramĂštres Ă©cologiques dĂ©terminant cette longĂ©vitĂ©. Lâinvestigation a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la prĂ©sence d'un groupe particulier d'insectes ainsi que les caractĂ©ristiques de microhabitat, Ă savoir les couvertures de la canopĂ©e, le recouvrement et lâĂ©paisseur de la litiĂšre et la densitĂ© dâarbres de plus de 1 m de hauteur ont une influence sur la longĂ©vitĂ© de cette espĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©on. Par contre, aucune influence nâa Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e par la perturbation de l'habitat, lâabondance de prĂ©dateur comme les rapaces et la prĂ©sence dâun serpent prĂ©dateur.
The chameleon species Furcifer labordi, well known for its shortest life cycle among vertebrates, is distributed in the dry forest of southwestern Madagascar between Tsiribihina and Fiherenana rivers. However, this longevity varies along a latitudinal axis. The population in the north, in Kirindy, is able to live longer than that in the southern part, in Ranobe. The extrinsic factors responsible for this variation have not been yet identified. We have carried out studies in the Andranomena Special Reserve to explore the ecological parameters determining this longevity. The investigation revealed that the presence of a particular group of insects as well as the microhabitat characteristics including canopy covers, leaf litter cover and thickness as well as tree density greater than 1 m in height have an influence on the longevity of this chameleon species. On the other hand, no influence was observed by habitat disturbance, the abundance of predators such as raptors and the presence of a predatory snake
Variation de la DurĂ©e de Vie de Furcifer labordi en Fonction de Certains Facteurs dans la RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena, Morondava, Madagascar
LâespĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©on Furcifer labordi, bien connue pour son cycle biologique le plus court parmi les vertĂ©brĂ©s est distribuĂ©e dans la forĂȘt sĂšche du Sud-ouest de Madagascar entre les deux fleuves, Tsiribihina et Fiherenana. Toutefois, sa longĂ©vitĂ© varie selon la latitude. Les facteurs extrinsĂšques Ă lâorigine de cette variation ne sont pas encore dĂ©terminĂ©s. Des Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans la RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena afin dâexplorer les paramĂštres Ă©cologiques dĂ©terminant cette longĂ©vitĂ©. Des variables Ă©cologiques ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s dans la forĂȘt relativement intacte et en rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration de fĂ©vrier en juin 2020. Lâinvestigation a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la prĂ©sence d'un groupe particulier d'insectes ainsi que les caractĂ©ristiques de microhabitat, Ă savoir les couvertures de la canopĂ©e, le recouvrement et lâĂ©paisseur de la litiĂšre et la densitĂ© dâarbres de plus de 1 m de hauteur ont une influence sur la longĂ©vitĂ© de cette espĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©on. Par contre, aucune influence nâa Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e par la perturbation de l'habitat, lâabondance de prĂ©dateur comme les rapaces et la prĂ©sence dâun serpent prĂ©dateur.
The chameleon species Furcifer labordi, well known for its shortest life cycle among vertebrates, is distributed in the dry forest of southwestern Madagascar between Tsiribihina and Fiherenana rivers. However, this longevity varies according to latitude. The extrinsic factors responsible for this variation have not been yet identified. Studies have been carried out in the Andranomena Special Reserve to explore the ecological parameters determining this longevity. Ecological variables were collected in the relativity intact and regenerating forest from February to June 2020. The investigation revealed that the presence of a particular group of insects as well as the microhabitat characteristics including canopy covers, leaf litter cover and thickness as well as tree density greater than 1 m in height have an influence on the longevity of this chameleon species. On the other hand, no influence was observed by habitat disturbance, the abundance of predators such as raptors and the presence of a predatory snake
Variation Longitudinale de LongĂ©vitĂ© de Furcifer Labordi et Analyse de Facteurs Ă lâOrigine de sa Longue DurĂ©e de vie dans la RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena-Morondava, Madagascar
LâespĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©on Furcifer labordi, bien connue pour son cycle biologique le plus court parmi les vertĂ©brĂ©s est distribuĂ©e dans la forĂȘt sĂšche du Sud-ouest de Madagascar entre les deux fleuves, Tsiribihina et Fiherenana. Toutefois, sa longĂ©vitĂ© varie selon lâaxe latitudinal. La population du nord, Ă Kirindy est capable de vivre plus longtemps que celle de la partie sud, Ă Ranobe. Les facteurs extrinsĂšques Ă lâorigine de cette variation ne sont pas encore dĂ©terminĂ©s. Nous avons menĂ© des Ă©tudes dans la RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena afin dâexplorer les paramĂštres Ă©cologiques dĂ©terminant cette longĂ©vitĂ©. Lâinvestigation a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la prĂ©sence d'un groupe particulier d'insectes ainsi que les caractĂ©ristiques de microhabitat, Ă savoir les couvertures de la canopĂ©e, le recouvrement et lâĂ©paisseur de la litiĂšre et la densitĂ© dâarbres de plus de 1 m de hauteur ont une influence sur la longĂ©vitĂ© de cette espĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©on. Par contre, aucune influence nâa Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e par la perturbation de l'habitat, lâabondance de prĂ©dateur comme les rapaces et la prĂ©sence dâun serpent prĂ©dateur.
The chameleon species Furcifer labordi, well known for its shortest life cycle among vertebrates, is distributed in the dry forest of southwestern Madagascar between Tsiribihina and Fiherenana rivers. However, this longevity varies along a latitudinal axis. The population in the north, in Kirindy, is able to live longer than that in the southern part, in Ranobe. The extrinsic factors responsible for this variation have not been yet identified. We have carried out studies in the Andranomena Special Reserve to explore the ecological parameters determining this longevity. The investigation revealed that the presence of a particular group of insects as well as the microhabitat characteristics including canopy covers, leaf litter cover and thickness as well as tree density greater than 1 m in height have an influence on the longevity of this chameleon species. On the other hand, no influence was observed by habitat disturbance, the abundance of predators such as raptors and the presence of a predatory snake
Roles of a forest corridor between Marojejy, Anjanaharibe- Sud and Tsaratanana protected areas, northern Madagascar, in maintaining endemic and threatened Malagasy taxa
Site-based conservation is widely recognized as a fundamental requirement for the maintenance of biodiversity. We carried out a rapid biological assessment from 17 March to 14 May 2011 in the southwestern part of the provisionally protected rainforest corridor between Marojejy, Anjanaharibe-Sud and Tsaratanana protected areas (COMATSA), northern Madagascar, to assess its biodiversity richness and species conservation status. We recorded 248 endemic vertebrate species, including 80 amphibians, 52 reptiles, 79 birds, 27 small mammals and 10 lemurs. Of these 248 species, 36 are threatened including one Critically Endangered (one lemur), nine Endangered (two amphibians, four reptiles and three lemurs) and 26 Vulnerable (10 amphibians, six reptiles, four birds, one small mammal and five lemurs). For herpetofauna species, the pair COMATSAc âcMarojejy was the only site that had a similarity value greater than 0.50. For birds and lemurs, values of similarity in three pairs of sites COMATSAc âc Marojejy, COMATSA c âc Anjanaharibe-Sud and Marojejyc âc Anjanaharibe-Sud exceeded those of herpetofauna in COMATSAc âc Marojejy. The inclusion of the COMATSA into the new protected area network in Madagascar is supported by our findings. Il est dorĂ©navant largement reconnu que pour maintenir la biodiversitĂ©, il est fondamental de rĂ©aliser la conservation de la nature au niveau des sites. Un inventaire biologique rapide a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© du 17 mars au 14 mai 2011 dans la partie sud-ouest du couloir forestier reliant les parcs et rĂ©serves du Marojejy, dâAnjanaharibe- Sud et du Tsaratanana (COMATSA). Lâinventaire de ce couloir qui bĂ©nĂ©ficie dâun statut de protection temporaire dans la partie septentrionale de Madagascar, Ă©tait destinĂ© Ă Ă©valuer la richesse de sa biodiversitĂ© et le statut de conservation des espĂšces de vertĂ©brĂ©s quâil hĂ©berge. Les rĂ©sultats ont  montrĂ© que parmi les 248 espĂšces endĂ©miques de vertĂ©brĂ©s recensĂ©es, 80 sont des amphibiens, 52 des reptiles, 79 des oiseaux, 27 des petits mammifĂšres mammifĂšres et 10 des lĂ©muriens. Sur ces 248 espĂšces, 36 sont menacĂ©es, dont une espĂšce qui est en Danger Critique dâExtinction (lĂ©murien), neuf en Danger (deux amphibiens, quatre reptiles et trois lĂ©muriens) et 26 VulnĂ©rables (1 0 amphibiens, six reptiles, quatre oiseaux, un micromammifĂšre et cinq lĂ©muriens). Ce couloir forestier prĂ©sente un coefficient de similaritĂ© Ă©levĂ©, dâune valeur supĂ©rieure Ă 0.50 avec le Marojejy pour les amphibiens et les reptiles. Pour les oiseaux et les lĂ©muriens, les coefficients sont encore plus importants, plus particuliĂšrement dans les comparaisons COMATSAc âc Marojejy, COMATSAc âc Anjanaharibe- Sud et Marojejyc âc Anjanaharibe-Sud. Cette Ă©tude confirme lâimportance dâintĂ©grer le COMATSA dans le rĂ©seau des Aires ProtĂ©gĂ©es de Madagascar pour renforcer la protection des espĂšces de vertĂ©brĂ©s endĂ©miques et menacĂ©es
Perceived socio-economic impacts of the marbled crayfish invasion in Madagascar
The negative environmental and economic impacts of many invasive species are well known. However, given the increased homogenization of global biota, and the difficulty of eradicating species once established, a balanced approach to considering the impacts of invasive species is needed. The marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis) is a parthenogenetic freshwater crayfish that was first observed in Madagascar around 2005 and has spread rapidly. We present the results of a socio-economic survey (n = 385) in three regions of Madagascar that vary in terms of when the marbled crayfish first arrived. Respondents generally considered marbled crayfish to have a negative impact on rice agriculture and fishing, however the animals were seen as making a positive contribution to household economy and food security. Regression modeling showed that respondents in regions with longer experience of marbled crayfish have more positive perceptions. Unsurprisingly, considering the perception that crayfish negatively impact rice agriculture, those not involved in crayfish harvesting and trading had more negative views towards the crayfish than those involved in crayfish-related activities. Food preference ranking and market surveys revealed the acceptance of marbled crayfish as a cheap source of animal protein; a clear positive in a country with widespread malnutrition. While data on biodiversity impacts of the marbled crayfish invasion in Madagascar are still completely lacking, this study provides insight into the socio-economic impacts of the dramatic spread of this unique invasive species. "Biby kely tsy fantam-piaviana, mahavelona fianakaviana" (a small animal coming from who knows where which supports the needs of the family). Government worker Analamanga, Madagascar
Analyse Satiale de Population de Furcifer labordi dans la Reserve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena, Morondava-Madagascar
Furcifer labordi est une espĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©ons uniquement connue dans quelques localitĂ©s de la partie occidentale de Madagascar. Son aire de distribution est restreinte entre les fleuves Tsiribihina et Fiherenana. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© des recherches pour comprendre sa distribution Ă©cologique et spatiale dans la Reserve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena. Des investigations ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans les habitats proche et loin de cours dâeau, Ă la lisiĂšre et lâintĂ©rieur de la forĂȘt et dans la forĂȘt relativement intacte et celle en rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration. Nos rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que cette espĂšce se rĂ©partit uniformĂ©ment dans les diffĂ©rents types dâhabitats. Autrement dit, sa distribution horizontale nâest pas influencĂ©e ni par la dĂ©gradation de lâhabitat, ni par le cours dâeau. La couverture de la canopĂ©e et la repartition des plantes selon la hauteur de lâextĂ©rieur vers lâitĂ©rieur de la forĂȘt sont des paramĂštres qui influencent cette distribution horizontale. Les oiseaux (six espĂšces) et les serpents (quatre espĂšces) prĂ©dateurs ne provoquent pas de perturbation sur F. labordi et nâinfluencent pas sa distribution horizontale. Cette derniĂšre nâest pas aussi influencĂ©e par lâabondance en insectes disponibles. La hauteur du perchoir utilisĂ© varie beaucoup, elle nâest pas cependant liĂ©e, ni Ă la classe dâĂąge ni au sexe. F. labordi ne prĂ©sente en gĂ©nĂ©ral aucune prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre quant au choix de plante utilisĂ©e comme perchoir. Il en est de mĂȘme pour la hauteur et les DHP de plantes perchoirs. LâespĂšce emploie similairement les parties des plantes disponibles et ne prĂ©sente pas de prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre. Toutes les classes dâĂąges ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es et ne prĂ©sentent pas de prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre en terme de types dâhabitats. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que la rĂ©partition restreinte de cette espĂšce pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ» Ă la disparition de son habitat.
Furcifer labordi is a species of chameleon only known from a few localities in the western part of Madagascar. Its distribution area is restricted between the Tsiribihina and Fiherenana rivers. We carried out research to understand its ecological and spatial distribution in the Andranomena Special Reserve. Investigations were carried out in habitats near and far from watercourses, at the edge and interior of the forest and in relatively intact and regenerating forest. Our results revealed that this species is evenly distributed across different habitat types. In other words, its horizontal distribution is not influenced either by habitat degradation or by the watercourse. The cover of the canopy and the distribution of plants according to height from the outside to the inside of the forest are parameters that influence this horizontal distribution. Predatory birds (six species) and snakes (four species) do not cause any disturbance to F. labordi and do not influence its horizontal distribution. The latter is not as influenced by the abundance of available insects. The height of the perch used varies a lot, however it is not linked to age class or sex. F. labordi generally shows no particular preference regarding the choice of plant used as a perch. The same goes for the height and DBH of perching plants. The species uses available plant parts similarly and shows no particular preference. All age classes were observed and do not show any particular preference in terms of habitat types. Our results suggest that the restricted distribution of this species could be due to the disappearance of its habitat
Analyse Satiale de Population de Furcifer labordi dans la Reserve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena, Morondava-Madagascar
Furcifer labordi est une espĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©ons uniquement connue dans quelques localitĂ©s de la partie occidentale de Madagascar. Son aire de distribution est restreinte entre les fleuves Tsiribihina et Fiherenana. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© des recherches pour comprendre sa distribution Ă©cologique et spatiale dans la Reserve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena. Des investigations ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans les habitats proche et loin de cours dâeau, Ă la lisiĂšre et lâintĂ©rieur de la forĂȘt et dans la forĂȘt relativement intacte et celle en rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration. Nos rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que cette espĂšce se rĂ©partit uniformĂ©ment dans les diffĂ©rents types dâhabitats. Autrement dit, sa distribution horizontale nâest pas influencĂ©e ni par la dĂ©gradation de lâhabitat, ni par le cours dâeau. La couverture de la canopĂ©e et la repartition des plantes selon la hauteur de lâextĂ©rieur vers lâitĂ©rieur de la forĂȘt sont des paramĂštres qui influencent cette distribution horizontale. Les oiseaux (six espĂšces) et les serpents (quatre espĂšces) prĂ©dateurs ne provoquent pas de perturbation sur F. labordi et nâinfluencent pas sa distribution horizontale. Cette derniĂšre nâest pas aussi influencĂ©e par lâabondance en insectes disponibles. La hauteur du perchoir utilisĂ© varie beaucoup, elle nâest pas cependant liĂ©e, ni Ă la classe dâĂąge ni au sexe. F. labordi ne prĂ©sente en gĂ©nĂ©ral aucune prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre quant au choix de plante utilisĂ©e comme perchoir. Il en est de mĂȘme pour la hauteur et les DHP de plantes perchoirs. LâespĂšce emploie similairement les parties des plantes disponibles et ne prĂ©sente pas de prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre. Toutes les classes dâĂąges ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es et ne prĂ©sentent pas de prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre en terme de types dâhabitats. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que la rĂ©partition restreinte de cette espĂšce pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ» Ă la disparition de son habitat.
Furcifer labordi is a species of chameleon only known from a few localities in the western part of Madagascar. Its distribution area is restricted between the Tsiribihina and Fiherenana rivers. We carried out research to understand its ecological and spatial distribution in the Andranomena Special Reserve. Investigations were carried out in habitats near and far from watercourses, at the edge and interior of the forest and in relatively intact and regenerating forest. Our results revealed that this species is evenly distributed across different habitat types. In other words, its horizontal distribution is not influenced either by habitat degradation or by the watercourse. The cover of the canopy and the distribution of plants according to height from the outside to the inside of the forest are parameters that influence this horizontal distribution. Predatory birds (six species) and snakes (four species) do not cause any disturbance to F. labordi and do not influence its horizontal distribution. The latter is not as influenced by the abundance of available insects. The height of the perch used varies a lot, however it is not linked to age class or sex. F. labordi generally shows no particular preference regarding the choice of plant used as a perch. The same goes for the height and DBH of perching plants. The species uses available plant parts similarly and shows no particular preference. All age classes were observed and do not show any particular preference in terms of habitat types. Our results suggest that the restricted distribution of this species could be due to the disappearance of its habitat
Analyses spatiales de population de Furcifer labordi (Grandidier, 1872) dans la RĂ©serve SpĂ©ciale dâAndranomena, Morondava-Madagascar
Furcifer labordi est une espĂšce de camĂ©lĂ©ons uniquement connue dans quelques localitĂ©s de la partie occidentale de Madagascar. Son aire de distribution est restreinte entre les fleuves Tsiribihina et Fiherenana. Des investigations ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans les habitats proche et loin de cours dâeau, Ă la lisiĂšre et lâintĂ©rieur de la forĂȘt et dans la forĂȘt relativement intacte et celle en rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration. La mĂ©thode Distance sampling a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour Ă©chantillonner les camĂ©lĂ©ons. Les prĂ©dateurs ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s suivant les lignes de transect. Des fĂšces des camĂ©lĂ©ons ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s et analysĂ©s au laboratoire. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© arrangĂ©es sur Excel et traitĂ©es sur le logiciel R. Nos rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que cette espĂšce distribue uniformĂ©ment dans les diffĂ©rents types dâhabitats. Autrement dit, sa distribution horizontale nâest pas influencĂ©e ni par la dĂ©gradation de lâhabitat, ni par le cours dâeau. La couverture de la canopĂ©e et la repartition des plantes selon la hauteur de lâextĂ©rieur vers lâintĂ©rieur de la forĂȘt sont des paramĂštres qui influencent cette distribution horizontale. Les oiseaux (six espĂšces) et les serpents (quatre espĂšces) prĂ©dateurs ne provoquent pas de perturbation sur F. labordi et nâinfluencent pas sa distribution horizontale. Cette derniĂšre nâest pas aussi influencĂ©e par lâabondance en insectes disponibles. La hauteur du perchoir utilisĂ© varie beaucoup, elle nâest pas cependant liĂ©e, ni Ă la classe dâĂąge ni au sexe. F. labordi ne prĂ©sente en gĂ©nĂ©ral aucune prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre quant au choix de plante utilisĂ©e comme perchoir. Il en est de mĂȘme pour la hauteur et les DBH de plantes perchoirs. LâespĂšce emploie similairement les parties des plantes disponibles et ne prĂ©sente pas de prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre. Toutes les classes dâĂąges ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es et ne prĂ©sentent pas de prĂ©fĂ©rence particuliĂšre en terme de types dâhabitats. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que la rĂ©partition restreinte de cette espĂšce pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ» Ă la disparition de son habitat.
Furcifer labordi is a species of chameleon only known from a few localities in the western part of Madagascar. Its distribution area is restricted between the Tsiribihina and Fiherenana rivers. Investigations were carried out in habitats near and far from watercourses, at the edge and interior of the forest, and in relatively intact and regenerating forests. The Distance sampling method was used to sample chameleons. Predators were recorded along the transect lines. Chameleon feces were collected and analyzed in the laboratory. The data were arranged in Excel and processed on R software. Our results revealed that this species distributes uniformly in different types of habitats. In other words, its horizontal distribution is not influenced either by habitat degradation or by the watercourse. The canopy cover and the distribution of plants according to height from the outside to the inside of the forest are parameters that influence this horizontal distribution. Predatory birds (six species) and snakes (four species) do not cause disturbance to F. labordi and do not influence its horizontal distribution. The latter is not as influenced by the abundance of available insects. The height of the perch used varies greatly, but it is not linked to age class, or sex. F. labordi generally shows no particular preference regarding the choice of the plant used as a perch. The same goes for the height and DBH of perching plants. The species uses available plant parts similarly and does not show any particular preference. All age classes were observed and do not show any particular preference in terms of habitat types. Our results suggest that the restricted distribution of this species could be due to the disappearance of its habitat
Protected area surface extension in Madagascar: Do endemism and threatened species remain useful criteria for site selection ?
The âhotspot approachâ considers that endemism and threatened species are key factors in protected area designation. Three wetland and forest sites have been proposed to be included into Madagascarâs system of protected areas (SAPM â SystĂšme des Aires ProtĂ©gĂ©es de Madagascar). These sites are Manambolomaty (14,701 ha) and Mandrozo (15,145 ha) in the west and Bemanevika (37,041 ha) in the north. Biodiversity inventories of these three sites recorded 243 endemic species comprised of 44 reptiles, 54 amphibians, 104 birds, 23 small mammals, 17 lemurs and one fish. Of these 243 species, 30 are threatened taxa comprising two Critically Endangered (CR), 11 Endangered (EN) and 17 Vulnerable (VU) species. The long term ecological viability of these sites has been shown by population stability of the two Critically Endangered flagship species, the Madagascar fish eagle (Haliaeetus vociferoides) in Manambolomaty and Mandrozo and the recently rediscovered Madagascar pochard (Aythya innotata) in Bemanevika. Other threatened species and high biological diversity also justifies their inclusion into Madagascarâs SAPM
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