17 research outputs found

    Cytological Characteristics of Mucose Cell and Vaginal Temperature and PH During Estrous Cycle in Local Sheep

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    Aim of this study was to examine the characteristics cytology of mucous cell-,temperature- and pH vagina during estrous cycle in local sheep. 31local sheep were synchronized with vaginal sponge consist of 20 mg progesterone hormone before carried out observations of cytology of cells from the vaginal mucose through vaginal swabs, temperature and pH of the vagina. Vaginal swabs were collected daily at 7 am for a weeks.Vaginal temperature and pH measurement is carried out twice a day, at 07.00 am and 15.00 pm for a weeks after vaginal swabs. Smears of the swab were then prepared on glass slide and they were stained with Giemsa. Vaginal epithelial cells; Parabasal, intermediate and superficial cells were counted and their percentages during pro-estrous, estrous and di-estrous were determined. Di-estrous was characterized by the absent of superficial cells in the epithelial vagina. Pro-estrous was characterized by the increasing progressively of intermediate/superficial cells in epithelial vagina, whereas estrous was characterized by the presence of superficial/cornification cells in most epithelial vagina. Based on the dominance of superficial cell, the number of sheep identified as estrous is highest on third day, with 52%. Observation on vaginal temperature also resulting that the highest temperature values obtained on the third day of 39,08±0.28°C. It could be effected of the vaginal pH during the observation. Underthe influence ofestrogen, the epithelial vaginalcellssynthesizeand accumulateglycogenin large quantitiesdepositedin the lumen ofvagina. Vaginal bacteriametabolizethe glycogenformlactic acid, which causesvaginal pHis low.The pH conditions prevent from pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. Increased estrogenal so cause cell proliferation through the thickening of the epithelium lining of the vagina so that the cells differentiate.Increasing of glycogenin the superficial cells, and ceratin cells found in the cytoplasm of cells, as well as acidic pH in the lumen vagina causing changes in the chemical composition of each cell (Zaid, 2011).It can be concluded that during estrous phase, cytology of vaginal mucose cell is dominated by superficial cell and vaginal temperature is increasing as well as pH of vagina

    Quality and Viability of Javanese Local Ram Semen at Different Age

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    Age is one of determinant factors on semen quality due to its relation with the development of male’s reproductive tracts. Therefore, the objective of this study was to observe semen quality and viability at different level of ages in Javanese local sheep. The method used in this study was Complete Randomized Design with five groups of treatment consisted of groups of sheep aged: under 12 months (G1), 12-24 months (G2), 25-36 months (G3), 37-48 months (G4), and 49-72 months (G5). Each group consisted of four rams as replication and each replication was evaluated four times. Data collective which analyzed descriptively were: semen color, odor, viscosity, pH, sperm viability. While data on semen volume, sperm concentration, and sperm abnormality were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s multiple range test for the differences among treatments. The result showed that no significant different found for semen quality parameters at different ages of ram (P0.05), except for sperm motility (P0.05). The lowest sperm motility (70.62%) found in G1 and significantly differs from other groups. The lowest sperm viability was also found in G1 after the chilled semen was kept for 4 to 5 days at 40% of motility, while the highest viability was in G3 by 9 days for 43.75% of motility. In conclusion: (1) Sperm motility of local ram semen was influenced by age; (2) Ram aged 25-36 months produces the highest motility of sperm and viability

    Dampak Pengelolaan Tinja Terpadu Terhadap Infeksi Ascaris Lumbricoides Di Daerah Kota (I)

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    A study on the health impact of integrated environmental sanitary management was done in the village of Pisangan Baru, East Jakarta. As an indicator of health status, Ascaris lumbricoides infection in school children was used. The result of the study before the intervention showed that the prevalence of A. lumbircoides infec­tion in school children who lived in RW 06 Pisangan Baru was 46.3% and 45.7% who lived in RW 013. Ex­amination of sewage water in ditches showed 42% positive with A. lumbircoides eggs in RW 06 and 30% in RW 013. The result of soil examination in RW06 was 18% positive while in RW 013 was 20% positive with tion of sewage water in ditches showed 42% positive with A. lumbricoides eggs in RW 06 and 30% in RW 013. The result of soil examination in RW06 was 18% positive while in RW 013 was 20% positive with A. lumbricoides eggs. The result of a post - intervention study showed a prevalence of 33.7% in school children from RW 06 and 25.8% from RW 013, whereas the sewage water examination in ditches around RW 06 was 14% positive with A. lumbricoides eggs and 24% in RW 013. The soil ecamination in RW 06 revealed 6% positive while in RW 013 was 16% positive with A. lumbricoides eggs. The result of the study showed that the impact of intervention was clearly evident on the waste water contamination but not on the reinfection of school children with A. lumbricoides as well as the degree of soil contamination

    Pembagian Peran dan Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Rumah Tangga Peternak Kambing Perah di Desa Cilengkrang Kecamatan Cimalaka Kabupaten Sumedang (The Division of Roles and Decision Making in the domestic dairy Goat Breeders' in Cimalaka, Sumedang Regency)

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    Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengambilan keputusan dan pembagian peran dalam keluarga peternak berkaitan dengan keputusan untuk merawat dan menjual ternak. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus di kecamatan Cimalaka. Tulisan ini memperlihatkan adanya pembagian peran yang jelas antara laki-laki dan perempuan berkaitan dengan kepemilikan maupun dalam merawat ternak. Ada empat hal yang secara jelas memperlihatkan pembagian peran dan pengambilan keputusan dalam merawat ternak yaitu dalam mencari pakan, membersihkan kandang, memerah susu, serta menjual ternak. Pengambilan keputusan untuk menjual ternak lebih didominasi oleh laki-laki, dengan pertimbangan yang melatari keputusan tersebut diantaranya kebutuhan mendesak, mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari, dan ukuran kandang tidak mencukupi untuk menampung jumlah ternak. Kata Kunci: Pembagian peran, pengambilan keputusan, keluarga peterna

    Quality of Cauda Epididymal Spermatozoa of Ongole Crossbred Bull in Skim Milk, Tris, and Citrate Extenders Added with Egg Yolk

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    The objective of this study was to find out the quality of cauda epididymal spermatozoa in skim milk, Tris, and citrate extenders added with egg yolk stored at  4-5oC.  The study was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and six replications. Evaluation of the quality of fresh spermatozoa was done after diluted with different extenders and stored at 4-5oC. The results showed that extenders have no significant effects (P>0.05) on motility, live sperms, abnormality, intact plasma membrane and viability of cauda epididymal spermatozoa stored at 4-5oC.  It can be concluded that skim milk, citrate, and Tris extenders added with egg yolk have the same ability in maintaining the quality and viability of cauda epididymal sperms of Ongole crossbred bulls. (Animal Production 10(1): 22-29 (2008) Key Words: Ongol crossbred, spermatozoa, cauda epididymal, extender

    Quality of Cauda Epididymal Spermatozoa of Ongole Crossbred Bull in Skim Milk, Tris, and Citrate Extenders Added with Egg Yolk

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    The objective of this study was to find out the quality of cauda epididymal spermatozoa in skim milk, Tris, and citrate extenders added with egg yolk stored at  4-5oC.  The study was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and six replications. Evaluation of the quality of fresh spermatozoa was done after diluted with different extenders and stored at 4-5oC. The results showed that extenders have no significant effects (P>0.05) on motility, live sperms, abnormality, intact plasma membrane and viability of cauda epididymal spermatozoa stored at 4-5oC.  It can be concluded that skim milk, citrate, and Tris extenders added with egg yolk have the same ability in maintaining the quality and viability of cauda epididymal sperms of Ongole crossbred bulls. (Animal Production 10(1): 22-29 (2008)   Key Words: Ongol crossbred, spermatozoa, cauda epididymal, extender

    Therapeutic effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra aqueous extract ointment on cutaneous wound healing in Sprague Dawley male rats

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    Glycyrrhiza glabra has been reported to have wide applications in the treatment of many human diseases. However, its traditional use in the treatment of wounds has not been validated by any scientific study. Also, its safety in the management of cutaneous wound conditions requires attention. The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the wound healing potential of G. glabra aqueous extract ointment. In vivo design, 120 Sprague Dawley male rats were used. After creating the cutaneous wound, the animals were randomly divided into four groups: untreated control, treatment with Eucerin ointment, treatment with 3 tetracycline ointment, treatment with 3 G. glabra aqueous extract ointment (3 g of G. glabra aqueous extract + 97-g base ointment). At days 10, 20, and 30 after creating the wound, for histopathological and biochemical analysis of the cutaneous wound healing trend, a section was prepared from all dermal thicknesses. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Duncan post hoc test of SPSS-22 software. At days 10, 20, and 30, G. glabra aqueous extract ointment could significantly (p ≤ 0.05) decrease the level of the wound area, total cell, macrophage, lymphocyte, and neutrophil, and enhance the level of wound contracture, fibrocyte, hexuronic acid, and hydroxyproline as compared with the basal ointment and control groups. In conclusion, the present study has demonstrated that the aqueous extracts of G. glabra have properties that render them capable of promoting accelerated wound-healing activity compared with other groups. © 2019, Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature