24 research outputs found

    Skurdas, jo matavimas ir tendencijos Lietuvoje

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    Poverty is one of the most essential problems that most countries face over the world. Lithuania joined the implementation of Millennium Development Goals, which were adopted in 2000 by all the world’s Governments with the aim to reduce the proportion of people living in poverty. It was anticipated to reduce the poverty level from 16% to 13% by 2005 in Lithuania. But according to the data of Statistics Lithuania, the poverty level in Lithuania increased from 15.9% in 2003 to 16.9% in 2005. The solution of this problem demands a purposeful policy of the Government as well as the endeavor of people themselves.One of the first tasks to be performed when implementing poverty reduction measures in the country is the evaluation of poverty prevalence and the estimation of the number of the poor. The indicators chosen for poverty measurement highly influence the results of poverty research. Thus, indicators adjusted to the peculiarities of the country and based on its living standard should be used when the measuring poverty level.The article analyses the definition of poverty as well as its development since the 18th century. The key indicators for measuring poverty (relative poverty line, absolute poverty line, subjective poverty line, poverty gap, etc.) and their main limitations are discussed in the article. Poverty dynamics and income differentiation indicators in Lithuania are analysed in the second part of the article.The authors suggest that poverty measurement based on the relative poverty line is not effective in Lithuania, because it doesn’t show the real situation of poverty in the country. According to the relative poverty concept, people are considered to be living in poverty if their standard of living is substantially less than the general standard of living in society (ie. 50% of average consumption expenditure in Lithuania). Relative poverty measures are usually used in highly developed countries where more emphasis is put on satisfying intellectual and social rather than physical needs. It is argued that the absolute poverty line should be used in underdeveloped countries (in Lithuania as well) when calculating the poverty level Absolute poverty measured by the official poverty line representing the annual income required to allow a family of a given size to purchase the range of goods and services that are seen as constituting the minimum acceptable way of life in the country.According to the authors, the main causes of increased poverty in the last period in Lithuania were a too heavy tax burden for employees (which exceeded the average level of taxes in 15 ES countries) as well as a high differentiation of income.Skurdas - viena iš aktualiausių problemų, su ja susiduria ne tik Lietuvos, bet ir išsivysčiusių pasaulio šalių gyventojai. 2000 m. Jungtinių Tautų Tūkstantmečio viršūnių susitikime, kuriame dalyvavo 189 pasaulio šalys, buvo numatyti Tūkstantmečio plėtros tikslai, kurių vienas iš svarbiausių - mažinti gyventojų skurdą ir socialinę atskirti. Įgyvendinti šį tikslą siekia ir Lietuva. Remiantis 2002 m. Jungtinių Tautų pranešimu, Lietuvoje nuo 2000 m. iki 2005 m. buvo numatyta santykinio skurdo lygį sumažinti nuo 16 proc. iki 13 proc. Tačiau Statistikos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės duomenys rodo, kad santykinio skurdo lygis Lietuvoje per šį laikotarpį ne tik nesumažėjo, bet net padidėjo (nuo 16,0 proc. iki 16,9 proc.) šiai problemai spręsti reikia laiku ir kryptingos šalies Vyriausybės politikos ir pačių gyventojų pastangų, nes dažnai pavėluotas skurdą sukeliančių problemų sprendimas nulemia socialinės atskirties šalyje padidėjimą ir skatina gyventojų emigraciją.Vienas iš pirmųjų tikslų, siekiant vykdyti šalies socialinės politikos uždavinius skurdo mažinimo srityje, yra nustatyti tikrąjį skurstančiųjų skaičių ir skurdo lygi šalyje. Pasirinktas vienoks ar kitoks skurdo matavimo rodiklis daugiausia nulemia skurdo tyrimų rezultatus, todėl, siekiant nustatyti tikrąją situaciją šalyje, būtina parinkti kuo geriau tos šalies gyvenimo lygį ir specifiką atitinkančius rodiklius.Šio straipsnio tikslas - išnagrinėti pagrindinius skurdo matavimo rodiklius ir jų ypatumus, išanalizuoti skurdo ir su juo susijusių problemų (pajamų diferenciacijos ir kt.) kitimo tendencijas Lietuvoje ir kartu išryškinti skurdo mažinimo šalyje prielaidas.Straipsnio pradžioje, remiantis mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analize, nagrinėjamos pagrindinės skurdo sampratos nuostatos, toliau analizuojami skurdo matavimo rodikliai bei jų ypatumai ir diskusiniai klausimai. Baigiamojoje straipsnio dalyje, remiantis Statistikos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės duomenimis, nagrinėjami skurdo ir pajamų diferenciavimo rodikliai Lietuvoje, tiriamos skurdo mažinimo šalyje prielaidos

    Labour Disputes in Lithuania: Results of Legal Development and Future Prospects

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    The article analyses the Lithuanian labour dispute system, its specific regulatory features and problems arising in labour dispute resolution practices. Over the past decade, a procedure for initiating collective labour disputes in Lithuania has been exposed to a series of reforms, the system has been designed for a collective dispute resolution through mediation services, and legal regulation of organizing and taking part in strikes has been reformed. The paper further investigates the outcomes and effects of these lawmaking processes as well as reviews and assesses a new model of an individual labour dispute resolution system in effect from 1 January 2013 with a focus on the existing legal regulation of the institute of labour disputes and consequent generalisations and formulations on proposals for improving it

    Social prevalence of economic factors determining poverty in Lithuania : regional aspect

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    Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje nuolat vykdomi ūkio pertvarkymai, rinkos santykių plėtra bei kiti vidaus ir išorės veiksniai neišvengiamai lemia skurdo bei socialinės atskirties pokyčius tiek šalyje, tiek ir tam tikruose jos regionuose. Šiuo metu skurdo ir socialinės atskirties stebėsena atliekama visos šalies mastu (taikant Statistikos departamento namų ūkių biudžetų tyrimo duomenis). O išsamios regioninio bei vietos lygmens informacijos šiais klausimais iš esmės nėra. Nėra galimybių įvertinti skurdo paplitimą atskiruose šalies regionuose bei šio lygmens vaidmenį kovojant su skurdo bei socialine atskirtimi, jos priežastimis ir dariniais. Nesukurtas informacijos rinkimo ir skleidimo tinklas šalyje gerokai riboja efektyvių socialinės politikos priemonių taikymo bei geros patirties skleidimo galimybes regionuose. Straipsnyje siekiama nustatyti bei išnagrinėti pagrindinius socialinius-ekonominius veiksnius, lemiančius skurdo atsiradimą šalyje bei jo didėjimą tam tikruose regionuose (miestų ir rajonų savivaldybėse) bei pagrįsti socialinių-ekonominių rodiklių tinkamumą, tiriant skurdo paplitimą bei jo priežastinius ryšius regionų lygmeniu. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Namų ūkiai; Regionai; Regioninė politika; Skurdas; Skurdo paplitimas; Socialiniai - ekonominiai veiksniai; Sociallinė atskirtis; Households; Lithuania; Poverty; Prevalence poverty; Regional policy; Regions; Social - economic factors; Social exclusionThe Government of the Republic of Lithuania accepted the Implementation Programme of poverty reduction strategy in Lithuania for 2002-2004 in 2002, 7th of November (Resolution No. 1753). One of the most important conditions for successful implementation of this Programme is the observation of poverty prevalence in the country as well as evaluation of social - economic factors having impact on poverty reduction. Statistics Lithuania calculates poverty indicators on the scale of the whole country, meanwhile increasing regional differences in Lithuania conditions the necessity of poverty calculation in the regional level. The article examines the main factors of poverty risk in Lithuania as well as suggests the main social - economic indicators that could be used when evaluating poverty prevalence in local regions. Economical and social analysis of 2 municipalities (municipality of the Vilnius city and Moletai district) helps the author to evaluate the feasibility of the indicators for poverty level assessment in the regional level

    Darbas ne Visą Darbo Laiką Lietuvoje ir Kitose ES Šalyse: Kitimo Tendencijos ir Pagrindinės Problemos

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    Pastarąjį dešimtmetį itin paspartėjusios pasaulio ekonomikos globalizavimo tendencijos bei informacinių technologijų plėtra turėjo didelės įtakos darbo išteklių panaudojimui ir darbo organizavimui daugelyje pasaulio šalių. Siekiant subalansuoti gamybos poreikius ir darbo išteklius, jau devintame XX a. dešimtmetyje daugelyje šalių aktyviai pradėtos taikyti įvairios lanksčios užimtumo formos. Bene labiausiai paplitusi iš jų yra darbas ne visą darbo laiką. Tačiau ši užimtumo forma skirtingose ES šalyse yra nevienodai paplitusi, tarp šalių egzistuoja dideli skirtumai. Iš kitos pusės, darbas ne visą darbo laiką, be pranašumų, turi ir tam tikrų trūkumų. Straipsnyje siekiama objektyviai įvertinti pagrindinius darbo ne visą darbo laiką pranašumus ir trūkumus bei kitimo tendencijas Lietuvoje ir kitose ES šalyse. Straipsnyje analizuojami darbą ne visą darbo laiką lemiantys veiksniai, nagrinėjamas šios užimtumo formos reglamentavimas Lietuvoje ir paplitimo tendencijos kai kuriose ES šalyse.Economic globalization and development of information technologies have had a significant impact on the utilisation of labour resources as well as on organization of work in many countries over the past decade. To balance the needs of production and labour resources, in the ninth decade of the 20th century, many countries introduced flexible forms of employment. Part-time employment is the most widely used flexible form of employment in many countries across the world. However, there are large differences existing in EU countries in terms of development of part-time employment, which requires a particular investigation. On the other hand, apart from benefits, part-time employment entails some drawbacks. The article aims at objectively assessing key advantages and disadvantages of part-time employment as well as analysing the dynamics of part-time employment in Lithuania and other EU countries. Key factors influencing part-time employment are analysed in the article, while putting a special focus on the regulation of part-time employment in Lithuania and the dynamics of part-time employment in some of the EU countries

    Skurdas, jo matavimas ir tendencijos Lietuvoje

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    From 2000 to 2005 Lithuania tried to reduce the level of relative poverty from 16 per cent to 13 per cent in line with the stated targets of the 2000 UN Millennium Summit. However, the level of relative poverty in Lithuania has recently increased to 16.9 per cent. The author claims that this is due to the lack of an effective national poverty reduction policy and the lack of an adequate methodology for measuring poverty in Lithuania. The results of research into poverty depend in large part on the measurement criteria chosen for a particular country. If poverty is to be measured accurately, the measurement criteria chosen must be such as properly suit the realities of lifestyle for that particular country. The article examines basic poverty measurement criteria and their characteristics and analyses the changing tendencies in Lithuania of poverty and the problems associated with it (such as workers’ wages, differences in income levels, etc.). The author states that the methodology presently used in Lithuania to set the poverty level is not entirely suitable, as the calculation of relative poverty is more appropriate in countries where people’s personal incomes are much higher than minimal consumption norms and the population’s main preoccupation is no longer just satisfying physical needs, but satisfying psychological (intellectual) and social needs. In Lithuania a significant percentage of the population have an income too low to satisfy even basic physical needs. Therefore, it would be more accurate to calculate an absolute (not relative) poverty level, with the poverty level being set on the basis of minimal personal consumption norms

    Part-time employment in Lithuania and other EU countries: trends and key issues

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    Pastarąjį dešimtmetį itin paspartėjusios pasaulio ekonomikos globalizavimo tendencijos bei informacinių technologijų plėtra turėjo didelės įtakos darbo išteklių panaudojimui ir darbo organizavimui daugelyje pasaulio šalių. Siekiant subalansuoti gamybos poreikius ir darbo išteklius, jau devintame XX a. dešimtmetyje daugelyje šalių aktyviai pradėtos taikyti įvairios lanksčios užimtumo formos. Bene labiausiai paplitusi iš jų yra darbas ne visą darbo laiką. Tačiau ši užimtumo forma skirtingose ES šalyse yra nevienodai paplitusi, tarp šalių egzistuoja dideli skirtumai. Iš kitos pusės, darbas ne visą darbo laiką, be pranašumų, turi ir tam tikrų trūkumų. Straipsnyje siekiama objektyviai įvertinti pagrindinius darbo ne visą darbo laiką pranašumus ir trūkumus bei kitimo tendencijas Lietuvoje ir kitose ES šalyse. Straipsnyje analizuojami darbą ne visą darbo laiką lemiantys veiksniai, nagrinėjamas šios užimtumo formos reglamentavimas Lietuvoje ir paplitimo tendencijos kai kuriose ES šalyse.Economic globalization and development of information technologies have had a significant impact on the utilisation of labour resources as well as on organization of work in many countries over the past decade. To balance the needs of production and labour resources, in the ninth decade of the 20th century, many countries introduced flexible forms of employment. Part-time employment is the most widely used flexible form of employment in many countries across the world. However, there are large differences existing in EU countries in terms of development of part-time employment, which requires a particular investigation. On the other hand, apart from benefits, part-time employment entails some drawbacks. The article aims at objectively assessing key advantages and disadvantages of part-time employment as well as analysing the dynamics of part-time employment in Lithuania and other EU countries. Key factors influencing part-time employment are analysed in the article, while putting a special focus on the regulation of part-time employment in Lithuania and the dynamics of part-time employment in some of the EU countries


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    The world economic recession has a significant adverse impact on social economic development in Lithuania. The article aims at assessing the possible long-term social consequences of the economic downturn in Lithuania if no actions are taken from the Government, as well as at designing recommendations on the implementation of measures with a view to mitigate the consequences of the recession.The article analyses various social economic indicators in Lithuania with the aim to highlight the impact of the recent economic downturn on different aspects of living standards in the country. The article seeks to provide evidence on the critical need to address social problems in Lithuania as well as to outline the next steps to be taken to mitigate the negative consequences of the economic downturn.The analysis has shown that in Lithuania, the major negative social consequences of the economic decline for the population manifest themselves in job losses and income decrease, which in turn result in the rising long-term unemployment, growing social exclusion, higher emigration and other negative consequences. With regard to this, long-term negative consequences of the economic recession could be mitigated by addressing two vital issues, namely job losses and a decrease in household income in Lithuania

    Manifestations of poverty culture among social benefit recipients

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    The article analyses the phenomenon of poverty and aims at assessing the culture of poverty among the households receiving social benefits in Lithuania. The concept of poverty is discussed as well as the main causes of poverty are analysed in the first part of the article. In this context, a special focus is placed on the theory of poverty culture. Macro and micro-level analysis of poverty situation in Lithuania is carried out in the second part of the article: on a macro level – poverty and social exclusion indicators in Lithuania are analysed in the context of EU Member States; on a micro level – the analysis of data obtained from the survey of recipients of social benefits in Lithuania is carried out. The survey demonstrated some signs of poverty culture in the households receiving social benefits in Lithuania. Manifestations of the poverty culture in the mentioned social group were mainly evidenced by blaming external environment for poverty of their households, fatalism as well as frustration with government and employers. This article is based on the findings of the research which was commissioned by the non-governmental organisation Caritas Lithuania and conducted by the authors of the article in 2014