430 research outputs found
Xambá is among the cults of African origin in Pernambuco, and Terreiro Santa Bárbara in Olinda is highly relevant. In 2007 he was granted the title of Urban Quilombo. Since then, it has been claiming the symbolic space of an old ice factory in order to establish a Center for Culture in its premises, thus opposing the Municipality plan to build a bus station. A conflict scenario is formed in which opposing interests confront each other. The dynamics of actors, its own interests, the strategies used and relations established comprise this complex scenario. This paper try to understand the configurations of strategy of these conflicting social agents, their alliances, support and resistance. As an amorphous space is turned into a territory, it guides actors and causes chain reactions. Bourdieu's (1996). theory of social fields explains the dynamics established in the construction of public policies and the action of social agents participating in this construction. Politics emerge as the dispute dimension where the struggle field is established for all agents involved. The text investigates the "production of organizing" in an ongoing process and describes the territorial dynamics, strategies and alliances of these social groups as they confront the authorities in power
Collaborative design methodologies for clothing flat modeling
This article reflects on the importance of collaborative design methodologies in the construction of new configurations for teaching flat clothing modeling. Within the field of teaching fashion and clothing, but specifically in the disciplines of flat modeling, several problems can be identified regarding teaching-learning. Silva and França (2018) state that there is little perceived ability to understand the execution of the molds on the part of the students, which cause the discipline to be seen with a high degree of complexity, causing dissatisfaction, both on the part of the students and by part of the teachers who teach it. This article is based on data, four surveys carried out in fashion and clothing courses in Brazil regarding teaching-learning of the flat modeling technique and from the gaps identified in its results, we will substantiate the paths taken by this research.Based on the assumption that the understanding of the reasons and the difficulties present in the contexts of the researches carried out on teaching and learning of flat modeling in recent years, are not due to individual and solitary actions, but to collective constructions of all the authors involved. In this work, concepts of collaborative design methodologies are explored, as innovative and effective methods of this construction. Understanding that, through collaborative means, it is possible to contribute with activities and solutions from different fields, starting from a new perspective when conceiving formal concepts and solutions.Thus, the question that guides this study and which will be answered is: how can collaborative design methodologies contribute to the flat modeling of clothing? The article is structured in four topics, which aims to clarify points and difficulties raised in research that were carried out in recent years on teaching and learning of flat modeling through a systematic literature review that points out data on the state of the art of flat modeling and its relationship with collaborative methodologies
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is caused by the abnormal growth of yeast-like fungi in the mucosa of the female genital tract as a result of a series of endocrine and immunological changes and the indiscriminate and prolonged use of antibiotics. In this perspective, the present work aimed to carry out a search in the databases in order to find scientific evidence that points to factors related to vulvovaginal candidiasis in women in their life cycle. The search was performed in the databases Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (lilacs); Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline/Pubmed) and in the Nursing Database (BDENF), using the respective Decs/MeSh, as well as the Boolean connectors AND and OR. From the primary search, 403 scientific productions were found and, after analyzing the exclusion criteria referring to the year of publication and thematic, 12 articles eligible for this integrative review were obtained. The selected studies involved women of childbearing age and pregnant women. Most of the publications were carried out in 2019 and 2020. It is noted that hormonal imbalance was the most prevalent associated risk factor. Among the microbiota agents identified, Candida albanis was the most prevalent microorganism in all studies. Vaginal discharge was the most frequent symptom in all studies. In addition, nine studies reported irritation of the vulva and vagina, vulvar erythema and vaginal itching in the fertile period, among other symptoms.La candidiasis vulvovaginal está causada por el crecimiento anormal de hongos levaduriformes en la mucosa del aparato genital femenino como consecuencia de una serie de cambios endocrinos e inmunológicos y del uso indiscriminado y prolongado de antibióticos. En esa perspectiva, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo realizar una búsqueda en las bases de datos con el fin de encontrar evidencia científica que apunte a factores relacionados con la candidiasis vulvovaginal en mujeres en su ciclo de vida. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos LILACS; Biblioteca Científica Electrónica en Línea; Sistema de Análisis y Recuperación de Literatura Médica en Línea y en la Base de Datos de Enfermería, utilizando los respectivos Decs/MeSh, así como los conectores booleanos AND y OR. De la búsqueda primaria se encontraron 403 producciones científicas y, luego de analizar los criterios de exclusión referentes al año de publicación y temática, se obtuvieron 12 artículos elegibles para esta revisión integradora. Los estudios seleccionados incluyeron mujeres en edad fértil y mujeres embarazadas. La mayoría de las publicaciones se realizaron en 2019 y 2020. Se destaca que el desequilibrio hormonal fue el factor de riesgo asociado más prevalente. Entre los agentes de microbiota identificados, Candida albanis fue el microorganismo más prevalente en todos los estudios. El flujo vaginal fue el síntoma más frecuente en todos los estudios. Además, nueve estudios informaron irritación de la vulva y la vagina, eritema vulvar y prurito vaginal en el período fértil, entre otros síntomas.A candidíase vulvovaginal (CVV) é ocasionada pelo crescimento anormal de fungos leveduriformes na mucosa do trato genital feminino como consequência de uma série de alterações endócrinas e imunológicas e uso indiscriminado e prolongado de antibióticos. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma busca nas bases de dados a fim de encontrar evidências cientificas que apontem os fatores relacionados a candidíase vulvovaginal nas mulheres em seu ciclo vital. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino- Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (lilacs); Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline/Pubmed) e na Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), utilizando-se os respectivos Decs/MeSh, bem como os conectores booleanos AND e OR. A partir da busca primária, foram encontradas 403 produções científicas e, após análise dos critérios de exclusão referentes ao ano de publicação e temática, obteve-se 12 artigos elegíveis para esta revisão integrativa. As pesquisas selecionadas envolveram mulheres em idade fértil e gestantes. A maior parte das publicações foram realizadas em 2019 e 2020. Nota-se que o desequilíbrio hormonal foi o fator de risco associado mais prevalente. Dentre os agentes da microbiota identificados a Candida albanis foi o microrganismo mais prevalente em todos os estudos. O corrimento vaginal foi o sintoma mais frequente em todos os estudos. Além disso, nove pesquisas relataram irritação da vulva e vagina, eritema vulvar e prurido vaginal no período fértil, dentre outros sintomas.A candidíase vulvovaginal (CVV) é ocasionada pelo crescimento anormal de fungos leveduriformes na mucosa do trato genital feminino como consequência de uma série de alterações endócrinas e imunológicas e uso indiscriminado e prolongado de antibióticos. Nesta perspectiva, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma busca nas bases de dados a fim de encontrar evidências cientificas que apontem os fatores relacionados a candidíase vulvovaginal nas mulheres em seu ciclo vital. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino- Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (lilacs); Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline/Pubmed) e na Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), utilizando-se os respectivos Decs/MeSh, bem como os conectores booleanos AND e OR. A partir da busca primária, foram encontradas 403 produções científicas e, após análise dos critérios de exclusão referentes ao ano de publicação e temática, obteve-se 12 artigos elegíveis para esta revisão integrativa. As pesquisas selecionadas envolveram mulheres em idade fértil e gestantes. A maior parte das publicações foram realizadas em 2019 e 2020. Nota-se que o desequilíbrio hormonal foi o fator de risco associado mais prevalente. Dentre os agentes da microbiota identificados a Candida albanis foi o microrganismo mais prevalente em todos os estudos. O corrimento vaginal foi o sintoma mais frequente em todos os estudos. Além disso, nove pesquisas relataram irritação da vulva e vagina, eritema vulvar e prurido vaginal no período fértil, dentre outros sintomas
Vapor-liquid equilibrium for binary systems ethanol (1) and water (2) and methyl acetate (1) and ethanol (2): Thermodynamic consistency and data prediction / Equilíbrio líquido-vapor para os sistemas binários etanol (1) e água (2) e metil acetato (1) e etanol (2): Consistência termodinâmica e predição de dados
Ethanol or ethyl alcohol is an organic substance obtained from fermentation of sugars, hydration of ethylene or reduction of acetaldehyde. It consists of two carbon atoms, five hydrogen atoms and one hydroxyl group. It is the main biofuel used in the world, it is a renewable energy source and alternative to fossil fuels. In Brazil in 1975 was launched by the Federal Government the National Alcohol Program to combat the rampant use of oil and encourage the planting of sugar cane in the country. Given the importance of the use of ethanol, it is extremely important to know its thermodynamic properties for process optimization making them more energy efficient, as well as for the design of new industrial plants and equipment for the various processes. This work has as objective the study of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) of binary systems with ethanol, being the first ethanol (1) - water (2) and the second methyl acetate (1) + ethanol (2). To verify the thermodynamic consistency test of the data, the area test was applied, tested in the computational routine consist.exe and a data prediction was simulated in SPECS. The tests provide results of data consistency as well as the predator or VLE behavior of the binary systems studied for high pressure and temperature situations
Consistency test and prediction of experimental data from binary systems methanol + acetic acid and methanol + water in vapor-liquid equilibrium / Teste de consistência e predição de dados experimentais dos sistemas binários metanol + ácido acético e metanol + água em equilíbrio líquido-vapor
Methyl acetate is generally used as an intermediate in a wide variety of syntheses, it can be produced by esterification of acetic acid with methanol in the presence of an acid catalyst. Methanol and water form azeotropic mixtures along this route, making the separation and purification of methyl acetate difficult and expensive. A thermodynamic study is essential, evaluating the operating conditions and thermodynamic properties of methanol/acetic acid and methanol/water. Therefore, this work aims to perform area and deviations consistency tests of experimental data to these binary mixtures. In addition, perform a prediction of experimental data from the UNIFAC, UNIQUAC and Hildbrand & Scatchard thermodynamic models. The tests provide a predictive behavior on the studied Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) systems and its main operating variables, such as temperature, pressure and composition. Methyl acetate is generally used as an intermediate in a wide variety of syntheses, it can be produced by esterification of acetic acid with methanol in the presence of an acid catalyst. Methanol and water form azeotropic mixtures along this route, making the separation and purification of methyl acetate difficult and expensive. A thermodynamic study is essential, evaluating the operating conditions and thermodynamic properties of methanol/acetic acid and methanol/water. Therefore, this work aims to perform area and deviations consistency tests of experimental data to these binary mixtures. In addition, perform a prediction of experimental data from the UNIFAC, UNIQUAC and Hildbrand & Scatchard thermodynamic models. The tests provide a predictive behavior on the studied Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) systems and its main operating variables, such as temperature, pressure and composition.
Liquid-liquid equilibrium for water furfural extraction using different solvents and temperatures in the software aspen plus / Equilíbrio líquido-líquido para extração de furfural da água usando diferentes solventes e temperaturas no software aspen plus
The thermodynamic study of liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) can provide insights for understanding the process of furfural extraction of water by extraction in biorefinery plants, which produces high value-added products. The present work aimed to use the LLE of the water (1) + fufural (2) + solvent (3) system from experimental data and computer modeling for simulation or liquid-liquid extraction behavior using different solvents, verifying its efficiencies. The solvents studied were p-xylene, toluene, benzyl alcohol, acetophenone and methyl isobutyl. The thermodynamic NRTL model was able to monitor well the studied system. With a simulation run on Aspen Plus®, verify that the system adopted is an economically viable process
Simulation of liquid-liquid extraction to recover citric acid using 1-Butanol as solvent / Simulação da extração líquido-líquido para recuperar ácido cítrico usando 1-Butanol como solvente
O ácido cítrico é um ácido orgânico fraco que pode ser encontrado nos citrinos, com diversas aplicações industriais. O processo de separação por extração líquido-líquido pode ser usado para a recuperação do ácido cítrico, a partir de seu caldo de fermentação. O objetivo desse trabalho foi simular no software Aspen Plus o processo de recuperação do ácido cítrico usando como solvente o 1-butanol. Foram coletados da literatura dados experimentais de equilíbrio líquido-líquido para o sistema água + 1-butanol + ácido cítrico, nas temperaturas de 5,5 °C, 15 °C e 25 ºC, e posteriormente à aplicação das correlações de Othmer-Tobias e Hand foi possível assegurar a consistência termodinâmica desse conjunto de dados. O modelo termodinâmico NRTL foi utilizado, e seus parâmetros foram ajustados pelo código do TML. Com os resultados obtidos, pôde-se afirmar que houve recuperação do ácido cítrico, e a quantidade de solvente utilizado dependerá da concentração de ácido cítrico o qual é alimentado ao processo
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