881 research outputs found
Quantile reference values for peak oxygen uptake: Cross-sectional study of 9,354 adult participants of cardiopulmonary exercise tests using cycle ergometry in three German cities.
Low cardiorespiratory tness is a crucial risk factor for premature death and a plethora
of health threats. It is determined by measuring the maximal volitional oxygen consumption
(V_ O2peak) in incremental cardiopulmonary exercise tests. The interpretation of an
individual's V_ O2peak is only meaningful if sex-speci c and age-speci c reference values
are considered. The primary goal of this study was to create reference values for V_ O2peak
based on cardiopulmonary exercise tests using cycle ergometry.
The data were acquired in the course of primary preventive health screenings. Overall,
9,354 German white-collar workers (6,063 men, 3,291 women) aged 25 to 69 years who
performed cycle ergometry-based incremental exercise tests were included in the analysis.
Three study centres recorded the data in a central database (Prevention First Registry)
for an inquiry period between 2001 and 2015. Quantile regressions were used to create
nomograms and an interactive web application was developed (www.uks.eu/vo2peak).
Apparent and external validations of the regression ts were performed. The generalisability
of this sample was assessed by comparing ve characteristics to a study which was
representative of the German population. Exercise test modalities were not recorded in
the full dataset but were acquired retrospectively for a random sample with an a priori
calculated sample size of 252 participants.
An estimated proportion of 97% of the recorded exercise tests was continued until exertion.
The reference values showed a particularly high validity for the age groups from 30 to
64 years. 3/5 characteristics in men and 4/5 characteristics in women of this sample
were signi cantly di erent from the German population, indicating a selection of healthy
The reference values presented by this study are based on one of the most extensive
databases in this eld. They can be used for participants of cycle ergometry-based exercise
tests aged 25 to 69 years who are part of a population that is comparable to this study.Hintergrund
Eine niedrige kardiorespiratorische Fitness ist ein entscheidender modi zierbarer Risikofaktor
f ur vorzeitiges Versterben sowie eine Vielzahl von weiteren Gesundheitsgefahren.
Sie wird bestimmt, indem die maximal willku rliche Sauersto aufnahme (V_ O2peak) bei
einer spiroergometrischen Untersuchung gemessen wird. Die individuelle V_ O2peak ist
jedoch nur aussagekr aftig, wenn sie mit geschlechtsspezi schen und altersspezi schen
Referenzwerten verglichen wird. Das prim are Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Erstellung von
Referenzwerten fu r die V_ O2peak, welche im Rahmen von Spiroergometrien mit Fahrradergometern
erhoben wurden.
Die Datenerhebung erfolgte im Rahmen von pr aventivmedizinischen Untersuchungen bei
denen eine Spiroergometrie mit Fahrradergometern durchf uhrt wurde. Insgesamt wurden
9,354 Teilnehmer (6,063 M anner, 3,291 Frauen) im Alter von 25 bis 69 Jahren in die
Analyse eingeschlossen. Die Teilnehmer waren vor allem B uroangestellte mit einem bewegungsarmen
Arbeitsumfeld. Untersuchungen aus drei deutschen Zentren wurden in einer
zentralen Datenbank (Prevention First Registry) gespeichert. Quantilregressionen wurden
berechnet um Nomogramme zu erstellen und eine Webapplikation wurde entwickelt
(www.uks.eu/vo2peak). Apparente und externe Validierungen der Quantilregressionen
wurden durchgef uhrt. F unf Merkmale dieser Studienpopulation wurden mit einer f ur
Deutschland repr asentativen Studie verglichen um die Repr asentativit at der Ergebnisse
zu untersuchen. Die Testmodalit aten der Spiroergometrien wurden nicht in der zentralen
Datenbank gespeichert und wurden deshalb f ur eine Zufallsstichprobe mit einer a priori
berechneten Fallzahl von 252 Teilnehmern erhoben.
Bei einem gesch atzten Anteil von 97% der Teilnehmer wurden Ausbelastungskriterien
erf ullt. Die Referenzwerte zeigten eine besonders hohe Validit at f ur die Altersgruppen
von 30 bis 64 Jahre. 3/5 Merkmale bei M annern und 4/5 Merkmale bei Frauen dieser
Studienpopulation zeigten signi kante Unterschiede zur deutschen Bev olkerung. Dies
deutet auf eine Selektion von gesunden Teilnehmern hin.
Die Referenzwerte dieser Studie basieren auf einer der umfangreichsten bisher publizierten
Datengrundlagen in diesem Feld. Sie k onnen f ur Teilnehmer von fahrradergometrischen
Spiroergometrien im Alter von 25 bis 69 Jahren verwendet werden, die einer Bev olkerungsgruppe
angeh oren, welche vergleichbar mit dieser Studienpopulation ist
Considering the shareholder perspective: value-based management systems and stock market performance
We empirically study the use of value-based management systems in listed German firms and examine implications for firms' stock market performance. Using a novel, hand-collected data set covering 1,083 firm years from 2002 to 2008, we find that value-based management systems become increasingly common. Specifically, in 2008 42% of our sample firms have implemented such a system. In the empirical analysis, we find that firms that implement value-based management systems earn statistically significant and economically substantial abnormal stock market returns measured within a two-year adoption phase. These excess returns are not jeopardized by poor post-adoption returns. In the analysis, we carefully control for risk and account for endogeneity concerns. Overall, our findings support the view that shareholders consider the adoption of a value-based management system as a credible signal that management will focus on shareholder interests and that such systems actually increase shareholder value. --value-based management,corporate governance,econometric analysis,Germany
Oncogenic fusion protein BCR-FGFR1 requires the breakpoint cluster region-mediated oligomerization and chaperonin Hsp90 for activation.
Mutation and translocation of fibroblast growth factor receptors often lead to aberrant signaling and cancer. This work focuses on the t(8;22)(p11;q11) chromosomal translocation which creates the breakpoint cluster region (BCR) fibroblast growth factor receptor1 (FGFR1) (BCR-FGFR1) fusion protein. This fusion occurs in stem cell leukemia/lymphoma, which can progress to atypical chronic myeloid leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, or B-cell lymphoma. This work focuses on the biochemical characterization of BCR-FGFR1 and identification of novel therapeutic targets. The tyrosine kinase activity of FGFR1 is required for biological activity as shown using transformation assays, interleukin-3 independent cell proliferation, and liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy analyses. Furthermore, BCR contributes a coiled-coil oligomerization domain, also essential for oncogenic transformation by BCR-FGFR1. The importance of salt bridge formation within the coiled-coil domain is demonstrated, as disruption of three salt bridges abrogates cellular transforming ability. Lastly, BCR-FGFR1 acts as a client of the chaperonin heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), suggesting that BCR-FGFR1 relies on Hsp90 complex to evade proteasomal degradation. Transformed cells expressing BCR-FGFR1 are sensitive to the Hsp90 inhibitor Ganetespib, and also respond to combined treatment with Ganetespib plus the FGFR inhibitor BGJ398. Collectively, these data suggest novel therapeutic approaches for future stem cell leukemia/lymphoma treatment: inhibition of BCR oligomerization by disruption of required salt bridges; and inhibition of the chaperonin Hsp90 complex
Following the Historical Ecologists approach, this article will use data from different collaborative with the intention of showing that the Amazon rainforest today, considered by many as the one of very few wild, pristine and unspoilt environments on the planet is actually the result of a long period of human managements that have had beneficial impacts on the system. This is an extremely important premise to rethink the role of traditional populations to preserve the Amazon. This work addresses the four main moments in the history of human occupation in the Amazon: the early migrants; the first more stationary occupations, the great villages, the population peak around the year one thousand and the traditional populations today.
Key-words: Historical Ecology. Traditional Amazonian societies. Amazonian archaeology.Seguindo a abordagem dos Ecologistas HistĂłricos, este artigo usarĂĄ dados de diferentes projetos colaborativos com o intuito de demonstrar que a floresta amazĂŽnica atual, considerada por muitos como um dos poucos ambientes selvagens, pristinos e intocados do planeta, Ă©, na verdade, o resultado de um longo perĂodo manejos humanos que causaram impactos benĂ©ficos ao sistema. Essa premissa Ă© extremamente importante para repensar o papel das populaçÔes tradicionais para a preservação da AmazĂŽnia. Este trabalho foca quatro momentos principais da histĂłria da ocupação humana na AmazĂŽnia: os migrantes iniciais; as primeiras ocupaçÔes mais fixas, as grandes aldeias, o ĂĄpice populacional por volta do ano mil e as populaçÔes tradicionais atuais.
Palavras-chaves: Ecologia HistĂłrica. Sociedades amazĂŽnicas tradicionais. Arqueologia amazĂŽnica
The value of multimodality imaging for detection, characterisation and management of a wall adhering structure in the right atrium
The case presents a wall adherent structure in the right atrium in a young patient with peripheral tcell
lymphoma followed by successful prolonged lysis therapy resulting in the resolution of the
thrombus is presented. This case highlights the utility of multimodality imaging in an accurate
assessment of the right atrium thrombus and the effectiveness of prolonged lysis therapy.peer-reviewe
New Frontiers of Quantified Self 3: Exploring Understudied Categories of Users
Quantified Self (QS) field needs to start thinking of how situated needs may affect the use of self-tracking technologies. In this workshop we will focus on the idiosyncrasies of specific categories of users
Considering the shareholder perspective: value-based management systems and stock market performance
We empirically study the use of value-based management systems in listed German firms and examine implications for firms' stock market performance. Using a novel, hand-collected data set covering 1,083 firm years from 2002 to 2008, we find that value-based management systems become increasingly common. Specifically, in 2008 42% of our sample firms have implemented such a system. In the empirical analysis, we find that firms that implement value-based management systems earn statistically significant and economically substantial abnormal stock market returns measured within a two-year adoption phase. These excess returns are not jeopardized by poor post-adoption returns. In the analysis, we carefully control for risk and account for endogeneity concerns. Overall, our findings support the view that shareholders consider the adoption of a value-based management system as a credible signal that management will focus on shareholder interests and that such systems actually increase shareholder value
PrĂĄticas FunerĂĄrias na AmazĂŽnia: a morte, a diversidade e os locais de enterramento
Resumo: neste trabalho buscou-se um diĂĄlogo com alguns conceitos teĂłricos oriundos da Antropologia (Teoria da PrĂĄtica e Identidade) aplicados ao estudo de contextos funerĂĄrios. Esses conceitos
foram associados Ă metodologia da arqueologia da morte (elaborados por Duday e Masset em 1986) e aplicados aos contextos da arqueologia AmazĂŽnica. Como resultado tem-se atualmente um panorama inicial das prĂĄticas funerĂĄrias de diferentes partes da AmazĂŽnia, constituindo um
corpo de dados passĂvel de ser comparado Ă s grandes teorias de ocupação dessa regiĂŁo.
Palavras-chave: Arqueologia AmazĂŽnica. PrĂĄticas FunerĂĄrias. Gestos
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