2,911 research outputs found

    Inflation after False Vacuum Decay: Observational Prospects after Planck

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    We assess two potential signals of the formation of our universe by the decay of a false vacuum. Negative spatial curvature is one possibility, but the window for its detection is now small. However, another possible signal is a suppression of the CMB power spectrum at large angles. This arises from the steepening of the effective potential as it interpolates between a flat inflationary plateau and the high barrier separating us from our parent vacuum. We demonstrate that these two effects can be parametrically separated in angular scale. Observationally, the steepening effect appears to be excluded at large l; but it remains consistent with the slight lack of power below l about 30 found by the WMAP and Planck collaborations. We give two simple models which improve the fit to the Planck data; one with observable curvature and one without. Despite cosmic variance, we argue that future CMB polarization and most importantly large-scale structure observations should be able to corroborate the Planck anomaly if it is real. If we further assume the specific theoretical setting of a landscape of metastable vacua, as suggested by string theory, we can estimate the probability of seeing a low-l suppression in the CMB. There are significant theoretical uncertainties in such calculations, but we argue the probability for a detectable suppression may be as large as O(1), and in general is significantly larger than the probability of seeing curvature.Comment: 34 pages plus appendices, 16 figures. v2: Corrections and clarifications to section 3.2, conclusions unchanged. References adde

    Centro de capacitación e investigación en el distrito de Salas

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    La presente investigación busca proponer una solución al mal accionar de los recursos naturales inscritos en el paisaje productivo del distrito de Salas, empleando las unidades de paisaje para lograr entender el funcionamiento y estructura del territorio, para posteriormente analizar propuestas en contextos similares para un mayor entendimiento de cómo emplear el paisaje para crear arquitectura, por ello se utiliza una propuesta metodológica con un enfoque cualitativo no experimental, al basar la investigación en la técnica de observación, realizando cartografías y levantamientos para la recolección de información, identificando que el territorio presenta una diversidad de paisajes naturales, urbanos y productivos, los cuales se encuentran desligados al no tener una adecuada interacción entre ellos, concluyendo que resulta necesaria una intervención desde el paisaje que potencie las actividades productivas locales para una adecuada simbiosis entre lo antrópico y lo natural a través de una propuesta arquitectónica basada en las estrategias obtenidas en el estudio de referentes


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    Objective: to assess the effect of changes on Primary Care policies on the trend in hospitalization rates for Ambulatory Conditions Sensitive to Primary Care in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Study design: It´s an ecological study with data from Brazilian National Health Information System.  Methods: We performed interrupted time series analysis, comparing 3 different periods due to primary care policies in Brazil: 2008-2009; 2010-2017, and 2018-2019. Dataset included total ACSC and rates for 19 groups of conditions. Results: There was a non-significant increasing trend in baseline admissions. The reform impacted (policy #1) the change in trend, causing it to reduce in the period significantly. However, the change in the PNAB (policy #2) did not change the trend but reduced the rate of decline. Trends and differences among periods vary due to the ACSC group. Conclusion: Primary care is sensitive to changes in public health policies. The hospitalization rate for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions is an indicator that reflects the changes and the adaptability of the organization of the health service network to guarantee universal coverage and to attend to the population's demand

    On the weight of indels in genomic distances

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    Dias Vieira Braga M, Machado R, Ribeiro LC, Stoye J. On the weight of indels in genomic distances. BMC Bioinformatics. 2011;12(Suppl 9: RECOMB-CG 2011): S13.Background: Classical approaches to compute the genomic distance are usually limited to genomes with the same content, without duplicated markers. However, differences in the gene content are frequently observed and can reflect important evolutionary aspects. A few polynomial time algorithms that include genome rearrangements, insertions and deletions (or substitutions) were already proposed. These methods often allow a block of contiguous markers to be inserted, deleted or substituted at once but result in distance functions that do not respect the triangular inequality and hence do not constitute metrics. Results: In the present study we discuss the disruption of the triangular inequality in some of the available methods and give a framework to establish an efficient correction for two models recently proposed, one that includes insertions, deletions and double cut and join (DCJ) operations, and one that includes substitutions and DCJ operations. Conclusions: We show that the proposed framework establishes the triangular inequality in both distances, by summing a surcharge on indel operations and on substitutions that depends only on the number of markers affected by these operations. This correction can be applied a posteriori, without interfering with the already available formulas to compute these distances. We claim that this correction leads to distances that are biologically more plausible


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    “The Business of Education: Adventures in the Land of Riskless Capitalism”, organized by Gilberto Maringoni, is the result of an effort by the Federation of Teachers of the State of São Paulo (Fepesp) to understand the structural changes that have been taking place in recent decades of higher education. Such changes were fostered by significant institutional changes observed within the scope of the Brazilian State. They opened up the possibility that educational enterprises could become highly profitable ventures with shares traded on stock exchanges and open to outside investors. If these characteristics were not enough, in 2010, the sector experienced an efficient form of risk-free capitalism, through strong state subsidies, through fiscal renunciation with the Fund for Student Financing (Fies). Organized intelligently, the Fies, according to the authors of the work, could be classified as a neoliberal initiative with strong social legitimacy. The program made it possible for millions of Brazilians to have access to the banks of private higher education institutions (IES), while at the same time eliminating bad debts in corporate cash. By a union that brings together workers in education, knowledge of this reality is vital. Not only to know with whom salaries and working conditions are negotiated, but to be aware that there are enterprises firmly anchored in the international financial system and in strong articulations in the state apparatus.   Keywords: Education; Higher education; Capitalism.“El Negocio de la Educación: aventuras en la tierra del capitalismo sin riesgo”, organizado por Gilberto Maringoni, es el resultado de un esfuerzo de la Federación de Profesores del Estado de São Paulo (Fepesp) para comprender los cambios estructurales que vienen ocurriendo en las últimas décadas en el ámbito de la enseñanza superior. Estos cambios fueron fomentados por cambios institucionales significativos observados en el ámbito del Estado brasileño. Ellas abrieron la posibilidad de que empresas educativas se transformasen en emprendimientos fuertemente rentables, con acciones negociadas en bolsas y abiertas a inversores externos. No basta con tales características, el sector, a partir de 2010, conoció una eficiente forma de capitalismo sin riesgo, a través de fuertes subsidios estatales, realizados por medio de renuncia fiscal con el programa Fondo de Financiamiento Estudiantil (FIES). Organizado de forma inteligente, el Fies, según los autores de la obra, podría ser clasificado como una iniciativa neoliberal con fuerte legitimidad social. El programa posibilitó que millones de brasileños tuvieran acceso a los bancos de las instituciones de enseñanza superior privada (IES), al tiempo que eliminó casi por completo el incumplimiento en la caja de las empresas. Por una entidad sindical que congrega a trabajadores en educación, el conocimiento de esa realidad es vital. Esto no sólo para saber con quién se negocia salarios y condiciones de trabajo, sino para tener ciencia que hay emprendimientos sólidamente anclados en el sistema financiero internacional y en robustas articulaciones en el aparato estatal.   Palabras clave: Educación; Enseñanza superior; capitalismo.“O Negócio da Educação: aventuras na terra do capitalismo sem risco”, organizada por Gilberto Maringoni, é resultado de um esforço da Federação dos Professores do Estado de São Paulo (Fepesp) para compreender as mudanças estruturais que vêm ocorrendo nas últimas décadas no âmbito do ensino superior. Tais mudanças foram fomentadas por alterações institucionais significativas observadas no âmbito do Estado brasileiro. Elas abriram a possibilidade de que empresas educacionais se transformassem em empreendimentos fortemente rentáveis, com ações negociadas em bolsas e abertas a investidores externos. Não bastassem tais características, o setor, a partir de 2010, conheceu uma eficiente forma de capitalismo sem risco, através de fortes subsídios estatais, realizados por meio de renúncia fiscal com o programa Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil (Fies). Organizado de forma inteligente, o Fies, segundo os autores da obra, poderia ser classificado como uma iniciativa neoliberal com forte legitimidade social. O programa possibilitou que milhões de brasileiros tivessem acesso aos bancos das instituições de ensino superior privado (IES), ao mesmo tempo em que eliminou quase por completo a inadimplência no caixa das empresas. Por uma entidade sindical que congrega trabalhadores em educação, o conhecimento dessa realidade é vital. Isso não apenas para saber com quem se negocia salários e condições de trabalho, mas para ter ciência que há empreendimentos solidamente ancorados no sistema financeiro internacional e em robustas articulações no aparelho estatal.    Palavras-chave: Educação; Ensino Superior; Capitalismo

    Consciência do oprimido: uma leitura freiriana de Lima Barreto

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    “Consciência do oprimido: uma leitura freiriana de Lima Barreto”, de Carlos Mario Paes Camacho, que analisa “O triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma”, de Lima Barreto, publicada em 1915, à luz das concepções de Paulo Freire, especialmente as questões da consciência e as contradições da sociedade brasileira. A obra de Lima Barreto persegue a “razão oprimida”, ou seja, a existência de racionalidades desenvolvidas pelas classes subalternizadas e que foram silenciadas pelo poder das classes dominantes

    Programa de Milhas e Contratos de Fidelidade: Natureza Jurídica e Impactos no Direito do Consumidor

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    Relevant theme within the new consumer relations is the legal nature of frequent flyer (miles) programs and loyalty contracts. From a post-positivist view, it is understood that the consumer's rights suffer direct impact of private publicity phenomenon, it means, a constitutional reflection in the interests of individuals, because they constitute an integral part of a social whole, metaindividual rights holders. One aspect to be addressed is what concerns the own legislative mutation with respect to its interpretation, at the time the legal norm becomes a compound of normative determinations of heteronomous and ambiguous character, assuming, then, a new legal from a modern systematic hermeneutics. Will be seen, also, the influence of constitutional principles on consumer rights as legal science, not just an ideological (theoretical) level, but from a practical aspect, when analyzing some cases, in spite of a public view on consumer rights and the defense of their interests in decisions handed down by judges as well as by Brazilian higher courts. We will review any legal nature of miles for addressing a new form of service contracts, through an indirect compensation, can be faced as a kind of money. The research method is the hypotheticaldeductive.Tema relevante dentro das novas relações de consumo é a natureza jurídica dos programas de milhagem e contratos de fidelidade. A partir de uma visão pós-positivista, entende-se que os direitos do consumidor sofrem impacto direto do fenômeno da publicização do privado, ou seja, um reflexo constitucional nos interesses entre particulares, por constituírem parte integrante de um todo social, possuidores de direitos metaindividuais. Um dos aspectos a serem tratados é o que concerne à própria mutação legislativa no tocante à sua interpretação, no momento em que a norma jurídica se torna um composto de determinações normativas de caráter heterônomo e polissêmico, assumindo, então, uma nova natureza jurídica a partir de uma hermenêutica sistemática moderna. Ver-se-á, ainda, a influência dos princípios constitucionais no direito do consumidor como ciência jurídica, não apenas num plano ideológico (teórico), mas sob um aspecto prático, ao analisarem-se alguns casos em que pese um olhar público sobre os direitos dos consumidores e a defesa dos seus interesses nas decisões proferidas por magistrados, bem como pelos tribunais superiores brasileiros. Analisaremos a eventual natureza jurídica das milhas, por tratarem de uma nova forma de contratação de serviço, através de uma remuneração indireta, podendo ser encarada como moeda. O método de pesquisa será o hipotético-dedutivo

    Effect of Toothbrush Bristle Stiffness and Brushing Force on Cleaning Efficacy

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    PURPOSE This study investigated the effect of toothbrush bristle stiffness and brushing force on the cleaning efficacy in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eighty bovine dentin samples were allocated to eight groups (n=10). Two custom-made toothbrushes of different bristle stiffness (soft and medium) were tested at four different brushing forces (1, 2, 3 and 4 N). Dentin samples were stained in black tea and brushed (60 strokes/min) for a total of 25 min in a brushing machine with an abrasive solution (RDA 67). Photographs were taken after 2 and 25 min of brushing time. Cleaning efficacy was measured planimetrically. RESULTS After 2 min of brushing, the soft-bristle toothbrush did not cause statistically significantly different cleaning efficacy at different brushing forces, while the medium-bristle toothbrush cleaned statistically significantly less efficaceously only at 1 N. Comparing the two different toothbrushes, higher cleaning efficacy was observed only at 1 N for the soft-bristle brush. At 25 min brushing time, the soft-bristle cleaned statistically significantly better at 4 N compared to 1 N and 2 N and at 3 N compared to 1 N. Using the medium-bristle, cleaning efficacy increased with increasing brushing force. After 25 min of brushing, no statistically significant difference was observed between the two different toothbrushes. CONCLUSION Irrespective the brushing force, the use of a soft or medium toothbrush results in comparable cleaning efficacy. At 2 min brushing time, increasing the brushing force does not increase the cleaning efficacy