1,547 research outputs found

    The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana reduces instantaneous blood feeding in wild multi-insecticide-resistant Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in Benin, West Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Mosquito-borne diseases are still a major health risk in many developing countries, and the emergence of multi-insecticide-resistant mosquitoes is threatening the future of vector control. Therefore, new tools that can manage resistant mosquitoes are required. Laboratory studies show that entomopathogenic fungi can kill insecticide-resistant malaria vectors but this needs to be verified in the field. METHODS: The present study investigated whether these fungi will be effective at infecting, killing and/or modifying the behaviour of wild multi-insecticide-resistant West African mosquitoes. The entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana were separately applied to white polyester window netting and used in combination with either a permethrin-treated or untreated bednet in an experimental hut trial. Untreated nets were used because we wanted to test the effect of fungus alone and in combination with an insecticide to examine any potential additive or synergistic effects. RESULTS: In total, 1125 female mosquitoes were collected during the hut trial, mainly Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Unfortunately, not enough wild Anopheles gambiae Giles were collected to allow the effect the fungi may have on this malaria vector to be analysed. None of the treatment combinations caused significantly increased mortality of Cx. quinquefasciatus when compared to the control hut. The only significant behaviour modification found was a reduction in blood feeding by Cx. quinquefasciatus, caused by the permethrin and B. bassiana treatments, although no additive effect was seen in the B. bassiana and permethrin combination treatment. Beauveria bassiana did not repel blood foraging mosquitoes either in the laboratory or field. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first time that an entomopathogenic fungus has been shown to reduce blood feeding of wild mosquitoes. This behaviour modification indicates that B. bassiana could potentially be a new mosquito control tool effective at reducing disease transmission, although further field work in areas with filariasis transmission should be carried out to verify this. In addition, work targeting malaria vector mosquitoes should be carried out to see if these mosquitoes manifest the same behaviour modification after infection with B. bassiana conidia

    The conformal current algebra on supergroups with applications to the spectrum and integrability

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    We compute the algebra of left and right currents for a principal chiral model with arbitrary Wess-Zumino term on supergroups with zero Killing form. We define primary fields for the current algebra that match the affine primaries at the Wess-Zumino-Witten points. The Maurer-Cartan equation together with current conservation tightly constrain the current-current and current-primary operator product expansions. The Hilbert space of the theory is generated by acting with the currents on primary fields. We compute the conformal dimensions of a subset of these states in the large radius limit. The current algebra is shown to be consistent with the quantum integrability of these models to several orders in perturbation theory.Comment: 45 pages. Minor correction

    First report of the infection of insecticide-resistant malaria vector mosquitoes with an entomopathogenic fungus under field conditions

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    BACKGROUND: Insecticide-resistant mosquitoes are compromising the ability of current mosquito control tools to control malaria vectors. A proposed new approach for mosquito control is to use entomopathogenic fungi. These fungi have been shown to be lethal to both insecticide-susceptible and insecticide-resistant mosquitoes under laboratory conditions. The goal of this study was to see whether entomopathogenic fungi could be used to infect insecticide-resistant malaria vectors under field conditions, and to see whether the virulence and viability of the fungal conidia decreased after exposure to ambient African field conditions. METHODS: This study used the fungus Beauveria bassiana to infect the insecticide-resistant malaria vector Anopheles gambiae s.s (Diptera: Culicidae) VKPER laboratory colony strain. Fungal conidia were applied to polyester netting and kept under West African field conditions for varying periods of time. The virulence of the fungal-treated netting was tested 1, 3 and 5 days after net application by exposing An. gambiae s.s. VKPER mosquitoes in WHO cone bioassays carried out under field conditions. In addition, the viability of B. bassiana conidia was measured after up to 20 days exposure to field conditions. RESULTS: The results show that B. bassiana infection caused significantly increased mortality with the daily risk of dying being increased by 2.5 × for the fungus-exposed mosquitoes compared to the control mosquitoes. However, the virulence of the B. bassiana conidia decreased with increasing time spent exposed to the field conditions, the older the treatment on the net, the lower the fungus-induced mortality rate. This is likely to be due to the climate because laboratory trials found no such decline within the same trial time period. Conidial viability also decreased with increasing exposure to the net and natural abiotic environmental conditions. After 20 days field exposure the conidial viability was 30%, but the viability of control conidia not exposed to the net or field conditions was 79%. CONCLUSIONS: This work shows promise for the use of B. bassiana fungal conidia against insecticide-resistant mosquitoes in the field, but further work is required to examine the role of environmental conditions on fungal virulence and viability with a view to eventually making the fungal conidia delivery system more able to withstand the ambient African climate

    First-principles derivation of the AdS/CFT Y-systems

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    We provide a first-principles, perturbative derivation of the AdS5/CFT4 Y-system that has been proposed to solve the spectrum problem of N=4 SYM. The proof relies on the computation of quantum effects in the fusion of some loop operators, namely the transfer matrices. More precisely we show that the leading quantum corrections in the fusion of transfer matrices induce the correct shifts of the spectral parameter in the T-system. As intermediate steps we study UV divergences in line operators up to first order and compute the fusion of line operators up to second order for the pure spinor string in AdS5xS5. We also argue that the derivation can be easily extended to other integrable models, some of which describe string theory on AdS4, AdS3 and AdS2 spacetimes.Comment: 45 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor additions, JHEP versio

    The influence of D-branes' backreaction upon gravitational interactions between open strings

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    We argue that gravitational interactions between open strings ending on D3-branes are largely shaped by the D3-branes' backreaction. To this end we consider classical open strings coupled to general relativity in Poincare AdS5 backgrounds. We compute the linear gravitational backreaction of a static string extending up to the Poincare horizon, and deduce the potential energy between two such strings. If spacetime is non-compact, we find that the gravitational potential energy between parallel open strings is independent of the strings' inertial masses and goes like 1/r at large distance r. If the space transverse to the D3-branes is suitably compactified, a collective mode of the graviton propagates usual four-dimensional gravity. In that case the backreaction of the D3-branes induces a correction to the Newtonian potential energy that violates the equivalence principle. The observed enhancement of the gravitational attraction is specific to string theory; there is no similar effect for point-particles.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Typos corrected, minor addition

    Prevalence of Oral Pain and Barriers to use of Emergency Oral Care Facilities Among Adult Tanzanians.

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    Oral pain has been the major cause of the attendances in the dental clinics in Tanzania. Some patients postpone seeing the dentist for as long as two to five days. This study determines the prevalence of oral pain and barriers to use of emergency oral care in Tanzania. Questionnaire data were collected from 1,759 adult respondents aged 18 years and above. The study area covered six urban and eight rural study clusters, which had been selected using the WHO Pathfinder methodology. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses were performed to identify associations.\ud Forty two percent of the respondents had utilized the oral health care facilities sometimes in their lifetime. About 59% of the respondents revealed that they had suffered from oral pain and/or discomfort within the twelve months that preceded the study, but only 26.5% of these had sought treatment from oral health care facilities. The reasons for not seeking emergency care were: lack of money to pay for treatment (27.9%); self medication (17.6%); respondents thinking that pain would disappear with time (15.7%); and lack of money to pay for transport to the dental clinic (15.0%). Older adults were more likely to report that they had experienced oral pain during the last 12 months than the younger adults (OR = 1.57, CI 1.07-1.57, P < 0.001). Respondents from rural areas were more likely report dental clinics far from home (OR = 5.31, CI = 2.09-13.54, P < 0.001); self medication at home (OR = 3.65, CI = 2.25-5.94, P < 0.001); and being treated by traditional healer (OR = 5.31, CI = 2.25-12.49, P < 0.001) as reasons for not seeking emergency care from the oral health care facilities than their counterparts from urban areas. Oral pain and discomfort were prevalent among adult Tanzanians. Only a quarter of those who experienced oral pain or discomfort sought emergency oral care from oral health care facilities. Self medication was used as an alternative to using oral care facilities mainly by rural residents. Establishing oral care facilities in rural areas is recommended

    Solving the Simplest Theory of Quantum Gravity

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    We solve what is quite likely the simplest model of quantum gravity, the worldsheet theory of an infinitely long, free bosonic string in Minkowski space. Contrary to naive expectations, this theory is non-trivial. We illustrate this by constructing its exact factorizable S-matrix. Despite its simplicity, the theory exhibits many of the salient features expected from more mature quantum gravity models, including the absence of local off-shell observables, a minimal length, a maximum achievable (Hagedorn) temperature, as well as (integrable relatives of) black holes. All these properties follow from the exact S-matrix. We show that the complete finite volume spectrum can be reconstructed analytically from this S-matrix with the help of the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz. We argue that considered as a UV complete relativistic two-dimensional quantum field theory the model exhibits a new type of renormalization group flow behavior, "asymptotic fragility". Asymptotically fragile flows do not originate from a UV fixed point.Comment: 32+4 pages, 1 figure, v2: typos fixed, published versio

    Geometry of open strings ending on backreacting D3-branes

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    We investigate open string theory on backreacting D3-branes using a spacetime approach. We study in detail the half-BPS supergravity solutions describing open strings ending on D3-branes, in the near horizon of the D3-branes. We recover quantitatively several non-trivial features of open string physics including the appearance of D3-brane spikes, the polarization of fundamental strings into D5-branes, and the Hanany-Witten effect. Finally we detail the computation of the gravitational potential between two open strings, and contrast it with the holographic computation of Wilson lines. We argue that the D-brane backreaction has a large influence on the low-energy gravity, which may lead to experimental tests for string theory brane-world scenarios.Comment: 64 pages, 20 figure

    Fusion of line operators in conformal sigma-models on supergroups, and the Hirota equation

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    We study line operators in the two-dimensional sigma-model on PSl(n|n) using the current-current OPEs. We regularize and renormalize these line operators, and compute their fusion up to second order in perturbation theory. In particular we show that the transfer matrix associated to a one-parameter family of flat connections is free of divergences. Moreover this transfer matrix satisfies the Hirota equation (which can be rewritten as a Y-system, or Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations) for all values of the two parameters defining the sigma-model. This provides a first-principles derivation of the Hirota equation which does not rely on the string hypothesis nor on the assumption of quantum integrability.Comment: 53 pages, 6 figures. Minor correction