11 research outputs found

    Computational modeling identifies key gene regulatory interactions underlying phenobarbital-mediated tumor promotion

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    Gene regulatory interactions underlying the early stages of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis are poorly understood. Here, we have identified key candidate regulators of phenobarbital (PB)-mediated mouse liver tumorigenesis, a well-characterized model of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis, by applying a new computational modeling approach to a comprehensive collection of in vivo gene expression studies. We have combined our previously developed motif activity response analysis (MARA), which models gene expression patterns in terms of computationally predicted transcription factor binding sites with singular value decomposition (SVD) of the inferred motif activities, to disentangle the roles that different transcriptional regulators play in specific biological pathways of tumor promotion. Furthermore, transgenic mouse models enabled us to identify which of these regulatory activities was downstream of constitutive androstane receptor and β-catenin signaling, both crucial components of PB-mediated liver tumorigenesis. We propose novel roles for E2F and ZFP161 in PB-mediated hepatocyte proliferation and suggest that PB-mediated suppression of ESR1 activity contributes to the development of a tumor-prone environment. Our study shows that combining MARA with SVD allows for automated identification of independent transcription regulatory programs within a complex in vivo tissue environment and provides novel mechanistic insights into PB-mediated hepatocarcinogenesi

    Aberrant cytoplasmic intron retention is a blueprint for RNA binding protein mislocalization in VCP-related amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    We recently described aberrantly increased cytoplasmic SFPQ intron-retaining transcripts (IRTs) and concurrent SFPQ protein mislocalization as new hallmarks of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, the generalizability and potential roles of cytoplasmic IRTs in health and disease remain unclear. Here, using time-resolved deep sequencing of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of human induced pluripotent stem cells undergoing motor neurogenesis, we reveal that ALS-causing VCP gene mutations lead to compartment-specific aberrant accumulation of IRTs. Specifically, we identify > 100 IRTs with increased cytoplasmic abundance in ALS samples. Furthermore, these aberrant cytoplasmic IRTs possess sequence-specific attributes and differential predicted binding affinity to RNA binding proteins. Remarkably, TDP-43, SFPQ and FUS-RNA binding proteins known for nuclear-to-cytoplasmic mislocalization in ALS-abundantly and specifically bind to this aberrant cytoplasmic pool of IRTs. Our data are therefore consistent with a novel role for cytoplasmic IRTs in regulating compartment-specific protein abundance. This study provides new molecular insight into potential pathomechanisms underlying ALS and highlights aberrant cytoplasmic IRTs as potential therapeutic targets

    Towards a better understanding of early drug-induced regulatory mechanisms of liver tumorigenesis

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    Non-genotoxic carcinogens (NGC) form a group of molecules that do not directly bind DNA (1) but that produce perturbations in the gene expression and epigenetic state of cells which facilitate tumor formation, typically through the promotion of preexisting neoplastic cells into neoplasms. The molecular events underlying the NGC-induced transformation of normal hepatocytes to altered hepatocellular foci are still unclear and no acute early molecular markers for NGC are available for drugs under development. According to regulatory expectations, drug safety is tested in both short term in vitro and long-term in vivo studies in several experimental animals (rodent and non-rodent species) prior testing on human. As the safety assessment in experimental animals has been very successful in predicting toxicity of biologically active chemicals in humans, differences in species biochemistry or pathophysiology be- tween human and rodents have raised doubts regarding the appropriateness of extrapolating some rodent tumor findings to humans. A better understanding of NGC mode of action on cellular mechanism is believed to help addressing the relevance of rodent assays to human risk assessment and help in early prediction of NGC in drug development. In this dissertation we have adapted innovative bioinformatic approaches to toxicogenomic data from comprehensive in vivo experiments in order 1) to identify key early regulatory interactions underlying liver drug-induced non-genotoxic carcinogenesis and 2) to examine potential species-specificity (human-mice) in receptor-dependent mechanisms underlying liver tissue molecular responses to NGC. The outcome of this research provides with novel mechanism-based candidate biomarkers for NGC, and allows for a better understanding of early mechanisms and pathways underlying drug-induced toxicity in rodents and their relevance to human

    Computational modeling identifies key gene regulatory interactions underlying phenobarbital-mediated tumor promotion

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    Gene regulatory interactions underlying the early stages of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis are poorly understood. Here, we have identified key candidate regulators of phenobarbital (PB)-mediated mouse liver tumorigenesis, a well-characterized model of non-genotoxic carcinogenesis, by applying a new computational modeling approach to a comprehensive collection of in vivo gene expression studies. We have combined our previously developed motif activity response analysis (MARA), which models gene expression patterns in terms of computationally predicted transcription factor binding sites with singular value decomposition (SVD) of the inferred motif activities, to disentangle the roles that different transcriptional regulators play in specific biological pathways of tumor promotion. Furthermore, transgenic mouse models enabled us to identify which of these regulatory activities was downstream of constitutive androstane receptor and β-catenin signaling, both crucial components of PB-mediated liver tumorigenesis. We propose novel roles for E2F and ZFP161 in PB-mediated hepatocyte proliferation and suggest that PB-mediated suppression of ESR1 activity contributes to the development of a tumor-prone environment. Our study shows that combining MARA with SVD allows for automated identification of independent transcription regulatory programs within a complex in vivo tissue environment and provides novel mechanistic insights into PB-mediated hepatocarcinogenesis

    Blimp-1 and c-Maf regulate Il10 and negatively regulate common and unique proinflammatory gene networks in IL-12 plus IL-27-driven T helper-1 cells [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background CD4+ Th1 cells producing IFN-γ are required to eradicate intracellular pathogens, however if uncontrolled these cells can cause immunopathology. The cytokine IL-10 is produced by multiple immune cells including Th1 cells during infection and regulates the immune response to minimise collateral host damage. In this study we aimed to elucidate the transcriptional network of genes controlling the expression of Il10 and proinflammatory cytokines, including Ifng in Th1 cells differentiated from mouse naive CD4+ T cells. Methods We applied computational analysis of gene regulation derived from temporal profiling of gene expression clusters obtained from bulk RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of flow cytometry sorted naïve CD4+ T cells from mouse spleens differentiated in vitro into Th1 effector cells with IL-12 and IL-27 to produce Ifng and Il10, compared to IL-27 alone which express Il10 only, or IL-12 alone which express Ifng and no Il10, or medium control driven-CD4+ T cells which do not express effector cytokines. Data were integrated with analysis of active genomic regions from these T cells using an assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing (ATAC)-seq, integrated with literature derived-Chromatin-immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq data and the RNA-seq data, to elucidate the transcriptional network of genes controlling expression of Il10 and pro-inflammatory effector genes in Th1 cells. The co-dominant role for the transcription factors, Prdm1 (encoding Blimp-1) and Maf (encoding c-Maf) , in cytokine gene regulation in Th1 cells, was confirmed using T cells obtained from mice with T-cell specific deletion of these transcription factors. Results We show that the transcription factors Blimp-1 and c-Maf each have unique and common effects on cytokine gene regulation and not only co-operate to induce Il10 gene expression in IL-12 plus IL-27 differentiated mouse Th1 cells, but additionally directly negatively regulate key proinflammatory cytokines including Ifng, thus providing mechanisms for reinforcement of regulated Th1 cell responses. Conclusions These data show that Blimp-1 and c-Maf positively and negatively regulate a network of both unique and common anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory genes to reinforce a Th1 response in mice that will eradicate pathogens with minimum immunopathology

    Automated and unbiased discrimination of ALS from control tissue at single cell resolution

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    Histopathological analysis of tissue sections is invaluable in neurodegeneration research. However, cell‐to‐cell variation in both the presence and severity of a given phenotype is a key limitation of this approach, reducing the signal to noise ratio and leaving unresolved the potential of single‐cell scoring for a given disease attribute. Here, we tested different machine learning methods to analyse high‐content microscopy measurements of hundreds of motor neurons (MNs) from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) post‐mortem tissue sections. Furthermore, we automated the identification of phenotypically distinct MN subpopulations in VCP‐ and SOD1‐mutant transgenic mice, revealing common morphological cellular phenotypes. Additionally we established scoring metrics to rank cells and tissue samples for both disease probability and severity. By adapting this paradigm to human post‐mortem tissue, we validated our core finding that morphological descriptors robustly discriminate ALS from control healthy tissue at single cell resolution. Determining disease presence, severity and unbiased phenotypes at single cell resolution might prove transformational in our understanding of ALS and neurodegeneration more broadly