2,841 research outputs found

    De certains aspects de la juridiction de la RĂ©gie des services publics en matiĂšre de droit municipal

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    This paper presents a study as of July 1977, of statutory provisions, regulations and decisions which relate to the jurisdiction of the Quebec Public Service Board (RĂ©gie des services publics) and the law of municipal corporations in the field of public utilities. Among the topics covered are the following: the amendment of zoning by-laws prescribing the joint use of facilities by public utilities; disputes that arise when public utilities are required to use underground facilities; the role of municipal corporations in the provision of public utility services; and disputes between municipal corporations and public utilities

    La connaissance judiciaire des actes réglementaires

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    This paper describes the state of federal and Québec law as regards judicial notice of statutory instruments. The position in respect of federal instruments is first surveyed by reference to the provisions of the Canada Evidence Act and Canadian and British cases on the subject ; mention is then made of the now superseded Regulations Act of 1950 and the questions of interpretation that arose from it; and finally the impact of s. 23 of the Statutory Instruments Act of 1971 is evaluated in the light of the Supreme Court ruling in R. v. The « Evgenia Chandris ». The position in Québec law appears to be somewhat more confused. While the rule that regulations should be a matter for judicial notice seems well secured by s. 105 of the Summary Proceedings Act, this obviously only settles the point as regards penal proceedings under provincial statutes. In civil litigation, in the absence of any clear statement that regulations are to be judicially noticed, caution would seem to advise litigants to specifically plead and evidence the existence of regulations they intend to rely on. The author concludes by calling on the Québec Legislature to state explicitly the rule that regulations are a matter for judicial notice in any kind of proceedings

    Stable Irregular Dynamics in Complex Neural Networks

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    For infinitely large sparse networks of spiking neurons mean field theory shows that a balanced state of highly irregular activity arises under various conditions. Here we analytically investigate the microscopic irregular dynamics in finite networks of arbitrary connectivity, keeping track of all individual spike times. For delayed, purely inhibitory interactions we demonstrate that the irregular dynamics is not chaotic but rather stable and convergent towards periodic orbits. Moreover, every generic periodic orbit of these dynamical systems is stable. These results highlight that chaotic and stable dynamics are equally capable of generating irregular activity.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Rapport sur le fonctionnement de l'Institut Océanographique de l'Indochine pendant l'années 1938-1947

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    The present note deals with the functions and activities done by the Institute of oceanography of Indochina during 1938-1947

    Site occupation constraints in mean-field approaches of quantum spin systems at finite temperature

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    We study the effect of site occupation on the description of quantum spin systems at finite temperature and mean-field level. We impose each lattice site to be occupied by a single electron. This is realized by means of a specific prescription. The outcome of the prescription is compared to the result obtained by means of a projection procedure which fixes the site occupation to one particle per site on an average. The comparison is performed for different representations of the Hamiltonian in Fock space leading to different types of mean-field solutions. The behaviour of order parameters is analyzed for each choice of the mean-field and constraint which fixes the occupation rate at each site. Sizable quantitative differences between the outcomes obtained with the two different constraints are observed.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Hot Quark Matter with an Axial Chemical Potential

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    We analyze the phase diagram of hot quark matter in presence of an axial chemical potential, Ό5\mu_5. The latter is introduced to mimic the chirality transitions induced, in hot Quantum Chromodynamics, by the strong sphaleron configurations. In particular, we study the curvature of the critical line at small Ό5\mu_5, the effects of a finite quark mass and of a vector interaction. Moreover, we build the mixed phase at the first order phase transition line, and draw the phase diagram in the chiral density and temperature plane. We finally compute the full topological susceptibility in presence of a background of topological charge.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Few references added, short discussion included. Final version appearing on Phys. Rev.

    Quasiresonant excitation transfer in molecular aggregates@fa@f)

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    Excitation transfer in finite molecular aggregates is analyzed in the context of the Haken–Strobl model. Explicit solutions are presented for a trimer and a rectangular tetramer. Special emphasis is placed upon population transfer among subunits (monomers, dimers) and its relationship to energy transfer, and upon the problems associated with coherence of this transfer process. These aggregates serve as models for the problem of excitation transfer in disordered media, where partial coherence resulting from short‐range interactions has been largely ignored. Our most intriguing result is the greatly diminished effectiveness of the longer‐ranged transfer in the presence of short‐range clusters. Under some conditions the ensuing energetic mismatches may well dominate the overall energy transport and render invalid the usual description in terms of hopping among individual sites. An application to triplet energy transport in isotopic mixed naphthalene crystals is given; it is seen that the reduced efficiency of non‐nearest‐neighbor transfer processes reinforces the two‐dimensional characteristics of the energy transport.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70614/2/JCPSA6-79-3-1444-1.pd

    Dressed Polyakov loop and phase diagram of hot quark matter under magnetic field

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    We evaluate the dressed Polyakov loop for hot quark matter in strong magnetic field. To compute the finite temperature effective potential, we use the Polyakov extended Nambu-Jona Lasinio model with eight-quark interactions taken into account. The bare quark mass is adjusted in order to reproduce the physical value of the vacuum pion mass. Our results show that the dressed Polyakov loop is very sensitive to the strenght of the magnetic field, and it is capable to capture both the deconfinement crossover and the chiral crossover. Besides, we compute self-consistently the phase diagram of the model. We find a tiny split of the two aforementioned crossovers as the strength of the magnetic field is increased. Concretely, for the largest value of magnetic field investigated here, eB=19mπ2eB=19 m_\pi^2, the split is of the order of 10%10\%. A qualitative comparison with other effective models and recent Lattice results is also performed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX4-1 styl

    Nature of segregation of reactants in diffusion controlled A+B reactions: Role of mobility in forming compact clusters

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    We investigate the A+B=0 bimolecular chemical reaction taking place in low-dimensional spaces when the mobilities of the two reacting species are not equal. While the case of different reactant mobilities has been previously reported as not affecting the scaling of the reactant densities with time, but only the pre-exponential factor, the mechanism for this had not been explained before. By using Monte-Carlo simulations we show that the nature of segregation is very different when compared to the normal case of equal reactant mobilities. The clusters of the mobile species are statistically homogeneous and randomly distributed in space, but the clusters of the less mobile species are much more compact and restricted in space. Due to the asymmetric mobilities, the initial symmetric random density fluctuations in time turn into asymmetric density fluctuations. We explain this trend by calculating the correlation functions for the positions of particles for the several different cases
