14 research outputs found

    Small-scale EUV features as the drivers of coronal upflows in the quiet Sun

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    Context. Coronal upflows in the quiet Sun are seen in a wide range of features, including jets and filament eruptions. The in situ measurements from Parker Solar Probe within ≈0.2 au have demonstrated that the solar wind is highly structured, showing abrupt and near-ubiquitous magnetic field reversals (i.e., switchbacks) on different timescales. The source of these structures has been associated with supergranular structures on the solar disc. This raises the question of whether there are additional small coronal features that contribute energy to the corona and produce plasma that potentially feeds into the solar wind. / Aims. During the Solar Orbiter first science perihelion, high-resolution images of the solar corona were recorded using the Extreme Ultraviolet High Resolution Imager (HRIEUV) from the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI). The Hinode spacecraft was also observing at the same location providing coronal spectroscopic measurements. Combining the two datasets allows us to determine the cause of the weak upflows observed in the quiet Sun and the associated activity. / Methods. We used a multi-spacecraft approach to characterise regions of upflows. The upflows were identified in the Fe XII emission line by the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). We then used imaging data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/AIA) and the High Resolution Imagers (HRI) from EUI on board the Solar Orbiter to identify coronal features and magnetic field data from the SDO Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) observations were also used to understand the photospheric and chromospheric driving mechanisms. / Results. We have identified two regions of coronal upflows in the quiet Sun, with respective sizes and lifetimes of (20 Mm2, 20 min) and (180 Mm2, several hours), which are contrasting dynamic events. Both examples show weak flux cancellation, indicating that the source of the upflows and enhancements is related to the magnetic field changes. The first event, a larger upflow region, shows velocities of up to −8.6 km s−1 at the footpoint of a complex loop structure. We observe several distinct extreme ultraviolet (EUV) features including frequent loop brightenings and plasma blobs travelling along closed coronal loops. The second upflow region has velocities of up to −7.2 km s−1. Within it, a complex EUV feature that lasts for about 20 min can be seen. This main feature has several substructures. During its appearance, a clear mini-filament eruption takes place at its location, before the EUV feature disappears. / Conclusions. Two features, with contrasting properties, show upflows with comparable magnitudes. The first event, a complex loop structure, shares several similarities with active region upflows. The second one, a complex small-scale feature that could not have been well resolved with previous instruments, triggered a cascade of events, including a mini-filament that lead to a measurable upflow. This is remarkable for an EUV feature that many instruments can barely resolve. The complexity of the two events, including small loop brightenings and travelling plasma blobs for the first and EUV small-scale loops and mini-filament for the second one would not have been identifiable as the sources of upflow without an instrument with the spatial resolution of HRIEUV at this distance to the Sun. These results reinforce the importance of the smallest-scale features in the Sun and their potential relevance for and impact on the solar corona and the solar wind

    Sharp Alfvenic impulses in the near-Sun solar wind

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    Measurements of the near-Sun solar wind by Parker Solar Probe have revealed the presence of largenumbers of discrete Alfv ́enic impulses with an anti-Sunward sense of propagation. These are similarto those previously observed near 1 AU, in high speed streams over the Sun’s poles and at 60 solarradii. At 35 solar radii, however, they are typically shorter and sharper than seen elsewhere. Inaddition, these spikes occur in “patches” and there are also clear periods within the same stream whenthey do not occur; the timescale of these patches might be related to the rate at which the spacecraftmagnetic footpoint tracks across the coronal hole from which the plasma originated. While the velocityfluctuations associated with these spikes are typically under 100 km/s, due to the rather low Alfv ́enspeeds in the streams observed by the spacecraft to date, these are still associated with large angulardeflections of the magnetic field - and these deflections are not isotropic. These deflections do notappear to be related to the recently reported large scale, pro-rotation solar wind flow. Estimates ofthe size and shape of the spikes reveal high aspect ratio flow-aligned structures with a transverse scaleof≈104km. These events might be signatures of near-Sun impulsive reconnection events

    Highly structured slow solar wind emerging from an equatorial coronal hole

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    International audienceDuring the solar minimum, when the Sun is at its least active, the solar wind(1,2) is observed at high latitudes as a predominantly fast (more than 500 kilometres per second), highly Alfvenic rarefied stream of plasma originating from deep within coronal holes. Closer to the ecliptic plane, the solar wind is interspersed with a more variable slow wind(3) of less than 500 kilometres per second. The precise origins of the slow wind streams are less certain(4); theories and observations suggest that they may originate at the tips of helmet streamers(5,6), from interchange reconnection near coronal hole boundaries(7,8), or within coronal holes with highly diverging magnetic fields(9,10). The heating mechanism required to drive the solar wind is also unresolved, although candidate mechanisms include Alfven-wave turbulence(11,12), heating by reconnection in nanoflares(13), ion cyclotron wave heating(14) and acceleration by thermal gradients1. At a distance of one astronomical unit, the wind is mixed and evolved, and therefore much of the diagnostic structure of these sources and processes has been lost. Here we present observations from the Parker Solar Probe(15) at 36 to 54 solar radii that show evidence of slow Alfvenic solar wind emerging from a small equatorial coronal hole. The measured magnetic field exhibits patches of large, intermittent reversals that are associated with jets of plasma and enhanced Poynting flux and that are interspersed in a smoother and less turbulent flow with a near-radial magnetic field. Furthermore, plasma-wave measurements suggest the existence of electron and ion velocity-space micro-instabilities(10,16) that are associated with plasma heating and thermalization processes. Our measurements suggest that there is an impulsive mechanism associated with solar-wind energization and that micro-instabilities play a part in heating, and we provide evidence that low-latitude coronal holes are a key source of the slow solar wind

    Observing Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in solar blowout jet

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    Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI) is a basic physical process in fluids and magnetized plasmas, with applications successfully modelling e.g. exponentially growing instabilities observed at magnetospheric and heliospheric boundaries, in the solar or Earth’s atmosphere and within astrophysical jets. Here, we report the discovery of the KHI in solar blowout jets and analyse the detailed evolution by employing high-resolution data from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) satellite launched in 2013. The particular jet we focus on is rooted in the surrounding penumbra of the main negative polarity sunspot of Active Region 12365, where the main body of the jet is a super-penumbral structure. At its maximum, the jet has a length of 90 Mm, a width of 19.7 Mm, and its density is about 40 times higher than its surroundings. During the evolution of the jet, a cavity appears near the base of the jet, and bi-directional flows originated from the top and bottom of the cavity start to develop, indicating that magnetic reconnection takes place around the cavity. Two upward flows pass along the left boundary of the jet successively. Next, KHI develops due to a strong velocity shear (∌204 km s−1) between these two flows, and subsequently the smooth left boundary exhibits a sawtooth pattern, evidencing the onset of the instability

    Parker solar probe: four years of discoveries at solar cycle minimum

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    Launched on 12 Aug. 2018, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe had completed 13 of its scheduled 24 orbits around the Sun by Nov. 2022. The mission’s primary science goal is to determine the structure and dynamics of the Sun’s coronal magnetic field, understand how the solar corona and wind are heated and accelerated, and determine what processes accelerate energetic particles. Parker Solar Probe returned a treasure trove of science data that far exceeded quality, significance, and quantity expectations, leading to a significant number of discoveries reported in nearly 700 peer-reviewed publications. The first four years of the 7-year primary mission duration have been mostly during solar minimum conditions with few major solar events. Starting with orbit 8 (i.e., 28 Apr. 2021), Parker flew through the magnetically dominated corona, i.e., sub-AlfvĂ©nic solar wind, which is one of the mission’s primary objectives. In this paper, we present an overview of the scientific advances made mainly during the first four years of the Parker Solar Probe mission, which go well beyond the three science objectives that are: (1) Trace the flow of energy that heats and accelerates the solar corona and solar wind; (2) Determine the structure and dynamics of the plasma and magnetic fields at the sources of the solar wind; and (3) Explore mechanisms that accelerate and transport energetic particles

    Parker solar probe observations of solar wind energetic proton beams produced by magnetic reconnection in the near‐sun heliospheric current sheet

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    We report observations of reconnection exhausts in the Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) during Parker Solar Probe Encounters 08 and 07, at 16 Rs and 20 Rs, respectively. Heliospheric current sheet (HCS) reconnection accelerated protons to almost twice the solar wind speed and increased the proton core energy by a factor of ∌3, due to the AlfvĂ©n speed being comparable to the solar wind flow speed at these near-Sun distances. Furthermore, protons were energized to super-thermal energies. During E08, energized protons were found to have leaked out of the exhaust along separatrix field lines, appearing as field-aligned energetic proton beams in a broad region outside the HCS. Concurrent dropouts of strahl electrons, indicating disconnection from the Sun, provide further evidence for the HCS being the source of the beams. Around the HCS in E07, there were also proton beams but without electron strahl dropouts, indicating that their origin was not the local HCS reconnection exhaust

    Parker Solar Probe Enters the Magnetically Dominated Solar Corona

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    International audienceThe high temperatures and strong magnetic fields of the solar corona form streams of solar wind that expand through the Solar System into interstellar space. At 09:33 UT on 28 April 2021 Parker Solar Probe entered the magnetized atmosphere of the Sun 13 million km above the photosphere, crossing below the Alfvén critical surface for five hours into plasma in casual contact with the Sun with an Alfvén Mach number of 0.79 and magnetic pressure dominating both ion and electron pressure. The spectrum of turbulence below the Alfvén critical surface is reported. Magnetic mapping suggests the region was a steady flow emerging on rapidly expanding coronal magnetic field lines lying above a pseudostreamer. The sub-Alfvénic nature of the flow may be due to suppressed magnetic reconnection at the base of the pseudostreamer, as evidenced by unusually low densities in this region and the magnetic mapping

    Applicability of Taylor’s Hypothesis During Parker Solar Probe Perihelia

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    We investigate the validity of Taylor’s hypothesis (TH) in the analysis of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in AlfvĂ©nic solar wind streams measured by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during the first four encounters. The analysis is based on a recent model of the spacetime correlation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, which has been validated in high-resolution numerical simulations of strong reduced MHD turbulence. We use PSP velocity and magnetic field measurements from 24 h intervals selected from each of the first four encounters. The applicability of TH is investigated by measuring the parameter ϔ = ήu0/√2V⊄, which quantifies the ratio between the typical speed of large-scale fluctuations, ÎŽu0, and the local perpendicular PSP speed in the solar wind frame, V⊄. TH is expected to be applicable for Ï” â‰Č 0.5 when PSP is moving nearly perpendicular to the local magnetic field in the plasma frame, irrespective of the AlfvĂ©n Mach number MA = VSW∕VA, where VSW and VA are the local solar wind and AlfvĂ©n speed, respectively. For the four selected solar wind intervals, we find that between 10 and 60% of the time, the parameter Ï” is below 0.2 and the sampling angle (between the spacecraft velocity in the plasma frame and the local magnetic field) is greater than 30°. For angles above 30°, the sampling direction is sufficiently oblique to allow one to reconstruct the reduced energy spectrum E(k⊄) of magnetic fluctuations from its measured frequency spectra. The spectral indices determined from power-law fits of the measured frequency spectrum accurately represent the spectral indices associated with the underlying spatial spectrum of turbulent fluctuations in the plasma frame. Aside from a frequency broadening due to large-scale sweeping that requires careful consideration, the spatial spectrum can be recovered to obtain the distribution of fluctuation’s energy across scales in the plasma frame