21,614 research outputs found

    Electronic phase separation in the rare earth manganates, (La1-xLnx)0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (Ln = Nd, Gd and Y)

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    All the three series of manganates showsaturation magnetization characteristic of ferromagnetism, with the ferromagnetic Tc decreasing with increasing in x up to a critical value of x, xc (xc = 0.6, 0.3, 0.2 respectively for Nd, Gd, Y). For x > xc, the magnetic moments are considerably smaller showing a small increase around TM, the value of TM decreasing slightly with increase in x or decrease in . The ferromagnetic compositions (x xc) show insulator-metal (IM) transitions, while the compositions with x > xc are insulating. The magnetic and electrical resistivity behavior of these manganates is consistent with the occurrence of phase separation in the compositions around xc, corresponding to a critical average radius of the A-site cation, , of 1.18 A. Both Tc and TIM increase linearly when < rA > > or x xc as expected of a homogenous ferromagnetic phase. Both Tc and TM decrease linearly with the A-site cation size disorder at the A-site as measured by the variance s2. Thus, an increase in s2 favors the insulating AFM state. Percolative conduction is observed in the compositions with > < rAc >. Electron transport properties in the insulating regime for x > xc conforms to the variable range hopping mechanism. More interestingly, when x > xc, the real part of dielectric constant (e') reaches a high value (104-106) at ordinary temperatures dropping to a very small (~500) value below a certain temperature, the value of which decreases with decreasing frequency.Comment: 27 pages; 11 figures, Submitted to J.Phys:Condens Matte

    Magnetic and electron transport properties of the rare-earth cobaltates, La0.7-xLnxCa0.3CoO3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy) : A case of phase separation

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    Magnetic and electrical properties of four series of rare earth cobaltates of the formula La0.7-xLnxCa0.3CoO3 with Ln = Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy have been investigated. Compositions close to x = 0.0 contain large ferromagnetic clusters or domains, and show Brillouin-like behaviour of the field-cooled DC magnetization data with fairly high ferromagnetic Tc values, besides low electrical resistivities with near-zero temperature coefficients. The zero-field-cooled data generally show a non-monotonic behaviour with a peak at a temperatures slightly lower than Tc. The near x = 0.0 compositions show a prominent peak corresponding to the Tc in the AC-susceptibility data. The ferromagnetic Tc varies linearly with x or the average radius of the A-site cations, (rA). With increase in x or decrease in (rA), the magnetization value at any given temperature decreases markedly and the AC-susceptibility measurements show a prominent transition arising from small magnetic clusters with some characteristics of a spin-glass. Electrical resistivity increases with increase in x, showed a significant increase around a critical value of x or (rA), at which composition the small clusters also begin to dominate. These properties can be understood in terms of a phase separation scenario wherein large magnetic clusters give way to smaller ones with increase in x, with both types of clusters being present in certain compositions. The changes in magnetic and electrical properties occur parallely since the large ferromagnetic clusters are hole-rich and the small clusters are hole-poor. Variable-range hopping seems to occur at low temperatures in these cobaltates.Comment: 23 pages including figure

    Comment on ''the controlled charge ordering and evidence of the metallic state in Pr0.65_{0.65}Ca0.35_{0.35}MnO3_{3} films''

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    In a recent paper (2000 \QTR{it}{J. Phys.: Condens. Matter} \QTR{bf}{12} L133) Lee \QTR{it}{et al.} have studied the transport properties of Pr0.65_{0.65}Ca0.35_{0.35}MnO3_{3} thin films. They claimed that they are able to controlled the charge-ordered (CO) state by the lattice strains. We propose herein another alternative since another indexation of the orientation of the film can be found leading to almost no distortion of the cell, as compared to the bulk compound.Comment: 2 page

    Interplay of 4f-3d Magnetism and Ferroelectricity in DyFeO3

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    DyFeO3 exhibits a weak ferromagnetism (TNFe ~ 645 K) that disappears below a spin-reorientation (Morin) transition at TSRFe ~ 50 K. It is also known that applied magnetic field induces ferroelectricity at the magnetic ordering temperature of Dy-ions (TNDy ~ 4.5 K). Here, we show that the ferroelectricity exists in the weak ferromagnetic state (TSRFe < T < TN,C) without applying magnetic field, indicating the crucial role of weak ferromagnetism in inducing ferroelectricity. 57Fe M\"ossbauer studies show that hyperfine field (Bhf) deviates from mean field-like behaviour that is observed in the weak ferromagnetic state and decreases below the onset of spin-reorientation transition (80 K), implying that the Bhf above TSR had additional contribution from Dy-ions due to induced magnetization by the weak ferromagnetic moment of Fe-sublattice and below TSR, this contribution decreases due to collinear ordering of Fe-sublattice. These results clearly demonstrate the presence of magnetic interactions between Dy(4f) and Fe(3d) and their correlation with ferroelectricity in the weak ferromagnetic state of DyFeO3.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, published in EP

    On the instantaneous distribution of vertical velocity in the monsoon field and structure of the monsoon circulation

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    Cyclogenesis in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea

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