18 research outputs found

    Perancangan Media Interaktif Gerak Tari Topeng Patih pada Wayang Topeng Malangan Menggunakan Sensor Kinect

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    Tari Topeng Patih is a part of the traditional dance performance art “Wayang Topeng Malangan” with a religious background which grew up around people in Malang City, East Java. Presently, art gallery of Tari Topeng Malangan has been difficult to be found. In addition to the difficulty of finding this art gallery even in the regions of origin, the problems is also about the interest and enthusiastic public, especially teenagers in Malang to learn this dance is still very rare. As a result, this art is slowly deteriorated and increasingly falling by the presence of various modern performances. In regarded to learn Tari Topeng Patih, the conventional learning activities requiring a special place such as a dance studio that is generally located far away from downtown Malang. Thus to overcome this problem is requires an instructional media that can be used as an alternative solution to learn and obtain information about Tari Topeng Patih, one way may be able to use the simulation method by utilizing the technology and education. The results of the design is the interactive media learning and simulation for basic motion of Tari Topeng Patih by using Kinect media.Gerak Tari Topeng Patih merupakan bagian dari seni pertunjukan drama wayang Topeng Malangan yang berasal dari kota Malang, Jawa Timur. Saat ini keberadaan sanggar kesenian wayang Topeng Malangan sudah mulai sulit ditemukan. Selain sulitnya menemukan sanggar tari wayang Topeng Malangan termasuk di daerah asalnya, juga minat masyarakat khususnya remaja di daerah Malang untuk mempelajari tarian ini semakin berkurang. Hal ini mengakibatkan semakin terpuruknya seni pertunjukan drama tari tradisional ini dan kalah dengan ragam seni pertunjukan tari modern. Dalam mempelajari gerak tari Topeng Patih, kegiatan pembelajaran tari secara konvensional membutuhkan tempat belajar khusus, yaitu sanggar tari yang umumnya jauh dari pusat kota Malang. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, perlu sebuah media interaktif yang dapat digunakan sebagai solusi alternatif untuk mengenal dan mempelajari gerak tari Topeng Patih. Perancangan media interaktif gerak tari Topeng Patih ini menggunakan metode R&D. Hasil akhir dari perancangan media berupa aplikasi dance simulator dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Kinect

    Analisis dan Perancangan Database Menggunakan Model Konseptual Data Warehouse Sistem Manajemen Transaksi Toko Online Haransaf

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan menganalisis kebutuhan basis data toko online Haransaf menggunakan konseptual data warehouse. Analisis kebutuhan basis data ini mengambil subjek penelitian toko haransaf yang bergerak di penjualan barang berupa baju khusus wanita. Owner toko dalam wawancara kesulitan dalam pembukuan barang pembelian stock dan pembukuan penjualan barang. Buku catatan dan file excel pembukuan yang sering tercampur dengan file lain sehingga sulit mencari data transaksi yang telah berlalu, oleh karna itu dibutuhkanlah sebuah sistem pengelolaan yang dapat medata transaksi yang ada di toko Haransaf mengenai pembelian dan penjualan barang. Langkah perancangan sistem manajemen toko ini melalui analisis perancangan basis data Melalui manajemen sitem tersebut pengguna khususnya owner toko dapat memperoleh kemudahan dalam mencari informasi, menyimpan informasi dan membuang informasi. Dalam perancangan database ini menggunakan model konseptual data warehouse yang menghasilkan star schema. atribut tabel yang didapat diperlukan pengkodean khusus untuk id owner, id karyawan, id produk, id costumer dan id supplier serta terdapat perbedaan antara skema star pembelian dan penjualan dalam hasil analisis. Perancangan basis data warehouse dapat dihasilkan data yang terstruktur dan terintegrasi sehingga bisa menjadi masukan bagi pemilik toko dalam proses pengambilan keputusa

    Desain dan Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Mobile Learning Menggunakan Moodle Mobile App

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    The purpose of this study is to produce instructional media of ICT guidance based on Mobile Learning using Moodle Mobile App that is valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is Research and Development (R & D). The development model used is the ADDIE model. The experimental method used Intact-Group Comparison. The sample was students of class X at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Geringging. The instrument was validation questionnaire to measure validity, response questionnaires to measure the practice, and post-test questions of multiple choice to measure the effectiveness of developed media.  The results showed that media declared valid by the validator assessment, and practically use by teachers and learners. Percentage of classical completeness at experiment group reached 87,5%, and 12,5%  for classical incompleteness. While the control group reached 25% for classical completeness, and 75% for classical incompleteness. It means that ICT guidance media based on Mobile Learning using Moodle Mobile App is "valid, practically, and effective" to use in ICT guidance learning process

    Improved learning outcomes of CNC programming through Augmented Reality jobsheet learning media

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    This study aims to determine: (1) the differences in learning outcomes of students who are taught using Augmented Reality (AR) jobsheet learning media with students taught using conventional learning media, (2) differences in learning outcomes of highly motivated students and low motivated students, and (3) the interaction between Project Based Learning learning methods and learning motivation in influencing learning outcomes. This research is a quasi-experimental research with a population of 64 people, the sample was taken as many as 32 people using the cluster random sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire for learning motivation and tests for learning outcomes. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and two-way analysis of variance (Two Ways Anova). The research results found: 1) there are differences in student learning outcomes taught by the Project Based Learning learning method compared to student learning outcomes taught conventionally with Fcount of 7.98 (2) there are differences in learning outcomes of highly motivated students with low motivated students with Fcount 34.40, and (3) there is no learning interaction between learning methods and learning motivation in influencing student learning outcomes with Fcount 3.1

    Exploring Campus through Web-Based Immersive Adventures Using Virtual Reality Photography: A Low-Cost Virtual Tour Experience

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    This study aims to assess the incorporation of virtual reality (VR) photography into the web-based immersive application “virtual interactive campus tour (VICT).” This application offers users an immersive experience, allowing them to virtually explore university campuses and access information about the facilities and services available. The VICT application offers a cost-effective, attractive, and sustainable alternative for universities to display their resources and interact with potential students. Through black box testing, we conducted user acceptance testing (UAT) and functionality testing, confirming the application’s readiness for deployment and its capability to meet institutional and end-user requirements. This study also examined the potential for universities to use VR to meet the expectations of prospective students. The application is compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. The results indicated that the overall average validity score was 0.88, suggesting that the measure is valid. The validation results were thoroughly tested and reliable. This study emphasizes the potential of immersive web-based tours in higher education and aims to bridge the divide between virtual exploration and physical visits. By offering an immersive virtual campus experience, this innovative tool has the potential to revolutionize university marketing strategies, increase student engagement, and transform campus visit approaches

    The New Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

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    The New Paradigm of Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Framework Thought Of Learning Innovation. Innovative and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has not involve a significant situation in our instructive stage, while the world keeps on changing alongside every one of the new requests. Networks are likewise expanding mindful that specific sorts of occupations abruptly diminished and afterward vanished. It follows on that the arising new sorts of work with his new charges. Basically there are three difficulties to be looked all together for the TVET keep on assuming a huge part in the coming century, for example TVET should zero in on how best to serve the students, the climate should give the best instructive chances, and assemble support in inside the bigger instructive local area about the significance of TVET as a component of instructive structures. The pattern of new TVET change exertion requires a thorough and sincere. The degree of learning, paradigmatic shift needed in playing out the learning developments.Keywords: New Paradigm, Education, Technology, Vocational, TVE

    Mini Server Lentera sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran Digital di Daerah 3t

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    Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk merancang mini server dengan konten pembelajaran digital untuk sebagai media pembelajaran alternatif bagi guru dan siswa sekolah menengah daerah 3T di wilayah Sumatera Barat. Konten pada mini server ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran digital tidak hanya di daerah 3T saja, namun juga dapat digunakan di daerah perkotaan karena alat ini menawarkan akses yang fleksibel tanpa jaringan internet. Latarbelakang inovasi ini adalah ketidaksesuaian antara tuntutan pemerintah yang menginginkan implementasi pembelajaran digital dan online dan implementasi Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer. Namun di sisi lain, sekolah melarang siswa membawa gadget ke sekolah karena khawatir siswa akan mengakses situs dan konten negatif yang tidak relevan dengan pembelajaran. Materi pembelajaran yang disajikan dalam perangkat ini adalah dalam bentuk video, audio, dan berbagai konten yang dikompilasi di situs offline sehingga siswa dapat mengakses menggunakan gadget atau komputer pribadi (PC) tanpa memerlukan koneksi internet. Perancangan sistem pada perangkat ini menggunakan 2 jenis pendekatan, yaitu desain jaringan untuk mini server dan desain sistem pemodelan Unified Modeling Language (UML) untuk sistem yang bekerja pada perangkat sebagai mini server

    Sistem Pelayanan Bantuan Mentor Bimbingan Belajar (Bambimbel) Berbasis Web

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    The existence of demands for the acceptance of new students by using the national selection exam of tertiary institutions in Indonesia, high school / vocational high school graduates are expected to master a number of basic subjects. Based on the primary data, the students' interview in choosing the majors for college which was conducted in Senior High School / Vocational High School in Indonesia are insufficient for the students to take the national exam. The purpose of this study is to produce a service system in the form of giving the facilities for students to abilities in teaching practice and facilitate students who want to learn but having a financial issue. It is expected that with the assistance by student teacher, it will be easier for other students to understand and gain sort of interest in the study. Based on the observation, both from the point of view of college students and the point of view of high school / vocational high school students, then it is considered essential to create this service system. Learning with this tutoring facility is very effective because it directly encourages the students in the competency section that they do not fully understand with the help of tutors who have a better understanding. The method used is a web-based system design with UML modelling, using use case diagrams, activities, collaborations and class diagrams to plan the flow of data transactions that exist in the mentoring assistance service system of tutoring

    Media Interaktif Pengenalan Bahasa Isyarat Bisindo

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    Sign language is the communication that used by the deaf people. Sign language is also a form of accessibility for deaf people to be able to socialize with people around them. Deaf socialization with normal people in the society is not optimal because most of the people does not yet know sign language. Based on these problems, this study aims to develop an interactive media introduction to BISINDO sign language based on augmented reality for the community in supporting a society that is more inclusive of the deaf. This study uses a Research and Development (R&D) approach. The sample in this study was deaf people who participated in the Gerkatin Padang community, and people from various professions in the city of Padang. The data collection technique was carried out using a questionnaire and a focused group discussion technique. Based on the results of the collection of 100 respondents' perceptions data from the public towards sign language obtained: 1) the level of getting to know the community towards sign language is still low at 57%, 2) the level of skills using sign language is still low at 83%, 3) the importance level of sign language according the community is 81%, 4) The level of community needs to learn Sign Language is obtained by 88%, and 5) The level of selection of the right media for learning Sign Language, 74% of respondents choose media in the form of a smartphone application. The validity of the interactive media prototype introduction BISINDO sign language developed in terms of substance that is the suitability of sign language in the application obtained a validator rating of 89.33%, then in terms of the media obtained a validator value of 89.67%. It can be concluded that the interactive media prototype in the form of a smartphone application that was developed very well in terms of substance and media so that it is very feasible or valid to be used in the introduction of BISINDO sign language

    ViCT—Virtual Campus Tour Environment with Spherical Panorama: A Preliminary Exploration

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    ViCT or spelled "VISIT", is the name of a web-based application that is being developed to display various points and locations from the campus environment that can be accessed virtually. ViCT aims to help users, students, and the public explore campus with digital freedom of movement anytime and anywhere, educating users about campus facilities and services with an immersive technology experience that is eco-friendly and fun. The application development concept is unlimited visits and easily accessible via desktop and mobile, saving resources and costs. In this chapter, the focus of the researchers discusses the initial digital mapping of the campus environment, which is the object or study area of the development of virtual campus applications with 360-degree panoramic image techniques. Spherical panorama images are the primary basis of the virtual reality environment in this application. Each panoramic image is processed and merged into a unified whole on a web page. Spherical panorama photos captured using ultra-wide-angle lenses at the front and rear of the camera (dual fisheye) generate a visual field with a horizontal and vertical angle of view close to 360 degrees