2,365 research outputs found

    Contamination assessment for OSSA space station IOC payloads

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    The results are presented from a study for the Space Station Planners Group of the Office of Space Sciences and Applications. The objectives of the study are: (1) the development of contamination protection requirements for protection of Space Station attached payloads, serviced payloads and platforms; and (2) the determination of unknowns or major impacts requiring further assessment. The nature, sources, and quantitative properties of the external contaminants to be encountered on the Station are summarized. The OSSA payload contamination protection requirements provided by the payload program managers are reviewed and the level of contamination awareness among them is discussed. Preparation of revisions to the contamination protection requirements are detailed. The comparative impact of flying the Station at constant atmospheric density rather than constant altitude is assessed. The impact of the transverse boom configuration of the Station on contamination is also assessed. The contamination protection guidelines which OSSA should enforce during their development of payloads are summarized

    Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset hyönteissyöjÀlintuihin MM-hypoteesin valossa

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    TiivistelmÀ. Match ja mismatch hypoteesi (MM-hypoteesi) on viime aikoina ilmastonmuutoksen ohella kasvanut puheenaihe. Se koskee ilmaston lÀmpenemisestÀ aiheutuvia fenologisia muutoksia, jotka voivat johtaa ongelmiin lajienvÀlisten ja lajiensisÀisten vuorovaikutussuhteiden vÀlillÀ. Ongelma on suuri varsinkin lintujen ja niiden pesinnÀn kohdalla. Lintujenpoikasten pÀÀasiallisena ravintona toimivat hyönteiset reagoivat ilmaston lÀmpenemiseen eri tavoin, joka johtaa lintujen ja hyönteisten vÀliseen epÀsynkroniaan. TÀmÀ johtuu pÀÀasiallisesti fysiologioissa esiintyvien erojen vuoksi. Fysiologiassa esiintyvien erilaisuuksien lisÀksi muutoksia synkroniassa voi aiheuttaa ilmastossa ja sÀÀssÀ tapahtuvat Àkilliset muutokset, jotka ovat yleistyneet ilmaston lÀmmetessÀ. TÀllöin tietyllÀ alueella elÀvillÀ populaatioilla voi mennÀ toisia paremmin tai huonommin, riippuen ilmasto-oloista. Lintujen tulee kyetÀ aloittamaan pesintÀ oikeaan aikaan kevÀÀllÀ, jotta se onnistuu hyvin ja ravintoa on poikasten kuoriuduttua paljon. TÀllöin lajien vÀlinen synkronia tapahtuu. Jos pesinnÀn ajoitus epÀonnistuu, ja lintujen ja hyönteisten vÀlillÀ esiintyy epÀsynkroniaa, pesintÀ todennÀköisesti huononee ja johtaa kelpoisuuden laskuun. Kelpoisuuksissa esiintyvÀt erot voivat lopulta johtaa evolutiivisiin muutoksiin, jos luonnonvalinta suosii jotakin toista yksilöÀ tai populaatiota toista enemmÀn. PÀÀasiallisesti evolutiivisia muutoksia ei olla vielÀ havaittu, vaan muutoksia on tapahtunut kÀytÀnnössÀ vain fenologisessa plastisuudessa, joka kuvaa eliön kykyÀ mukautua ympÀristön muutoksiin. Tulevaisuudessa fenologinen joustavuus ei vÀlttÀmÀttÀ enÀÀ riitÀ, vaan eliöiden on joko mukauduttava ympÀristön luomiin muutoksiin, muutettava muualle, tai kuolla. Vaikka aiheesta on tehty paljon tutkimusta, sitÀ tarvitaan paljon lisÀÀ, jotta voidaan ymmÀrtÀÀ paremmin ilmastonmuutoksesta aiheutuvia ilmiöitÀ. Nykyinen tutkimus kohdistuu vahvasti eliöiden vÀlisiin suhteisiin. Erilaisia evoluutioon vaikuttavia tekijöitÀ on tutkittu liian vÀhÀn ja olisi toivottavaa, ettÀ tutkimuksia tehtÀisiin enemmÀn tÀllÀ osa-alueella ja ettÀ tietÀmystÀ lisÀttÀisiin. MM-hypoteesi koskettaa lintujen lisÀksi hyvin suurta osaa maailman eliöstöstÀ. Toisia se koskee enemmÀn ja toisia vÀhemmÀn. TÀmÀn ymmÀrtÀminen on erityisen tÀrkeÀÀ lajimonimuotoisuuden sÀilyvyyden kannalta ja on tÀrkeÀÀ, ettÀ tietoa saadaan aiheesta lisÀÀ

    Does skeletal muscle have an 'epi'-memory? The role of epigenetics in nutritional programming, metabolic disease, aging and exercise

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    Skeletal muscle mass, quality and adaptability are fundamental in promoting muscle performance, maintaining metabolic function and supporting longevity and healthspan. Skeletal muscle is programmable and can ‘remember’ early‐life metabolic stimuli affecting its function in adult life. In this review, the authors pose the question as to whether skeletal muscle has an ‘epi’‐memory? Following an initial encounter with an environmental stimulus, we discuss the underlying molecular and epigenetic mechanisms enabling skeletal muscle to adapt, should it re‐encounter the stimulus in later life. We also define skeletal muscle memory and outline the scientific literature contributing to this field. Furthermore, we review the evidence for early‐life nutrient stress and low birth weight in animals and human cohort studies, respectively, and discuss the underlying molecular mechanisms culminating in skeletal muscle dysfunction, metabolic disease and loss of skeletal muscle mass across the lifespan. We also summarize and discuss studies that isolate muscle stem cells from different environmental niches in vivo (physically active, diabetic, cachectic, aged) and how they reportedly remember this environment once isolated in vitro. Finally, we will outline the molecular and epigenetic mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle memory and review the epigenetic regulation of exercise‐induced skeletal muscle adaptation, highlighting exercise interventions as suitable models to investigate skeletal muscle memory in humans. We believe that understanding the ‘epi’‐memory of skeletal muscle will enable the next generation of targeted therapies to promote muscle growth and reduce muscle loss to enable healthy aging

    Impact of Mesh and Fixation on Chronic Inguinal Pain in Lichtenstein Hernia Repair : 5-Year Outcomes from the Finn Mesh Study

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    Objective To find out the mesh fixation technique that minimises chronic pain in Lichtenstein hernioplasty. Summary background data Mesh fixation may affect chronic pain and recurrence after inguinal hernia surgery, but long-term results of comparative trials are lacking. Methods Lichtenstein hernioplasty was performed under local anaesthesia on 625 patients in day care units. The patients were randomised to receive either a cyanoacrylate glue (n = 216), self-gripping mesh (n = 202) or non-absorbable 3-0 polypropylene sutures (n = 216) for the fixation of mesh. A standardised telephone interview or postal questionnaire was conducted 5 years after the index operation. The patients with complaints suggesting recurrence or chronic pain (visual analogue scale >= 3, 0-10) were examined clinically. The rate of occasional pain, chronic severe pain, recurrence, re-operations, daily use of analgesics, overall patient satisfaction and sensation of a foreign object were recorded. Results A total of 82% of patients (n = 514) completed the 5-year audit including 177, 167 and 170 patients in the glue, self-fixation and suture groups, respectively. There were no significant differences in the incidence of pain (7-8%), operated recurrences (2-4%), overall re-operations (4-5%), need for analgesics (1-2%), patient's satisfaction (93-97%) or in the feeling of a foreign object (11-18%) between the study groups. Conclusion The choice of the mesh or fixation method had no effect on the overall long-term outcome, pain or recurrence of hernia. Less penetrating fixation (glue or self-gripping mesh) is a safe option for the fixation of mesh in Lichtenstein hernia repair.Peer reviewe

    Hand-grip strength is a simple and effective outcome predictor in esophageal cancer following esophagectomy with reconstruction: a prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Surgery for esophageal cancer usually carries considerable complication and mortality rate. Adequate preoperative evaluation is mandatory to decrease complication rate. Hand-grip strength is a useful measure to assess the extent of aging, nutrition and patient's overall condition. Because preoperative nutrition state and physiologic aging process play important roles in postoperative recovery, we would like to know if hand-grip strength is an adequate tool for such evaluation.</p> <p>Material and methods</p> <p>From January 1st, 2007 to December 31, 2008, there was 68 cases underwent esophagectomy with reconstruction due to esophageal cancer in our hospital. After excluding 7 patients of incomplete data and loss of follow-up, there were 61 patients included in the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 54 men and 7 women. The mean age is 60.7. Most of patients had squamous cell carcinoma. Patient with weak hand-grip strength prior to operation had exceedingly high rates of complication and mortality within 6 months after operation. Compared to other risk factors, low grip strength has highest relative risks for both mortality and morbidity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Because test for hand-grip strength is cheap, not time-consuming and has high predictive value, it may be included in routine preoperative evaluation.</p

    Rules and Laws for Civil Actions 2023

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    Rules and Laws for Civil Actions is an open-access resource for law students containing the U.S. Constitution, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, and selected federal and state statutes. The book was created by a team of faculty members at the University of Iowa College of Law to supplement the study of Civil Procedure, Evidence, Constitutional Law, and other law school courses. In addition to containing the official text, each legal source found in Rules and Laws for Civil Actions is accompanied by an introductory section written by an Iowa Law professor explaining its significance and background. Students are able to access the online and digital versions of the resource free of charge. Additional digital copies in a variety of formats are available for at https://pressbooks.uiowa.edu/civil-procedure-rules/.Note that this digital file matches with the pagination of the hardcover edition of Rules and Laws for Civil Actions. The pagination of the hardcover and paperback editions is different due to differences in formatting.https://scholarship.law.bu.edu/books/1356/thumbnail.jp

    Rules & Laws for Civil Actions: 2024 Ed.

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    2024 Edition Rules and Laws for Civil Actions is an open-access resource for law students containing the U.S. Constitution, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, and selected federal and state statutes. The book was created by a team of faculty members at the University of Iowa College of Law to supplement the study of Civil Procedure, Evidence, Constitutional Law, and other law school courses. In addition to containing the official text, each legal source found in Rules and Laws for Civil Actions is accompanied by an introductory section written by an Iowa Law professor explaining its significance and background. Students are able to access the online and digital versions of the resource free of charge.https://scholarship.law.bu.edu/books/1360/thumbnail.jp

    Midlife muscle strength and human longevity up to age 100 years: a 44-year prospective study among a decedent cohort

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    We studied prospectively the midlife handgrip strength, living habits, and parents’ longevity as predictors of length of life up to becoming a centenarian. The participants were 2,239 men from the Honolulu Heart Program/Honolulu–Asia Aging Study who were born before the end of June 1909 and who took part in baseline physical assessment in 1965–1968, when they were 56–68 years old. Deaths were followed until the end of June 2009 for 44 years with complete ascertainment. Longevity was categorized as centenarian (≄100 years, n = 47), nonagenarian (90–99 years, n = 545), octogenarian (80–89 years, n = 847), and ≀79 years (n = 801, reference). The average survival after baseline was 20.8 years (SD = 9.62). Compared with people who died at the age of ≀79 years, centenarians belonged 2.5 times (odds ratio (OR) = 2.52, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.23–5.10) more often to the highest third of grip strength in midlife, were never smokers (OR = 5.75 95% CI = 3.06–10.80), had participated in physical activity outside work (OR = 1.13 per daily hour, 95% CI = 1.02–1.25), and had a long-lived mother (≄80 vs. ≀60 years, OR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.06–5.01). Associations for nonagenarians and octogenarians were parallel, but weaker. Multivariate modeling showed that mother’s longevity and offspring’s grip strength operated through the same or overlapping pathway to longevity. High midlife grip strength and long-lived mother may indicate resilience to aging, which, combined with healthy lifestyle, increases the probability of extreme longevity

    Overexpression of HSP27 and HSP70 is associated with decreased survival among patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND Overexpression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) is associated with several malignancies and contributes to the development, progression, and metastasis of cancer, in addition to the inhibition of cellular death. In recent years, there has been active research into using HSP inhibitors in several malignancies. Due to the poor prognosis of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), it would be valuable to find new biomarkers for the development of cancer treatments. AIM To evaluate the expressions of HSP27 and HSP70 and their effect on survival in EAC. METHODS Immunohislochemical analyses and evaluations of HSP27 and HSP70 expression were performed on all available samples from 93 patients diagnosed with EAC between 1990 and 2007 at two university hospitals. Fifteen cases with Barrett's metaplasia and 5 control cases from the same patient population were included in the analysis. HSP expression was quantitatively assessed and classified as high or low. Kaplan-Meier analyses and Cox regression models adjusting for age and sex as well as tumor site, stage, and grade were used to evaluate the effect on survival. RESULTS Tumor stage and surgical treatment were the main prognostic factors. High HSP27 expression in cancer cases was a strong negative predictive factor, with a mean survival of 23 mo compared to the 49 mo in cases with a low expression (P = 0.018). The results were similar for HSP70, with a poorer survival of 17 mo in cases with high HSP70 expression, in contrast to 40 mo (P = 0.006) in cases with a low expression. A Cox regression survival analysis was performed, adjusting for possible confounding factors, and higher HSP27 and HSP70 expressions remained an independent negative prognostic factor. The HSPs' correlation with survival was not affected by cancer treatments. When the analysis was adjusted for all factors, the odds ratios for HSP27 and HSP70 were 3.3 (CI: 1.6-6.6, P = 0.001) and 2.2 (CI: 1.2-3.9, P = 0.02), respectively. CONCLUSION HSP27 and HSP70 overexpression is associated with poor survival in EAC, which is, to the best of our knowledge, reported for the first time.Peer reviewe
