14 research outputs found

    Impact of State Budget Reductions on Western Kentucky University

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    Western Kentucky University Convocation 2009

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    Personal Reflections On Leadership For Change: An Invited Article

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    Leadership is both an art and a science. It requires one to understand what leadership actually entails before thoughtfully applying the principles that ensure effective positive leadership and creating the conditions that must exist for effective leadership to occur and to be sustained. The leadership dynamics described in Leadership for Change are shaped by a 40‑year career in higher education — the last 16 of which have been spent as President of Western Kentucky University

    Challenging the Spirit: Progress Report on Performance Indicators 2007-2008

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    UA3/9/5 Partnerships for Progress: Linking Higher Education & Economic Development

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    Speech delivered by WKU president Gary Ransdell at the National Governor\u27s Association Center for Best Practices. In response to Governor Patton\u27s challenges to create Programs of Distinction and enhance the state\u27s capacity for economic development, we, at Western, have created a series of applied science centers. These centers are directing faculty talent toward creating a relevant curriculum in the sciences, toward solving environmental and material problems which limit economic development, and toward creating practice-based experiences for students. A by-product of these centers is a strengthened core curriculum which brings the applied sciences into focus for all WKU students

    15 Years: 15 Points of Progress, Transformational Leadership, 1997-2010 [Western Kentucky University]

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    This report, 15 Years: 15 Points of Progress, documents the most significant changes at WKU since our transformation began in late Fall, 1997. Our success is measurable. Our achievements are significant. Most importantly, our transformation is a lasting one

    Honors and Institutional Transformation

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    Honors colleges and programs often evolve in response to a mandate from boards of regents or trustees. Such mandates can lead to new or accelerated change within the institution, change that in many cases is linked to and represented by honors. Such has been the case at Western Kentucky University (WKU), where the honors program has played a key role in enhancing the national visibility and prestige of the institution

    Email Re: University Senate Newsletter

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    Email from Gary Ransdell to John All, WKU faculty and WKU staff regarding the University Senate newsletter and corrections to the record