11,481 research outputs found

    Building a Bird: Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulation of Wing-Assisted Incline Running during Avian Ontogeny

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    Flapping flight is the most power-demanding mode of locomotion, associated with a suite of anatomical specializations in extant adult birds. In contrast, many developing birds use their forelimbs to negotiate environments long before acquiring “flight adaptations,” recruiting their developing wings to continuously enhance leg performance and, in some cases, fly. How does anatomical development influence these locomotor behaviors? Isolating morphological contributions to wing performance is extremely challenging using purely empirical approaches. However, musculoskeletal modeling and simulation techniques can incorporate empirical data to explicitly examine the functional consequences of changing morphology by manipulating anatomical parameters individually and estimating their effects on locomotion. To assess how ontogenetic changes in anatomy affect locomotor capacity, we combined existing empirical data on muscle morphology, skeletal kinematics, and aerodynamic force production with advanced biomechanical modeling and simulation techniques to analyze the ontogeny of pectoral limb function in a precocial ground bird (Alectoris chukar). Simulations of wing-assisted incline running (WAIR) using these newly developed musculoskeletal models collectively suggest that immature birds have excess muscle capacity and are limited more by feather morphology, possibly because feathers grow more quickly and have a different style of growth than bones and muscles. These results provide critical information about the ontogeny and evolution of avian locomotion by (i) establishing how muscular and aerodynamic forces interface with the skeletal system to generate movement in morphing juvenile birds, and (ii) providing a benchmark to inform biomechanical modeling and simulation of other locomotor behaviors, both across extant species and among extinct theropod dinosaurs

    Absolute emission altitude of pulsars: PSRs B1839+09, B1916+14 and B2111+46

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    We study the mean profiles of the multi--component pulsars PSRs B1839+09, B1916+14 and B2111+46. We estimate the emission height of the core components, and hence find the absolute emission altitudes corresponding to the conal components. By fitting Gaussians to the emission components, we determine the phase location of the component peaks. Our findings indicate that the emission beams of these pulsars have the nested core--cone structures. Based on the phase location of the component peaks, we estimate the aberration--retardation (A/R) phase shifts in the profiles. Due to the A/R phase shift, the peak of the core component in the intensity profile and the inflection point of the polarization angle swing are found to be symmetrically shifted in the opposite directions with respect to the meridional plane in such a way that the core shifts towards the leading side and the polarization angle inflection point towards the trailing side. We have been able to locate the phase location of the meridional plane and to estimate the absolute emission altitude of both the core and the conal components relative to the neutron star centre, using the exact expression for the A/R phase shift given by Gangadhara (2005).Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for Publication in A&

    Administrative Performance of “No-Fault” Compensation for Medical Injury

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    No-fault is the leading alternative to traditional liability systems for resolving medically caused injuries, and policy interest in such reform reflects numerous concerns with the traditional tort system as it operates in the medical field through malpractice insurance. The administrative experience of the Florida and Virginia no-fault programs is examined

    Are Radio Pulsars Strange Stars ?

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    A remarkably precise observational relation for pulse core component widths of radio pulsars is used to derive stringent limits on pulsar radii, strongly indicating that pulsars are strange stars rather than neutron stars. This is achieved by inclusion of general relativistic effects due to the pulsar mass on the size of the emission region needed to explain the observed pulse widths, which constrain the pulsar masses to be less than 2.5 Solar masses and radii to be smaller than 10.5 km.Comment: v.2 : 12 pages including 3 figures and 2 tables, LaTex, uses epsfig. This version has one extra figure, few lines of new text and typos fixe

    Development of system design information for carbon dioxide using an amine type sorber

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    Development work on system design information for amine type carbon dioxide sorber is reported. Amberlite IR-45, an aminated styrene divinyl benzene matrix, was investigated to determine the influence of design parameters of sorber particle size, process flow rate, CO2 partial pressure, total pressure, and bed designs. CO2 capacity and energy requirements for a 4-man size system were related mathematically to important operational parameters. Some fundamental studies in CO2 sorber capacity, energy requirements, and process operation were also performed

    A preliminary case study of the effect of shoe-wearing on the biomechanics of a horse’s foot

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    Horse racing is a multi-billion-dollar industry that has raised welfare concerns due to injured and euthanized animals. Whilst the cause of musculoskeletal injuries that lead to horse morbidity and mortality is multifactorial, pre-existing pathologies, increased speeds and substrate of the racecourse are likely contributors to foot disease. Horse hooves have the ability to naturally deform during locomotion and dissipate locomotor stresses, yet farriery approaches are utilised to increase performance and protect hooves from wear. Previous studies have assessed the effect of different shoe designs on locomotor performance; however, no biomechanical study has hitherto measured the effect of horseshoes on the stresses of the foot skeleton in vivo. This preliminary study introduces a novel methodology combining three-dimensional data from biplanar radiography with inverse dynamics methods and finite element analysis (FEA) to evaluate the effect of a stainless steel shoe on the function of a Thoroughbred horse's forefoot during walking. Our preliminary results suggest that the stainless steel shoe shifts craniocaudal, mediolateral and vertical GRFs at mid-stance. We document a similar pattern of flexion-extension in the PIP (pastern) and DIP (coffin) joints between the unshod and shod conditions, with slight variation in rotation angles throughout the stance phase. For both conditions, the PIP and DIP joints begin in a flexed posture and extend over the entire stance phase. At mid-stance, small differences in joint angle are observed in the PIP joint, with the shod condition being more extended than the unshod horse, whereas the DIP joint is extended more in the unshod than the shod condition. We also document that the DIP joint extends more than the PIP after midstance and until the end of the stance in both conditions. Our FEA analysis, conducted solely on the bones, shows increased von Mises and Maximum principal stresses on the forefoot phalanges in the shod condition at mid-stance, consistent with the tentative conclusion that a steel shoe might increase mechanical loading. However, because of our limited sample size none of these apparent differences have been tested for statistical significance. Our preliminary study illustrates how the shoe may influence the dynamics and mechanics of a Thoroughbred horse's forefoot during slow walking, but more research is needed to quantify the effect of the shoe on the equine forefoot during the whole stance phase, at faster speeds/gaits and with more individuals as well as with a similar focus on the hind feet. We anticipate that our preliminary analysis using advanced methodological approaches will pave the way for new directions in research on the form/function relationship of the equine foot, with the ultimate goal to minimise foot injuries and improve animal health and welfare

    Pulsar "Drifting"-Subpulse Polarization: No Evidence for Systematic Polarization-Angle Rotations

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    Polarization-angle density displays are given for pulsars B0809+74 and B2303+30, which exhibit no evidence of the systematic polarization-angle rotation within individual subpulses previously reported for these two stars. The ``drifting'' subpulses of both pulsars exhibit strikingly linear and circular polarization which appears to reflect the characteristics of two nearly orthogonally polarized emission ``modes''--along which the severe average-profile depolarization that is characteristic of their admixture at comparable overall intensities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    RF model of the distribution system as a communication channel, phase 2. Volume 3: Appendices

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    Program documentation concerning the design, implementation, and verification of a computerized model for predicting the steady-state sinusoidal response of radial configured distribution feeders is presented in these appendices

    RF model of the distribution system as a communication channel, phase 2. Volume 4: Sofware source program and illustrations ASCII database listings

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    Listings of source programs and some illustrative examples of various ASCII data base files are presented. The listings are grouped into the following categories: main programs, subroutine programs, illustrative ASCII data base files. Within each category files are listed alphabetically