5 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Physical Activity and Burnout Among University Faculty in Pakistan

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    Burnout can lead towards challenge in social interaction and physical ailments. This study sought to determine the relationship of physical activity with faculty burnout. A total of 254 faculty members were surveyed from three public sector universities of southern Punjab region of Pakistan. Physical activity and burnout were assessed using IPAQ short version and OLBI, respectively. Findings indicated a significantly negative relationship of total score of physical activity with disengagement, exhaustion, and total burnout score. Physical activity level (low, medium, high) was significantly negatively correlated with total burnout score and subscale of exhaustion. The negative relationship remained evident between total physical activity and burnout after controlling for age, gender, experience, and academic qualification in partial correlation analysis. In addition, it was observed that burnout increased and physical activity decreased with increased age and job experience. These findings suggest that the interventions dealing with faculty burnout may consider physical exercise as a priority to prevent faculty burnout. More priority needs to be given to the faculty members with higher age and job experience

    Climate of the Gilgit-Baltistan Province, Pakistan

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    The present study focuses on the climate conditions of Gilgit Baltistan. It includes the distribution ofdifferent weather elements like precipitation, temperature, number of rainy days, humidity, wind speed, air pressure,evapotranspiration, sunshine, factors affecting climate, and climate classification. Due to glaciation, the area is badlyeroded and consists of deep valleys and moraines. There is a marked variability between the climates of the eastern andwestern observatories of the area. Mostly, terrace agriculture is practiced in the area with deciduous and alpine forests.Based on temperature, the area has been divided into three distinct climate regions, namely, mild, cool, and cold.Whereas, based on precipitation, it classified into arid, semi-arid and undifferentiated highlands. Chilas is the hottestarea of the province, while Astor and Skardu are the coldest. The study area receives heavy precipitation from localthunderstorms, particularly during April and May. There are four rainy seasons, namely winter, pre-monsoon,monsoon, and post monsoon precipitation. The highest precipitation in the area is observed at Astore, while the lowestat Gupis. The relative humidity is below 55% throughout the year and causes chill with low temperature and crackingin human skins. Based on the variability of weather elements, the province has been divided into three macro, threemeso and six micro climate regions


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    Shelter homes have been established in almost all over the world to address the issues of violence against women. The government of Pakistan also followed this practice and these institutions are providing relief to distressed and deprived women in terms of psycho-social counseling, medical, lodging and boarding facilities with marketable skill training. These shelter homes are called Dar-ul-Aman. This study has examined the life experiences of 500 women living in 34 Dar-ul-Aman, working under the Department of Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Mal, Government of the Punjab, Pakistan. Primary data was taken from two involved parties; service-providers and women residing in Dar-ul-Aman. For this purpose, interviews were conducted to collect the information, which was quantitative and qualitative in its nature. The study was to check the role of Dar-ul-Aman as a safe haven for victims of violence, exploring intervention and rehabilitation services. The study also looked in need of a structural overhauling to improve the staff–resident relationship, curbing exploitative practices on shelter premises