10 research outputs found

    Soil erosion evaluation in a small watershed in Brazil through 137 Cs fallout redistribution analysis and conventional models

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    An investigation of rates and patterns of soil erosion on agricultural land cultivated with sugarcane was undert a ken using the 137Cs technique, USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) and WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model. The study was carried out on a representative catchment of a small watershed of the Piracicaba river basin, State of São Paulo, Brazil, called Ceveiro watershed, well known for its severe soil degradation caused by erosion. The results from the 137Cs technique indicate that most part of the studied area (94%) are eroded at erosion rates that go up to 59 Mg ha-1 y-1, with a weighted average rate of 23 Mg ha-1 y-1 . The weighted average rate of infield deposition and sediment retrieval that occurs in only 6% of the total area was estimated to be around 12 Mg ha-1 y-1 . These values led to very high net soil loss from the field, with rates of the order of 21 Mg ha-1 y-1 , which represents a sediment delive ry ratio of 97%. A linear correlation between soil erosion rate estimated by the 137Cs technique and the amount of available K in the top soil layer (0-20 cm) was observed. Based on this correlation the estimated amounts of net and gross K loss in the grid area due to soil erosion were of 0.2 and 1.52 kg ha-1 y-1, respectively. The erosion rate estimated by USLE was 39 Mg ha-1 y-1 and by WEPP model 16.5 Mg ha-1 y-1 with a sediment delivery of 12.4 Mg ha-1 y-1 (75%). The results are a confirmation that the soil conservation practices adopted in the area are very poor and can explain the high siltation level of water reservoirs in the watershed

    Bibliometria, história e geografia da pesquisa brasileira em erosão acelerada do solo

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    Environmental impact of the Brazilian agrarian reform process from 1985 to 2001

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    During the past 20 years, most settlements of the Brazilian Agrarian Reform (AR) have been established in or near better-preserved natural ecosystems, where environmental impact is likely to be negative and contribute to natural resources degradation. The objective of this work is providing a first, comprehensive insight of the impacts related to the environmental quality of these settlements, based on the primary survey of 4,340 AR settlements installed between 1985 and 2001. An index was calculated to integrate different aspects of environmental impacts in one single number. The index showed significant regional variation, with lower values (low environmental quality) for the North and Northeast of Brazil, intermediate values for the Central-west and Southeast, and high values for the South. Environmental impacts resulting from AR and settlement creation are slowly decreasing with time, but are still very high in absolute values. The lack of protection of riparian areas, cultivation of legal reserves, and deforestation, are the main concerns related to environmental impacts

    Simulação da variabilidade espacial da erosão hídrica em uma sub-bacia hidrográfica de Latossolos no sul de Minas Gerais Simulation of water erosion spatial variability in a watershed representative of oxisols in southern Minas Gerais State

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    A simulação da distribuição espacial da erosão do solo consiste em uma ferramenta poderosa para o planejamento conservacionista em bacias hidrográficas, sendo uma importante aplicação da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS) associada a princípios de interpolação espacial, principalmente a geoestatística. Este trabalho objetivou simular a distribuição espacial da erosão hídrica numa sub-bacia hidrográfica da região do Alto Rio Grande (MG), aplicando ferramentas geoestatísticas para distribuição espacial e mapeamento. Diferentes cenários de uso do solo foram analisados. A erosão foi estimada com base na EUPS aplicada a células, considerando as unidades pedológicas e diferentes usos em cada célula. O fator topográfico (LS) das células foi obtido com base no Modelo Digital de Elevação da sub-bacia, identificando comprimento e direção principal do escoamento. A erosividade média anual da região é de 8.030 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, e a erodibilidade dos solos foi extraída da literatura. A EUPS foi aplicada a cada célula, levando-se em conta a situação atual do solo, áreas degradadas plantadas com eucalipto, pastagem plantada e plantio convencional de milho, considerando a ocupação de toda a sub-bacia hidrográfica. Na situação atual, a sub-bacia apresenta taxas de erosão inferiores aos limites de tolerância para os respectivos solos, com exceção das áreas degradadas ocupadas por eucalipto e pastagem em Cambissolo. No entanto, em todas as situações analisadas, seu lado leste apresentou as maiores perdas de solo, especialmente para os cenários de eucalipto nas condições atuais e plantio convencional de milho em Cambissolo e Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, sendo necessária a aplicação de técnicas conservacionistas.<br>Simulation of water erosion spatial distribution is an important tool for soil conservation planning in watersheds, being an important application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) using interpolation principles, such as geostatistics. This study aimed to simulate spatial distribution of water erosion in a watershed of the Alto Rio Grande (MG) region, applying geostatistical tools for mapping, considering different land use scenarios. Water erosion was estimated by the USLE applied to grid cells, weighing pedologic units and land use distribution in each cell. The topographical factor (LS) of the cells was obtained based on a Digital Elevation Model of the sub-watershed, identifying length and main flow direction. Mean annual rainfall erosivity in the region is 8,030 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 year-1 and the underlying soil erodibility values were based on data from the literature. Mapping was carried out considering the current land uses in the entire watershed, where eucalyptus was grown on degraded soils, grasses planted as pasture and corn tilled conventionally. Under the current land uses, soil losses from the watershed were not relevant, except in areas covered with eucalyptus and grass on Cambisol (Inceptisol). In all simulations, the highest soil losses were verified on the eastern side of the watershed, especially for eucalyptus and conventional corn on Cambisol and Dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol (Oxisol), where special soil conservation techniques are needed