12 research outputs found

    The Alternative of Drainage Construction Technology Selection by Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method

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    Abstract: The drainage channel is one of the complementary buildings on the road segment in requiring one of the technical requirements for road infrastructure. The road drainage channels in general are open channels using gravity to drain surface water or inundation to the channel. The distribution of flow in the drainage channel to this channel follows the contours of the highway so that the water will flow easily following gravity. The Several alternatives selection of drainage development technologies include elbow drainage, parallel, grid iron, natural and radial. The problem found that some factor considered in selection the right technology are the construction budget, construction period, material supply, and construction process affecting the selection process become complicated. The purpose of this study is to determine the dominant criteria required in considering the selection of drainage construction technology in Banda Aceh and to determine the proper alternative using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. After distributing questionnaires to 16 respondents, the research found that the dominant criterion is the construction period as the score of 0.66. According to the respondents, the construction period become the most vital criteria since the assessment of criteria variable relate to the limitation in complete all drainage proposed. This study founds that the best alternative in selecting drainage construction technology is "parallel drainage" as the score is 4.96. Therefore, this study recommends the use of "parallel drainage" as a priority in the drainage construction Banda Aceh by considering construction budget, construction period, material supply and construction process.Abstrak: Saluran drainase merupakan salah satu bangunan pelengkap pada ruas jalan dalam memenuhi salah satu persyaratan teknis prasarana jalan. Pada umumnya saluran drainase jalan merupakan saluran terbuka yang menggunakan gaya gravitasi untuk mengalirkan air limbah ke outlet. Distribusi aliran di saluran drainase ke outlet ini mengikuti kontur jalan raya sehingga air limbah akan lebih mudah mengalir secara gravitasi. Beberapa alternatif pemilihan teknologi pembangunan drainase antara lain adalah drainase elbow, parallel, gridiron, natural dan radial. Persoalannya, beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilih teknologi yang tepat, biaya pembangunan, waktu konstruksi, ketersediaan material, dan proses pembangunan sehingga pilihan menjadi rumit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kriteria dominan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pemilihan teknologi pembangunan drainase di Kota Banda Aceh dan menentukan alternatif yang tepat melalui metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Setelah menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 16 responden, penelitian menemukan bahwa kriteria yang dominan adalah waktu pengerjaan dengan bobot tertinggi (0,66). Menurut responden, waktu konstruksi merupakan kriteria yang paling penting karena keterbatasan dalam menyelesaikan seluruh usulan pembangunan drainase perlu dipertimbangkan. Studi ini menemukan bahwa alternatif terbaik dalam memilih teknologi pembangunan drainase adalah “drainase paralel” yang memperoleh nilai kinerja tertinggi sebesar 4,96. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini merekomendasikan penggunaan “drainase paralel” sebagai prioritas dalam pembangunan drainase di Kota Banda Aceh dengan pertimbangan biaya, waktu konstruksi, ketersediaan material, dan proses pembangunan

    Marshall Stability of Porous Asphalt with Oyster Shell Ash Filler Substitution and High Density Polyethylene

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    Abstrak Aspal porus merupakan campuran beraspal yang memiliki rongga udara yang besar yang menyebabkan aspal porus memiliki nilai stabilitas yang rendah. Untuk meningkatkan nilai stabilitas diperlukan bahan tambah lain yang memiliki potensi seperti limbah Abu Cangkang Tiram (OSA) dan limbah High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). OSA mempunyai sifat kimia yang mengandung kapur dan silika yang berfungsi untuk keawetan dan mengunci antar agregat pada perkerasan jalan. Sedangkan HDPE memiliki kekuatan yang tinggi dan kaku serta perilaku untuk mengikat sehingga dapat memperkuat ikatan antara agregat dan OSA dan menambah perkuatan terhadap campuran aspal porus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan Kadar Aspal Optimum (OAC) pada campuran aspal porus, dan menganalisis variasi persentase terbaik OSA dan limbah HDPE sebagai substitusi aspal pen 60/70. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah pemeriksaan terhadap parameter Marshall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi filler 50% OSA : 50% PC dengan 4%, 6% HDPE dapat meningkatkan nilai stabilitas Marshall pada campuran aspal porus serta memenuhi spesifikasi Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA). Kata kunci: aspal porus, marshall, abu cangkang tiram, HDPE   Abstract Porous Asphalt is the asphalt mix containing large air void resulting low stability of porous asphalt. The improvement of stability requires another potential additive material as Oyster Shell Ash (OSA) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) waste. OSA contains of chemical characteristics consisting of calcium and silica for durability and locking the aggregate and road pavement. While HDPE is rigid, high strength, and binder that it can strengthen the bond of aggregate and OSA as well as strengthen porous asphalt mix. The research aims to determine OAC to porous asphalt mix, and analyze the best percentage variation of OSA filler substitution and HDPE waste as asphalt pen 60/70 substitution. The test was carried out was Marshall Parameter investigation. The output explained that the variation of 50% OSA filler: 50% PC using 4%, 6% HDPE can improve the Marshall stability on porous asphalt mix and meet specification of Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA).   Keywords: Porous asphalt, marshall, oyster shell ash, HDP

    Risk Probability of Time and Cost on Building Construction Project: A Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Construction project has never been avoided by not only low risk but also high risk. It can also occur in building and infrastructure construction project of Aceh Regional Intelligent Agency (BINDA) office complex. The complex structural works can impact the significant risk to the project construction process. To minimize the risk, it is required to review the risk analysis to the time and the cost. The problem of the research was how many probabilities of the highest risk by using Monte Carlo. The objective of the research was to analyze the highest risk probability percentage of time and cost in building construction project by using Monte Carlo simulation. Sampling technique used was census sampling by using 18 respondents. The variables used were contractual risk, construction risk, material and equipment risk, design and technology risk, and force majeure risk. The output of risk acceptability level analysis by using probability and impact found that the dominant risk in undesirable category is wrong implementation as the highest value of 7.50 risk value. The simulation output of Monte Carlo by using @risk software resulted that project duration time was 460 days on 99% probability. For probability distribution of cost estimation resulted that budget plan estimation was IDR 1,991,000,000 on 99% probability, so the project cost estimation can get the benefit as 1.00% by using @risk simulation. Therefore, the response provided is coordination to supervision consultant and owner

    Hubungan Faktor Sosial Ekonomi dengan Kesehatan Mental pada Anak Korban Seksual di Provinsi Aceh

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    Sexual violence against children will have an impact on the development of children's mental health and the case is like an iceberg phenomenon. this study examines the relationship between the socio-economic and mental health of child victims of sexual in Aceh Province, this type of analytic observational research uses a cross-sectional design, the population of children experiencing sexual violence is based on data from UPTD-PPA Aceh, Aceh Province in 12 districts, totaling 123 children, total population sample, the results showed that the factors associated with the development of mental health of children were the father's secondary education (OR = 3.6; p = 0.002), the father's basic education (OR = 2.8; p = 0.025), the father's occupation was self-employed (OR = 3.6; p=0.03), environmental influence (OR=2.7; p=0.009), family support was not supportive (OR=9; p=0.0001) and the counselor's behavior was not supportive (OR=2.3 ; p = 0.026), the results of the multivariate analysis concluded that children who experienced sexual abuse tend to experience abnormal mental health development 15 times greater than the other variables.  Kekerasan seksual terhadap anak akan berdampak terhadap perkembangan kesehatan mental anak dan kasusnya seperti fenomena gunung es. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan faktor sosial ekonomi dengan kesehatan mental pada anak korban sexueal di Provinsi Aceh,  metode penelitian observasional analitik desain cross sectional, populasi anak yang mengalami kekerasan seksual berdasarkan data dari UPTD-PPA Aceh Provinsi Aceh di 12 Kabupaten yang berjumlah 123 anak, sampel total populasi, pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, analisa data menggunakan regresi logistik, hasil penelitian diketahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan perkembangan kesehatan mental anak adalah adalah pendidikan ayah menengah (OR= 3,6; p = 0,002), pendidikan ayah dasar (OR=2,8; p= 0,025), pekerjaan ayah wiraswasta (OR=3,6; p=0,03), pengaruh lingkungan (OR=2,7; p= 0,009), dukungan keluarga tidak mendukung (OR=9; p=0,0001)dan perab konselor  tidak mendukung (OR=2,3; p= 0,026), hasil penelitian disimpulkan, bahwa anak yang mengalami kekerasan seksual cenderung mengalami perkembangan kesehatan mental abnormal 15 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan variabel lainnya

    Statistical Analysis of Accident Patterns and The Causes at A State Road in Perlis

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    Data from the World Health Organization have stated that each year, approximately 1.3 million road users are at high risk of a road traffic accident. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the accident patterns and causes at a state road of Kangar to Alor Setar. The methods used to evaluate the accident patterns are the chi-squared test (CST) and level of service (LOS) survey. The Pearson CST shows that the significant factors for accidents are the age of the drivers, in which people below 30 years old are likely to be involved in accidents ( = 0.037), and type of vehicles used, in which motorcycles are more prone to be involved in accidents ( = 0.000). However, gender shows an equal risk for accident involvement ( = 0.911). The LOS E is observed on evenings of Monday and Friday, indicating the unstable flows of traffic during those periods. Partial least squares structural equation modelling is used to evaluate the causes of accidents from the road user’s perspective via a questionnaire. Before distribution, the questionnaire underwent a pilot study to ensure its validity and reliability. Four hypotheses were developed with the following independent variables: human factors, vehicle factors, environment factors and road condition factors. Results show that the majority of the road users (33.3%) travelled 1 to 3 times per week and 23.1% of them were involved in accidents while travelling on this road. The validity test via the structural model shows that the most significant factors affecting the relationships to the accidents are the road factors (t = 6.166, p = 0.000), the vehicle factors (t = 4.3399, p = 0.000) and the human factors (t = 2.893, p = 0.005). Thus, the factors are significant to the causes of accidents on this road. Countermeasures that emphasise these factors are very important to be considered by authorities to reduce accidents on this road

    Statistical Analysis of Accident Patterns and The Causes at A State Road in Perlis

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    Data from the World Health Organization have stated that each year, approximately 1.3 million road users are at high risk of a road traffic accident. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the accident patterns and causes at a state road of Kangar to Alor Setar. The methods used to evaluate the accident patterns are the chi-squared test (CST) and level of service (LOS) survey. The Pearson CST shows that the significant factors for accidents are the age of the drivers, in which people below 30 years old are likely to be involved in accidents ( = 0.037), and type of vehicles used, in which motorcycles are more prone to be involved in accidents ( = 0.000). However, gender shows an equal risk for accident involvement ( = 0.911). The LOS E is observed on evenings of Monday and Friday, indicating the unstable flows of traffic during those periods. Partial least squares structural equation modelling is used to evaluate the causes of accidents from the road user’s perspective via a questionnaire. Before distribution, the questionnaire underwent a pilot study to ensure its validity and reliability. Four hypotheses were developed with the following independent variables: human factors, vehicle factors, environment factors and road condition factors. Results show that the majority of the road users (33.3%) travelled 1 to 3 times per week and 23.1% of them were involved in accidents while travelling on this road. The validity test via the structural model shows that the most significant factors affecting the relationships to the accidents are the road factors (t = 6.166, p = 0.000), the vehicle factors (t = 4.3399, p = 0.000) and the human factors (t = 2.893, p = 0.005). Thus, the factors are significant to the causes of accidents on this road. Countermeasures that emphasise these factors are very important to be considered by authorities to reduce accidents on this road

    Impact of COVID-19 on Construction Projects: The Case of India

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, including India, especially in the construction sector. The study aims to identify, compare, and analyze the critical pandemic impacts (CPI) on construction projects in India. To achieve this, 40 interviews with industry professionals, are followed by a systematic review to identify the CPI. The data collected was used to develop a survey, sent to industry professionals all over India, with a return of 92 valid responses. The data were analyzed using reliability analysis, mean score ranking, overlap analysis, agreement analysis, and correlation analysis. The overall critical pandemic impact includes ‘labor scarcity,’ ‘supply chain disruption,’ ‘decreased construction productivity,’ ‘increased project financing rejection rate,’ and ‘reduced foreign investment in the construction industry.’ The findings could aid authorities and policymakers in taking suitable actions toward solving the current CPI in India. Project managers and owners could consider the current CPI in order to formulate better plans. Overcoming CPI could lead to an economic leap in India

    Critical government strategies for enhancing building information modeling implementation in indonesia

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    Building information modeling (BIM) enables substantial improvement in the architect, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. To enhance BIM implementation, policymakers should develop appropriate strategies addressing local AEC industry needs. However, prior works that have explored government strategies to enhance BIM implementation in Indonesia are scarce. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the critical government strategies to enhance BIM implementation in Indonesia. A systematic literature review and semi-structured interviews with AEC professionals yielded 12 potential government strategies. The data were analyzed using mean score ranking, normalization, overlap, agreement, and correlation analyses. The findings illustrate that six strategies are critical for enhancing BIM implementation in Indonesia. Two of the six strategies overlapped between all main construction project stakeholders (i.e., consultants, contractors, and clients): (1) develop programs to integrate BIM into education curricula and academia, and (2) develop BIM implementation guidelines. These two strategies were highly correlated, and all project stakeholders had consistent views on their criticality for enhancing BIM implementation in Indonesia. The findings benefit policymakers by highlighting specific strategies that should take place to enhance BIM implementation in Indonesia

    Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi

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    viii, 99 hlm.; 23 c

    An update on reservoir operating rules following changes on the effective capacity due to land erosion

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    Reservoirs play a role in decreasing the temporal variability of river flow by regulating the reservoir water release for several downstream water needs. The Keuliling Reservoir was built to meet the needs of irrigation water. However, the dry season in Aceh Besar Regency significantly impacts irrigation areas because water from the Keuliling Reservoir cannot meet the demands. During the dry season, which is also the beginning of the second rice planting season (for gadu rice variety), the water source of the Keuliling Reservoir significantly decreases. The rate of land erosion leads to sedimentation, which may cause a reduction in the effective reservoir capacity. A decline in reservoir function due to sedimentation can affect the reservoir’s performance. The reservoir operating rules need to be adjusted due to a decline in capacity caused by sedimentation. This study aims to develop updated reservoir operating rules that can be used as an operational guideline for the Keuliling Reservoir. The study used a non-linear program to optimize the reservoir operation, which required objective functions and constraints. Optimization will result in reservoir operations that can supply water according to the target rice field area in normal and wet years. The irrigation area is 578 hectares for Group I (Keuliling Upstream Irrigation Area) and 1053 ha for Group I (Keuliling Downstream Irrigation Area). However, in the dry year of Group I (DI Keuliling Hulu), with an irrigation area of 578 hectares, the rice planting pattern (one rice planting season) begins with the planting season in October I. In addition, in Group II (DI Keuliling Hilir), with an irrigation area of 781 ha, the rice planting pattern (one rice planting season) starts the planting season in October II. The reduced inflows during dry years have decreased the target irrigation area by 113 ha. This Keuliling Reservoir operating manual can determine the reservoir water release to balance it with needs and storage targets