81 research outputs found

    Hydrogen peroxide generation by DC and pulsed underwater discharge in air bubbles

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    The generation of H(2)O(2) in underwater discharge in air bubbles is studied with consideration of the influence of electrodes polarity, input power, solution conductivity and the inter-electrode distance. The efficiency of hydrogen peroxide generation strongly depends on the polarity, input power and the inter-electrode distance. Discharges in air bubbles with water as a cathode have significantly higher energy yield of hydrogen peroxide in comparison with negative DC or pulsed discharges. The generation of hydrogen peroxide by DC discharge increases with decrease in the inter-electrode distance, but it is opposite for pulsed discharges. Different efficiency of H(2)O(2) production is explained based on physical processes which result to formation of OH radicals

    Laser-assisted photoporation : fundamentals, technological advances and applications

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    Laser-assisted photoporation is a promising technique that is receiving increasing attention for the delivery of membrane impermeable nanoscopic substances into living cells. Photoporation is based on the generation of localized transient pores in the cell membrane using continuous or pulsed laser light. Increased membrane permeability can be achieved directly by focused laser light or in combination with sensitizing nanoparticles for higher throughput. Here, we provide a detailed account on the history and current state-of-the-art of photoporation as a physical nanomaterial delivery technique. We first introduce with a detailed explanation of the mechanisms responsible for cell membrane pore formation, following an overview of experimental procedures for realizing direct laser photoporation. Next, we review the second and most recent method of photoporation that combines laser light with sensitizing NPs. The different mechanisms of pore formation are discussed and an overview is given of the various types of sensitizing nanomaterials. Typical experimental setups to achieve nanoparticle-mediated photoporation are discussed as well. Finally, we discuss the biological and therapeutic applications enabled by photoporation and give our current view on this expanding research field and the challenges and opportunities that remain for the near future

    Fluorescence-based quantification of messenger RNA and plasmid DNA decay kinetics in extracellular biological fluids and cell extracts

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    Extracellular and intracellular degradation of nucleic acids remains an issue in non-viral gene therapy. Understanding biodegradation is critical for the rational design of gene therapeutics in order to maintain stability and functionality at the target site. However, there are only limited methods available that allow determining the stability of genetic materials in biological environments. In this context, the decay kinetics of fluorescently labeled plasmid DNA (pDNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA) in undiluted biological samples (i.e., human serum, human ascites, bovine vitreous) and cell extracts is studied using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and single particle tracking (SPT). It is demonstrated that FCS is suitable to follow mRNA degradation, while SPT is better suited to investigate pDNA integrity. The half-life of mRNA and pDNA is approximate to 1-2 min and 1-4 h in biological samples, respectively. The resistance against biodegradation drastically improves by complexation with lipid-based carriers. Taken together, FCS and SPT are able to quantify the integrity of mRNA and pDNA, respectively, as a function of time, both in the extracellular biological fluids and cell extracts. This in turn allows to focus on the important but less understood issue of nucleic acids degradation in more detail and to rationally optimize gene delivery system as therapeutics

    A beneficiary role for neuraminidase in influenza virus penetration through the respiratory mucus

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    Swine influenza virus (SIV) has a strong tropism for pig respiratory mucosa, which consists of a mucus layer, epithelium, basement membrane and lamina propria. Sialic acids present on the epithelial surface have long been considered to be determinants of influenza virus tropism. However, mucus which is also rich in sialic acids may serve as the first barrier of selection. It was investigated how influenza virus interacts with the mucus to infect epithelial cells. Two techniques were applied to track SIV H1N1 in porcine mucus. The microscopic diffusion of SIV particles in the mucus was analyzed by single particle tracking (SPT), and the macroscopic penetration of SIV through mucus was studied by a virus in-capsule-mucus penetration system, followed by visualizing the translocation of the virions with time by immunofluorescence staining. Furthermore, the effects of neuraminidase on SIV getting through or binding to the mucus were studied by using zanamivir, a neuraminidase inhibitor (NAI), and Arthrobacter ureafaciens neuraminidase. The distribution of the diffusion coefficient shows that 70% of SIV particles were entrapped, while the rest diffused freely in the mucus. Additionally, SIV penetrated the porcine mucus with time, reaching a depth of 65 mm at 30 min post virus addition, 2 fold of that at 2 min. Both the microscopic diffusion and macroscopic penetration were largely diminished by NAI, while were clearly increased by the effect of exogenous neuraminidase. Moreover, the exogenous neuraminidase sufficiently prevented the binding of SIV to mucus which was reversely enhanced by effect of NAI. These findings clearly show that the neuraminidase helps SIV move through the mucus, which is important for the virus to reach and infect epithelial cells and eventually become shed into the lumen of the respiratory tract

    Sizing nanomaterials in bio-fluids by cFRAP enables protein aggregation measurements and diagnosis of bio-barrier permeability

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    Sizing nanomaterials in complex biological fluids, such as blood, remains a great challenge in spite of its importance for a wide range of biomedical applications. In drug delivery, for instance, it is essential that aggregation of protein-based drugs is avoided as it may alter their efficacy or elicit immune responses. Similarly it is of interest to determine which size of molecules can pass through biological barriers in vivo to diagnose pathologies, such as sepsis. Here, we report on continuous fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (cFRAP) as a analytical method enabling size distribution measurements of nanomaterials (1-100 nm) in undiluted biological fluids. We demonstrate that cFRAP allows to measure protein aggregation in human serum and to determine the permeability of intestinal and vascular barriers in vivo. cFRAP is a new analytical technique that paves the way towards exciting new applications that benefit from nanomaterial sizing in bio-fluids

    Cytosolic delivery of nanolabels prevents their asymmetric inheritance and enables extended quantitative in vivo cell imaging

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    Long-term in vivo imaging of cells is crucial for the understanding of cellular fate in biological processes in cancer research, immunology, or in cell-based therapies such as beta cell transplantation, in type I diabetes or stem cell therapy. Traditionally, cell labeling with the desired contrast agent occurs ex vivo via spontaneous endocytosis, which is a variable and slow process that requires optimization for each particular label-cell type combination. Following endocytic uptake, the contrast agents mostly remain entrapped in the endolysosomal compartment, which leads to signal instability, cytotoxicity, and asymmetric inheritance of the labels upon cell division. Here, we demonstrate that these disadvantages can be circumvented by delivering contrast agents directly into the cytoplasm via vapor nanobubble photoporation. Compared to classic endocytic uptake, photoporation resulted in :50 and 3 times higher loading of fluorescent dextrans and quantum dots, respectively, with improved signal stability and reduced cytotoxicity: Most: interestingly, cytosolic delivery by iihotoporation prevented asymmetric inheritance of labels by daughter cells over subsequent cell' generations. Instead, unequal inheritance of endocytosed labels resulted in a dramatic increase in polydispersity of the amount of labels per cell with each cell division, hindering accurate quantification of cell numbers in vivo over time. The combined benefits of cell labeling by photoporation resulted in a marked improvement in long-term cell visibility in vivo where an insulin producing cell line (INS-1E cell line) labeled with fluorescent dextrans could be tracked for up to two months in Swiss nude mice compared to 2-Weeks for cells labeled by endocytosis

    Gold nanoparticle-mediated photoporation enables delivery of macromolecules over a wide range of molecular weights in human CD4+ T cells

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    The modification of CD4+ T cells with exogenous nucleic acids or proteins is a critical step in several research and therapeutic applications, such as HIV studies and cancer immunotherapies. However, efficient cell transfections are not always easily achieved when working with these primary hard-to-transfect cells. While the modification of T cells is typically performed by viral transduction or electroporation, their use is associated with safety issues or cytotoxicity. Vapor nanobubble (VNB) photoporation with sensitizing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has recently emerged as a new technology for safe and flexible cell transfections. In this work, we evaluated the potential of VNB photoporation as a novel technique for the intracellular delivery of macromolecules in primary human CD4+ T cells using fluorescent dextrans as model molecules. Our results show that VNB photoporation enables efficient delivery of fluorescent dextrans of 10 kDa in Jurkat (>60% FD10+ cells) as well as in primary human CD4+ T cells (+/- 40% FD10+ cells), with limited cell toxicity (>70% cell viability). We also demonstrated that the technique allows the delivery of dextrans that are up to 500 kDa in Jurkat cells, suggesting its applicability for the delivery of biological macromolecules with a wide range of molecular weights. Altogether, VNB photoporation represents a promising technique for the universal delivery of macromolecules in view of engineering CD4+ T cells for use in a wide variety of research and therapeutic applications