41 research outputs found

    Application of the HVSR Microtremor Method for Basalt Outcrops in Tanjung Batu, Jambi

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    Microtremor data at 15 point had been taken at tanjung batu around of outcrop igneous rock in back arc basin south sumatra such as carried out at sub basin jambi. The igneous rock, which is found in this area, is basalt and distributed in ± 825 Ha and located in Desa Tanjung Batu Geragai Jambi. The uniqueness of this outcrop is it intrudes the thick of sedimentary rock which have the thickness around more than 1000 meter, located in east cost of Sumatera Island and far away from the volcanoes. The natural frequency from 1-11 and 15 measurement point varied from 6 Hz-19 Hz. The amplification value from 1-10 and 15 measurement point varied from 0,8 Hz-2,2Hz, but at points 4 and 11 have amplification value from 3,4 Hz and 4,8 Hz. Seismic vulnerability at 1-10 and 15 measurement point varied from 0,8-1,8. but at points 4 and 11 have seismic vulnerability value from 1,4 and 2,3. From these result of natural frequency, amplification, and Seismic vulnerability in the outcrops have contrasting value in each map can be identified as fault from intrusion of basalt

    Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation to 25(OH)D, IL-17, and HbA1c Level in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is the consequence of autoimmune destruction process of β cells which associated with Th17 activity and low 25(OH)D level. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation toward 25(OH)D level, Th17 activity (IL-17) and glycemic control (HbA1c) in pediatric T1DM. This study was designed as randomized clinical trials (RCT), double-blind, pre and post-test controlled study. Subject was children with T1DM who were divided into two groups: K1: subjects were treated with insulin 0.5–2 IU/day + vitamin D3 2000 IU/day for 3 months, K2: subjects were treated with insulin 0.5–2 IU/day + placebo for 3 months. Levels of 25(OH)D, IL-17 and HbA1c were evaluated after 3 months treatment using ELISA. After 3 months treatment, results showed that 25(OH)D level was significantly higher in K1 compared with K2 (p = 0.00), IL-17 level was significantly lower K1 compared with K2 (p= 0.022). Surprisingly, HbA1c level in K1 was not significantly different with K2 (p = 0.93). Furthermore, in vitamin D-treated group, 25(OH)D level was elevated significantly after 3 months treatment with vitamin D (p = 0.00), IL-17 level was reduced significantly after 3 months treatment with vitamin D (p= 0.001) and HbA1c level was reduced insignificantly after 3 months treatment with vitamin D (p= 0.76). Correlation study showed that there was no correlation between 25(OH)D level with IL-17 level (p= 0.160, r= -0.284) and 25(OH)D with HbA1c (p= 0.62, r= -0.10). This study can be conclude that vitamin D3 supplementation may elevate the 25(OH)D and reduce IL-17 level but did not change HbA1c level in pediatric T1DM

    Kinds and Functions of Maxim Politeness in The Kelly Clarkson Show

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    This article aims to discuss the kinds and functions of some maxim of politeness which is used in The Kelly Clarkson Show. Two theories are used in doing this research , the first ist theory proposed by Leech Principles of Pragmatics (1983) and the second is a theory proposed by Searle Speech Event (1979). In doing this reseacrch the writer uses descriptive and qualitative by Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2004) to analyze the research. The source of data in this thesis taken from the YouTube videos The Kelly Clarckson Show. The data are the utterances of the host and the guests in the videos. The finding of this research shows that there are three kinds of the maxim which are used in these videos they are Approbation, Agreement, and Modesty Maxim. The most dominant maxim found is the Approbation maxim. Then, there were two kinds of functions of the maxim of politeness found in The Kelly Clarckson Show, they are convivial and collaborative

    Evaluasi Keragaan USAha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Pola Plasma dalam Memenuhi Standarisasi Sertifikasi Rspo di Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Highest productivity and cheapest price among vegetable oils has motivated manufacturers to use palm oil as principle ingredient in their products. While there are various derivative products of palm oil, demand for palm oil increase significantly. In line with higher price of oil palm fruits, the growers respond with land expansion to meet the demand of palm oil. However, massive expansion of oil palm plantations has generated various negative social and environment impacts including deforestation, biodiversity loss, forest fires, and social conflicts. These issues have motivated private International organizations to mitigate the effects of land expansion by establishing the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification. All growers and stakeholders have to comply with the RSPO standard to be included in the palm oil supply chain. The smallholders face the most challenging effort to meet the standard and to obtain the RSPO certificate. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of scheme smallholders and to assess their compliance to the standard of RSPO. Data were collected through a survey on 70 sample from 224 members of the population. The data were analysed using farm business analysis and assessment on the application of RSPO Principles and Criteria. The result shows that the average farm income from oil palm plantation is Rp 16.443.449,- per year/ha or Rp 1.370.287,- per month/ha. The group farmer have comply to more than 100% of the RSPO standard

    Sustainable Development Model of Geothermal Energy (A Case Study at Darajat Geothermal Power Plant, Garut-Indonesia)

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    World consumption of energy from fossil fuels has continued to increase with the increasing world population growth.  In Indonesia, the average growth of energy consumption is 8.5% per year due to economic and population growth. The majority of national energy demand is fulfilled by fossil fuels, but their reserves are decreasing. These situations have forced the government of Indonesia (GOI) to perform efficiency use of fossil fuels and find new alternative energies which are relatively cheaper and environmentally friendly. One of the new alternative energies that meets this criteria is geothermal, which is considered as a renewable energy, has ample reserve, and low CO2 emission. GOI has established the 2006-2025 geothermal development roadmap targeting 9,500 MW in 2025 or a contribution of 5% to national energy consumption. However, current use of geothermal in 2012 is only 1,226 MW or 4% of Indonesia’s geothermal potential (29,215 MW), therefore, this is considered a challenging target for Indonesia to achieve (Sukarna, 2012).This paper describes a conceptual model to develop sustainable geothermal energy to help achieve the GOI challenging target, based on a case study at a Geothermal Power Plant (GPP) in Darajat near Garut, Indonesia. It is intended to provide support for decision makers to accelerate sustainable development of geothermal energy based on social, environmental, and economic aspects. Therefore, some analyses are required to be performed and synthesized so that an optimal, comprehensive and an integrated model of sustainable geothermal development can be obtained. Various analysis conducted are based on a system approach, both hard and soft system approaches. The hard system approach is an analysis of economic investment feasibility of geothermal development at GPP Darajat Garut by calculating Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The soft system approach is a compilation result of the sustainable analysis of MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling), legal/regulation review, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), and ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling). These analysis results become inputs in designing a conceptual model of sustainable geothermal energy development. The financial analysis result indicates that investment for geothermal energy development is economically feasible with positive NPV and IRR. The MDS analysis result shows that geothermal energy development at GPP Darajat is relatively sustained. A regulation review indicates that there are government regulation inconsistencies and overlaps, and that permitting requirements need to be improved. The AHP analysis result indicates that the government policy consistency is the most important factor that influences improvement to other factors.  The ISM analysis result indicates that 3 (three) elements have to be considered for sustainable geothermal development: 1) central government as an actor is the strongest driving power and influence for others, 2) government policy consistency is considered as a main obstacle, and (3) developing a long term strategy and policy are the key elements and main drivers that influence others. Based on those analyses results a conceptual model of sustainable geothermal energy development has been developed which consists of a management system, funding/budget support, actor to manage, and regulation management. Keywords: Conceptual model, geothermal energy development, Darajat Garut, MDS, AHP, ISM.

    Sustainable Management Analysis of Biodiesel Utilization in Jakarta and it’s Surrounding

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    Analysis of MDS (multi dimensional scaling) is performed to determine the level of sustainability of Biodiesel as Biofuel Utilization in Jakarta and its surrounding area. Sustainability assessment based on scoring by the experts for each attribute in each dimension of sustainability assessment. Dimensions of sustainability are considered consists of the environmental dimension, the economic, social, technological, and policy. The results showed that the five dimensions of sustainability, only environmental and technological dimensions beyond the sustainability index. While the other three dimensions, namely social, economic, and policy do not meet the sustainability index. So that the overall average value of the sustainability of Biodiesel as Biosolar (mixing between automotive diesel engine and biodiesel or FAME) utilization in such area also has not met the required sustainability index. However the counter measures can be applied to leverage these problems is to increase socialization and education, simultaneously the technical regulations that could encourage greater variety of sensitive attributes in each dimension, and make the application of policy incentives and disincentives to support it. The first priority step can be started from the improvement in the social dimension attributes through efforts to raise public awareness of the use of Biodiesel as biofuel. This will indirectly encourage the improvement that will attribute the economic dimension with the increasing value-added agro-industry products. In order to facilitate the operation, the necessary attributes is the improvements in policy dimension, especially at the local level policy. All these efforts can be maximized by encouraging better sensitive attributes, such as environmental and technology attributes. Means Improvement is to increase the utilization ratio of biodiesel in biosolar and increasing the availability of human resources in supporting using Biodiesel as biofuel. The entire steps were expected to raise the level of sustainability of Biodiesel utilization in Jakarta as a whole. Keywords: utilization, biofuel, biodiesel, sustainability, multidimensional scaling (MDS)


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    Sistem pentanahan adalah bagian komponen penting dalam gardu induk karena berfungsi mengalirkan arus hubung singkat saat terjadi gangguan. Pada gardu induk banyak peralatan listrik berada di atasnya yang terhubung satu sama lainnya ke sistem pentanahan. Pada saat terjadi gangguan hubung singkat tegangan permukaan tanah (GPR) menjadi naik yang mana besarnya dipengaruhi oleh arus hubung singkat dan resistansi pentanahan gardu induk. Sistem pentanhan gardu induk pada umumnya berbentuk grid dilekangkapi batang pentanahan atau tanpa dengan kedalaman tertentu dari permukaan tanah. Penelitian ini menganalisis sistem pentanahan dua lapis tanah pada gardu induk 2 x 250 MVA Sarulla sistem 275 kVdengan menggunakan perangkat lunak tersedia ASPIX 3.1. Konfigurasi grid yaitu bujur sangkar dan persegi panjang dengan variasi kedalaman dan jarak antata konduktor grid dilakukan  GPR semakin menurun jika jaarak antara grid semakin kecil dan pada kedalaman grid semakin dalam menghasilkan nilai GPR menurun

    Permukiman di Indonesia: perspektif arkeologi

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    Menggali masa lalu (digging up the past) merupakan tugas para ahli arkeologi untuk mengungkapkan gagasan, perilaku dan karya-karya leluhur kita yang sarat dengan makna dan nilai, untuk selanjutnya diberikan kepada generasi sekarang dan yang akan datang. Banyak hal yang dapat dipelajari dari peninggalan budaya masa lampau. Buku ini merupakan langkah kecil untuk menghantarkan beberapa hal kebudayaan masa lampau berdasarkan hasil-hasil penelitian arkeologi kepada masyarakat luas

    Safely Managed On-Site Sanitation: A National Assessment of Sanitation Services and Potential Fecal Exposure in Indonesia.

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    Sustainable Development Goal target 6.2 calls for universal access to adequate and equitable sanitation, setting a more ambitious standard for 'safely managed sanitation services'. On-site sanitation systems (e.g., septic tanks) are widely used in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, the lack of indicators for assessing fecal exposure risks presents a barrier to monitoring safely managed services. Furthermore, geographic diversity and frequency of disasters require a more nuanced approach to risk-informed decision-making. Taking Indonesia as an example, the purpose of this paper is to provide insights into current status and practices for on-site sanitation services in the contexts of LMICs. Using a dataset from a national socio-economic survey (n = 295,155) coupled with village census (n = 83,931), we assessed (1) household sanitation practices across Indonesia stratified by city-level population density and meteorological factors, (2) factors associated with septic tank emptying practice, and (3) inequalities in potential fecal exposure as measured by population density and WASH access by wealth quintile. We found a high reliance on on-site sanitation facilities (80.0%), almost half of which are assumed to be 'uncontained' septic tanks and one in ten facilities discharging untreated waste directly into the environment. The most densely populated areas had the highest rates of septic tank emptying, though emptying rates were just 17.0%, while in the lowest population density group, emptying was rarely reported. Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated an association between flooding and drought occurrence and septic tank emptying practice. Higher groundwater usage for drinking among poorer households suggests unsafe sanitation may disproportionally affect the poor. Our study underscores the urgent need to strengthen the monitoring of on-site sanitation in LMICs by developing contextualized standards. Furthermore, the inequalities in potential fecal exposure require greater attention and tailored support mechanisms to ensure the poorest gain access to safely managed sanitation services

    International differences in employee silence motives: Scale validation, prevalence, and relationships with culture characteristics across 33 Countries

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    Employee silence, the withholding of work-related ideas, questions, or concerns from someone who could effect change, has been proposed to hamper individual and collective learning as well as the detection of errors and unethical behaviors in many areas of the world. To facilitate cross-cultural research, we validated an instrument measuring four employee silence motives (i.e., silence based on fear, resignation, prosocial, and selfish motives) in 21 languages. Across 33 countries (N = 8,222) representing diverse cultural clusters, the instrument shows good psychometric properties (i.e., internal reliabilities, factor structure, measurement invariance). Results further revealed similarities and differences in the prevalence of silence motives between countries, but did not necessarily support cultural stereotypes. To explore the role of culture for silence, we examined relationships of silence motives with the societal practices cultural dimensions from the GLOBE Program. We found relationships between silence motives and power distance, institutional collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance. Overall, the findings suggest that relationships between silence and cultural dimensions are more complex than commonly assumed. We discuss the explanatory power of nations as (cultural) units of analysis, our social scientific approach, the predictive value of cultural dimensions, and opportunities to extend silence research geographically, methodologically, and conceptuallyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio