11 research outputs found

    Early diffusion evidence of retrograde transsynaptic degeneration in the human visual system

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    We investigated whether diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) indices of white matter integrity would offer early markers of retrograde transsynaptic degeneration (RTD) in the visual system after stroke Objective: We investigated whether diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) indices of white matter integrity would offer early markers of retrograde transsynaptic degeneration (RTD) in the visual system after stroke. Methods: We performed a prospective longitudinal analysis of the sensitivity of DTI markers of optic tract health in 12 patients with postsynaptic visual pathway stroke, 12 stroke controls, and 28 healthy controls. We examined group differences in (1) optic tract fractional anisotropy (FA-asymmetry), (2) perimetric measures of visual impairment, and (3) the relationship between FA-asymmetry and perimetric assessment. Results: FA-asymmetry was higher in patients with visual pathway lesions than in control groups. These differences were evident 3 months from the time of injury and did not change significantly at 12 months. Perimetric measures showed evidence of impairment in participants with visual pathway stroke but not in control groups. A significant association was observed between FA-asymmetry and perimetric measures at 3 months, which persisted at 12 months. Conclusions: DTI markers of RTD are apparent 3 months from the time of injury. This represents the earliest noninvasive evidence of RTD in any species. Furthermore, these measures associate with measures of visual impairment. DTI measures offer a reproducible, noninvasive, and sensitive method of investigating RTD and its role in visual impairment

    The Berlin Brain–Computer Interface: Non-Medical Uses of BCI Technology

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    Brain–computer interfacing (BCI) is a steadily growing area of research. While initially BCI research was focused on applications for paralyzed patients, increasingly more alternative applications in healthy human subjects are proposed and investigated. In particular, monitoring of mental states and decoding of covert user states have seen a strong rise of interest. Here, we present some examples of such novel applications which provide evidence for the promising potential of BCI technology for non-medical uses. Furthermore, we discuss distinct methodological improvements required to bring non-medical applications of BCI technology to a diversity of layperson target groups, e.g., ease of use, minimal training, general usability, short control latencies

    Brain connectivity and neurological disorders after stroke

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    none5siopenBaldassarre, Antonello; Ramsey, Lenny E.; Siegel, Joshua S.; Shulman, Gordon L.; Corbetta, MaurizioBaldassarre, Antonello; Ramsey, Lenny E.; Siegel, Joshua S.; Shulman, Gordon L.; Corbetta, Maurizi

    Normalization of network connectivity in hemispatial neglect recovery

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    We recently reported that spatial and nonspatial attention deficits in stroke patients with hemispatial neglect are correlated at 2 weeks postonset with widespread alterations of interhemispheric and intrahemispheric functional connectivity (FC) measured with resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging across multiple brain networks. The mechanisms underlying neglect recovery are largely unknown. In this study, we test the hypothesis that recovery of hemispatial neglect correlates with a return of network connectivity toward a normal pattern, herein defined as "network normalization.

    Automatic identification of atypical clinical fMRI results

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    Purpose Functional MRI is not routinely used for neurosurgical planning despite potential important advantages, due to difficulty of determining quality. We introduce a novel method for objective evaluation of fMRI scan quality, based on activation maps. A template matching analysis (TMA) is presented and tested on data from two clinical fMRI protocols, performed by healthy controls in seven clinical centers. Preliminary clinical utility is tested with data from low-grade glioma patients. Methods Data were collected from 42 healthy subjects from seven centers, with standardized finger tapping (FT) and verb generation (VG) tasks. Copies of these "typical" data were deliberately analyzed incorrectly to assess feasibility of identifying them as "atypical." Analyses of the VG task administered to 32 tumor patients assessed sensitivity of the TMA method to anatomical abnormalities. Results TMA identified all atypical activity maps for both tasks, at the cost of incorrectly classifying 3.6 (VG)-6.5% (FT) of typical maps as atypical. For patients, the average TMA was significantly higher than atypical healthy scans, despite localized anatomical abnormalities caused by a tumor. Conclusion This study supports feasibility of TMA for objective identification of atypical activation patterns for motor and verb generation fMRI protocols. TMA can facilitate the use and evaluation of clinical fMRI in hospital settings that have limited access to fMRI experts. In a clinical setting, this method could be applied to automatically flag fMRI scans showing atypical activation patterns for further investigation to determine whether atypicality is caused by poor scan data quality or abnormal functional topography

    Disruptions of network connectivity predict impairment in multiple behavioral domains after stroke

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    none10siopenSiegel, Joshua Sarfaty; Ramsey, Lenny E.; Snyder, Abraham Z.; Metcalf, Nicholas V.; Chacko, Ravi V.; Weinberger, Kilian; Baldassarre, Antonello; Hacker, Carl D.; Shulman, Gordon L.; Corbetta, MaurizioSiegel, Joshua Sarfaty; Ramsey, Lenny E.; Snyder, Abraham Z.; Metcalf, Nicholas V.; Chacko, Ravi V.; Weinberger, Kilian; Baldassarre, Antonello; Hacker, Carl D.; Shulman, Gordon L.; Corbetta, Maurizi

    Common Behavioral Clusters and Subcortical Anatomy in Stroke

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    A long-held view is that stroke causes many distinct neurological syndromes due to damage of specialized cortical and subcortical centers. However, it is unknown if a syndrome-based description is helpful in characterizing behavioral deficits across a large number of patients. We studied a large prospective sample of first-time stroke patients with heterogeneous lesions at 1-2 weeks post-stroke. We measured behavior over multiple domains and lesion anatomy with structural MRI and a probabilistic atlas of white matter pathways. Multivariate methods estimated the percentage of behavioral variance explained by structural damage. A few clusters of behavioral deficits spanning multiple functions explained neurological impairment. Stroke topography was predominantly subcortical, and disconnection of white matter tracts critically contributed to behavioral deficits and their correlation. The locus of damage explained more variance for motor and language than memory or attention deficits. Our findings highlight the need for better models of white matter damage on cognition