121 research outputs found

    Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease on Visual Target Detection: A “Peripheral Bias”

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    Visual exploration is an omnipresent activity in everyday life, and might represent an important determinant of visual attention deficits in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The present study aimed at investigating visual search performance in AD patients, in particular target detection in the far periphery, in daily living scenes. Eighteen AD patients and 20 healthy controls participated in the study. They were asked to freely explore a hemispherical screen, covering ±90°, and to respond to targets presented at 10°, 30°, and 50° eccentricity, while their eye movements were recorded. Compared to healthy controls, AD patients recognized less targets appearing in the center. No difference was found in target detection in the periphery. This pattern was confirmed by the fixation distribution analysis. These results show a neglect for the central part of the visual field for AD patients and provide new insights by mean of a search task involving a larger field of view


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai Isi Syair Singgi dalam Upacara Rambu Tuka’ di Toraja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dalam kondisi alamiah (natural setting). Adapun pokok permasalahan yang dicari tahu dalam penelitian ini yakni; (1) Bagaimana isi Syair yang terdapat dalam Singgi’ dalam Upacara Rambu Tuka’ di Pangala Kecamatan Rindingallo Toraja Utara Sulawesi Selatan ; (2) Bagaimana bentuk penyajian Singgi’ dalam upacara Rambu Tuka’ di Pangala Kecamatan Rindingallo Toraja Utara Sulawesi Selatan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa; (1) Isi Syair Singgi’ dalam Upacara Rambu Tuka’ ungkapan kata yang dilantunkan untuk menghibur para tamu dan keluarga yang mengadakan upacara. Sebelum Tominaa membawakan Singgi’ terlebih dahulu ia menanyakan kepada keluarga yang melakukan upacara Rambu Tuka’ hal apa saja yang ingin disampaikan, sebelum melakukan Singgi tidak ada ritual yang dilakukan selain hanya menanyakan kesiapan Keluarga untuk memulai acara ketika Tomenaa melangsungkan Singgi’ terlebih dulu ia memperkenalkan keturunan keluarga baik dari kedua orang tua bahkan nenek moyang yang melakukan acara Rambu Tuka’ kemudian dilanjutkan dengan memperkenalkan kedua mempelai yang sedang melakukan Upacara Rambu Tuka’ Rampanan Kapa’ setelah itu memberikan kata-kata wejangan mengenai Rampanan Kapa’ (2) Bentuk penyajian Singgi dalam upacara Rambu Tuka’ yang meliputi Prosesi yang dilakukan sebelum Singgi,Tempat Pelaksanaan di laksanakan di Rumah Tongkonan dan panggung yang disediakan oleh Keluarga yang melaksanakan Upacara Rambu Tuka’ Waktu pelaksanaan pada pukul 10:00-13:00 ketika matahari mencapai zenith diatas kepala. Kostum yang di gunakan Tominaa yaitu Sarung dan baju Toraja berwarna Kuning dan Passapu kepala

    Assessing health professionals’ perception of health literacy in Rhode Island community health centers: a qualitative study

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    Background: Limited health literacy is linked with poor health behaviors, limited health care access, and poor health outcomes. Improving individual and population health outcomes requires understanding and addressing barriers to promoting health literacy. Methods: Using the socio-ecological model as a guiding framework, this qualitative study (Phase 1 of a larger ongoing project) explored the interpersonal and organizational levels that may impact the health literacy levels of patients seeking care at federally qualified community health centers (FQCHCs) in Rhode Island. Focus groups were conducted with FQCHC employees (n = 37) to explore their perceptions of the health literacy skills of their patients, health literacy barriers patients encounter, and possible strategies to increase health literacy. The focus groups were audio-recorded and transcribed, and transcripts were coded using a process of open, axial, and selective coding. Codes were grouped into categories, and the constant comparative approach was used to identify themes. Results: Eight unique themes centered on health literacy, sources of health information, organizational culture’s impact, challenges from limited health literacy, and suggestions to ameliorate the impact of limited health literacy. All focus group participants were versed in health literacy and viewed health literacy as impacting patients’ health status. Participants perceived that some patients at their FQCHC have limited health literacy. Participants spoke of themselves and of their FQCHC addressing health literacy through organizational- and provider-level strategies. They also identified additional strategies (e.g., training staff and providers on health literacy, providing patients with information that includes graphics) that could be adopted or expanded upon to address and promote health literacy. Conclusions: Study findings suggest that strategies may need to be implemented at the organizational-, provider-, and patient- level to advance health literacy. The intervention phase of this project will explore intervention strategies informed by study results, and could include offering health literacy training to providers and staff to increase their understanding of health literacy to include motivation to make and act on healthy decisions and strategies to address health literacy, including the use of visual aids

    From the dual function lead AP2238 to AP2469, a multi-target-directed ligand for the treatment of Alzheimer\u2019s disease

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    The development of drugs with different pharmacological properties appears to be an innovative therapeutic approach for Alzheimer\u2019s disease. In this article, we describe a simple structural modification of AP2238, a first dual function lead, in particular the introduction of the catechol moiety performed in order to search for multi-target ligands. The new compound AP2469 retains antiacetylcholinesterase (AChE) and beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme (BACE)1 activities compared to the reference, and is also able to inhibit Ab42 self aggregation, Ab42 oligomer-binding to cell membrane and subsequently reactive oxygen species formation in both neuronal and microglial cells. The ability of AP2469 to interfere with Ab42 oligomer-binding to neuron and microglial cell membrane gives this molecule both neuroprotective and antiinflammatory properties. These findings, together with its strong chain-breaking antioxidant performance, make AP2469 a potential drug able to modify the course of the diseas

    New Coumarin derivatives as cholinergic and cannabinoid system modulators

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    In the last years, the connection between the endocannabinoid system (eCS) and neuroprotection has been discovered, and evidence indicates that eCS signaling is involved in the regulation of cognitive processes and in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Accordingly, pharmacotherapy targeting eCS could represent a valuable contribution in fighting a multifaceted disease such as AD, opening a new perspective for the development of active agents with multitarget potential. In this paper, a series of coumarin-based carbamic and amide derivatives were designed and synthesized as multipotent compounds acting on cholinergic system and eCS-related targets. Indeed, they were tested with appropriate enzymatic assays on acetyl and butyryl-cholinesterases and on fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), and also evaluated as cannabinoid receptor (CB1 and CB2) ligands. Moreover, their ability to reduce the self-aggregation of beta amyloid protein (AÎČ42) was assessed. Compounds 2 and 3, bearing a carbamate function, emerged as promising inhibitors of hAChE, hBuChE, FAAH and AÎČ42 self-aggregation, albeit with moderate potencies, while the amide 6 also appears a promising CB1/CB2 receptors ligand. These data prove for the new compounds an encouraging multitarget profile, deserving further evaluation

    Use it or lose it! Cognitive activity as a protec-tive factor for cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease.

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    Because of the worldwide aging of populations, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias constitute a devastating experience for patients and families as well as a major social and economic burden for both healthcare systems and society. Multiple potentially modifiable cardiovascular and lifestyle risk factors have been associated with this disease. Thus, modifying these risk factors and identifying protective factors represent important strategies to prevent and delay disease onset and to decrease the social burden. Based on the cognitive reserve hypothesis, evidence from epidemiological studies shows that low education and cognitive inactivity constitute major risk factors for dementia. This indicates that a cognitively active lifestyle may protect against cognitive decline or delay the onset of dementia. We describe a newly developed preventive programme, based on this evidence, to stimulate and increase cognitive activity in older adults at risk for cognitive decline. This programme, called "BrainCoach", includes the technique of "motivational interviewing" to foster behaviour change. If the planned feasibility study is successful, we propose to add BrainCoach as a module to the already existing "Health Coaching" programme, a Swiss preventive programme to address multiple risk factors in primary care

    Outsourcing and structural change: shifting firm and sectoral boundaries

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    The paper aims at investigating the structural change implications of outsourcing. In trying to bridge the organizational/industrial and the sectoral/structural analysis of outsourcing, it discusses the rational and the methodological pros and cons of a “battery” of outsourcing measurements for structural change analysis. Their functioning is then illustrated through a concise application of them to the OECD area over the ’80s and the early ’90s. A combined used of them emerges as recommendable in checking for the role of outsourcing with respect to that of other structural change determinants

    The deindustrialisation/tertiarisation hypothesis reconsidered: a subsystem application to the OECD7

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    The diffusion of outsourcing, both national and international, and vertical FDIs among manufacturing firms, along with the higher integra- tion of business services in manufacturing, has recently led to question the empirical evidence supporting the Deindustrialisation/Tertiarisation (DT) hypothesis. Rather than a \real" phenomenon, it has been argued, DT would be an \apparent" one, mainly due to the reorganization of production across national and sectoral boundaries. The empirical studies that have dealt with the topic so far have not been able to effectively rule out such possibility, because of two main limitations: the sectoral level of the analysis and/or the national focus. In order to overcome them, the paper carries out an appreciative investigation of the actual extent of the DT occurred in the OECD area over the '80s and the '90s by moving from a sector to a subsystem perspective, thus retaining both direct and indirect relations, and by referring to a \pseudo-World" of 7 OECD countries, thus taking into account the \global" dimension of the phenomenon. The results strongly support the DT hypothesis: although the weight of business sector services in the manufacturing subsystem increased, acting as a counterbalancing tendency to the manufacturing decline, subsystem shares significantly decreased, thus confirming DT as a more fundamental trend of modern economies
