1,135 research outputs found

    A educação estatística no âmbito universitário: desafios e oportunidades

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    The training on statistics is a phenomenon that has sparked great interest in recent years, which is evidenced by the increase in the number of research work at all educational levels. Technological development has brought with it important changes to society and has produced an immense amount of information that grows daily, which is why a different type of citizen and professional is needed; one who is able to understand and interpret the information that surrounds him or her. However, university students show unfavorable attitudes towards statistics, which can be seen in the unsatisfactory results in terms of learning and application. This is a bibliographic-documentary research that examines the elements that take part in the statistical teaching and learning processes at the university level. The exhibition is organized in four parts: the first presents the problems of statistical education in university classrooms; the second explains the cognitive levels involved; the third presents seven teaching models; and the last one examines the implications for the future of statistical education at the university level.La educación estadística es un fenómeno que en los últimos años ha generado mayor interés, evidenciado en el incremento del número de investigaciones en todos los niveles educativos. El desarrollo tecnológico ha traído consigo cambios importantes en las sociedades, y ha propiciado una inmensa cantidad de información que crece diariamente, por lo que se necesita a otro tipo de ciudadano y profesional, que sea capaz de entender e interpretar la información que lo rodea. Sin embargo, los estudiantes universitarios muestran actitudes desfavorables hacia la estadística, lo que se ve reflejado en resultados insatisfactorios en término de aprendizaje y aplicación. Se trata de una investigación bibliográfica-documental que revisa los factores implicados en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la estadística en el nivel universitario. La exposición se organiza en cuatro partes, en la primera, se presenta la problemática de la educación estadística en las aulas universitarias; en la segunda, se explican los niveles cognitivos involucrados; en la tercera, se exponen siete modelos de enseñanza y en la última se discuten las implicancias del futuro de la educación estadística en el nivel universitarioA educação estatística é um fenómeno que nos últimos anos tem gerado muito interesse, evidenciado no aumento do número de pesquisas em todos os níveis educativos. O desenvolvimento tecnológico trouxe consigo mudanças importantes nas sociedades, e tem propiciado uma imensa quantidade de informação que cresce diariamente. Portanto, é preciso outro tipo de cidadão e profissional que seja capaz de entender e interpretar a informação que o rodeia. No entanto, os estudantes universitários mostram atitudes desfavoráveis para com a estatística, fato refletido nos resultados insatisfatórios em termos de aprendizagem e aplicação. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica-documental que revisa os fatores implicados nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem da estatística no âmbito universitário. A exposição organiza-se em quatro partes; na primeira, apresenta-se a problemática da educação estatística nas salas de aula universitárias; na segunda, explicam-se os níveis cognitivos envolvidos; na terceira, expõem-se sete modelos de ensino e na última discutem-se as implicâncias do futuro da educação estatística no âmbito universitário

    A new LED-LED portable CO2 gas sensor based on an interchangeable membrane system for industrial applications

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    A new system for CO2 measurement (0-100%) by based on a paired emitter-detector diode arrangement as a colorimetric detection system is described. Two different configurations were tested: configuration 1 (an opposite side configuration) where a secondary inner-filter effect accounts for CO2 sensitivity. This configuration involves the absorption of the phosphorescence emitted from a CO2-insensitive luminophore by an acid-base indicator and configuration 2 wherein the membrane containing the luminophore is removed, simplifying the sensing membrane that now only contains the acid-base indicator. In addition, two different instrumental configurations have been studied, using a paired emitter-detector diode system, consisting of two LEDs wherein one is used as the light source (emitter) and the other is used in reverse bias mode as the light detector. The first configuration uses a green LED as emitter and a red LED as detector, whereas in the second case two identical red LEDs are used as emitter and detector. The system was characterised in terms of sensitivity, dynamic response, reproducibility, stability and temperature influence. We found that configuration 2 presented a better CO2 response in terms of sensitivity

    A new LED-LED portable CO2 gas sensor based on an interchangeable membrane system for industrial applications

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    CO2 monitoring is important for many areas of high economic relevance, like environmental monitoring, control of biotechnological processes in bio-pharmaceutical industries, and the food industry, particularly controlled atmosphere storage rooms and modified atmosphere packaging [ ]. CO2 sensing is not a trivial area of research, as is testified by the increasing numbers of publications regarding this topic over the past decade. The main reason is that CO2 chemically is relatively unreactive, and therefore finding a mechanism for signal generation is difficult. Most publications are based on its well-known acidic properties. In this communication, we present a portable optical sensor for gaseous CO2 detection based on the phosphorescence intensity variation of a platinum octaethylporphyrin (PtOEP) complex trapped in oxygen-insensitive poly(vinylidene chloride-co-vinyl chloride) (PVCD) membranes. The sensing mechanism arises from the increasing displacement of the α-naphtholphthalein acid–base equilibrium with rising CO2 concentrations [ ]. The low-power LED-based optical sensing instrumentation for monitoring CO2 is based on a pair of light emitting diodes (LEDs) arranged to face each other, wherein one LED functions as the light source and the other LED is reverse biased to function as a light detector [ ]. A transparent polymer substrate coated on both sides with the CO2 sensitive membrane placed between the two LEDs serves as a chemically responsive filter between the light source and the detector

    Validação preliminar peruana do Índice de Resposta Sexual Feminina (FSFI)

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    Female sexual dysfunctions involve a significant alteration in usual female behavior. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) examines six dimensions of a woman's sexual functioning (desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, pain). It is an instrumental study that assesses the psychometric properties in a non-clinical sample of 330 Peruvian women. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis concluded that both the six-dimensional model (CFI =.994; TLI =.992; RMSEA =.087; SRMR =.025) and the five-dimensional model (CFI =.994; TLI =.992; RMSEA =.086; SRMR =.028) are good. The internal reliability of the instrument was calculated using the polychoric Omega coefficient, finding values ranging between .574 and .968 for each dimension in both models. Based on the results, it was concluded that the FSFI is a valid and reliable instrument to be used in a non-clinical sample as a measure of sexual functioning in Peruvian women.Las disfunciones sexuales femeninas (DSF) implican una alteración significativa en el usual comportamiento femenino. El Índice de Función Sexual Femenina (FSFI) examina seis dimensiones del funcionamiento sexual de la mujer (deseo, excitación, lubricación, orgasmo, satisfacción, dolor). Se trata de un estudio instrumental que evalúa las propiedades psicométricas en una muestra no clínica de 330 mujeres peruanas. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio concluyeron que tanto el modelo de seis dimensiones (CFI=.994; TLI=.992; RMSEA=.087; SRMR=.025) y el de cinco dimensiones (CFI=.994; TLI=.992; RMSEA=.086; SRMR=.028) son buenos. La confiabilidad interna del instrumento se calculó mediante el coeficiente de Omega policórico, encontrando valores que oscilan entre .574 y .968 para cada dimensión en ambos modelos. En base a los resultados se concluyó que el FSFI es un instrumento válido y confiable para ser utilizado en una muestra no clínica como una medida de funcionamiento sexual en mujeres peruanas.As disfunções sexuais femininas envolvem uma alteração significativa no comportamento feminino usual. O Índice de Função Sexual Feminina (FSFI) examina seis dimensões do funcionamento sexual de uma mulher (desejo, excitação, lubrificação, orgasmo, satisfação, dor). É um estudo instrumental que avalia as propriedades psicométricas em uma amostra não clínica de 330 mulheres peruanas. Os resultados da análise fatorial confirmatória concluíram que tanto o modelo de seis dimensões (CFI =.994; TLI =.992; RMSEA =.087; SRMR =.025) e o modelo de cinco dimensões (CFI = .994; TLI = .992; RMSEA =.086; SRMR =.028) são bons. A confiabilidade interna do instrumento foi calculada por meio do coeficiente ômega policórico, encontrando valores que oscilam entre .574 e .968 para cada dimensão em ambos os modelos. Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que o FSFI é um instrumento válido e confiável para ser utilizado em uma amostra não clínica como medida de funcionamento sexual em mulheres peruanas

    Lesión de la mucosa intestinal asociada a cristales: Serie de casos y revisión de la literatura

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    La lesión de la mucosa asociada a cristales es un cuadro clínico importante en un subconjunto de pacientes urémicos a los que se les administran resinas de intercambio catiónico como el sulfonato de poliestireno sódico (Kayexalate) y sevelamer para el tratamiento de la hiperpotasemia y la hiperfosfatemia, respectivamente. La necrosis colónica en estos pacientes es rara, pero puede estar asociada a una lesión gastrointestinal mortal, con una tasa de mortalidad del 33%. Los secuestrantes de ácidos biliares son otro tipo de resina que teóricamente son biológicamente inertes. Se presentan dos casos de colitis asociada a cristales. El primer paciente tenía antecedentes de múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas y patologías del tracto gastrointestinal, y estaba en manejo con colestiramina. Se realizó una sigmoidectomía en la que se encontraron varios focos de cristales. El segundo paciente tenía antecedente de enfermedad renal crónica que requirió el uso de Kayexalate y se presentó al servicio de urgencias con una hemorragia grave del tracto gastrointestinal inferior. Se realizó una colectomía parcial en la que se detectaron cambios morfológicos relacionados con el depósito de cristales. Las resinas pueden producir un amplio espectro de lesiones mortales de la mucosa, por lo que el diagnóstico precoz es fundamental para disminuir la mortalidad y mejorar el pronóstico. Sin embargo, es incierto si el consumo de colestiramina y Kayexalate, así como el depósito de sus cristales en el tracto gastrointestinal son el factor causal de la lesión de las mucosas. Por tanto, la presencia de resinas debería ayudar a establecer el diagnóstico correcto y el tratamiento médico oportuno para evitar resultados nocivos.Crystal-associated mucosal injury is a crucial clinical picture in a subset of uremic patients who are given ca-tion exchange resins such as sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) and sevelamer to treat hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia, respectively. Colonic necrosis in these patients is rare but may be associated with fatal gastrointestinal injury, with a mortality rate of 33%. Bile acid sequestrants are another type of resin that is theoretically biologically inert. Two cases of colitis associated with crystals are presented. The first patient had a history of multiple surgeries and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and was treated with choles-tyramine. A sigmoidectomy was performed in which several crystal foci were found. The second patient had a history of chronic kidney disease requiring Kayexalate and attended the emergency department with severe lower GI bleeding. A partial colectomy was performed in which morphological changes related to the deposit of crystals were detected. Resins can cause a broad spectrum of malignant mucosal lesions, so early diagnosis is essential to reduce mortality and improve prognosis. However, it is uncertain whether the consumption of cholestyramine and kayexalate, as well as the deposition of their crystals in the GI tract, are the causative factor of mucosal damage. Therefore, resins should help establish the correct diagnosis and prompt medical treatment to avoid harmful results

    LED-LED portable oxygen gas sensor

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    A portable instrument for oxygen determination, based on the quenching of phosphorescent octaethylporphyrin by gaseous O2, has been developed using the fluorimetric paired emitter–detector diode technique (FPEDD). The instrument configuration used consists of two light emitting diodes (LEDs) facing each other including an interchangeable support containing a phosphorescent membrane in between, in which one of the LEDs is used as the light source (emitter LED) and the other working in reverse bias mode as the light detector. In this report, we study the feasibility of using a LED as a luminescent detector and realising a sensing instrument whose small size possibles to embed it into a portable measurement system. A complete study of instrument was carried out in order to optimise the specifications of the portable instrument such as: range, sensitivity, short term and long term stability, dynamical behaviour, temperature influence, humidity influence and temporal drift. Keywords: Oxygen sensor, Gas sensor, Optical sensor, Paired emitter detector-diode sensor; Portable instrumentation

    Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de salud mental positiva en Arequipa (Perú)

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    La salud mental positiva es un constructo complejo que está relacionado con el funcionamiento óptimo de la persona. Comprende un conjunto de cualidades orientadas al desarrollo del potencial del individuo. La Escala de Salud Mental Positiva es uno de los instrumentos más utilizados para evaluarlo, sin embargo, los antecedentes señalan inconsistencias respecto a su estructura interna. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Salud Mental Positiva en Arequipa-Perú. Participaron 3933 personas, 50.3% fueron mujeres y 49.7% fueron varones, incluyendo desde adolescentes hasta adultos mayores. La evaluación mediante AFC de la estructura original evidenció índices de ajuste pobres, por lo que se tuvo que evaluar la dimensionalidad y proponer una nueva estructura. Para lo cual, se dividió a la muestra (n1 = 1966 y n2 = 1967). En la primera, se aplicó un AFE y en la segunda se valida mediante un AFC. Se hallaron tres factores y se concluye que tiene un buen ajuste (χ2(431) = 2473.378; CFI = .959; TLI = .956, RMSEA = .049; SRMR = .051). La consistencia interna mostró valores mayores a .81. Finalmente, se evaluó la equivalencia de la medición según el sexo, hallando que el instrumento presenta invarianza de la medición.Positive mental health is a complex construct that is related to the optimal functioning of the person. It comprises a set of qualities aimed at the development of the individual's potential. The Positive Mental Health Scale is one of the most used instruments to evaluate it, however, the antecedents indicate inconsistencies regarding its internal structure. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Positive Mental Health Scale in Arequipa-Peru. 3,933 people participated, 50.3% were women and 49.7% were men, including from adolescents to the elderly. The evaluation by CFA of the original structure showed poor fit indices, so the dimensionality had to be evaluated and a new structure had to be proposed. For which the sample is divided (n1 = 1,966 and n2 = 1,967). In the first, an EFA was applied and in the second, it is validated by means of a CFA. Three factors were found and it is concluded that it has a good fit (χ2 (431) = 2,473.378; CFI = .959; TLI = .956, RMSEA = .049; SRMR = .051). The internal consistency showed values ​​greater than .81. Finally, the equivalence of the measurement according to sex was evaluated, finding that the instrument presents measurement invariance