120 research outputs found


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    We aimed to compare processing speed (PS) and its subcomponents in schizophrenia (SC) and schizoaffective disorder (SA). Thirty-five patients were divided into two groups (SC=18; SA=17). PS tasks from the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery Central/South America version were used. Additional PS subcomponents were analyzed (i.e., behavioral execution, response processing, and accuracy). SA obtained significant higher scores than SC in response processing, verbal fluency and the PS general domain. Our results indicate that PS is a potential cognitive marker to differentiate between SC and SA. Further research with larger samples must be conducted

    Toma de decisiones y rendimiento en universidades peruanas

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    En la esfera organizacional, la toma de decisiones es un proceso complejo que suele estar asociado a distintas problemáticas, por ejemplo, el manejo completo y adecuado de información; conflictos de intereses entre partes de la organización; la comunicación inadecuada; la escasa participación de actores claves o interesados en el proceso; la rigidez y falta de flexibilidad, entre otros elementos. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la relación existente entre toma de decisiones y rendimiento en universidades peruanas. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo aplicando un cuestionario a 204 miembros de la universidad, adoptando un enfoque no experimental y transversal, y se aplicaron técnicas de análisis descriptivas e inferenciales, como la media, la desviación estándar, la prueba T de Student y la correlación de Pearson. Los resultados evidencian que existe una relación significativa entre ambas variables. Los principales factores que inciden en el rendimiento organizacional son la participación de docentes y estudiantes en la toma de decisiones, la comunicación efectiva, el clima organizacional y el ambiente laboral

    Understanding the relationship between apathy, cognition and functional outcome in schizophrenia: The significance of an ecological assessment

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    In recent years there has been an increasing interest in understanding the role apathy plays in mediating the relationship between cognitive impairment and functional outcome. In general, most studies measure cognition with traditional cognitive tests that give explicit instructions and guide the participants toward generating a response. However, given that apathy is defined by a decrease in self-initiated behavior, it is crucial to evaluate cognition with ecological tasks that do not explicitly direct the patient´s motivation to generate behaviors to assess the actual effect. This study investigated whether an ecological cognitive assessment (the Jansari Executive Function Assessment, JEF©) would uniquely contribute to the relationship between cognition, apathy, and functional outcome in schizophrenia. The Apathy Evaluation Scale (AES), neuropsychological tests and the JEF© were administered to 20 patients with schizophrenia. Hierarchical multiple regression and mediation analysis were performed to test the associations between the variables of interest. Results showed that JEF© explained a significant portion of the variance in AES (25%). In addition, apathy explained 36% of the variance in functional outcome. However, AES did not mediate between cognition and functional outcome. Our results highlight the importance of assessing cognition with tasks that require integration of cognitive functions needed for real life demands

    Infección por Neospora caninum en ganado de carne mantenido en condiciones de pastoreo en el centro-norte de México

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     Objetive. To determine the seroprevalence of N. caninum antibodies and prevalence of parasite DNA in blood, and estimate the association between seroprevalence and the potential risk of some factors in beef cattle under grazing conditions in north-central Mexico. Materials and methods. Blood samples from 139 cows and only 10 bulls belonging to 13 farms were collected and evaluated by ELISA test to detect antibodies against N. caninum. Furthermore, to determine the presence of parasite DNA, nested PCR probe was performed on blood samples. Association between potential risk factors and seroprevalence was estimated. Results. Overall seroprevalence was 23% (35/149 samples), while the prevalence of parasite DNA in blood was 28% (42/149 samples). Of the 149 animals examined 28 (19%) were positive to both tests (25 cows and 3 bulls). Concordance between tests was k = 0.63. All herds had seropositive animals with positive parasite DNA detection in blood. The only risk factor identified was the presence of dogs (OR= 2.65). Conclusions. This study showed that bovine neospososis should be considered as an important infectious disease in north-central Mexico herds. Therefore, an epidemiological control should be taken into consideration to avoid the negative effect of this disease on mexican beef industry.Objetivo. Determinar la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos contra N. caninum y la prevalencia de ADN del parásito en sangre y estimar la asociación entre la seroprevalencia y algunos potenciales factores de riesgo de ganado de carne mantenido bajo condiciones de pastoreo en el centro–norte de México. Materiales y métodos. Se seleccionaron trece hatos ganaderos, en los cuales se recolectaron muestras de suero sanguíneo de 139 vacas y de solo 10 sementales, que fueron evaluados mediante la prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos contra N. caninum. Por otra parte, se realizó una prueba de PCR anidado en muestras de sangre para determinar la presencia de ADN del parásito. Se estimó la asociación entre la seroprevalencia y algunos potenciales factores de riesgo. Resultados. La seroprevalencia general fue de 23%, mientras que la prevalencia a la presencia de ADN del parásito en sangre fue de 28%. Veintiocho muestras de 149 fueron positivas en ambas pruebas, mientras que 3/10 sementales fueron positivos en las dos pruebas. La concordancia entre las pruebas fue k=0.63. Todos los hatos tuvieron animales seropositivos y con presencia de ADN del parásito en sangre. El único factor de riesgo identificado fue la presencia de perros (OR=2.65). Conclusiones. La infección por N. caninum determinada en este estudio es importante, y deberá de ser más documentada; del mismo modo, algunas medidas de control deberán de considerarse para limitar sus efectos negativos en la industria mexicana de la carne

    Relación entre las prácticas parentales y el comportamiento externalizante de los adolescentes

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and analyse the association between the externalised behaviour of teenagers (aggression and breaking of rules) and parental practices (withdrawal of affection, rough treatment, and parental rejection). The study was carried out using a quantitative research approach, with an explanatory cross-sectional descriptive scope. The sample was made up of 493 school adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19, of which 49,5% were female and 50, 5% male. The results showed that the greatest predictor of externalizing behaviour is parental rejection with 0.046%. Likewise, an association was found between withdrawals of affection and aggressive behaviour in adolescence.El propósito de este estudio consistió en analizar e identificar la relación e influencia entre el comportamiento externalizante de los adolescentes (agresión y ruptura de normas) y las prácticas parentales (retiro del afecto, afirmación de poder, trato rudo y rechazo parental). El estudio se adelantó con un enfoque investigativo de tipo cuantitativo, con alcance descriptivo transversal correlacional explicativo. La muestra estuvo constituida por 493 adolescentes con edades entre los 12 y 19 años (M edad= 16 años). De este número, 49,5 % fueron mujeres y el 50,5 %, hombres. Los resultados mostraron que el mayor predictor del comportamiento externalizante es el rechazo parental con un 0.046 %. Así mismo, se encontró asociación entre la práctica parental ‘retiro del afecto’ y el comportamiento agresivo en la adolescencia

    p38γ/δ activation alters cardiac electrical activity and predisposes to ventricular arrhythmia

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    We gratefully acknowledge L. Sen-Martín, J. Alegre-Cebollada (CNIC, Madrid) and L. Carrier (University Medical Center HamburgEppendorf and DZHK, Hamburg) for the cMyBP3-C KO cardiac tissue; D. Roiz-Valle and C. López-Otín (IUOPA; Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo) for the LmnaG609G/G609G cardiac tissue; and R. J. Davis for the MKK6 KO mice. We thank G. Giovinazzo and the CNIC Pluripotent Cell Technology Unit (CNIC, Madrid) for the hiPSCs. We thank S. Bartlett and F. Chanut (CNIC, Madrid) for English editing, and R. R. Mondragon (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) for technical support. We are grateful to R. J. Davis (University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester), A. Padmanabhan (University of California, San Francisco) and M. Costa and C. López-Otín (IUOPA; Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo) for critical reading of the manuscript. We thank the staf at the CNIC Genomics and Bioinformatics Units for technical support and help with data analysis and A. C. Silva for help with figure editing and design. This work was funded by a CNIC Intramural Project Severo Ochoa (Expediente 12- 2016 IGP) to G.S. and J.J. G.S. is supported by the following projects: PMP21/00057 IMPACT-2021, funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), and PDC2021-121147-I00 and PID2019-104399RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033—all funded by the European Union (FEDER/FSE); ‘Una manera de hacer Europa’/‘El FSE invierte en tu futuro’/Next Generation EU and co-funded by the European Union/Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR). R.R.B. is a fellow of the FPU Program (FPU17/03847). B.G.T. was a fellow of the FPI Severo Ochoa CNIC Program (SVP‐2013‐067639) and an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellow (18POST34080175). The following grants provided additional funding: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, PDC2021-121147-I00 Convocatoria: Proyectos Prueba de Concepto 2021 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and PID2022-138525OB-I00 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01 grant HL122352); Fondos FEDER, Madrid, Spain, and Fundación Bancaria ‘La Caixa (project HR19/52160013) to J.J.; American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship 14POST17820005 to D.P.B.; and MICINN PGC2018-097019-B-I00, ISCIII-SGEFI/ERDF (PRB3-IPT17/0019, ProteoRed), the Fundació Marató TV3 (grant 122/C/2015) and ‘la Caixa’ Banking Foundation (project code HR17- 00247) to J.V. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S, funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).S