3 research outputs found

    Modelo estratégico integral para la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la fundación universitaria de San Gil UNISANGIL

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    El presente proyecto de grado pretende diseñar un modelo estratégico integral para implementar a cabalidad el Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST), haciendo énfasis en la gestión realizada en la Fundación Universitaria de San Gil (UNISANGIL); organización creada para satisfacer las necesidades de la población estudiantil con programas académicos acreditados de alta calidad, para llegar a ser la mejor alternativa, es decir como actor principal en la educación superior en los territorios que hace presencia, además de contribuir al desarrollo del país desde las regiones, mediante la excelencia, pertinencia e innovación en sus procesos de formación, investigación e interacción social. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se logra identificar una problemática, en la cual “se establece realizar el plan de mejora correspondiente al 15,5 % con el fin de obtener el 100% del SGSST; siguiendo los lineamientos contemplados en el decreto 1443 de 2014, decreto 052 de 2017 y Resolución 1111 de 2017” (Ministerio de trabajo, 2017). El presente plan de mejora tiene por objetivo efectuar las acciones correctivas para subsanar las situaciones irregulares detectadas y prevenir que se presente casos similares o relacionados en el futuro.The present degree project aims to design a comprehensive strategic model to fully implement the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST), emphasizing the management carried out at the University Foundation of San Gil (UNISANGIL); organization created to meet the needs of the student population with accredited academic programs of high quality, to become the best alternative, that is, as a major actor in higher education in the territories that are present, in addition to contributing to the development of the country from the regions, through excellence, relevance and innovation in their training, research and social interaction processes. For the development of this research it is possible to identify a problem, in which "it is established to make the improvement plan corresponding to 15.5% in order to obtain 100% of the SGSST; following the guidelines contemplated in decree 1443 of 2014, decree 052 of 2017 and Resolution 1111 of 2017 "(Ministry of labor, 2017). The purpose of this improvement plan is to carry out the corrective actions to correct the irregular situations detected and to prevent the occurrence of similar or related cases in the future

    Economic Cost of Dengue in Puerto Rico

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    Dengue, endemic in Puerto Rico, reached a record high in 2010. To inform policy makers, we derived annual economic cost. We assessed direct and indirect costs of hospitalized and ambulatory dengue illness in 2010 dollars through surveillance data and interviews with 100 laboratory-confirmed dengue patients treated in 2008–2010. We corrected for underreporting by using setting-specific expansion factors. Work absenteeism because of a dengue episode exceeded the absenteeism for an episode of influenza or acute otitis media. From 2002 to 2010, the aggregate annual cost of dengue illness averaged 38.7million,ofwhich7038.7 million, of which 70% was for adults (age 15+ years). Hospitalized patients accounted for 63% of the cost of dengue illness, and fatal cases represented an additional 17%. Households funded 48% of dengue illness cost, the government funded 24%, insurance funded 22%, and employers funded 7%. Including dengue surveillance and vector control activities, the overall annual cost of dengue was 46.45 million ($12.47 per capita)