1,083 research outputs found

    Efectos del apego, la fiabilidad y la desconfianza sobre la calidad de relación: propuesta de un modelo de medida en entornos tecnológicos.

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    La calidad de relación es un concepto profusamente analizado en la literatura de marketing,destacando entre tales trabajos aquellos dirigidos a establecer tanto los antecedentes como los resultados asociados a la misma.Una vez que determinado el papel jugado como antecedentes de la calidad de relación por parte delos esfuerzos relacionales y la inversión relacional percibida, se deben ampliar los estudios a otros tipos de variables, como pueden ser diversas variables cognitivas. Dentro de las mismas, el presente trabajo analiza el papel jugado por los componentes del apego (autonomía, cercanía y competencia)como antecedentes de la calidad de relación, así como el impacto que los componentes de la fiabilidad (competencia y benevolencia) tengan sobre confianza y desconfianza. Si bien se ha documentado el impacto que la calidad de relación presenta sobre las distintas manifestaciones de la lealtad, resulta interesante estudiar el efecto que puedan presentar con respecto a otras variables como el procesamiento de información negativa.El presente trabajo presenta el resultado de un pre-test llevado a cabo para depurar una escala de medición relativa a los constructos y relaciones antes planteados entre usuarios de equipos informáticos bajo entornos operativos diferentes

    Trajectory and transformation of legislative opinions on abortion in Mexico

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    [ES] Bajo el supuesto teórico de que la regulación del aborto en los países de tradición católica se da en la confluencia de fuertes movimientos feministas y gobiernos de izquierda, esta investigación analiza la transformación de las opiniones parlamentarias mexicanas en tanto representantes y tomadores de decisiones. Luego de revisar la trayectoria del aborto y las posiciones de las élites, un esquema de metodología mixta permite revisar la trayectoria y construir un modelo de regresión para medir el nivel de asociación entre las variables. Los hallazgos confirman la reticencia de los actores políticos hacia este tipo de demandas, lo que se ha traducido en un rol destacado de actores judiciales para dar respuestas a este tema.[EN] Under the theoretical assumption that abortion regulation in catholic traditional' countries occurs at the confluence of strong feminist movements and leftist governments, this research analyzes the transformation of Mexican parliamentary opinions as representatives and decision makers. After reviewing the trajectory of abortion and the positions of the elites, a mixed methodology scheme allows us to review the trajectory and builda regression model to measure the level of association between the variables. The findings confirm the reluctance of political actors towards this type of demands which has translated into a prominent role for judicial actors to responds this issue

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta procesadora de cebolla (Allium cepa) liofilizada

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    El presente trabajo de investigación muestra el estudio de prefactibilidad de la instalación de una planta procesadora de cebolla liofilizada en la región de Lima y busca determinar su viabilidad de mercado, técnica y económica. El proyecto se enfoca en la técnica de liofilización, que es un método de deshidratación que permitirá conservar las propiedades organolépticas de la cebolla, ofreciendo así un producto de alta calidad y natural. El mercado objetivo al cual va dirigido el producto está conformado por empresas del rubro de comida procesada instantánea que tengan como insumo la cebolla, que se dirijan a personas dentro del NSE A o B con un estilo de vida saludable. Se determinó una demanda del proyecto para el último año de 14,986 cajas de 10 kilos con 20 bolsitas de 500 g. cada una. Por medio del método de ranking de factores, se obtuvo como mejor ubicación para la planta industrial, el distrito de Chilca, el cual pertenece al departamento de Lima. Se escogió principalmente este distrito por su cercanía al mercado objetivo, y por la capacidad hídrica y eléctrica. El tamaño de planta se determina por el tamaño – mercado, los recursos productivos no son limitantes para el proyecto y permiten atender la demanda, además se cuenta con la tecnología necesaria para cumplir con la producción. Se determino como actividad cuello de botella la liofilización, esta a su vez determino la capacidad de planta en 15,941 cajas de 10 kg de producto terminado. Finalmente, una vez dimensionado el proyecto, se obtuvo una inversión total de 5,690,871 soles, de lo cual 70% será aporte propio y el resto se financiará. Asimismo, se obtuvo un VAN financiero de 3,968,928 soles y un TIR financiero de 40.37%. En conclusión, el proyecto es financiera y económicamente viable.The present research work shows the pre-feasibility study for the installation of a processing plant of lyophilized onion located in the Lima region and seeks to determine its market, technical and economic viability. The research work is focused on the technique of freeze drying, which is a dehydration method that conserve the organoleptic properties of the onions, thus offering a natural premium product. The target market, which the product is aimed at. It is conformed by processed food companies that have the onion as input and customers belonging to the A and B socioeconomic level with a healthy lifestyle. The project demand for the last year of the project was 14,986 boxes of lyophilized onion that contain 20 bags of 500 grams each one. The factor ranking method was used to determine the ideal location to the installation of the plant. The result of this was Chilca district, which is in the department of Lima. This district was mainly chosen because of its proximity to the target market and due to water and electrical capacity. The size of the plant is determined by the size - market, the productive resources are not limiting for the project and allow to satisfy the demand, in addition, the necessary technology is available to satisfy the production. Lyophilization was determined as a bottleneck activity, it also determined the capacity of the plant in 15,941 boxes of 10 kilograms of finished product. Finally, once the project dimensioning was completed, the total investment of the project was 5,690,871 soles, 70% will come from own contribution and the rest will be financed. It also calculated a financial NPV 3,968,928 soles and a financial IRR 40.37%. In conclusion, the project is financially and economically viable

    Prevalence and risk factors of Neospora caninum infection in ovine flocks of central-western Mexico

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    This study, carried out in 13 sheep flocks of central-western Mexico, aimed to identify the prevalence of anti-N. caninum antibodies, to develop a risk analysis of the infection and to estimate the prevalence of parasite DNA in blood. A total of 368 serum and blood samples were subjected to ELISA and PCR tests, respectively, and the association between the prevalence of antibodies and some management factors was estimated. The overall prevalence of anti-N. caninum antibodies was 13.5% [50/368; 95% confidence interval (CI) 10–17], ranging from 2.7 to 90% per flock, and 92% of the farms had seropositive animals. In ewes the prevalence was 14% (48/348, 95% CI 10–17) and in rams 10% (2/20; 95% CI 1– 33). The mean prevalence of Neospora DNA in blood was 27% (99/368, 95% CI 22–31), implying a range between 16 and 82%. In rams, the prevalence was 5% (1/20 95% CI 2–26), while in ewes it was 28% (98/348, 95% CI 23–33). The agreement between the tests was k = 0.19. The presence of other domestic animal species in the farms [odds ratio (OR) 4.4] and the consumption of placental debris, fetuses and stillborn lambs by dogs living in the farms (OR 5.8) were demonstrated to be risk factors

    Enfermedades autoinmunes sistémicas en pacientes con infección por el virus de la hepatitis C: caracterización de 1020 casos (Registro HISPAMEC).

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    Objective. To describe the clinical and immunologic characteristics of a large series of patients with systemic autoimmune diseases (SAD) associated with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Methods. The HISPAMEC Registry is a multicenter international study group dedicated to collecting data on patients diagnosed with SAD with serological evidence of chronic HCV infection. The information sources are cases reported by physicians of the HISPAMEC Study Group and periodic surveillance of reported cases by a Medline search updated up to December 31, 2007. Results. One thousand twenty HCV patients with SAD were included in the registry. Patients were reported from Southern Europe (60%), North America (15%), Asia (14%), Northern Europe (9%), South America (1%), and Australia (1%). Countries reporting the most cases were Spain (236 cases), France (222 cases), Italy (144 cases), USA (120 cases), and Japan (95 cases). The most frequently reported SAD were Sjögren’s syndrome (SS; 483 cases), rheumatoid arthritis (RA; 150 cases), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE; 129 cases), polyarteritis nodosa (78 cases), antiphospholipid syndrome (59 cases), inflammatory myopathies (39 cases), and sarcoidosis (28 cases). Twenty patients had 2 or more SAD. Epidemiological data were available in 677 cases. Four hundred eighty-seven (72%) patients were female and 186 (28%) male, with a mean age of 49.5 ± 1.0 years at SAD diagnosis and 50.5 ± 1.1 years at diagnosis of HCV infection. The main immunologic features were antinuclear antibody (ANA) in 61% of patients, rheumatoid factor (RF) in 57%, hypocomplementemia in 52%, and cryoglobulins in 52%. The main differential aspect between primary and HCV-related SAD was the predominance of cryoglobulinemic-related markers (cryoglobulins, RF, hypocomplementemia) over specific SAD-related markers (anti-ENA antibodies, anti-dsDNA, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide) in patients with HCV. Conclusion. In the selected cohort, the SAD most commonly reported in association with chronic HCV infection were SS (nearly half the cases), RA and SLE. Nearly two thirds of SAD-HCV cases were reported from the Mediterranean area. In these patients, ANA, RF and cryoglobulins are the predominant immunological features. (First Release April 15 2009; J Rheumatol 2009;36:1442–8; doi:10.3899/jrheum.080874)

    Enhancing Sustainable Mobility: Multi-Criteria Analysis for Electric Vehicle Integration and Policy Implementation

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    In contemporary times, regulations have been established to govern access and integration of electric vehicles, which hold immense potential in mitigating the adverse impacts of transportation arising from escalating mobility demands and rapid urbanization. Nevertheless, their implementation poses intricate challenges due to the multifaceted nature of sustainability and other complexities, as they are considered a prospective solution to address the pressing issue of climate change and achieve holistic sustainability.  Moreover, this study elucidates the methodological approach employed for selecting a comprehensive set of criteria to be considered in energy planning initiatives involving the incorporation of electric vehicles, encompassing both renewable and conventional energy sources. The selection process was informed through a thorough review of existing literature and the insightful input from experts, utilizing the Likert scale and arithmetic mean as reference benchmarks. The outcomes of this research have yielded the identification of 27 sub-criteria, categorized into five distinct groups: technical, economic, social, environmental, and risk-related factors, thereby enabling a comprehensive evaluation of energy planning projects associated with the adoption of electric vehicles. The findings derived from employing the hierarchical analytical process with fuzzy logic FAHP highlight the considerable potential of most criteria and sub-criteria in devising effective measures. Notably, criteria related to policy-governance and environmental aspects emerged as the most influential, according to the collective expertise of the consulted group. This study significantly contributes to enhancing sustainable mobility and advancing progress towards attaining sustainable development goals. By delineating pertinent criteria and sub-criteria for the planning process, this research augments the literature dedicated to supporting informed decision-making in sustainable transportation, particularly through the potential application of a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method

    A standardised approach to the biomechanical evaluation of tracheal grafts

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    [EN] The ideal tracheal substitute must have biomechanical properties comparable to the native trachea, but currently there is no standardised approach to evaluating these properties. Here we propose a novel method for evaluating and comparing the properties of tracheal substitutes, thus systematising both measurement and data curation. This system was tested by comparing native rabbit tracheas to frozen and decellularised specimens and determining the histological characteristics of those specimens. We performed radial compression tests on the anteroposterior tracheal axis and longitudinal axial tensile tests with the specimens anastomosed to the jaw connected to a measuring system. All calculations and results were adjusted according to tracheal size, always using variables relative to the tracheal dimensions, thus permitting comparison of different sized organs. The biomechanical properties of the decellularised specimens were only slightly reduced compared to controls and significant in regard to the maximum stress withstood in the longitudinal axis (-0.246 MPa CI [-0.248, -0.145] MPa) and the energy stored per volume unit (-0.124 mJ & BULL;mm(-3) CI [-0.195, -0.055] mJ & BULL;mm(-3)). The proposed method is suitable for the systematic characterisation of the biomechanical properties of different tracheal substitutes, regardless of the size or nature of the substitute, thus allowing for direct comparisons.This research was funded by the 2018 Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery grant to National Multicentric Study [Number 180101 to N.J.M.-H.] and [PI16-01315 to M.M.-R.] from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. CIBERER is funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Martínez-Hernández, NJ.; Más Estellés, J.; Milián-Medina, L.; Martínez-Ramos, C.; Cerón-Navarro, J.; Galbis-Caravajal, J.; Roig-Bataller, A.... (2021). A standardised approach to the biomechanical evaluation of tracheal grafts. Biomolecules. 11(10):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom11101461S112111

    Problem solving as a way of learning Civil Law

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    Enlace del libro en Editorial US: https://editorial.us.es/es/detalle-libro/720286/ciclos-de-mejora-en-el-aula-ano-2020 DOI del libro: https://dx.doi.org/10.12795/978844723100

    Art, Design and Communication. An innovation model for scientific and/or cultural publications based on editorial quality

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    Durante el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2019/2020 se ha realizado un Ciclo de Mejora en el Aula (CIMA-Improvement Cycles in Classroom-ICIC), de 30 horas, con los alumnos matriculados en el grupo 2 de la asignatura Arte, Diseño y Comunicación, del Grado en Bellas Artes. La innovación se ha centrado en la experiencia como fuente de aprendizaje y desarrollo (Experiential Learning). Estos alumnos escogen la asignatura como optativa en cuarto curso y en un 95% no tienen conocimientos previos en torno a la materia ni al uso de software específico