2,736 research outputs found

    Short assessment test by phonological awareness P.E.C.O.

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    El objetivo de este este trabajo es obtener una versión abreviada del conocimiento fonológico a partir de la prueba P.E.C.O. manteniendo una validez adecuada. Entendemos por conocimiento fonológico la habilidad para tomar conciencia y manipular los elementos más simples del lenguaje oral como son las sílabas (conocimiento silábico) y los fonemas (conocimiento fonémico). Un adecuado desarrollo del conocimiento fonológico junto con otras habilidades como la velocidad de denominación son fundamentales para la adquisición del principio alfabético, y por tanto para aprender a leer y a escribir en un idioma transparente como el español. Para llevar a cabo el estudio, se toma la muestra original de tipificación (N=240) formada por alumnos y alumnas de habla española de educación infantil de 5 años (mediana de edad de 5 años y 9 meses) y se utiliza el análisis de regresión múltiple (método de pasos sucesivos) para obtener un modelo de regresión que maximiza una predicción ajustada con nueve ítems. A partir de los resultados se obtuvo una versión abreviada y representativa de la prueba original, que contiene ítems variados en cuanto al tipo de tareas (identificación, adición y omisión) con garantías de predecir el rendimiento en conocimiento fonológico de los alumnos en tres niveles: alto, medio y bajoThe objective of this work is to obtain an abridged version of phonological awareness from the test P.E.C.O. maintaining adequate validity. We understand phonemic awareness skills to become aware and manipulate the simplest elements of spoken language such as syllables (syllabic knowledge) and phonemes (phonemic awareness). Proper development of phonological awareness along with other skills such as naming speed are essential for the acquisition of the alphabetic principle, and thus to learn to read and write in a transparent language such as Spanish. To conduct the study, the original sample typing (N = 240) formed by students from Spanish-speaking child education of 5 years (median age of 5 years and 9 months) is taken and used analysis multiple regression (stepwise method) to obtain a regression model that maximizes an adjusted prediction nine items. From the results an abbreviated and representative version of the original test, containing various items in the type of tasks (identification, addition and omission) guarantees to predict performance in phonological awareness of students in three levels was obtained: high, medium and lo

    SWATH Differential Abundance Proteomics and Cellular Assays Show In Vitro Anticancer Activity of Arachidonic Acid- and Docosahexaenoic Acid-Based Monoacylglycerols in HT-29 Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and mortal types of cancer. There is increasing evidence that some polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) exercise specific inhibitory actions on cancer cells through different mechanisms, as a previous study on CRC cells demonstrated for two very long-chain PUFA. These were docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n3) and arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n6) in the free fatty acid (FFA) form. In this work, similar design and technology have been used to investigate the actions of both DHA and ARA as monoacylglycerol (MAG) molecules, and results have been compared with those obtained using the corresponding FFA. Cell assays revealed that ARA- and DHA-MAG exercised dose- and time-dependent antiproliferative actions, with DHA-MAG acting on cancer cells more efficiently than ARA-MAG. Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH)—mass spectrometry massive quantitative proteomics, validated by parallel reaction monitoring and followed by pathway analysis, revealed that DHA-MAG had a massive effect in the proteasome complex, while the ARA-MAG main effect was related to DNA replication. Prostaglandin synthesis also resulted as inhibited by DHA-MAG. Results clearly demonstrated the ability of both ARA- and DHA-MAG to induce cell death in colon cancer cells, which suggests a direct relationship between chemical structure and antitumoral actions

    Normas Internacionales de Auditoria NIA : Aplicación de las normas internacionales de auditoria 705 (REVISADA) opinión modificada en el informe de auditoria emitido por un auditor independiente y 706 (REVISADA) párrafos de enfasís y párrados sobre otros cuestiones en la auditoria a los estados financieros al 31 de diciembre de 2016 a la empresa AGROMAR,S.A

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    El presente seminario de graduación tiene como propósito la realización de una auditoria a los estados financieros de la empresa AGROMAR, S.A. al 31 de Diciembre de 2016 con énfasis a las cuentas por cobrar aplicando de forma práctica las Normas Internacionales de Auditoria como una herramienta necesaria en la profesión contable que tiene como finalidad ayudar al auditor a alcanzar una seguridad razonable en su opinión sobre la evaluación de los estados financieros; 705 (Revisadas) que contempla tres tipos de opiniones modificadas; con salvedad, adversa y abstención, y 706 (Revisadas) la cual establece el uso de los párrafos de énfasis o de un párrafo sobre otras cuestiones en el informe de auditoría de acuerdo a su naturaleza o a su significatividad de la información que se va a comunicar. Hemos desarrollado un amplio concepto sobre las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría y lo que estas indican para la práctica de un profesional contable, considerando los distintos aspectos para poder llevar a cabo una auditoria a los estados financieros, su estructura considerada y avalada por el Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Nicaragua (CCPN). Por medio de la revisión sistemática de los diferentes programas, procedimientos y controles operativos, finalizamos con las recomendaciones y conclusiones de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos

    Biofuels 2020: Biorefineries based on lignocellulosic materials

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    The production of liquid biofuels to blend with gasoline is of worldwide importance to secure the energy supply while reducing the use of fossil fuels, supporting the development of rural technology with knowledge-based jobs and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Today, engineering for plant construction is accessible and new processes using agricultural residues and municipal solid wastes have reached a good degree of maturity and high conversion yields (almost 90% of polysaccharides are converted into monosaccharides ready for fermentation). For the complete success of the 2G technology, it is still necessary to overcome a number of limitations that prevent a first-of-a-kind plant from operating at nominal capacity. We also claim that the triumph of 2G technology requires the development of favourable logistics to guarantee biomass supply and make all actors (farmers, investors, industrial entrepreneurs, government, others) aware that success relies on agreement advances. The growth of ethanol production for 2020 seems to be secured with a number of 2G plants, but public/private investments are still necessary to enable 2G technology to move on ahead from its very early stages to a more mature consolidated technology

    Arcillas cerámicas de Andalucía. VI. Yacimientos terciarios y cuaternarios de la provincia de Huelva. comarcas de Huelva y El Condado

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    Se estudian veintiséis muestras de arcilla de interés cerámico, procedentes de diversos yacimientos en explotación situados en el Sur de la provincia de Huelva, en las comarcas de El Condado y zona costera. Los materiales proceden de sedimentos terciarios (la mayor parte) y cuaternarios, constituidos por margas de textura arcillo-arenosa o arcillo-limosa y se emplean en la fabricación de ladrillos y tejas en fábricas modernas de gran producción. Los materiales más plásticos se utilizan en alfarería y talleres de cerámica artística en Huelva y Trigueros. Las técnicas empleadas han sido las Siguientes: Análisis químico, capacidad de cambio, análisis térmico ponderal y diferencial, diagramas de difracción de rayos X, examen al microscopio electrónico, análisis mecánico, agua de moldeo, plasticidad (Riecke) , poroSidad, secado a 50ºC. (Diagramas de Bourry) , contracción por calcinación, peso específico y resistencia a la compresión en probetas calcinadas. Se desprende que estas arcillas son de naturaleza fundamentalmente montmorillonítica, con una elevada participación de minerales caoliníticos y micáceos (ilita y micas potásicas). Como minerales secundarios y accesorios contienen cuarzo, geles y feldespatos. Todas las muestras contienen cantidades medias hasta altas de calcita en grano fino, que en ciertos casos es de mayor tamaño y puede llegar a ser perjudicial sin un tratamiento conveniente. Las pruebas tecnológicas indican que se trata de materiales naturales de buenas propiedades cerámicas, de utilidad para la industria de materiales de construcción, y en otros casos para alfarería y cerámica artística. La gran potencia de los yacimientos, su fácil explotación y laboreo, su situación en terreno llano y de buenas comunicaciones y la constancia en la composición química y textura de la materia bruta, hace que los consideremos de interés industrial.Twenty Six samples of clay, interesting from the ceramic viewpoint, from several beds located in the South of the province of Huelva, in the country of El Condado and the coast have been studied. The great majority of materials belong to the Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and are formed by marls of sandy or silty clayed texture. They are used by large modern factories producing bricks and tiles. The more plastic materials are used by pottery and artistic ceramic industries in Huelva and Trigueros. The following techniques have been used: Chemical analysis, base exchange capacity, ponderal thermal analysis, D. T. A., X-ray difraction, electronic microscope, mechanical analysis, moulding water, plasticity (Riecke), porosity, drying shrinkage at 50°C. (Bourry's diagrams) firing shrinkage, specific gravity and crushing strength of fired bodies. It is concluded that these clays are fundamentally of montmorillonitic nature, with, a high proportion of kaolinitic and micaceous minerals (illite and potasic micas). They contain as secondary minerals, quartz gels and feldspars. All the samples contain medium to high quantities of fine grain ed calcite, which, in some casos, may be of larger size, being pernicious without previous treatment. The technological tests suggest that these materials are of good ceramic properties, useful in the building industry and in other cases, for pottery and artistic ceramics. The great depth of these beds, their easy explotation and working, their situation on flat and well communicated land and the constancy of chemical and textural composition of the raw materials make them of industrial interest

    Arcillas cerámicas de Andalucía V. Yacimientos de terrenos ígneos y sedimentos primarios de la provincia de Huelva. Comarcas de Sierra Morena y Andévalo

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    Twenty two samples of clays, interesting from the ceramic viewpoint, from several beds located on the northern and central regions of the province of Huelva, in the country of Sierra Morena and El Andévalo, respectively, have he en studied. The materials belong to outcrops of igneous nature and slate sediments from the Silurian and Carboniferous, and are of highly sandy texture in general. They are used to make bricks and tiles. The materials of higher clay content are used in pottery and artistic ceramic industries, specially those from Aracena and Cortegana. The following techniques have been used: chemical arialysis, base exchange capacity, ponderal thermal analysis D.T.A., X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, mechanical analysis, moulding water, plasticity (Riecke), porosity, drying shrinkage at 50ºC. (Bourry's diagrams), firing shrinkage, specific gravity and crushing strength in fired bodies. It is concluded that the main components of the materials belonging to the igneous outcrops (granites, porphides, etc.), are fundamentally of kaolinitic nature, with a high proportion of micaceous minerals, free quartz as an accesory mineral and a variable amount of hydrated iron and aluminum oxides. Minerals of 14 A spacings are scarce. Samples from altered slate of Andévalo show distinctly a higher illite content followed by kaolinite and iron and aluminum gels. The presence of montmorillonitic minerals is more obvious. The technological tests suggest) that these raw materials have good ceramic properties, with a high iron content, appropriate for the uses mentioned above. The small extension of these beds prevent the use of these materials by the large ceramic industries.Se estudian veintidós muestras de arcilla de interés cerámico procedentes de diversos yacimientos situados en las regiones norte y centro de la provincia de Huelva, en las comarcas de Sierra Morena y El Andévalo, respectivamente. Los materiales proceden de afloramientos de naturaleza ígnea y sedimentos de pizarras del Silúrico y Carbonífero, de textura fuertemente arenosa en general, y se emplean en la fabricación de ladrillos y tejas. Los materiales más arcillosos se utilizan en alfarerías y talleres de cerámica artística, destacando los de Aracena y Cortegana. Las técnicas empleadas han sido las siguientes: Análisis químico, capacidad de cambio, análisis térmico ponderal y diferencial, diagramas de difracción de rayos X, examen al microscopio electrónico, análisis mecánico, agua de moldeo, plasticidad (Riecke), porosidad, secado a 50ºC (diagramas de Bourry), contracción por calcinación, peso específico y resistencia a la compresión en probetas calcinadas. Se deduce que los materiales procedentes de yacimientos sobre afloramientos ígneos (granito, pórfidos, etc.) son de naturaleza fundamentalmente caolinita, con una alta proporción de minerales micáceos, cuarzo libre como mineral accesorio y un contenido variable en óxidos de hierro y aluminio hidratados. Minerales con espaciados de 14 A apenas son apreciables. Las muestras procedentes de pizarras alteradas de El Andévalo destacan por su mayor contenido en Hita, seguida de caolinita y geles de hierro y aluminio. Se intensifica la presencia de minerales montmorilloníticos. Las pruebas tecnológicas indican que se trata de materiales naturales de buenas propiedades cerámicas, con alto contenido en hierro, aptos para los usos que hemos citado

    Factors determining the persistence of campesino corn farming: The case municipality of Libres, Puebla

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    The most important economic activity in the municipality of Libres Puebla, in terms of harvested area and production value, is the corn production. This activity is characterized by plots of less than two hectares, low application of modern inputs and rain-fed production. Even though these production systems faced adverse technical, political and market conditions in the last two decades, the production of white corn is sustained by small scale campesino farming systems, combining sustainable traditional practices including a multicrop systems, conservation and use of landrace corn seed,family labor, and use of income from non-agricultural activities to finance agriculture. In most cases, production economic costs are higher than economic benefits, but including social benefits, such as food security objectives and campesino preferences; total benefits overcome economic production costs

    Influence of Teaching Style on Physical Education Adolescents’ Motivation and Health-Related Lifestyle

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    According to various WHO reports in 2018, a large number of adolescents worldwide are either overweight or obese. This situation is the result of not following a healthy and balanced diet, combined with a lack of practice of physical activity. In this sense, Physical Education classes could help to solve the problem. The present study seeks to analyze the relationship between the role of the teacher in relation to the structural dimensions of the PE teaching environment and the basic psychological needs and self-motivation of adolescents as determinants of their behaviors related to eating habits and the practice of physical activity. A total of 1127 secondary school adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 participated in this study. Questionnaires were used: Perceived Autonomy Support Scale, Psychologically Controlling Teaching Scale, Basic Psychological Needs in Physical Education, Frustration of Psychological Needs in PE context, Physical Activity Class Satisfaction Questionnaire, Perceived Locus of Causality Revised, and WHO’s Global school-based student health survey. A structural equations model was elaborated to explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results showed that autonomy support positively predicted the three structural dimensions of PE classes, while, in contrast, they were negatively predicted by psychological control. The three structural dimensions positively predicted the satisfaction of psychological needs and negatively predicted the thwarting of psychological needs. Self-determined motivation was positively predicted by the satisfaction of psychological needs and negatively predicted by the thwarting of psychological needs. Finally, self-determined motivation positively predicted healthy eating habits and the practice of physical activity and negatively predicted unhealthy eating habits. Certainly, the results obtained in this study support the postulates of the self-determination theory, demonstrating the predictability of PE class context towards the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits, such as a proper diet and the regular practice of physical activity

    The music as infotainment enhancer in TV sports news programs in Spain

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    Este artículo aborda el uso de la música como elemento narrativo y su relación con los contenidos de los informativos de deportes en televisión en España. El estudio se basa en un análisis comparado del contenido de 84 programas emitidos entre septiembre y noviembre de 2020 en cuatro cadenas de difusión nacional: Antena 3, Cuatro, La 1 de TVE y La Sexta. Los objetivos de esta investigación son analizar la ubicación y las funciones de la música dentro de los informativos sobre deportes, estudiar la tipología de temas empleados en estos espacios y evaluar la relación existente entre elementos musicales y recursos visuales en el discurso televisivo sobre esta temática. Los resultados indican que la mayor utilización de la música suele corresponderse con noticias más blandas y en la primera mitad de los programas, que los grafismos guardan relación directa con la música empleada y fomenta aspectos espectaculares de las noticias y que los géneros musicales más recurrentes son el rock y el pop. Se concluye que existe un uso general y frecuente de la música para ensalzar los diferentes tipos de contenido deportivo que se emiten dentro de los telediarios y que ese empleo intensifica la tendencia de estos espacios hacia el infoentretenimiento incidiendo en los modos de selección, jerarquización y presentación de las historiasThis paper presents a study of music as a narrative element in accordance with content broadcasted in sports news programs in Spain. For research purposes, we conduct a content analysis to compare 84 programs broadcasted between September and November in 2020 in four national television networks: Antena 3, Cuatro, La 1 de TVE and La Sexta. The goals of this research are to analyze the placement and the roles of musical themes in the production ofsports news programs, to compare their genres and styles, andto examine the links that exist between musical pieces and additional graphic and visual elements displayed in the television discourse on sports. Findings indicate that music is mainly employed in softer news and during the first half of these broadcasts, the graphic elements are directly connected with music in order to increase the dramatic side of news and the most common musical pieces that appear insports stories are rock and pop. As a conclusion, there is an expanded and frequent use of music that aims at enhancing infotainment in a diverse range of sports content covered by these television news programs. This fact emphasises the idea of how the adoption of this style and approach determinesthe selection, the hierarchy and also the forms of presentation of sports stories on TV

    FedRDF: A Robust and Dynamic Aggregation Function against Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning

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    Federated Learning (FL) represents a promising approach to typical privacy concerns associated with centralized Machine Learning (ML) deployments. Despite its well-known advantages, FL is vulnerable to security attacks such as Byzantine behaviors and poisoning attacks, which can significantly degrade model performance and hinder convergence. The effectiveness of existing approaches to mitigate complex attacks, such as median, trimmed mean, or Krum aggregation functions, has been only partially demonstrated in the case of specific attacks. Our study introduces a novel robust aggregation mechanism utilizing the Fourier Transform (FT), which is able to effectively handling sophisticated attacks without prior knowledge of the number of attackers. Employing this data technique, weights generated by FL clients are projected into the frequency domain to ascertain their density function, selecting the one exhibiting the highest frequency. Consequently, malicious clients' weights are excluded. Our proposed approach was tested against various model poisoning attacks, demonstrating superior performance over state-of-the-art aggregation methods.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, and 6 table