70 research outputs found

    Documentación de la Norma ISO-9001:2008 y la NTCGP-1000:2009 en el hospital San Rafael del municipio de Pueblo Rico

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    La calidad es un concepto que tiene múltiples significados, ya que depende de la percepción que tienen los clientes de un producto ó servicio; por tal motivo, es una fijación mental del consumidor que asume conformidad con dicho producto o servicio y la capacidad del mismo para satisfacer sus necesidades. Es por ello que en la actualidad las organizaciones utilizan los Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad para satisfacer las necesidades y requerimientos de sus clientes, además de superar sus expectativas con el fin de fidelizarlos y ofrecer garantías de los productos o servicios ofrecidos. Por tal motivo, éste proyecto tiene como fin documentar un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en el E.S.E Hospital San Rafael del municipio de Pueblo Rico basados en los lineamientos de la norma ISO 9001:2008 y NTGP 1000, cumpliendo con todos sus requisitos a través de la documentación de los siguientes elementos: 4. Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad, 5. Responsabilidad de la Dirección, 6. Gestión de los Recursos, 7. Realización del Producto, 8. Medición, análisis y mejora. Adicionalmente, con este proyecto se busca impulsar el mejoramiento en el diseño, desarrollo, instalación y servicio que ofrece el Hospital a sus usuarios. A su vez, busca que cada uno de sus colaboradores se comprometan con la cultura de la calidad para proporcionar un servicio que responda a las necesidades y expectativas de los clientes y permita que la organización sea más efectiva en el desarrollo de sus actividades a través de la mejora continua en cada uno de sus procesos.Quality is a concept that has multiple meanings, as it depends on the customers' perception of a product or service, for this reason, is a consumer mind-set that assumes under that product or service and the ability of it to meet their needs. That is why organizations currently using Quality Management Systems to meet the needs and requirements of its customers and to exceed their expectations in order to retain them and provide assurance of the products or services offered. Therefore, The target of this project is to document a Quality Management System in the E.S.E. Hospital San Rafael in the municipality of Pueblo Rico, based on the guidelines of ISO 9001:2008 and NTGP 1000, keeping all their requirements through documentation of the following elements: 4. System Quality Management, 5. Management Responsibility, 6. Resource Management, 7. Product Realization, 8. Measurement, analysis and improvement. Additionally, this project seeks to promote improvements in the design, development, installation and service provided by the hospital to its users. In turn, find that each of its employees are committed to a culture of quality to provide a service that meets the needs and expectations of customers and allow the organization more effective in carrying out its activities through continuous improvement in each of its processes

    Sustainability Through Higher Education

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    The Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, UNAD, through instruments, the experiences in environmental management and their participation in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings were systematized. This article shows the implementation of sustainability within the institution, which was achieved through the Participatory Action methodology, which facilitates the integration of knowledge and actions to promote transformations in the thinking of the institutional community. In this way, they are articulated: objectives, strategy (ecological homes), research, technology and ICT as a method to establish relationships between the university, the State and the community. Additionally, the university defines projects and goals in the 2019-2023 development plan, which are articulated to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals, to train the community in values such as solidarity, assertive and true communication, collaboration effective, the attitudes to dialogue comprehensively, for the benefit of current and future generations. Therefore, only through interdisciplinary work, it is and will be possible to solve the problems that the world must face, seeking to curb hyperconsumption and social irresponsibility, which by seeking economic benefits for certain sectors puts the lives and survival of the species that inhabit the planet, including the human race itself at risk. According to this, the UNAD has the commitment from the environmental management to articulate efforts for the elaboration of proposals that allow the implementation of responsible consumption routes and collective action for the care of the environmen

    Documentación de los indicadores del sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo en Frisby S.A

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    CD-T 613.62 R147; 34 pPara la elaboración de este documento se ha empleado como base los capítulos 6 y 7 del título 4 de la parte 2 del libro 2 del decreto 1072 de 2015, puesto que ajusta la terminología y los requisitos de ésta a la aplicación específica en las entidades referente al Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) y sus indicadores.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Implementation of solar panels and photovoltaic systems as an alternative for efficient energy saving at Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia-UNAD

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    The Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD, is a public, educational organization of the National Order that through the conception and practice of Distance Education was not affected in the development of activities in the time of pandemic, according to its solid technological infrastructure to promote the virtuality.One of the principal changes implied by the preventive isolation because of COVID-19 was to reassess the context of the management system and the expectations and demands of the stakeholders, generating new opportunities and risks as a result of the sanitary situation. This situation, strengthening the commitment of the Environmental Management System with climate change based on the sustainable development objectives and the 2019-2023 internal development plan, which refers within its main goals, to the installation of 8 solar tables and 2 photovoltaic systems for outdoor lighting in different locations, in addition to operational control activities that contribute to mitigating the impacts  of the activities associated with the work at home and on-site modality, giving environmental legal compliance and expanding the scope to ISO 14001:2015 certification in new centers, thus promoting new challenges that have allowed the positioning in good environmental practices of the University at the national level. Keyword: Sustainable Development Goals, Energy, photovoltaic lighting systems, carbon footprin

    Impact of vaccination against COVID-19 on patients with cancer in ACHOC-C19 study: Real world evidence from one Latin American country

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    Introducción: Durante la pandemia, se ha recomendado que la vacunación contra COVID-19 sea una prioridad para los pacientes con cáncer; sin embargo, estos pacientes no se incluyeron en los estudios iniciales de evaluación de las vacunas disponibles. Objetivo: Definir el impacto de la vacunación contra COVID-19 en la prevención del riesgo de complicaciones asociadas a la infección en una cohorte de pacientes con cáncer en Colombia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de cohorte, basado en el registro nacional de pacientes con cáncer e infección por COVID 19 ACHOC-C19. Los datos se recolectaron desde junio de 2021, hasta octubre de 2021. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: Pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de cáncer e infección confirmada por COVID-19. Se compararon los datos de las cohortes no vacunadas y vacunadas. Los resultados evaluados incluyeron mortalidad por todas las causas en los 30 días siguientes al diagnóstico de COVID-19, hospitalización y necesidad de ventilación mecánica. La estimación del efecto se realizó mediante el riesgo relativo (RR), la reducción absoluta del riesgo (RRA) y el número necesario a tratar (NNT). El análisis multivariante se realizó mediante modelos lineales generalizados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 896 pacientes, de los cuales 470 eran mayores de 60 años (52,4%) y el 59% eran mujeres (n=530). Se reclutaron 172 pacientes en la cohorte vacunada y 724 en la cohorte no vacunada (ratio: 1 a 4,2). La incidencia acumulada de resultados clínicos entre los pacientes no vacunados frente a los vacunados fue: para hospitalización 42% (IC 95%: 38,7%-46,1%) frente a 29%; (IC 95%: 22,4%-36,5%); para requerimiento de ventilación mecánica invasiva 8,4% (n=61) frente a 4,6% (n=8) y para mortalidad por todas las causas 17% (n=123) frente a 4,65% (n=8). Conclusiones: En nuestra población, los pacientes con cáncer no vacunados tienen un mayor riesgo de complicaciones por infección por COVID -19, como hospitalización, ventilación mecánica y mortalidad. Es muy recomendable promover activamente la vacunación entre esta población. El autor (es). Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Consulte los términos y condicionesIntroduction: During the pandemic, it has been recommended that vaccination against COVID-19 be a priority for patients with cancer; however, these patients were not included in the initial studies evaluating the available vaccines. Objective: To define the impact of vaccination against COVID-19 in preventing the risk of complications associated with the infection in a cohort of patients with cancer in Colombia. Methods: An analytical observational cohort study, based on national registry of patients with cancer and COVID 19 infection ACHOC-C19, was done. The data was collected from June 2021, until October 2021. Inclusion criteria were: Patients older than 18 years with cancer diagnosis and confirmed COVID-19 infection. Data from the unvaccinated and vaccinated cohorts were compared. Outcomes evaluated included all-cause mortality within 30 days of COVID-19 diagnosis, hospitalization, and need for mechanical ventilation. The estimation of the effect was made through the relative risk (RR), the absolute risk reduction (ARR) and the number needed to treat (NNT). Multivariate analysis was performed using generalized linear models. Results: 896 patients were included, of whom 470 were older than 60 years (52.4%) and 59% were women (n=530). 172 patients were recruited in the vaccinated cohort and 724 in the non-vaccinated cohort (ratio: 1 to 4.2). The cumulative incidence of clinical outcomes among the unvaccinated vs vaccinated patients were: for hospitalization 42% (95% CI: 38.7%-46.1%) vs 29%; (95% CI: 22.4%-36.5%); for invasive mechanical ventilation requirement 8.4% (n=61) vs 4.6% (n=8) and for mortality from all causes 17% (n=123) vs 4.65% (n=8). Conclusion: In our population, unvaccinated patients with cancer have an increased risk of complications for COVID -19 infection, as hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and mortality. It is highly recommended to actively promote the vaccination among this population. © The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). See http://ivyspring.com/terms for full terms and conditions