1,546 research outputs found

    Mulheres na liderança : o impacto de se eleger uma mulher sobre a gestão do Programa Bolsa Família

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Economia, 2014.Qual é o impacto de se eleger uma mulher para o cargo de prefeito sobre a gestão do Programa Bolsa Família? O objetivo deste trabalho é responder a esta questão usando como variável de interesse o Índice de Gestão Descentralizada Municipal, o IGD-M, índice compilado pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social para avaliar a qualidade da gestão municipal do Bolsa Família e do Cadastro Único. Usamos dados para as eleições de 2008 e um desenho de descontinuidade da regressão para controlar a endogeneidade do resultado das eleições com as características do município. Não encontramos efeitos significativos do gênero sobre a gestão do Bolsa Família. Apesar de nossos resultados iniciais sugerirem efeitos positivos de uma liderança feminina sobre o IGD-M, esses resultados não se sustentam quando incluímos controles para características do candidato e do muncípio em nossas regressões.What are the effects of electing a female mayor on Bolsa Família management outcomes? We answer this question using the IGD-M (“index of decentralized management") as our management variable. The IGD-M is an index compiled by Brazil’s Ministry of Social Development which captures the quality of functions performed by municipalities on the management of the program. We use data for Brazil’s 2008 mayoral elections and apply a regression discontinuity design to control the endogeneity of a woman winning an election to city characteristics. We find no effect of the gender of the mayor on the management of the Bolsa Família program. While in our initial results women leaders appear to have positive effects over management, these results disappear after adding control variables to our regressions

    Learning to Race through Coordinate Descent Bayesian Optimisation

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    In the automation of many kinds of processes, the observable outcome can often be described as the combined effect of an entire sequence of actions, or controls, applied throughout its execution. In these cases, strategies to optimise control policies for individual stages of the process might not be applicable, and instead the whole policy might have to be optimised at once. On the other hand, the cost to evaluate the policy's performance might also be high, being desirable that a solution can be found with as few interactions as possible with the real system. We consider the problem of optimising control policies to allow a robot to complete a given race track within a minimum amount of time. We assume that the robot has no prior information about the track or its own dynamical model, just an initial valid driving example. Localisation is only applied to monitor the robot and to provide an indication of its position along the track's centre axis. We propose a method for finding a policy that minimises the time per lap while keeping the vehicle on the track using a Bayesian optimisation (BO) approach over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We apply an algorithm to search more efficiently over high-dimensional policy-parameter spaces with BO, by iterating over each dimension individually, in a sequential coordinate descent-like scheme. Experiments demonstrate the performance of the algorithm against other methods in a simulated car racing environment.Comment: Accepted as conference paper for the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Um depoimento francês sobre a Inquisição em Portugal no século XVIII

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    Em 1762 foi publicado em Londres um veemente panfleto de ataque à Inquisição escrito em francês por um português exilado, que o Santo Ofício, no ano anterior, queimara em estátua, no último Auto da Fé realizado em Portugal. Trata-se de Le Chevalier d'Oliveyra brulé en effigie comine Hérétique. Comment et pourquoi? (1) obra de Francisco Xavier de Oliveira. Êste autor, cujo afastamento de Portugal, durante 51 anos, constitui o caso de mais longo exílio de escritor lusitano, nunca abdicou da sua nacionalidade, nem da língua materna, nem do interêsse pelos problemas do seu país, e se utilizou o francês na maior parte da sua obra fê-lo por razões estratégi-cas, dada a difusão que esta língua permitia na época aos ideais que pretendia espalhar.

    Nursing Interventions in Prevention and Healing of Leg Ulcers: Systematic Review of the Literature.

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    Abstract Aim: To identify nursing interventions aimed at persons with venous, arterial or mixed leg ulcers. Methodology: Carried out research in the EBSCO search engine: CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text, MedicLatina, Academic Search Complete, sought full text articles, published between 2008/01/01 and 2015/01/31, with the following keywords [(MM "leg ulcer") OR (wound care) OR (wound healing)] AND [(nursing) OR (nursing assessment) OR (nursing intervention)], filtered through initial question in PI[C]O format. Results: The different etiologies of leg ulcer require a specific therapeutic and prophylactic approach. Factors that promote healing were identified: individualization of care, interpersonal relationship, pain control, control of the exudate, education for health self-management, self-care, therapeutic adherence, implementation of guidelines of good practice and auditing and feedback of the practices. Conclusion: Person-centred care and practices based on evidence improves health results in prevention and treatment of leg ulcers

    A história do município de São José contada a partir de seus monumentos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, História.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo contar a história do município de São José (SC) a partir de monumentos históricos. Os monumentos analisados são o Monumento aos Açorianos e o Trapiche, ambos presentes no Centro Histórico do município, o qual está localizado na Rua José Pioner. E, para isso, constitui-se como objetivo específico: a) problematizar os monumentos analisados, mostrando como eles trabalham a identidade e memória locais. As fontes usadas para realizar a pesquisa são fontes primárias (fotografias), coletadas pelo autor do trabalho. Os monumentos analisados por esta pesquisa já foram fotografados por outras pessoas e possuem uma quantidade expressiva de fotos disponíveis na internet, contudo, para a realização deste trabalho, julgou-se necessário tirar as fotos presencialmente, visto que a coleta pessoal das fotos tornou possível mostrar com mais nitidez os monumentos (especialmente o trapiche, o qual encontra-se em processo de degradação atualmente). Os resultados analisados foram: a) o Monumento aos Açorianos tem a intenção de reforçar aspectos específicos a respeito da história e cultura locais, ao representar os colonizadores com figuras humanas, remetendo à tradições locais, às quais são atribuída a identidade local; b) o Trapiche constrói uma narrativa linear sobre a história josefense, trazendo os principais acontecimentos ocorridos em São José, desde a sua criação até a década de 1970

    Analysis of solar passive parameters application to housing building

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    The paper presents a methodology of evaluation of buildings’ solar passive performance. This methodology was developed in agreement with quality levels for thermal parameters which were chosen according to the construction’s solar passive behaviour and the regulamentary concepts. A comparative study was organised in the context of a recently finished master’s dissertation between the legal frames of three European countries, giving special emphasis to the Portuguese case. The results of this study allowed the conclusion that it has become essential to combine minimum regulation values to methodologies that grant an evaluation and qualification of a building in terms of its thermal performanc

    Breeding biology of a winter-breeding procellariiform in the North Atlantic, the Macaronesian shearwater Puffinus lherminieri baroli

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    The breeding success of burrow-nesting seabirds may be influenced by both nest site characteristics and oceanographic conditions influencing food availability at sea. In this study we describe the breeding biology of the winter-breeding Macaronesian shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri baroli), including nest site characteristics and interspecific competition. We also evaluate the possible effects of changing oceanographic conditions on breeding phenology and breeding success. The study was carried out over two breeding seasons on two islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, Cima Islet and Selvagem Grande. Oceanographic characteristics differed between years. On a regional scale, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index was low and negative in 2011, and on a local scale, birds used areas with significantly lower values of chlorophyll a concentration and significantly higher values of sea surface temperature anomalies. Hatching success was higher in 2012 than in 2011. At both colonies, egg cracking was the main cause of hatching failure, but in 2011 several eggs on Selvagem Grande were deserted. In 2012 birds laid earlier and chicks had longer wings and were heavier. At both colonies, nests that were deeper, were sheltered from prevailing winds and had small chambers and a soil substrate had a higher probability of being used successfully by the birds. Nests occupied solely by Macaronesian shearwaters were much deeper and had less volume than nests shared with other species. Our study suggests that the breeding success of Macaronesian shearwaters is strongly related to nest site characteristics and that at-sea environmental conditions exert a strong influence on reproductive parameters, with birds breeding in a poor year (evaluated in terms of lower marine productivity) laying much later and their chicks growing at a slower rate than in a good year. The influence of nest site characteristics and environmental conditions may be very important for understanding the breeding ecology of Procellariiformes and may help explain the negative population trend of Macaronesian shearwaters