5,401 research outputs found

    The Religious Employer Exemption Under TItle VII: Should a Church Define Its Own Activities?

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    Conocer la gestión operativa del Blueberry y su incidencia en el medio ambiente, es fundamental para la Agroindustria Cerro Prieto. Es importante que esta organización demuestre qué tan importante para ellos es realizar buenas prácticas de cultivo y cómo es que con estás practicas se preocupan por el medio ambiente y cómo han ayudado en el desarrollo de su comercialización tanto a nivel local como internacional; la investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la incidencia de dicho proceso productivo del Blueberry en el manejo ambiental de la Agroindustria Cerro Prieto

    Does It Really Matter?: Making the Case for a Materiality Requirement in False Claims to U.S. Citizenship Under the Immigration and Nationality Act

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    Materiality plays an important role in limiting the reach of laws that penalize misrepresentations. Laws that include no materiality element punish any covered misrepresentation regardless of its relevance—like lying about hair color on a loan application. By contrast, laws that include a materiality element withhold punishment for immaterial misrepresentations of that kind—in other words, misrepresentations that have no tendency to affect the ultimate decision.Our immigration laws make it a deportable offense for a noncitizen to “falsely represent” herself as a U.S. citizen for a purpose or benefit under the law. Although this law has been on the books for decades, a key question about its reach remains open: Does it include a materiality element? The Board of Immigration Appeals and three federal circuit courts have said “yes,” holding that misrepresentations of U.S. citizenship must be material to trigger deportability. But in a recent panel decision adopted by the en banc court, the Eleventh Circuit said “no,” holding that the unambiguous statutory text includes no materiality element.This Article examines the history of these immigration statutes and demonstrates why the Eleventh Circuit’s holding was wrong, although mainly for a reason no court has yet addressed: the common-law origins of the relevant statutory text. Under well-established principles of statutory construction, Congress is presumed to legislate with the understanding that common-law phrases carry their common-law meaning. At common law, the phrase “false representation” carried with it an implicit materiality element. Therefore, the immigration statutes at issue presumptively incorporate materiality because they penalize “false representations” of U.S. citizenship. This presumption is confirmed by other contextual clues. And, as this Article explains, ensuring fidelity to the statutes’ implicit materiality element is especially important given the statutes’ breadth and the draconian consequences that follow from the Eleventh Circuit’s contrary holding

    Studying galaxy clusters through X-rays and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect : simulations, detection and characterisation

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    Clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitationally-bound objects in the Universe. Thereby clusters are ideal tracers of cosmic expansion and structure formation that allow tight constraints on the average cosmic density of matter and of other fundamental cosmological parameters. Galaxy clusters can be observed over a broad spectral range, in emission from radio wavelengths to X-rays, through their distortion of the cosmic microwave background radiation (the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect), or through their gravitational lensing distortion in the optical appearance of background galaxies. These observables allow detailed measurements of the cluster galaxy populations, of the hot intra-cluster gas, and of the gravitationally dominant dark matter. This work studies the detection capability and the accuracy of physical constraints derived from present and future X-ray surveys of galaxy clusters. Such imaging-spectroscopy X-ray surveys produce large samples of clusters that allow accurate measures of cosmic structure formation and cosmological parameters only if selection effects are well understood, and the masses of galaxy clusters can be well quantified out to the most distant, i.e. cosmologically earliest, highest-redshift clusters. In the first part of the thesis, the detection effciency of galaxy clusters for the upcoming eROSITA mission is investigated by means of extensive and dedicated Monte Carlo simulations. Employing a state-of-the-art source detection technique, we determine a cluster detection effciency based on the cluster fluxes and sizes. Using this eROSITA cluster selection function, we found that eROSITA will be able to detect a total of ~1.36x10^5 clusters in the whole sky. This cluster number will allow eROSITA to put stringent constraints on the dark matter and dark energy models. In the second part of the thesis, the galaxy group detection capability of the future ATHENA observatory is investigated. The detection of the thermal X-ray emission from the faint and small galaxy groups (M_500=5x10^13 M_Sun) at high redshifts (z>2.5) will be accessible only to powerful X-ray telescopes like ATHENA. We confirm this assumption by means of detailed simulations. The results confirm that such groups will be detected as extended sources by ATHENA, and that the key instrumental parameters are a large efective area (2.1 m^2 at 1 keV) and a good spatial resolution ( In the third part of this work, the physical differences between galaxy cluster samples selected in different wavebands are investigated. For this research, z>0.8 mid-infrared (SpARCS) and X-ray (XMMLSS) selected cluster samples are compared. We show that the X-ray selected clusters have a more compact distribution of the hot gas and galaxies, compared to the mid-infrared selected clusters. Moreover, we found that a sub-sample of the mid-infrared bright clusters have a lack of X-ray emission, making them consistent with non-virialised systems or filamentary structures projected along the line-of-sight. The final part of the thesis describes a complementary method to probe the baryonic properties of galaxy clusters. The approach consists in constraining the intra-cluster gas pressure model by comparing the predicted thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich power spectrum with current Cosmic Microwave Background measurements. We show that a steeper pressure profile in the cluster outskirts, or an evolving gas mass fraction, have mild-to-severe conflicts with the experimental data. It is also shown that the future Sunyaev-Zel’dovich experiments can break the current parameter degeneracies and place simultaneous constraints on the gas pressure profile and its redshift evolution. The different aspects of the statistical studies based on the galaxy cluster population that we explore in this work, revealed possible sources of uncertainties. These uncertainties deserve careful consideration in order to achieve precision cosmology with future galaxy cluster surveys. Possible routes to improve on this systematics are presented

    Diseñar y documentar un plan de mercadeo para la comercialización del servicio de recarga de extintores a través de canales digitales para la empresa ABC multiextintores

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    Este proyecto pretende suplir una necesidad real en un mercado saturado, donde se procura obtener los elementos necesarios para obtener una comercialización más efectiva y representativa del servicio de recarga que ofrece ABC MULTIEXTINTORES, no obstante, lo más importante es posicionar la empresa y lograr que tenga un nivel de aceptación mayor al 19% actual, para así alcanzar una mayor rentabilidad y expandir la comercialización de sus servicios a nivel nacional. Para hacer esto posible, se soportará la comercialización de los productos en el mercadeo en canales digitales, tales como social media, blogs y pagina web, que facilite la interacción del cliente con los productos y servicios que ofrece la empresa ABC MULTIEXTINTORES, de manera más certera, precisa y oportuna

    Tube-jack testing for irregular masonry walls: Regular masonry wall testing

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    This paper presents the continued development of a novel non-destructive testing method termed tube-jack testing. The goal of the tube-jack system is to provide an enhanced and less destructive method than traditional flatjack testing for determination of mechanical characteristics and local stress states in irregular masonrywalls. Single tubejack testswere performed, using previously developed rubber tube-jacks, in regular masonry walls of granite and cementlimemortar. A traditional flat-jack test was also performed in the same masonry wall. Conclusions suggest that tube-jacks are successful in applying pressure to the masonry at low stress states.The authors would like to acknowledge the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, which supported this research work as a part of the Project “Improved and innovative techniques for the diagnosis and monitoring of historical masonry”, PTDC/ECM/104045/2008

    Creación de un AVA (ambiente virtual de aprendizaje) compuesta por contenidos teóricos para apoyar el aprendizaje de temas alusivos a la comprensión lectora en el grado tercero de primaria en la Institución Educativa Pablo Emilio Cardona

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    Los AVA (ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje) como recurso informático para la educación en las últimas décadas han ido tomando fuerza en Colombia y España, sin embargo y a pesar de que las investigaciones nos lo muestran como una herramienta que potencializa los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, actualmente han sido poco utilizados en el aula de clase, esto puede ser debido a las brechas de alfabetización digital, el miedo de implementarlas en el aula o simplemente porque el docente no sabe en qué momento usarlas. El diseño e implementación de un AVA, en cuanto al repaso y estudio de los temas aprendidos en clase, se plantea bajo la necesidad de que los estudiantes cuenten con un espacio específico para ejercitar lo que saben. Esta es una investigación de corte cualitativo que además aporta a la construcción de nuevas estrategias metodológicas para los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la construcción de herramientas para aprendizajes significativos referente a la lectoescritura. Se busca lograr esto a partir de un proceso de indagación donde se determinen las falencias que tengan los estudiantes de la institución educativa Pablo Emilio Cardona del grado tercero de primaria; para esto se encontraron dos pilares necesarios sobre los cuales trabajar; estos son el lenguaje que debe utilizarse con los niños para generar apropiación de contenidos desde la mirada de Mauricio Pérez con el texto “Referentes para una mirada compartida y la efectividad e interactividad de la plataforma bajo la luz de César Coll, tomando como referencia su texto “Psicología de la educación virtual”

    Capacidad y percepción de autocuidado del adulto mayor del programa centro día/vida-Ibagué-Colombia

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    Objetivo. Evaluar la capacidad y percepción de autocuidado del adulto mayor usuario del programa centro día/vida, del barrio la cima de Ibagué. Metodología. Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, trasversal con muestra de 88 adultos mayores, entre 60 y 93 años de edad. La información se recolecto entre octubre y diciembre de 2014, durante la práctica de la asignatura Enfermería del Adulto Mayor; se aplicó la encuesta: evaluación de la capacidad de percepción de autocuidado del adulto mayor, consta de 8 categorías que evalúan la capacidad y percepción de autocuidado del adulto mayor; fue procesada con el programa Excel,en cuatro etapas: Sistematización de información, transcripción de respuestas entablas estadísticas,análisis de categorías según criterios de evaluación del instrumento e Interpretación de los resultados obtenidos a partir de su aplicación. Resultados. El Adulto Mayor presentó adecuada capacidad y percepción de autocuidado en las siguientes categorías: actividad física, alimentación, medicación, adicciones y hábitos tóxicos. No se evidencia déficit de autocuidado, debido a que el estudio demostró en estas categorías el mayor porcentaje en la calificación más alta.Conclusiones. Se determinó que la capacidad y percepción de autocuidado de los adultos mayores es parcialmente adecuada en las siguientes categorías: eliminación, descanso y sueño, higiene y confort y control de salud, debido a que estas categorías obtuvieron puntaje mayor en la calificación intermedia. No se evidencio déficit de autocuidado inadecuado para ninguna categoría, debido a la interdisciplinariedad del programa

    Verruciform xanthoma of the buccal gingiva: two cases with different clinical presentations

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    Introduction: Verruciform xanthoma is an uncommon, benign, asymptomatic lesion commonly affecting the attached tissues in the oral cavity, especially the gingiva. Clinical presentation can be variable and requires biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Case Series: Two cases of verruciform xanthoma in a 21‐year old male and a 46‐year old female are reported, emphasizing the need for thorough comprehensive analysis of all oral lesions. The clinical features, differential diagnoses, typical and atypical histological features and potential etiology are presented. Conclusions: Verruciform xanthoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of solitary lesions in the oral cavity with a papillary, granular or verrucous surface texture, and confirmed with histopathological examination. Continued monitoring for recurrence at routine examination is necessary especially in sites where the lesion may not have been completely excised